Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
So here is what foundation? Double crush A. Looks like this is when you're going to start to see the difference. Because normally when you chain and then created the tire, the stitches, the taller the stitches, the more that you're going to really see the construction of what just a plain chain would be if you started with the foundation chain traditionally, and so you would see the piece kind of fold a little bit, but this one, you can really see that it's got that great stretch again. Now, I will say, when you're just learning, this may affect your gauge a bit because it's going to be looser than it would. So that's just something that if you're making something that needs to fit that you should just test out before some good. Okay. All right. So for double crush a again, we're gonna make our slip not getting the ready position. So this time we're going to start with a chain for So chain We good. Okay, then, just as we did at the beginning, we're gonna go down to that very first cha...
in and we're going to, but this time we're gonna have to yarn over cause we're doing a double crushing. We're gonna insert our hook through that chain yarn over and pull through just that loop. So we've got ourselves established, then we're gonna yarn over and we're gonna pull through just the first loop again. That stitch that we just created right now is the chain stitch. So this is the time when you could take that marker if you wanted and place it in there. So you know that you'll be working into that when we move on. Okay. And then from here, now that we've created that chain stitch weaken, just do our traditional double Cochet, which is urine over. Pull through two loops you're in over, pull through two more, and that's it. You've created a chain and a double Cochet and one fell swoop. So now we're gonna move on to the next one. So first we need to yarn over and we're going to insert our hook and that sits that We've got marked yarn over. Pull it through. We've now established ourself in that next position we're gonna yarn over and we're going to pull through that first loop, creating our next chain again. This would be the time where you add that stitch marker should you want it. And now we're gonna complete our double crush a stitch, and that is all there is to it. So I'm just gonna work a couple more. I just found out I'm gonna zone back in, really? In the yarn over, go through that stitch, pull it through urine over, make that chain, and then we're gonna create our double Cochet. Does anybody else do that when they're crushing, like going to his own? It's very meditative for me in a lot of ways. I don't know if any of you have seen the initiative going on right now with through Craft Yarn Council. It's, um, Stitch, stitch away stress. And it's a the true focus on how beneficial health wise that knitting and crochet a can be just because of where it put that space. It puts your brain, and when you're just doing these repetitive movements and you're also expressing yourself creatively on and I always think of that every time I zone out, I was you know, instead of sort of getting on myself about it, I was like, Oh, that was good for me. That was good for my brain. So do you see after you kind of get your groove that you don't really need the stitch marker anymore? Do you feel like you're getting that? So, Denise, are you having any issue? So Denise is left handed, and I'm right handed, and so she's used to having the mirror. But how do you How do you feel? How are you feeling about it? I'm fine. I have always mirrored people. So you're just that good? You're that good. So you've got it good. All right, let's work a couple more stitches, and then we're going to move on for my in studio audience. Can you tell how much? Um, looser and more forgiving this Methodist, Do you think that this is something that maybe you'll you'll ride the train on? Do you think you're a convert? Good. Good. I want to just cause I'm curious. And maybe we can start with sharing. Maybe if you wanted to pick up the microphone, I would love to know how long you been crashing and what your favorite what your favorite thing to make it be crushing on and off. Since I was maybe seven years old. More than on. But now I'm retired. So I have more time. Yeah. And, um, I belong to a Cochet group and we Cochet lap blankets for nursing homes. So great. So that's where most of your time focused or crow she dow outfits for my granddaughters. Dull American girl. Similar. Similar Hoeveler fish. Yeah, that's cool. What about you, Sandy? I've only been crashing for a couple of years. Really? On and off. So I'm really a newbie. Uh, to be honest, I So I love learning all these new little techniques. It's This is so true. It's always so tight. And it does exactly when I do chain. So this is great to learn this. What I love about that is that, you know, we've got to crow shares here that have sort of like a vast difference in experience level ways. And I feel like you're already getting something out of this. So at home, think about that, too. Even if you you feel like you're a super advanced crow share, stick around with me for a little bit, you might