Tools You Will Need
Lesson 4 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen

Tools You Will Need
Lesson 4 from: Circuit Bending: Making Music By Rewiring Toys and DevicesJ. Anthony Allen
Lesson Info
4. Tools You Will Need
04:44 2What is Circuit Bending?
07:32 3What is Bendable?
04:47 4Tools You Will Need
03:25 5Tips on Finding Toys and Bendable Things: Lets Go Shopping!
11:01 6Safety: Batteries Only!
04:14 7Safety Gear: Glasses and Shoes
03:27 8Opening Up Your Device
05:05Make a Jumper
02:16 10Making First Connections
10:47 11Circuit Mapping and Notation
07:58 12Types of Knobs and Switches
06:11 13Soldering Tips
04:26 14Connecting Wires to the Board
06:23 15Mounting Switches
08:03 16Connecting Switches
10:29 17Switch Details
01:29 18Closing it Up
02:25 19Some Music Made From My New Bent Keyboard
02:17 20Thanks and Bye!
03:07Lesson Info
Tools You Will Need
Okay. The tools we're gonna need. Not a lot of tools. This is not a very expensive thing to do, but the main tool we're gonna need that you may need to go out. And purchase is a sauntering iron and some sauder now a soldering iron. You can get a cheap one for a couple blocks. You could get a fancy one. Ah, you don't need a fancy one. Um, cheap one is Just find it needs to get real hot. Um, and that's about it. So get yourself with sauntering iron. You're gonna need that when we go down the road. Um, you're gonna need some sauder. That's like this little metal wire that we basically melt onto the board to make a connection. Um, I'll talk to you about how to use those things when we get there. Now, just just if you're like me, you're gonna get a sauntering on you, and you're gonna plug it in and fire it up to see what it does. Be careful with that thing. It gets hot. Um, it will burn you a lot. So, um, but pick up soldering iron. Um, Sauder wire. You're going to need some wire. We don't ...
need to be really specific about what kind of wire? Um, just some kind of thin ish wire. Not thick wire. Not like a coat hanger, but like thin wire, the different gauges don't really matter. It's got to conduct electricity. Um, the thinner, the better to a point. Um, we tend O. R. I tend to like wire that will hold its shape so you can bend it into a shape, and then it will stay there. That's good for when we're testing stuff, because we can basically make a jumper cable, bend it in a certain way, and then just stick it on stuff, and then you keep doing that s so get a little spindle of wire. You don't need a ton of it, but Well, depending on how many switches and knobs you're gonna add to your thing, you might need a lot of it. But, um, get a role of that, Um, and it's also good to get two rolls of it, and two different colors get like a red one in a black one. Um, or something like that, because it will help us keep track of what we're doing. A little bit. Um, some screwdrivers we're gonna need when we start taking stuff apart and putting it back together. And duct tape is always good to have around. I can't actually think of a specific need for duct tape, but, um, something inside me says you're gonna need duct tape. So get some duct tape, Uh, or just some really strong tape. I think that's it. Batteries, batteries for your whatever you're gonna bend. So because it's got a run on batteries, so you're gonna need some batteries. You might need a couple so that you can burn them out and then do it again because we have to kind of leave it running for a while while we do a lot of testing. So Ah, but that's it. So soldering iron sauder wire. Uh oh. Wir stripper. You can get these little It's like a a pair of pliers that will quickly and easily strip wire. You can also just use a knife to strip wire to, but we have to strip the ends of the wire. That can be handy if you want. Um, duct tape batteries. That should dio nothing too complicated. Okay, under the next thing
Ratings and Reviews
Karolina Kaminska
I am a complete beginner to this topic and I enjoyed watching the free live stream of this course. It taught me enough to get started with some ideas, although I anticipate I'll have to follow up with other YouTube videos to ensure I understand enough for different kinds of toys and techniques. Thanks!
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