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Equipment Review

Lesson 3 from: Efficient Lighting & Post-Production

Jared Platt

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3. Equipment Review

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Equipment Review

so here we are in our lovely studio and we found an awesome red chair and we have an awesome model man come on in andy wright this is andy and he's our model man and you were all expecting like a super sexy bride or something like that but I don't go that route I go for interesting over beauty any day not that you're not beautiful but you know go to a good barber though I'm calling my agent yes so andy is going to be our subject today and uh we're going to first talk a lot about the equipment and lighting and so and he's just going to take a break that's why I got you that chair I could have chosen much worse chairs so just relax there andy s o we're going to pull up the camera here and uh in my camera this is ah mark three cannon mark three love the camera lots of great latitude great high I s o capabilities love it um I'm using a fifty millimeter one point two right now so I love I love a fixed lens fixed lens there is so much more sharp and clear and beautiful than a than a a zoom l...

ens although you have to admit zoom lenses were really nice when you're out trying to you know do a wedding or something you got to zoom in and we're following a kid around you know zoom in at seventy and then back out toe fifty or something like that so those air pretty invaluable for getting the shot but they suffer in the sharpness especially on the edges and things like that so um so I would prefer a fifty if I can get away with it or a eighty five fixed or something like that so that's what we're using for camera we're tethered today so as we shoot we're gonna be able to look at the images inside a light room and discuss the history rams and the quality of the image okay so that's that's what we're shooting with and by the way in the pdf download both on the on the justin the enrolled side and on the paid side I have a list of pretty much everything I have in my gearbox all the software used the cameras I used the lens I use so if you have those questions just go get that and you'll be able to find all the stuff that I'm using um I'll just set this down for a second good okay so let's talk about lighting though of gearboxes lighting wise it's very important that no matter where you go and maybe have a studio so you just have a set of lights already set up but in my case I don't even have a studio I just I have an office at home and then I go places to shoot I very rarely need to shoot in a studio and so if I do I rent one I don't necessarily own one there's no point in the overhead um but but because of that I have to travel with a lot of gear and so I've I've I've honed down the amount of gear I need to use on a shoot and I've got a box that specifically got everything I need in it and that the key to a good light kit is that you can grab the light kit and the stand bag and everything's there because the thing you don't want to happen is to get to the photo shoot and find out you don't have a connector you don't have a cord you don't have a pocket wizard you don'thave ah whatever and so everything needs to be in the bag that you're going to need to use so my pocket wizards don't go in my camera bag or in some other rag or a pocket wizard back they go in the light bag because that's where I'll use them right and the cords go in the light bag because they go to the lights right everything that's associated with lights goes in the lights and everything that's too long or too big for the light bag goes into the stand bag and then I'm self contained okay now well I actually use a everything that's photo is more expensive so if it's his photo on it it's more expensive so actually use a big canvas golf bag for my stands because if I went to a photo store it cost me three times as much to get the same bag so I just have this really nice canvas golf bag and I put all my stands in it so thats and my umbrellas and my soft boxes they can all go right in that bag and I can carry one big huge heavy golf bag and I've got everything I need in it okay um also good thing to have us I have a roller bag that's just extension cords the whole bag's extension cords and so I just roll it with me throw it in the car and then when I get out I can just roll it I've got all the extension cords I could possibly need okay so the key is to have everything in very organized fashion so I'm actually going to grab my bag so somebody I'll need a camera to come up and look into this bag for me um so here's my bag this is the flash bag and if you look in the bag this is where the pocket wizards go right now they're on the lights but there in this little bag and if you open up this bag there's a whole bunch of extra sink chords because sink cords are notorious for going down are shorting out or whatever so I have extra sink chords in here look what else I have in here on old light meter don't necessarily need to use it all that much but it's there because when would you use an incident light meter when you're using flashes and so it's in my flash bag got a glove one glove all I need is one leather glove why lights get hot and I don't want to touch a hot bulb and if I touched the flash bulb with my skin and put oil on it then it's going to blow up so I have one leather glove right hand because I'm right handed so if I need to touch a light that's going to be hot I can take care of it in the light bag that makes sense okay I also have grid spots there were no to grid spot does this directs light so it keeps light from spilling this way so if you use a wide one then the light will only go like this if you use a tight one the light's much more directed this way because it has to funnel through these little honeycombs yeah it's the funnel through the honeycombs you can actually see when you look through them how much spread there is there's there's very little spread on this okay so if I want to direct light I'll direct it through those honeycombs the other thing that I have in here it's called a slave I and I plug a connector and they're a sink cord and then run it up tio a light so if a light is not getting a signal of some sort I can use this to trip and look for another flash to fire and it when the other flash fires that this will fire I've got two of these I used to have quite a few but they keep getting stepped on and broken so talks I have little clips just just little clips so these little claps hold various things but mostly they're just gonna hold your your color your uh gels thank you those hold your gels on on tier under your flashes and then of course extremely long sink chords are in there as well okay so everything that you could possibly use on your photo shoot is going to be in one bag or if you have you know more flashes in that put them in two bags but make sure that they come together you never just take one of the bags I've even got some barn doors here um gel so and then there's a whole bunch of gels in here just different shells so everything is together why is that important why would I waste valuable time showing you a bag waste valuable time shoot that's right or you don't have to call someone and say I totally forgot the same chords can you bring him you know that's you don't want that to happen so that's why we show you the bag here today

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Jared Platt Notes and Resources - Dec 2012.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Jared Platt Free Resources.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Don't you just love it when Photographers, especially successful ones as Jared Platt, throw explanations out w/o any scientific backing to justify them? Jared's explanation of golden Setting Sun is dust and smog in the sky, when the real reason is scattering, the refraction of light by the molecules and objects in the atmosphere, not the smog and stuff much lower. He also defines latitude as a given amount, when it is actually the breadth of light individual camera sensors can record, normally about 5 or 6 stops. Made the rest of what he taught suspect at best. Glad I caught this for $25 rather than the huge first release price.

Deise De Oliveira

Jared is a great teacher! This course is much better than I imagined because it is not only about fotography, but also about passion. I loved it!

Anjani Millet

I was in the studio for this workshop and it was so, so much more than just about efficiency. Jared is a fantastic photographer and teacher, and makes everything so accesible. He covered Lightroom, presets, lighting equipment,software, music, artisic development, even, dare I say it, the soul of a photographer. I recommend this to anyone needing to spend a lot less time doing things you don't need to personally do, and/or anyone who needs to improve their artistry or technical skills. Do more. Waste less time. Share your work. Oh... and buy this course. :-)

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