Circuit Mapping and Notation
Lesson 11 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen

Circuit Mapping and Notation
Lesson 11 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen
04:44 2What is Circuit Bending?
07:32 3What is Bendable?
04:47 4Tools You Will Need
03:25 5Tips on Finding Toys and Bendable Things: Lets Go Shopping!
11:01 6Safety: Batteries Only!
04:14 7Safety Gear: Glasses and Shoes
03:27 8Opening Up Your Device
05:05Make a Jumper
02:16 10Making First Connections
10:47 11Circuit Mapping and Notation
07:58 12Types of Knobs and Switches
06:11 13Soldering Tips
04:26 14Connecting Wires to the Board
06:23 15Mounting Switches
08:03 16Connecting Switches
10:29 17Switch Details
01:29 18Closing it Up
02:25 19Some Music Made From My New Bent Keyboard
02:17 20Thanks and Bye!
03:07Lesson Info
Circuit Mapping and Notation
Okay, So the next thing we need to do is figure out what Ben's were actually gonna make now that we've experimented around a little bit. So here's how I like to do this. This is just sort of what I came up with out of necessity. Um, and it seems to work pretty well. So Ah, what I've done here is I've taken a photo of the circuit board, and I really only taken a photo of the parts that I'm gonna use, which are this part. Um, so this is where that chip is is right here on the other side. So and these fours, where I was getting the best sounds and these ones down here connecting those together, I have no idea what these do, but it makes a cool sound, so I like it. Um, So here's I'm gonna do I'm going. Teoh label these. Ah, and basically come up with a little schematic. So normally, I just print this out and do this by hand, but I'm gonna try to do it on my computer here. Okay. So I'm gonna call this, so I'm just gonna draw a box around this, These four. Ah, and then I'm gonna call this se...
ction A. This is a and then it's gonna be 123 and four. See if we could make those a little smaller. Okay? Perfect. A 1234 So this top one is a one. This is a two. A three in a four. Right, Kate, Let's make another box. And let's put that around down here so I might need to divide this into multiple boxes. Let's do that and then we'll call. This B will make that be nice and big. And then we'll calls, say, There was a little smaller, and I'm gonna put those right there. That worked pretty well. Let's push that six over. Okay, so 12345 and six of the B section starting to sound like a tune, and then one more in my case is going to be these ones down here. These four is also getting good sounds out of, so let's call that see. And 123 and four, Let's just do that and then we'll make them a little smaller as well, so that I know what's what and my labeling here is really arbitrary, but, um, it's just so I can keep track of what's happening. So now I've got this document I've got. So I know this pin right here is a four. Right. And this pin right here is Sith four. Because that's 123 and four. That's a little elusive. Let's push that up like that. Okay, so this is C four. So if I know that, that's a connection I want to make, I'm just no tape that there's gonna be a switch on a four to see for, right? So I'm gonna make a list of the couple I'm gonna add. I'm not gonna add a ton in this one. Um, probably four switches, I'll add. So let's figure out, ah, what Ben's I'm gonna make, um So I'm gonna jump back over to my ah circuit board and figure out which ones I'm actually going to do, and then I'm gonna notated in this space right here. So let me pause to do that and come back, okay? I found the four that I like the most. Um, and you could do is money as you want here, but I'm just gonna do four. Because I don't have a lot of space on this to mount switches. And I'm not finding as much interesting as I hope you are on your device and finding some cool stuff. But I'm not finding as much as I found in that big keyboard of mine. Um, some is gonna do these four on before I found are a one that's this one to be six. This one a one a two b three. Ah, be four. Just this one to the right of a one. That's that one. I didn't have that. That's not in my box. So, in fact, let's just do this. Let's extend that out, and then let's can I paste that? Let's do that and call that five and six. There we go. So now, instead of calling it right of a one Aiken, just call it. Ah, a five. So before to a five, which is No, that an A to this one to be three. This one. Now, one thing you might notice is that a couple of these have multiple connections on him, right? A one has to ah, be three has to, and I think that's it. and that's okay. They can have multiple connections. Um, we can do that. We can hooked to wires to the same spot. Um, if we end up looking a lot of wires toe one spot, what we do is we hook one wire to it, and then we hook all the other wires to that wire. So we basically use one wire to jump off of it and all the other ones to the same wire, and you can use a little break out board. We'll talk about that later. Um, but these are the ones I want to make. So I have identified my spots. The next thing we need to do is decide what kinds of switches we want to put on this thing, Um, and then get down to sauntering and putting it all back together. So and the next chunk, we're gonna talk about switches and connecting things with sauder. So off we go to the next chunk and I'm gonna put this little schematic up on the ah ah, ah, up in the class for you So you can download this and look at it if you want
Ratings and Reviews
Karolina Kaminska
I am a complete beginner to this topic and I enjoyed watching the free live stream of this course. It taught me enough to get started with some ideas, although I anticipate I'll have to follow up with other YouTube videos to ensure I understand enough for different kinds of toys and techniques. Thanks!
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