Soldering Tips
Lesson 13 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen

Soldering Tips
Lesson 13 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen
04:44 2What is Circuit Bending?
07:32 3What is Bendable?
04:47 4Tools You Will Need
03:25 5Tips on Finding Toys and Bendable Things: Lets Go Shopping!
11:01 6Safety: Batteries Only!
04:14 7Safety Gear: Glasses and Shoes
03:27 8Opening Up Your Device
05:05Make a Jumper
02:16 10Making First Connections
10:47 11Circuit Mapping and Notation
07:58 12Types of Knobs and Switches
06:11 13Soldering Tips
04:26 14Connecting Wires to the Board
06:23 15Mounting Switches
08:03 16Connecting Switches
10:29 17Switch Details
01:29 18Closing it Up
02:25 19Some Music Made From My New Bent Keyboard
02:17 20Thanks and Bye!
03:07Lesson Info
Soldering Tips
Okay, Uh, we have gotten our switches and mail. This is what they look like about what I expected. Um, there, you know, good and big on this side, which I love it. If they were a little thinner this way so I could fit him in the case. But I'm pretty sure I can fit them in the case, that kind of size it out, and I think we'll be just fine. So, um, before we get in doing this, a couple sauntering tips I've got here. My Sandra sauntering iron. Uh, it's good and hot. You can probably see some, uh, steam or smoke coming off of it. Um, I also have one of these. This is just basically a holder, so this coil thing will hold it. Remember, this thing is incredibly hot, so if I put this on the table, it's gonna burn a hole through the table, or at least burned the table. Now, I've put this would board down so that I can get it kind of marked up and not really cares. So see, I just burned the line in it. That's okay. This is like scrap wood. Um, that I have here This is not my normal desktop that ...
I put on here. Um, it's also has a magnifying glass on it. Should I need to do that to zoom in? So this thing can be handy. And I also have here. Let's put that down and away. Little balance. I also have here a slightly damp sponge. This is handy for when you get too much sauder on the iron. You can kind of wipe it on here and, uh uh, clean some of that off. So this is gonna be trash when we're done, but that's OK. Um, okay. So I can smell The sauder is going, uh, it's already getting kind of hot. So this is the sauder. This is just some extra sound I had laying around. I don't anything fancy. So this is just kind of a watered up ball of it, but it's basically just really thin wire. You can get thicker stuff if you want. Um, I just like toe watered up in my hand like that, and then leave a bit of it out. That's what I'm gonna need to do. So remember our safety stuff. I've got my glasses. I've got shoes on I've got everything I need to do this right and safe. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna make about eight wires like this one. Uh, this is our jumper wire that I cut in half, and I stripped both ends of it. Now you'll notice that on the far end up here, I have stripped it really short. This is what we want for these because these are gonna be our permanent wires. So with the stripping that we're gonna dio, uh, we want it just a tiny bit of that wire poking out because we don't want it to be able to touch anything else. So I gotta make eight of these because I have four points that I'm gonna saw her. So I need one of these connected to each spot. Now what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna do this some kind of a weird way. Um, that will set me up to be able to put this to back together nice and cleanly. I hope that's the hardest part. Is putting this all back together with the new switches in it? So, um, I think we've covered everything we need to cover so, uh oh, a couple more sauntering tips. People always say that to remember that sauntering is not gluing. Um, that's what people always tell you when you're learning sauntering. Remember that I said earlier. I'm not the best that saw during, uh, I'm OK, but I'm not super elegant at it. So, um, the idea is that we're gonna touch this piece of metal to this spot, the wire right to the spot that we want connected to. We're going to get it good and hot by touching the iron to it. And then we're gonna touch the Sauder to it, and we're gonna permanently connect it to that spot as all gonna happen pretty quick. So hopefully I'll do it in such a way that you can see it. Um, last thing I'll say, Don't forget, this thing is blazing hot. Um, so, uh, yeah, uh, if you're inside open window, will you do this Because things are going to get a little smelly once we start melting Sauder. Okay, so here we go in the next video, we're gonna dive into start putting this thing together
Ratings and Reviews
Karolina Kaminska
I am a complete beginner to this topic and I enjoyed watching the free live stream of this course. It taught me enough to get started with some ideas, although I anticipate I'll have to follow up with other YouTube videos to ensure I understand enough for different kinds of toys and techniques. Thanks!
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