Image Review, Organization, and Selection
Lesson 9 from: From Capture Through Edit Using LightroomJared Platt

Image Review, Organization, and Selection
Lesson 9 from: From Capture Through Edit Using LightroomJared Platt
Lesson Info
9. Image Review, Organization, and Selection
Class Introduction
01:29 2Outline
03:36 3Creative Cloud Overview
07:07 4The Camera
16:38 5Perfect Exposure
27:39 6Exposure Test Comparison
15:31 7Lightroom Overview
16:49 8Importing Images
18:01Image Review, Organization, and Selection
11:52 10Image Editing and Enhancement
54:16 11Profiles and Presets
22:16 12Local Adjustments
30:50 13Black and White
09:24 14Retouching
22:48 15Synchronization
10:40 16HDR (High Dynamic Range)
28:14 17Panoramas
13:27 18Photoshop
19:10 19Sharing
37:24 20Sharing Via Connections
05:49 21Adobe Portfolio
43:14 22Printing
10:38 23Lightroom Mobile Overview
37:32 24Lightroom Mobile Camera
06:12 25Tips and Tricks
37:44 26Archiving
15:51 27The End
09:10Lesson Info
Image Review, Organization, and Selection
once you've actually imported images in tow. Light room. Andi. Remember, they are stored deep inside of a folder, that light room alone control. So you don't control any of that. What you control is how you view those images. What we're going to do is we're going to start the process of reviewing those images, selecting him, adding some key words to him and sorting and organizing those images. So that's the next process after we've imported Now, I've already got some images here from my trip over to Europe, and I want to look through those images, so I've already got them imported into light room. But they're also inside of a folder or an album, and I call it Light Room Lessons. Travel Europe. Now remember that you can create a folder or an album on the way in. So when you're importing those images, you immediately want to create a album for them to go into so that they're not just out there in all the photos, they literally have a place toe reside. So we have this spot, and I specific...
ally I'm going to show you how to find images even if you haven't selected them, even if you haven't put them into albums or anything like that. Because I can also go directly to all photos so I can click on all photos. So now I'm looking at every photo, which is 50,000 photos. I'm looking at 50,000 photos right now, and you could scroll and scroll and scroll and hardly ever get to the end of. But if I want to find specific photos, I could do that by simply going up to the top and clicking on the search feature. Now, I confined photos based on certain search criteria. Like do they have stars? Do they have flags? What kind of camera was shot? And there's a whole bunch of different cameras where the location was, What their sink status is, what people are in them. So I can search by those types of things. But I'm mawr interested in finding images based on what I'm looking for. And I'm looking for a very specific place and I want toe review the images that I took in a place called Whole Stock. And so I'm gonna go and type in h A l l s t a t There we go. So it's TT and you can see that there I could search just information. So generally speaking, or it's already said, Hey, I have some images that were geo Mark, uh, as whole stock. So if I click on that, it's just going to show me all the images that I have from whole stock, which is great because now I can actually click on the first image and hit command or control a so that select all of the images. And now I could actually go over to the albums area and click the little plus button and I can create an album. I'm gonna call that album Paul Stott, and I'm gonna include those 29 photos and hit Create. Now it has already just created a of analgesic for me called Whole Stott. So now from here on out, I can just go to that folder. I don't have to do the search. It's right there so you can see how easy it is to search for something. If you want to search for something specific, you can also search by what's in the photograph, not necessarily the Geo location, but I can come back up here and Aiken search for, say, a lake. And so there I have a bunch of pictures with lakes and things that it thinks are lakes Like, for instance, this blue makes it think that this stage is a lake. But it's not on Ben. I can also say, but I also want I know that I'm looking for something that was a woman in front of the lake. So I'm gonna put woman into that. So now I've got photos with women in front of lakes, and it also thinks that that's a lake for some reason. So sometimes it's not exactly right. But it will help you find all the images you're looking for. And then I'm going to say I also want to make sure that it was shot with a certain camera. So I want it. I know that it was shot with my mark four. So I'm gonna click on that. And so now see how I'm adding criteria to things and then I also want to make sure that it hasn't least three stars and that it was picked and Oh, look at this. I found a girl in front of a stream. I found a woman in front of a lake. So I'm finding all these images. And if this is, that's I think that's the image I want. So there we go. I've got my image. I found it. Bravo. So if you're looking for a very specific image, it's not very hard to find it because you have intelligent learning machines that air up in the cloud doing all that work for you. So then you can collect those images, put them into albums just like we did previously. Bond. That's how we organize and find images. So I want to go through these images and select my favorite so that we can work on them. And I'm looking at these images that I started quite a ways away from Hall stopped, and I thought that this was going to be the shot. But it turns out that that's really not the best shot. And I realized that