Email Marketing Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:09 2Course Files
00:14 3Email Marketing Overview
05:57 4Email Lists and Segmentation
03:48 5User Journey Overview
06:16 6Email Automation Overview
03:00 7Checkpoint 1
02:30Checkpoint 1 Review
00:57 9Email Service Provider Walkthrough
05:48 10Quiz - Email Marketing Introduction
Creating Your First Campaign
11Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
04:25 12Campaign Planning and Checkpoint 2
07:47 13Checkpoint 2 Review
07:47 14Creating Forms
12:55 15Creating a Campaign
10:34 16Quiz - Creating Your First Campaign
Analytics and Testing
17Analytics and Checkpoint 3
12:08 18Checkpoint 3 Review
02:16 19Anatomy of an Email and Checkpoint 4
03:18 20A-B Testing Intro
10:25 21Creating an A-B Test
04:52 22IEM Drip Trees and Checkpoint 5
06:51 23Checkpoint 5 Review
04:49 24Quiz - Analytics and Testing
00:36Final Quiz
26Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Checkpoint 5 Review
Welcome back to the dashboard again. At this point you should be pretty good friends with this male chimp dashboard because we keep coming back to it quite frankly, you will continue coming back to this as you use email marketing for your clients for your life and bring this back to the overall five year community. So we will create another campaign just like we did before and choose automated. This time we're going to do essentially a drip tree. What does it actually mean in this drip tree, What we're doing is changing the triggers. So I want to say, let's do a welcome, choose the list again and add emails. So I'm just gonna do a few to illustrate the point. But you would set this up just like the welcome campaign you've done before. But this time it would change the triggers and essentially they're just if then statements. So let's look at this. If the user did not open the previous email, what's the best next step for their journey? Usually it is to not email them again. Or perhaps ...
you email them again, but with a different message. So depending on what they've done, you can customize the next message for them. This is absolutely beautiful for organizations because I think one email marketing faux pas is to just continue hammering users with emails and in this way you can end the process too, Perhaps salvage a future relationship with them or you can do something a little more enticing. So for example, let's say they have not opened multiple emails and then you'll say, okay, well we'll wait a day, that's totally fine and what you'll do is change the subject line instead to here's a discount or perhaps you will use instead of your brand name. You will test a real person's name for the sender name, email three. So let's look at the trigger again. So the first one is if they did not eat, oh, so the first one is whether or not they opened the email and then this one say, alright, well let's say that they clicked a very specific link there and they're gonna click www john chang dot co slash and let's say I have pictures of dogs. If someone clicks a picture of a dog, then we now have data directly from the user that they are interested in the subject. So here's another way that you can think through these drip trees. If you have a general collection of emails and don't necessarily know where to segment them. This is a great way to get that information such as let's say that you're just collecting a bunch of email addresses for Ralph Lauren again, and ralph Lauren has both men's and women's clothing. If you then just show two images in a welcome email, one is men's clothing, one is women's clothing, then depending on what they click, you can then just start sending them all men's clothing or just all women's clothing. So this is incredibly important because whatever they actually click is an indication, behavioral indication actually about how they want to be treated in the future. And this is why one trip trees are great. You are able to customize information from them. But then two are also able to get very important data directly from them. So when you plan this out, I do have a drip template for you here in that same worksheet and you can say the email, the kpi the trigger called action and then all the individual parts within there. So the trigger for this first one is just they sign up the trigger for the second one let's say is clicked men's clothing. The trigger for the third one. Then let's say that now they click men's clothing, we show them pants, we show them shirts, we show them accessories, so they clicked accessories and then after that and so forth and so forth. Depending on what they click just like everything we've talked through so far, there is definitely a point of diminishing return. So you're just getting enough information for what's practical for your future marketing. Honestly, I might just do men's clothing and then from there allow them to just self select into different products and we'll collect that. But and we'll start then looking at opens and clicks. So did not click. If they did not click, then perhaps you will continue just sending more information
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