Lesson Info
12. Adding Crochet Edging to Fabric
Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Adding Crochet Edging to Fabric
So I love I love cross a crunchy edges. I just made these hangers recently for a post I did for clover, where I just added edge ings the same edging that I'm gonna be showing you that we're gonna do on the tea towel just onto a hanger. And I just think it's whimsical and fun and super easy, but it brings a little happy. I like to bring happy in tow, regular household items. But a lot of times I like to add Croce just two regular pieces. For instance. This is a baby skirt. This was a skirt that was my daughter's. She's now way too big for it, but at the time, there was a certain point in time where it was a little bit too short for her. But if I I thought about adding a crow, she edging to it just to give it a little bit more length. She would've still word likings under it, but just visually I would have felt like it wasn't like a you know, I'm saying, Mom, you know what I'm saying. And so I could do it with that. There are these amazing towels out now that have all these great pattern...
s, but I like to add a little bit of flair to them just on the edge. And actually, this is one of the bonus materials, and I'm going to just show you the picture of that because I left my other one in the suitcase, I believe Grab it right here So you can see in the picture right here. This is the edging that we're gonna be talking about and also in the bonus material. You get the pattern for this little washcloth that goes with it, too. But we're gonna be talking about how you get crow shade or minting anything yarn on to you. Fabric pieces. So what that requires is some form of fabric that has a hand. The hem is important. You need to have a pointed, sharp tapestry needle. I believe that you all should have gotten them in studio. You need to have some thinner yarn. You know what? I think I'm gonna give you some of my cotton assurance or you can work with e thinner yarn that we gave you the Did I give you a worsted weight? You're No, I didn't. Let's go with thinner we'll just go when we hold on. Let me get another one. So the way to the urine they used for your actual edging doesn't actually matter the weight of the guard that you use for what we're doing to set it up. Does you need to either use embroidery floss or a yarn that sport weight or lighter for the first step, we also need some form of measuring device. Does everybody have a measuring tape or a ruler? Do you need to borrow anything? Do you have one? Do you to borrow one? Okay, no problem. You need that. And we need some form of pen, which I'm realizing now that there probably is not a thing right now, so I will share mine. Okay, so we've got our supplies. Grandma, I yearn we need a needle. So you need a needle that has a big enough hole that the yarn will fit into it. But it's really important that it has a pointy tip. It can't be a blunt tip darning needle for this particular step. So the first thing that you're going to dio is you are going Teoh layout your piece and you want to make little dots with a pen or a pencil. It doesn't matter what kind of pen, because you're gonna be covering it up. I'm using one that, actually, it's a fabric pen. So it'll disappear, but you don't have Whatever you have is great. And what you want to do is you want to make dots about 1/4 of an inch down or halfway down, whatever the hen is. Thank you, Lacey. Appreciate that. Um, and you want to make dots about 1/2 a nin inch apart all the way across that edge. And, you know, as you can see, I'm not being really picky about them being exactly the same high. Obviously, you know, don't go crazy, but I don't really worry about stuff like that. Okay, so you do it all the way across. Does anybody else need to borrow a pen? Does anybody have a pen in their hand? Okay, so you do it all the way across the go ahead at home and work on dots. You can use a pencil. You can. You can use a pen. We need a what? What's the friction pen? It's a friction pin, and it just irons out, however, the it disappears. The all your marks is that the same is just the ones that disappear on their own. With time. No simple. If we have to have the heat. Yes. Okay. All right. So how are we doing on dots? Guess, man. But we also use a skip stitch rotary cutter for this, uh, a little holes. You can? Sure. Why not? As long as it is. Long is it was spaced out. I would need to see the blade. I don't know how far the how far apart the holes are. The little point parts think there's several different kinds, but at least two. Yeah, absolutely. If you got a fancy tool, that'll do that work for you. Because I've also done this before where I've used an actual hole puncher. Not a regular one like you would use in school. But I really like a fine tip hole puncher. And I do this well. I used to do this a lot with back in the day when it was really popular to make blankets out of, you know, just polar fleece and then add the crush a edging. I would go around the entire edging and just punch holes through it. That's fine. It's not the most secure thing ever. You know, the fabric could tear easily. I actually prefer this particular method. But if you were working with a thicker fabric, I mean, maybe it would be great or thicker