Body Language Quiz & First Impressions
09:54 2Elevator Pitch Clinic
02:41 3How Body Language Changes Perception
07:35 4Microaggressions: Decoding The Face
10:09 5Microexpressions Continued
05:53 6How Your Body Reacts
05:14 7Power Body Language
08:06 8Perfect Elevator Pitch
16:29Lesson Info
Your Nonverbal Brand
number one, I want your message to be intentional. No guesswork, I want you to take back control of what your brand is saying. So there's a couple ways that we're gonna do this in your materials and you're paid materials. I have a positive trait list. If you want to flip to that, hand out this in your paid handouts, I have handpicked the positive traits that most brands and companies want to embody and what we can embody with body language. Now, we already heard some great ones here in the audience and so you guys already have an idea, a really good idea what you want to portray, but I want you to start thinking about what you want your messaging to be so that when you look at your materials, you know exactly what they're saying. So here a couple of most popular ones, we already heard some of them just now powerful, charismatic, warm, confident, reliable, which we heard twice trustworthy and exciting. One thing I didn't hear in the audience and I was surprised, it was exciting, inspiri...
ng, right? Getting people's juices flowing, I heard curiosity, which is great. We want to get them to be like, I want more out of this. We also want them to be jazzed, right? Like how can I, Oh, I feeling like I'm, I'm thinking differently. I'm feeling differently. One of my goals when I teach with my website is I try to get people excited and inspired. I want them to feel good on my website, so that is another aspect of you can think about with your nonverbal brand. Okay, number two. Specifically, let's talk about social media pictures because I think it's the biggest one. It is your first impression online, right? It is the first impression that you make, the easiest way to do your social media pictures is to go through the seven micro expressions and you're free handouts. I have that chart and make sure that your picture falls either into neutral or happiness. You don't want to show contempt. You don't want to have a furrowed brow, anger, make sure you don't have a smirk, make sure you don't want to have that pulled down frown. So you can check or correlate your pictures with the micro expressions to make sure you're doing, showing exactly what you want. Um Also we often see the fear expression sometimes in pictures when someone is, they have their eyes a little bit wide and they're trying to look I guess sexy and they'll lift their lives a little bit too high, it makes them actually look afraid. So looking at your social media pictures, Okay, number five, use your trust indicators, Your trust indicators are your hands. So not only can you use your body to orient where you want to go. So you can actually aim your torso towards what you want people to engage with. Remember the law of engagement, your toe, your torso and your toes point towards what you want. So you can show people what you want them to do, where you want them to engage by pointing your torso exactly where you want them to go. You can do the same thing with your trust indicators. There's a lot of different ways to do this. Not only is it pointing. So in this this is a picture that I use when I want people to sit down with me, take a consult with me, take a quiz, but I want them to do something and I'm literally gesturing them take a seat with me. Right? So that's an easy way. You'll also notice it's an open palm gesture. Right? So I'm trying I'm showing I am not threatening. This will be fun for you. I'm not hiding anything, right. I want this to be a really fun, good experience. You can also use different emblems or punctuate er So you can use your trust indicators, thumbs up, gestures, pointing gestures. You can use unshakable determination, right? Think of all the different cues that we talked about throughout this course. Go back and watch those videos and highlight the things that you want to portray in your nonverbal brand, and think about ways you can use that in your photos or on your website. Number six. Use color psychology. Okay, this is a really fun section on how we, how we choose the colors we want to wear and what we see when we see other people, what we learn from someone when they're wearing a certain color blue. So as a genre just mentioned, blue is the color of loyalty, stability and tranquility. And the basis behind colour psychology is what researchers look at is they look at what happens in nature and then they ask people to judge what they feel when they look at certain colors, right? That's how we get what these colors mean for the majority of the population. So the reason why blue is loyalty, stability and tranquility is because the color of our sky is blue. So when we see a blue sky, it means no rain is coming and it makes us feel nice and calm and good. So this is a great color if you want to, if you want to remain nice and easy read read, this is a very intense color, passion, aggression intensity, yellow happiness, optimism and youth. So another aspect of color psychology is the frequency of the wave length of that color. So colors that are higher up on the spectrum have a higher energy to them, their wavelength is higher. And so a lot of fast food companies use high intensity colors yellow, orange and red because it has been found that people eat more off of red plates. They also, it simulates our metabolism because it's a higher energy color. That's why a lot of up e brands use those bright colors because it's a higher wavelength green, healing success and hope. Um that's because it's the color of spring, right? So it's new birth. A couple interesting things. Studies about these colors. So first they found that workers were more efficient and made less typos in offices that were painted blue as opposed to offices that were painted white, supposedly because blue makes us feel more calm and more tranquil. We make less mistakes in our work. That was a really fun. So I looked at the best color for your office, black power, mystery and very professional. Okay, so that's a very strong, serious color. Women who wear all black. It's very professional, purple royalty, spirituality and luxury. We talked about on day one how there are certain colors that men love to look at and there are certain colors that women love to look at. Women love looking at purple. Men don't love purple so much. So if you have a brand that you want to be unisex, you might want to avoid using purple. Okay. Because it typically men don't like looking at, if you have a brand that you want just for women, that's an easy, easy way to nonverbally signify. We're here for women, right? We're here for you. Brown, stability, nature, reliability. Um, there's a really funny little study that says that all women hate men in brown suits women do not like looking at the color brown. So be careful if you're wearing an all all brown suit. Men women don't like it so much. It's their least favorite color suit orange energy, fun and warmth if you can get workout clothes. This is the color you want to wear. Orange is a very increases your metabolism makes you have more energy. So it's a very fun, high, high high color when you see it, you want to take action. So if you have an action oriented website or something you want people to do, orange is a great color to encourage people to do that white purity cleanliness and innocence. So, um, people often ask me, how about light blue or how about pink? Right? Just take the color and then modify it down a little bit when you add white, it just numbs the effect of the intensity of that color when incidents purest form grey. Grey is the most neutral color. Um, I wear gray when I want the content to speak for itself or what? I'm trying to not be the center of attention. So it's actually not a bad color to avoid. People always like, oh, I would never you know grey. Why do you ever want to be practical quiet or neutral? It can be quite a powerful color if you wear it in the right situation. So, I do wear gray when I'm teaching a very serious seminar, I will wear it. So we can focus all on the content or if I'm doing a very interactive workshop and I want them to be the focus. I wear gray so that I kind of can just be a facilitator. They're doing the hard work. I want them to focus on it so you can use gray in a very powerful way.
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