Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Seaming Crochet
Now we're ready to move on, Teoh A little bit of finishing work. We're gonna talk about seeming pieces together. So what you need at home is just have a couple of swatches. It doesn't matter what size they are. In fact, just go into your swatch, Sachin. Just pull out from the pile. It doesn't really matter what steps they're done in. Although it would change it a little bit. I'm gonna give you just that. The general method that I used to peace two pieces together. So I've got my two swatches here. These were done in. I think I did these in half. Double crush A. And I'm gonna use a contrast in color on Lee because it will be easier for you to see on camera. You would, obviously, unless you wanted that to be a design feature, you'd obviously use the same color as your pace. So you need a large I tapestry needle. Um, in studio we've got we've got these laid out for you from clover and they've got the bent tip. I just really like that. It's not crucial, but I find that every little bit hel...
ps, right? So you need a strand of yearn and you're going Teoh, thread your needle And then I know there's gonna be a lot of Chris shares that gas about this. But I actually tire, not just because I like a little safety and I find that crush a is dense enough that you're not going to see it anyway. So I like to start by going to the underside of the back of my piece, and I kind of do a little weaving of the Strand just about maybe an inch or so from the edge where you're going to start, and then I pull it in, and that's just that just gives a little bit of a secure foundation and you won't actually see any of that once we get started. All right, so you want to have your pieces laying side by side with right sides facing. So we're going to start. I'm actually going to help them cause it's easier for me to work this way. We are going to start by coming up through the side of one of the stitches or the posts, and then we're gonna go over to the opposite side, and we're gonna pick that top loop and we're going Teoh, pull through. Then we're going to move over to the next side and we're going to find a corresponding loop now because of the constructions of the stitches. When I say loops, it's more like loops because the nodding of Cochet is more of like a swirl, right? A little bit. So you really fake it till you make it Find what you what you feel like corresponds with the side and just go in. And nabet there really isn't a super wrong way that you can do This is long as you are consistent. Okay, so I've gone to this side so that I'm gonna go over and pick up the corresponding loop on this site. So if I pulled it apart a little bit, you would see that I'm doing like this little Ziggy Zig zag e. It's kind of it's very similar to mattress stitch that you use with stock a net net pieces and that you're just picking up a loop on the side and then going to the next side and you want to pull. But every once in a while I like to give my fabric just a little bit of like a stretch so that the Yarnall naturally sit in place. How it's gonna how it'll sit if there's gonna be anywhere and terror in it, whether you were wearing it as a garment or if it were a toy or stuffed animal and it would get a lot of loving, you want to just let that yarn settle in and I will make for a much smoother seem. Okay, I'm coming over. I'm grabbing the next loop, and this becomes pretty invisible, obviously not when you're using future urine like I am against brown, but if you're using the same color, you're really not going to see that seem. And also because you're just working through the loops. How many do any of you in studio when you seem pieces together? Do you use slip stitch or single Cochet together? Do you crochet your pieces together? Do you? Do you stitch them? Yes, yes, So I do that, too. Sometimes if I want a really sturdy but thick seem, if it's not going to bother me that it's not gonna lay flat and they're absolutely times when that's appropriate. I like this method because you're not working around the whole post or the whole stitch or creating a big stitch. So it's going to give you a much flatter, arguably less stable but much smoother and nicer looking join. So this is something that you could use if you were cross training a sweater. If you were working on a blanket that had a bunch of squares and you didn't want to do a joint as you go method like which showed earlier. A good example of this would be I don't know if any of you ever collaborate on blankets for people. There's this great organization called Warm Up America. It's a charity where you make you make squares. You never cliche squares. You send them in and they assemble them and they turn them into blankets and they distribute them to charities all over the country. It's wonderful organization, and it makes it totally accessible for people because people can commit to a seven by nine inch square versus the whole blanket is hard sometimes, but I digress if you had, or if you, I've done this before, where somebody's had a baby or gotten married and so a bunch of friends will come together and they all make squares, and nobody really has time to make an entire project that they all make squares. They mail them into one person and one person. Seems them together. This would be a great time to do that, especially if the if you're working with ah, bunch of different squares that might be different stitch patterns. It's hard to crush a all those together, although not impossible. It's not hard to crush a them together. It's hard for to look nice because it's going Teoh be a little bit unstable and it relies on, you know, when you're single crashing into a double cross a piece, it's gonna look different than if you were working to negotiate peace, right? Sharon totally has my back. Give me that. Not she gets that you get me. So that's just another another way. Do any of you work with any guilds? Or do you have such stitching groups? I know that you that you said that you have, um, that you have a group, but do you ever work on projects like that where you make squares and join them together for any purpose? Yes, Sharon wanted to talk to us about that. This Cochet group where we eaten it or we crash a lap blankets for nursing homes. One of our own ladies has cancer, and it's stage four. And, um, we're a little nervous for her. So we're each crashing. Ah, square, a 12 inch square of any pattern of our choice. And then we're going to be stitching them all together and make a wall hanging in her honor. I love that. And there's there's such a variety because I did a mandala. Some other people just did fancy stitches. It's going to be a big variety of squares. So patchwork quilt. Yeah, exactly. That's fantastic. Sandy, did you say that you I thought I thought you were giving me the I think you might have something to say. Oh, thanks. I was just Stone at the same place with Sharon. I joined her group probably there, so I can learn a lot more. So yeah, it's the same same place I really like that. And I before years ago, years and years ago, um, and author that I was working with, she had a baby and I, um and I sort of all of that she interviewed a bunch of us for her book. It was sort of like a Knitting Stories book, and I reached out to all of the people that were featured in that book and asked if they would contribute a square. So it kind of represent her experience in that book, but also should be ableto wrap her baby and that it was such a cool experience, not just because of the obvious, like, obviously, that's lovely to get a gift like that. But also it gave it, opened up the doors to be able to have conversations with all of these other really amazing men and women who who contributed. And forevermore each one of those stories or squares has a story, you know. And I think that that's one of those. One of those things that sometimes overlooked with Crow Shea is that it is a story in it of itself that time, the energy you're putting into it wherever you whatever love and intention you put with each stitch truly does melt itself into the fabric. So I'm gonna go ahead and just continue to stitch and finish this piece before we move on. Are you guys dig in the Bent Point tapestry needles. You find this helpful? I find it's helpful just for the scooping. It makes it so much easier. Just a left in scoop and these can be found at pretty much any craft store. All right, I'm going to actually leave this here. I think you guys get the just and I'm gonna come over and see how my in studio students are doing. Start over here this time, Miss Connie. Oh, look at you. Look at this. You're fast and you can really talk. Can I take this up here for a second? Second other. I want to show how seamless this is. This is beautiful. Where we there were. Okay, look how beautiful that IHS. She's used the same color. It was really fast. You don't have any of the boat that you would have if you were joining up with a single Cochet. If you did that, it would look a little bit more like this. Totally fine for some projects. But for that, that's really clean and nice. And that was really fast. Good job. Hey, high five. Thank you. All right. Are we good? We good. Looks good. Those are beautiful. Oh, also, I'm gonna take that up there too. I recognize this Steelyard thistle is a sheepish I think this I'm like, Oh, I know this. I develop that color, uh, used to have ah, young line called sheepish. And it was actually this year, so that's lovely. Okay, so this is cool. So she's the contrast in color yarn, as I did just as an example. So here you can't see it at all, but on the back, it looks almost like a regular sort of running stitch. Almost really cool. Look how even your stitches are.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.