yarn. It might be great to have the holes actually there. We're not going to be making holes. Were just gonna be selling through the fabric, So, um, probably doesn't matter. But you could absolutely go that route if you'd like. I'm gonna be focusing in general on Just give showing you this. This is actually an embroidery method that we're using Has nothing to do with crush A. At the beginning, we'll talk rush a little bit because we're gonna be talking edging. But this foundation method that I'm showing you right now can be used for adding knitting or adding, um, you know, any form of, you know, applicator awesomeness that you want. This is just This is giving you the loops that you need. Teoh, get the yarn work onto the fabric. All right, so we're gonna be doing what's called blanket stitch. Blanket stitch is going to give you a bunch of bars across the edge of the fabric that will then give you the loops that you can work your stitches into. The reason why I requested that you have a piece of fabric that has a him is, well one. It's really nice to have that double with of not with that double depth of fabric Justo cold. You're not gonna get a lot of wear and tear on edge ings, but theoretically, something could get caught in it or whatever. And so you want it to be nice and firm, but also to get started. It offers a nice anchoring point. So I have this. I've tied a little knot into my yarn. This is just the sport. Wait, you're in that I'm actually gonna use if you were using a yarn that had any texture on it for your Croshere knitting after. Don't use that yarn for this step. Use a urine like this or even embroidery. Floss works great. You just need something that you can that can handle the embroidery. So we're going to start in the back of our peace. We're going to come up through the ham. We're sticking up through him. But I'm actually gonna come out through that first thought happy with you with one second through that first dot and pull through. And that's just for the first stitch that you're gonna come up through the back like that. But that's just to get you established before we move on. Connie had a question. What formula do you have so you could measure off enough? I formulas. I got nothing for you. So? So technically, you know, you could do about an inch per stitch, but, um, I honestly, I I everything. So what I usually do is all right. This piece is about this wide. I usually do double the amount for a more eatery that you need, and so I would do at least this amount. It is very unscientific, but I will say Always err on the side of caution. Use a little bit of extra. And it's for those things. With experience, you can kind of just get it. But it is not like breakdown city U. S. A. If you run out of yarn, you are, you know, you'll just pick it up and add more. All right, so we've come up with was established Just our first stitch. Now we're gonna go to our next little dot and we're going to come through. I'm going through. I'm not going all the way through the back. I'm coming up through where the hem it. So I'm actually the needle is inside the fabric right now, but I'm coming out that hem edge that make sense. I'm going to wrap the yarn around the back and pull through that. I'm gonna move to the next one, come in through that hole, come out through that top him. I'm holding my yarn in my left hand through the back. That's your blanket stitch. And this right here is the loop that you're gonna be able to join your yarn in and crush a through all the way through. So you're going to do that all the way across your top edge. So, ladies in the studio, you may just want to work, you know, 1/4 of it or 1/2 of it, and just maybe, like, take your yard your needle often let it be on hold, and then so that you can have time to actually work the Croce edging otherwise that you're going to run out of time, cause this those towels that I brought you are way bigger than the one that I'm working on there. I didn't realize when I bought them how? They're really large details. So it's gonna take a little time. Are there any questions so far about blanket stitch? Feel OK? The other thing I wanted to bring up is that you have to make sure that you're not pulling too tight. If you pull tight, see what happens. Your fabric Bunches up. You want to make sure that every few stitches, you kind of just give it a little tug. I pulled it. Tighten that. I jacked it up. All right. You want to get a little tug so it lays flat and then just continue on all the way across. So, really, once you've done this, the world is your oyster. You can add whatever. I mean, theoretically, you would need to count how many loops you have. And if you were working with a particular stitch pattern, you need to know, you know, you need to make sure that you had the right multiples or whatever, but all in all, you can kind of add whatever you. So you're just gonna keep doing that all the way across and you'll get something that looks like this finished piece? All right, So you would end off by just tying a little, not cutting it. And you're now ready to add your Cochet edging to anything, anything that you want. All right. So I'm gonna go ahead and just go over and edging that I've chosen for this again. You can use this myth method with any hedging, and this particular