Lesson Info
2. The Best You On Zoom
Demystifying the Zoom Platform
1Class Intro & Zoom Background
02:53 2The Best You On Zoom
08:17 3Getting Others Involved On Zoom
16:36Zoom for the Creative
4How to Create Your Online Presence
08:36 5How To Choose The Right Gear For Your Budget
04:29 6How to Optimize Sound for Audio Performance
04:13How to Maximize Zoom for the Visual Artist
06:08 8Your Platform For Engagement
03:33Zoom for Education
9Zoom For the Learner - Introduction
01:42 10How to Create Your Online Learning Space/Classroom Management
10:39 11How to Teach Without Leaving Zoom
03:04Zoom for the Office/Home Office
12How to Create Your Online WorkSpace
03:29 13Using Zoom in Personal Mode
03:15 14How to Manage Your Profile From Home to Office
02:49 15How to Communicate and Train Your Staff on Zoom
03:02 16How to Unify All of Your Communications via Zoom
00:47 17Wrap-up
01:29Lesson Info
The Best You On Zoom
we're gonna start at the beginning, tweaking your zoom settings to maximize the output of your meetings, not gonna jump to my computer here and just take you through it. So when you log into zoom dot us, you'll see your dashboard and on the left side is your profile area. And so when you look here, you have profile meetings, your recordings and settings. Now you'll see on my screen that I have a few more options that are available if you're given those licenses. So I'm gonna jump down to the bottom where it says settings and dive right in. So here's the best thing about zoom. Whatever you can see on the screen, you can turn on or off. So you can really maximize and make zoom work for you regardless. So if you want not, the chat will turn chat off and we'll learn how to do that. If you want to minimize how the zoom records, we can do that as well. So as you can see on my screen, I have two navigation bars. The first one goes across the top, we have meetings, recordings, audio, collabora...
tion and so forth. And then we have the vertical navigation which goes through security scheduling meetings, basic and advanced. So we're gonna start right here, Number one is the waiting room. So right in the security section we always like to have a waiting room on this way no one can come into our meeting without us knowing. So what's gonna happen is kind of cool when you have the waiting on, you have this holding tank where people can sit when you enter the waiting room as a host. I'll actually hear a doorbell telling me that you're in the waiting room and I can choose to let you in. Just add that little extra security to your meeting from here. If you scroll down you'll see that there's a lot of settings to go through. So when I go down here I can choose to require a passcode for a meeting. This way I know the people coming in have to have been invited because they have the passcode which go down two more and we go into the scheduled meeting section. This is where we can set some parameters. So if I set a meeting up, I can actually choose to start with my video on or off. I can also indicate whether my participants come in with their video on or off. So once I get past the initial settings of how I want my meetings to work, let's jump over to the zoom app and learn some fun things about how to control camera, how to control audio as we're setting up the meeting, flip over to the desktop application. You'll see a lot of the same things exist right here under my avatar picture. I have settings And this allows us to do a few things number one. The general settings just set up parameters like one I love is always show toolbars during screen share. This is really good if you're training people on how to do something and they want to see what you're doing. So I'm gonna head down to the video tab here and you'll see a preview of of me pop up and that's the input of the camera that zoom is recognizing from here. I have a little drop down that will let me choose any other camera on the system. In some cases if I'm a creator or an educator, I may have a second camera set up to showcase my artwork. Or if a school setting showcases students work or a lab so I can easily toggle between both cameras under this one setting. As long as it's a virtual or physical camera hooked, your computer zoom will recognize it from there. One of my favorite features. Now listen to this touch up my appearance. If you have a D. M. Meetings like I do this will take out all the wrinkles and blemishes. I just hit touch up my appearance and then I have a little slider bar to change the intensity from there. Let's say you have a at home office and there's a window and it's pretty bright and you really can't maximize your position. Every desk. We can help. So in zoom we have a little toggle adjust for low light, this will compensate for the background light coming in, giving your viewers or attendees the best image possible from there a couple of interesting settings here that you might choose to use, one is always display participants name. So you know who you're talking to remember in zoom world, you can have up to 49 people on the screen. That means the boxes tend to get a little small and then if I'm looking across the board, I want to know who's in the meeting, so I might choose to have this on. So the screen names always appear. We also can clean things up a little bit. And this is a neat trick if you have larger meetings where you hide the box of the people who choose not to be on camera and you're saying wait, if I do that, how do I know if they're in a meeting? Well we have the participants view which will go over in a second. So you always have a listing of the attendees. But if you want to make those boxes on the screen just a tad bit bigger for everybody's viewing, you can hide non video users so that they don't take up that box to see a black screen with a logo. It's a great tip. Next, we're gonna go down the audio here and similar to the camera, we can choose not only our microphone but are also speakers on the system. So what's neat about zoom is that you can see from my screen here that as I'm talking to you, my microphone meter is already moving. That's your first kind of sign. We'll get in this to the next chapter that is working. So right here in the settings we have convenient tabs where you can test your speaker and test your microphone before you even get into a zoom meeting from there. You'll see here all your settings for audio, you just kind of select and play with them until you find the settings you like. A little later on this course, we'll get into some actual audio settings that you might want to consider if you're doing higher production quality calls. And lastly, one of my favorite tips and tricks is when you're on mute, you can actually uh click a box here and use the space bar key to unmute yourself to talk without muting yourself every time. Consider almost like a zoom version of a walkie talkie. If I'm just listening to a meeting and I want to contribute, I press the space bar my microphone on mute. I can talk when I let go the mute skin, it's pretty slick. It saves a lot of time and you kind of want to avoid people saying, hey, you're on mute. So, and I've been there and done that every day. Okay. Now that you've played with the audio settings and you maximize the sound that you're looking for out of a zoom meeting. Let's take it to the last step here and go to the probably the most common question I get, how do I change my profile picture and what my profile says. Let's go there now. So we see down the list here in the settings. You'll see profile. When I select profile, you're gonna notice that it's gonna launch me to my online dashboard of settings. So here we go. You pushed me over to my portal that you recognize from before. And in here you'll see. My top option is profile. When I select my profile over here on the right, you'll see a small little button that says edit. It's very simple. I click that button, I can choose to change my avatar picture now if you don't put an avatar picture and here's what's gonna happen, it's gonna pick the first and last initial of your name and put that in a color square which is fine. But some people like more of an avatar or a symbol that represents who they are. And then it's pretty simple. You follow the form and you fill out your name, your display name and then anything else that's relevant to your company or to your business. So if you want to leave some of these blank that's fine. But if you want, if you're part of a bigger organization you might want to put your marketing department to my case, um your manager's email or settings but in most cases people just pick their avatar and their name. You can actually also choose here um your company name and your location. We tend to use just the generic city that we're in but you can be as detailed as you want when you're happy it's safe and that's it. That's as easy as it is to to update your profile in summary on this. This lesson. We learned how to adjust our basic meeting controls. We jumped over and learned how to adjust our video and audio settings and ended up on how to tweak and set a profile picture and profile information. For more information. You'll see in the bonus materials, we have a link document to the Zoom Learning Center where you can dive in deep on any of these settings. As we're ready for the next lesson, we're going to really dive into how to start and control a zoom meeting from start to finish.
Class Materials