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Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Food Photography for Instagram®

Penny De Los Santos

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Food Photography for Instagram®

Penny De Los Santos

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1. Class Introduction

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Class Introduction

Hello. Things is a surreal moment. I just have to think so, uh, I'm gonna start this thing. Okay. Wow. Is that how I started this slideshow? I didn't realize that, um, I'm a food photographer. I started not as a food photographer. I sort of fell into food photography, but I've been shooting food for, say, about 10 years. Um, and one of the things that people always say to me is I mean, everywhere I go Hey, my feet, my photos are horrible on instagram or on my phone. Can you help me? And then they show me their photos. And I'm like, Wow, those are horrible. Um, so I'm here to help you with that. And I feel like, you know, maybe I might be able to kind of guide you to sea food differently to think about food differently and, more importantly, to just have fun. So this is we're gonna do. We gonna have fun. We're gonna laugh at ourselves. I'm gonna laugh at myself so much because I haven't looked at the food that they ordered a while ago. And this is gonna be a total journey. I may not hav...

e a career after this. Okay, so here's Ah, By the end of this course, this workshop, you will be able to identify a good food subject like what? Looks good. What looks amazing. This is something I said in an interview a while ago for Creativelive. But food should really make you say yum when I see something that arrives at my table or wherever in my house, my initial thought, If it's yum Oh, man, Then I'm grabbing my camera, so that should be an instinctual kind of gut reaction. And then your second, that should be Where's my where's my phone? So just that's like my in general like any photograph instincts are key. And so the minute you start to really listen to your instincts, then you know that that you should be following them, and then you should grab your okay. Um, I'm also gonna help you guys adjust, elevate the food to make it look better. Whether you're like ordering food at a restaurant or in a food truck or your at home making food, I'm gonna help you kind of like come to a point where you kind of play with it a little bit and make it look a little nicer. Um, what else am I gonna do? I'm gonna be ableto help you capture what your eyes actually seeing. So, you know, I started photographing and shooting film, and I shot color transparency. So there wasn't any of this post production, you know, s o. I grew up in this kind of, uh what's the word I'm looking for, Just influence of just kind of like photographing what you really want to see. Like, I want to see a dark sky. I want to see rich colors. I want to see a beautiful moment. And I'm going to get that in the camera first. I'm not going to create it in post, so that's my kind of philosophy. And that's what I try to dio. And then oftentimes, if I can't get it and this may be a shocker, I just don't get it, and I choose not to post it. I mean, that's the other option is, if you don't feel like you made a great photograph, you just don't post it. So you gotta be a good editor of your own work. Um, so and then I'm gonna help you have a better understanding of food styling, propping kind of talk about that a minute ago and just the help. You understand the basic elements of what a good photograph with a good food photograph looks like. Okay, so, uh, who should be watching anybody who loves food? Anybody who enjoys cooking, anybody who likes to eat anybody who just has a passion for photography. But I'm assuming all of you guys here in some degree because you chose to be here, right? You guys do enjoy food, right? Yeah, everybody. Yeah. Okay. Cool. I mean, that's really the key, I think, to making a great food photograph if you're not into it. If you don't love your subject, if you're not engaged in it, it's just never gonna It's never gonna be a great moment. Um, okay. Uh, if you've got a food blogger, if you have, like, a food centered interest, this is a great This is a great thing for you to watch. I can help you get better as a photographer. And if you love travel, I mean food and travel go hand in hand. I mean, it is like I shoot a lot of travel and because and because I shoot a lot of trouble because I shoot food like an editor is gonna send me on an assignment because I can get two things at once. I can photograph location. I can photograph scenes and landscapes and I can shoot food, which is kind of key. So Okay, uh, I kind of went over this, but yeah, I've been photographing food for 10 years, and I've been a professional photographer for 20. I wasn't sure where I should start counting. I mean, I started shooting pictures when I was so, you know, I've been doing it 20 years moment. Okay, That was a joke, and it didn't happen. Um, okay, I've made a ton of mistakes and I'm probably gonna make a ton today, so just know that I mean, I I'm constantly learning, and there's a whole entire world of APS and like the phone, the phone itself is always getting updates. So it's always changing because I was using this one app because you couldn't You couldn't actually get a full frame and instagram. And now I don't have to use that app because Instagram finally made an update. And now I can get a full frame image and instagram blah blah, blah, blah, right? So it's always changing. Um, let's see. I have a true passion for telling stories that are centered around food. And I, you know, this is what I do for a living. This is how I make my living. This is my lifestyle. Um, and finally, I have a deep rooted belief that food is what connects all of us. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, how much money you make, what religion you believe in when you sit at a table. We all speak one language, and it connects us. I've sat at tables around the world, and I'm here to tell you that it can be an amazing moment. It's a sacred, sacred space. And those are the moments I want a photograph.

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Not what I expected. Shouldn't food styling be an essential part of this? It's like being a photographer but not being good at composition...

Jesie Schilling

I love how she took a picture with her phone but I rather used my camera and it gives more better photos and lighting but with a phone you can post it on your own websites and that's way I signed up for this websites.

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