Lesson Info
Class Introduction
(applause) Excellent, great. I'm real excited about this class because I love frequency separation. I think it's absolutely amazing. I'm just gonna tell you a little bit about myself so you know why I'm here. Actually this tells you nothing about why I'm here but it tells you what I do. Hopefully gives me a little bit of legitimacy, so I've been doing retouching for, criminy, well over 25 years, back when Photoshop had no layers, if you can even imagine such a thing. I love Photoshop, I think it's fantastic. I come from a photographic background. I have a degree in Photography, and found that I was a much better retoucher than a photographer, so I managed to head that way. I do a lot of entertainment, I'm all print, so not screen stuff but print, which is cool 'cause means the detail and resolution is more important to me, so I'm a little pickier than perhaps screen resolution people, so hopefully I'll be able to teach you some good tips. A little bit about my work, let me just show ...
you a few things I do; advertising work, Cup o' Noodles, delicious. A lot of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and because they're expanding so much I've got a lot of business, which is fantastic. I love to work on independent films, or more arty films; this was a design I did. I did not do the finish but I designed this for Diary of a Teenage Girl. More and more illustrations are coming out in movie posters, which is cool or TV work. I've done decades of ABC work. I worked on ABC for a very long time, they've been very, very good to me. Done animation work, and I will tell you, animation and people, real people, it's all the same. It's all the same techniques, all the same stuff. It's all fun. Inhumans is a new TV show coming out on ABC with Marvels. A lot of hair, skin. I do a lot of beauty work, an absolute lot of beauty work. Which is why skin and frequency separation are gonna be really good to do. Give you some ideas, some fun stuff. Had I known frequency separation on this job, it would've been a completely different conversation, that's all I've got to say. I'm fairly new to frequency separation, what would you say, in the last two years maybe? Came to it a little late because I ... I was scared, let's just call a spade a spade, I was scared. So I'm gonna talk a little bit about frequency separation now if that's all right. Do you mind if I just jump on in? All right. Here's the thing about frequency separation. That name sucks. Frequency separation, what the hell does that mean? I don't know what that means, high-low, what. It's very scientific, and it doesn't need to be. And I think a lot of us, I'll speak for myself, I'm a visual artist, I am not a scientist, I'm not a calculator, and it really turned me off, the name so, I wish I was clever with names 'cause I'd come up with a cool name. But I would like to, for the duration of this course for you to stop thinking about it as frequency separation, and high-low. Just throw that out the window completely, and maybe we'll just call it color and blur for now. I'm gonna talk a little bit about what frequency separation, what the idea is behind it and hopefully you guys can see this, this is a little how-to. All right so I'm gonna talk about the basic recipe of frequency separation. It is a formula, it never changes unless you're doing 16-bit; it's always the same. So once you get the recipe down, you're cool, you can do it 100 times and you'd be happy. I'm gonna talk about utilizing filters along with frequency separation, and I'm gonna talk about doing a painting, utilizing painting; really into painting in Photoshop. We're gonna talk about doing guys versus women, 'cause it's a little different. We have some actions, I have some actions on frequency separation that you get with the bonus material, and there's three different kinds and why there are three different kinds of actions that you can download is, as we go through this course you're gonna see there's a basic frequency separation. There's frequency separation with a certain set of filters, then there's frequency separation with some extra layers for painting. It's all the same formula, it's just a question of how many layers you're gonna use in it. I'm gonna talk about work flow. Maybe I'll talk about work flow right now. A lot of people don't know frequency separation, and I like to teach these courses from A, pro-work standard work flow, so I'm presuming, you guys kind of work like me, you have clients. You have to deliver files to those clients. Occasionally, or more often than not you need to deliver layered files. You give a layered to a client with frequency separation and they have no idea what that is, that's not gonna go well. So here's my suggestion for your work flow. While you're doing your job, do your frequency separation. The file you deliver to your client, merge that. Do not give your client a frequency separation or even another coworker who's working and retouching with you if they do not know it. 'Cause it'll just mess them up in the worst way, and they'll mess up the file, and as all things it'll come back to you that you delivered a product that wasn't usable. So as far as work flow goes, my suggestion is you keep your layered system, layered you keep it all fully expanded, you deliver flat or merged frequency separation. And I might talk about that later again. At the end I would like to discuss using skin from other people. Ooh. I like to use myself on these beauty retouching workshops because retouching yourself is such a painful thing to do. And if you haven't done it, I highly suggest before you become a retoucher and retouch on other people, retouch on yourself. Get a sense of what it feels like, because it's a very personal thing to take items in or out, and it's kind of insulting actually so insult yourself first, figure it out, and then move on.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Bonus Materials
Ratings and Reviews
Magic Lisa is the best teacher. She makes learning Photoshop fun. Great course. Lisa has a great teaching style. She mixes in a great speech cadence, great voice up and down and pausing, jokes, and is extremely knowledgeable and fun to watch. Awesome course.
a Creativelive Student
I thought this course was absolutely excellent; Lisa's style of teaching worked perfectly for me. I loved how she related what she was doing to how a professional might incorporate the methods into their workflow with clients (and without, when they're doing it for themselves only, such as a photographer). She mentioned at the top of the course that this is an advanced workshop, so she wasn't going to be detailing all of the shortcuts, assuming that those who are taking this course either (a) know them already or (b) are savvy enough to look up the basics via the help topics in PS. (Super easy to do.) Lisa demystified the process for me, made it very approachable and doable, and I had fun listening to her. Would highly recommend.
Sonya Messier
This technic is awesome. I do not do portrait, but I use it to clean pave roads and trucks. It save me a lot of time and I can be so much more creative. Lisa is wonderful and I love her teaching. Congratulations Lisa, good job!