later. And so I'm not even gonna pick any of these, but I'm going to kind of go through. I like this church. So I'm gonna pick this image, and I'm gonna hit the Z key for pick why they use the Zeki it's because it's right next to the X key, which is reject. Um, so the Zeki adds a pick or a flag to that, and you can see that that flag is active down here. See that flag that tells me that that image is picked. If I go to the grid, you can then see that this image has a flag on it. So I also going toe add a star, and I can either come down here and Aiken add stars right here just by clicking on the stars. Or I could just simply click the one the two, the three, the four or the five key, and that will give me my stars. So let's just give this a two star rating aan den. I'm gonna go through, and I'm looking at this swan. I like this lake. So I'm definitely gonna hit the Z key and pick that one and give it, uh, 23 stars on deny love this swan. So I'm going to click on this one. This is my favorite one. Here. Pick that one and give it three stars. But I like this one to I'm gonna pick that one and give it. I'm going to give this 14 stars, because I can I have an idea for this one. And so I'm picking that one. Um, I also like this shot of the swan like coming up to me. So I'm gonna pick that one and give it one star, and then I I like this shot. I'm going to give this pick and two stars and noticed that I'm picking and giving it a star so that so that the images picked and it's got a star so that I know that these air images I like, But I also like these specific ones more on DSO. I like this one with my wife. I'm gonna pick that one. Give it two stars, Andi. Then I get to this one, and this is see how I've got a much better shot here because I'm closer. And so I really like this shot and I've done two things here. Number one, I've got shots that work just fine. But I also did Cem hdr work just in case because this was a little bit bright and I was worried that I might not have all the information I need. So I did some HDR work, and you can see that I've got this HDR set here that's a normal and under and over, and I'm probably gonna want to merge those, and so I'm actually going to pick all of those. So I highlight the first one and shift click to the last one, and that gives me all three of those are collected, and then I'm going to hit P r Z key for pick, and I'm gonna do a four star rating on those. And that just added four stars tau all of those images that were selected, um, and then I'm gonna go and get this shot of the swan coming towards me. And I kind of like this shot of this alleyway with these people walking, and so I'm gonna pick that one and give it one star. Okay, so I have done my selecting now just so that we can talk a little bit about key wording. If I click on this image of the swan that's coming up to me and really you know, he's giving me the evil eye. I like that image. I don't need to put the word swan in there because the the AI is going to know. I don't need to put Lake in there either. I don't need to put Mountain in there. I don't need to put whole stop because the GPS tells us we're in hall stock. So what I'm going to put in instead is I'm going to go into the keyword section and I'm gonna add the keyword brave and it hit a comma and then I'm going to say, um let's see. Ah, tough. So I've got brave tough. So I'm looking for metaphoric type of ideas, things that I would want to use if I was If I was thinking about something, Andi, I was thinking I want to do a a social media post on being brave. Um, then I could type in brave and this image would come up because the metaphor is what I'm interested in. So, uh, if you think of a metaphor when you're looking at your photos, put those into the keywords and then enter. And now you've got brave and tough as metaphors for this photograph, you might also be able to put a glassy lake in there because the A I might not look for Glassy Lake. So I've got a glassy lake there, so that's good. You could also say, uh, not morning, evening so evening might be something that you're looking for. So the point is that keywords are not for visual items that the A, I can figure out. It is for metaphoric ideas, things that you want to be able to find these images that are not necessarily visual cues in the images. They are intellectual ideas inside the images. So now that we've selected are images and we've added a few key words were ready to go into the next phase, which is adjusting and working on those images, and that's the really fun stage. But I like looking at the images to, but we get to really start working on these images and make them something special.
Class Materials
1. Lightroom Presets and Profiles
2. RAW Images To Follow Along With
3. Lightroom Creative Cloud Schematic
Ratings and Reviews
Teresa Piccioni
Great great great class: Jarett explains the Lightroom workflow clearly and thoroughly. I am not a native English person and my English is quite poor but Jarett explains in a very simply and clearly way everything and I understand all chapters perfectly. Thanks guys, great job. I highly recommend this lesson to everybody,
I have watched each and everyone of Jared's classes on Creative Live and they are first class. I've waited a long time for a new one and now we have it and it's another gem. This is a wonderful overview of Lightroom and will repay watching sections (or all of it) several times to absorb the wealth of information presented. For anyone new to Lightroom, this is just what the doctor ordered.
Bess Palmer
Great class. So informative with just the right amount of practical examples combined with clear theory. He speaks clearly, confidentially and calmly so it was easy to follow him. I watched the whole 8 hours straight through