pick up a little tip or two. You might could happen. Denise. What about you? How long have you been crushing? What do you like to crush? A. Well, I started teaching myself when I was back in my teens. It was a long time ago and learn from books and I drop it back, have gone back and forth. I pick up crushing every three or four years for a little while that I go back to using else again and do a lot of weaving and stuff. How cool. And I've been crushing the last 34 years and do a lot of shawls and hats, mostly and play around motifs. Never actually put them together on A things like aboard. Yeah, so I've been making mandalas lately cause I'm gonna stick them on a frame and be done. Absolutely. You know, the interesting thing about that is that there's this movie called Yarn. You're in the movie and was produced by a team of people in Iceland and the UK, and there's a woman and that she's like Atlantic, and she does a lot of that. She works a lot in Matisse and mandalas and what? But what she's done is she's made it her sort of goal is to make it seem as an art form and not just a, you know, domestic for form of it wouldn't even be expression. A lot of times Cochet is thought of as a domestic art, right? And so she wanted to make it an art. And so she takes those she would Then you moved to Cuba. But she takes her mandalas and she nails them to public places outside and create so that they're displayed as art would. So I love that. I love that. It doesn't matter that you're not putting them together to make something bigger. The fact that you're making them is that expression is that does feel that creative space for yourself. So that's great. What? You Yes, I started teaching myself when I was in great school. First of all, my brother came home and he was doing finger crush a and making chains and stuff. And I thought, Well, if my brother could do it, I can do it. So I asked my dad for some crow she hooks and he brought back doily hooks. Now that the little tiny ones, right, But I've been crushing off and on for years now I mainly make Afghans hats. I do a lot of baby Afghans and, uh, I do ah, pumpkins. Ah, pattern. I've designed for myself that I've been making and, uh, just like or she almost everyday in my life There's my husband Since we've retired, I used to get a lot more done, but I only knew I had so much time to do it. And now he wants to go. And so my crew, she begged, goes with us, which is another great point. This is one of the few art forms or craft forms that you can just take with you. And that goes back to what I was saying at the very beginning about how spread thin we all are. For me, it's my goal to make being creative, totally attainable. And what's great about this is that we spend a lot of time waiting. Um, we're in waiting rooms and grocery store lines on the sidelines of our kids gains. That's a perfect opportunity to fit in that that time for yourself at the same time on, and it sounds like you're doing that on the road them, so that's great crushing to live. I thought I knew a lot. But now with YouTube and now getting to be here with you today, I'm learning yet That's great. Well, hopefully hopefully we never stop learning. Right? So someone in the chat room asked, How would you do the turnaround technique? They just wanted you to review that a little bit the turnaround technique as if you were then moving like swapping the peace over if you're gonna keep crushing. So once let's see, I just bound, bound off We're not needing. I just fastened off my piece. So once you've done this method, I'm gonna goto fake this for a second. So close your eyes. Nobody noticed. I'm just gonna jab my hook in for a second. So once you've started this foundation, So in the same way that if you were just doing a traditional foundation chain, you only do that once, right? That only happens at the beginning of your project. Well, this is exactly the same way it's called Foundation Single or double Cochet, because you're only doing it at the foundation. So once you've gotten to the end of that piece, you're gonna dio exactly like what you would do if you weren't using this method at all. So for Double Cochet, you would change three. That creates the height of double Cochet. Otherwise your piece would, you know, be a Lini. We don't want that. And then you're gonna work in the next stitch, as you normally would. Just double crashing in the top of the double Cochet below as totally normal. So to answer the viewers questions, it doesn't change anything for how you would turn the peace or work the peace for the rest of the project. Always say thank you for showing them. And then my pleasure. Another question. How Maney chains would you use to start a foundation, H d c. I would do 333 because we used four for double. We're about to do five. That was a little sneak preview for trouble. So half is somewhere in between single and double. So I would start with three, and then you would just work into that first chain the same way. It's all the same gig. You probably noticed the similarity and the double from the single. It's really creating that chain first and then creating the stitch right on top of it.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.