edging is in the directions, as I mentioned in the bonus materials under the tea towel pattern. All right, so to join ladies and studio, you feel free. Did you just do your thing? Keep going. I'm just gonna I'm gonna further people at home who maybe aren't following along and just wouldn't want me to get to the point. I'm gonna get to the point. So we've got this edging. And if you wanted to join yarn to it, all you're gonna dio is insert your hook right underneath that bar that you've created. Put your slip not on bring it through. And now you've joined your yarn. And for this particular edging what we're going to dio is we are going Teoh Chain three and then you're gonna single crush a in the next stitch the next stitch meaning that next bar and then we're going to chain to and then single cachet in that next one. And I'm doing that all the way across. And incidentally, this is how I started the edging for these hangers to. And you can find the pattern for the thes hangers on the clover USA blawg or on my website Vicky hell dot com to if you want that. But really, it's just find a hanger single, crush a all the way around it and then add the same ad edging that's in the pattern for this detail just for fun. All right, so chain to single Cochet. What I love about adding, eh Jing's too fabric pieces, you know, kind of as I mentioned before, is that it really sort of opens up the world of being able Teoh personalize something that already exists at a little homemade touch at a little bit of your own personality that this particular project, I think, is really great for as a host gift or for a housewarming warming gift. Or maybe you don't have time to make a full pillow, are full blanket or full whatever, but you can probably go to the store, find a great print of a towel. I'm kind of obsessed with this, like Mary Mako print right now and then add a little bit of flair. So it's not like, Oh, I just picked these up, you know, on my way to the store, on my way to your house, to pick these up. I did pick them up, but I wanted to add a little bit of myself for you. A little bit of special. And for me, that's what this is. It's a little bit of special. I've also done this at necklines for existing tops. I've done this for curtains in my house. I had some really great just store bought like coral curtains, but they weren't quite long enough, but I could not find the color that I wanted. And I wanted this exact shade of coral, which is really hard to find, and I found them, but they were about three inches too short, so I took. I found an edging that I loved a very Art Deco looking edging and I just added, I blanket stitching across the entire edge of the curtains just like this, and I added a I added that crush a edging. And I have to say it was It was It was pretty serendipitous because I think it's so sweet. It adds such a sort of unexpected detail. You don't see it unless you're close to it. It's kind of an unexpected surprise. So I expect after this course for you did invite me to your homes and I'm gonna come in and everything's gonna have a crush, a edging, that's what I expect. So go ahead and get started on that. But seriously, what I would love is I would love for you to add an edging to something, take a picture of it and post it on social media somewhere. Tag me at Viki Howl so that I can see it on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter wherever, wherever you are on the Web. I would love to see that I'd love to see your work in action. Okay, I'm almost to the end of this, her any of my in studio ladies, to the point of joining your and yet very stitching Still need remedial blanket stitch instruction. Do you want? You know what? Then I'm gonna go back and show you because that's more important than me showing the edging because I think at this point, everybody gets it with the edge ings. I've been talking about ej ings for the past hour. Um, I think that I'll go back and I'll give a second blanket stitch tutorial. I'm happy to do that. Let me just get to the end of this row. We set this to the side, grab my piece. So let me come. I'm gonna come over to you for a second, Let me see where you're challenges, and then maybe I can address it on a larger sir on a close up scale right over here. Just gonna walk over here really quickly. We show me what? That that's it. It just happened. You did it. Connie set you up. Well, she got it, but I'm gonna still just I'm just gonna show a few more stitches. We've got the time. Then I want you to feel like you have it now. I arbitrarily picked the half inch measure. Well, it wasn't all that arbitrary. I knew that I was working with a stitch pattern that got engaged. That was Lacey enough that I had. It was pliable, and I didn't have to worry too much. But if you have a vision in your head that you're gonna be working with super chunky yarn make it doing maybe like a shell stitch or whatever, you wouldn't want to work this close. You'd maybe want to space them out every inch. Or conversely, if you wanted to do, you know, like a sort of like a doily edging something super small, you would want to make sure that you did. You placed your individual bars about 1/4 inch apart instead of 1/2 inch again. Just play with it, have some fun.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.