Lesson Info
19. Sharing
Class Introduction
01:29 2Outline
03:36 3Creative Cloud Overview
07:07 4The Camera
16:38 5Perfect Exposure
27:39 6Exposure Test Comparison
15:31 7Lightroom Overview
16:49 8Importing Images
18:01Image Review, Organization, and Selection
11:52 10Image Editing and Enhancement
54:16 11Profiles and Presets
22:16 12Local Adjustments
30:50 13Black and White
09:24 14Retouching
22:48 15Synchronization
10:40 16HDR (High Dynamic Range)
28:14 17Panoramas
13:27 18Photoshop
19:10 19Sharing
37:24 20Sharing Via Connections
05:49 21Adobe Portfolio
43:14 22Printing
10:38 23Lightroom Mobile Overview
37:32 24Lightroom Mobile Camera
06:12 25Tips and Tricks
37:44 26Archiving
15:51 27The End
09:10Lesson Info
one of the most important things that you can do as a photographer is share your images. Now, of course, you have to take the images and you have to edit the images. But if if you take the images and you edit the images and you spend all this effort on them, but you don't share them, what was the point in taking him in the first place? So we need to have an easy way to share our images. Unfortunately for you, light room is a sharing machine inside of light room. If you go over the top right hand corner, you're gonna find a box with an arrow pointing up that is the share button. When I click on it, I have quite a few options. The first set of options is an export option, which allows you to send out small J pegs. Large, full size, 100% quality J pegs the original images so you can send someone, or you can export those to a ah hard drive, and we'll talk about that when we talk about archiving. But essentially you can share images with yourself or with other people by exporting them as va...
rious types of exports. Now, these three here are typical, so small J peg for maybe social media large J peg for print original so that you can archive them or send them to someone like art director or something like that, Um, and then also down at the bottom. You have previous settings, so this is just whatever you did last time, it will do it again on Ben, you have custom settings, and when you have custom settings, if you click on custom settings, it will give you options to choose JPEG stiffs, D N cheese or original settings. And then you can also use dimensions so you can choose small, full size or a custom. When you do custom, you get choose whether you're talking and inches, centimeters or pixels and how big the long side is and what the quality is going to be. You can also choose to include a watermark, and this little gearbox here will help you edit that watermark. I'm not a big fan of watermark, so I don't use that, but you can certainly click on here and then click this edit button, and that will allow you to choose whether you're going to do a text, uh, watermark or whether you're going to do a graphic watermark. And you just have the upload a graphic watermark. Tell it where to anchor it, right, Left, middle bottom, wherever 11 of these sides. And then once you have it anchored, then you will choose. So if it was a text watermark, you can see the text watermark is down in the left hand side, and I can choose how big that watermark is gonna be. And I can choose the opacity of that watermark. And I can also choose horizontally and vertically how close it is to the corner that I've anchored it to. And so if you go to the graphic one, you're just gonna upload graphic. So if I click on graphics and I go to my creative cloud files and I go to my logo files, which would be right here and down here There we go. Uh, this one choose. And now I've got a logo in the bottom left hand corner and I can increase the opacity to 100%. And I can choose how far away from the corner it's gonna be the size that it's going to be and what corner it is going to be anchored on. So have a lot of options. When it comes to water marking my images, they're they're watermarked. If I don't want a watermark, just don't include the watermark. And now it disappears. Below that. I can include all the all the, all the watermark, all the metadata as well as the copyright on Lee information. So if I don't want to include everything like where it was and the shutter speeds and apertures and stuff like that, I can just do copyright on Lee. And that's fine, too. Then that's actually a really good way to send most images out. Some people need the extra metadata going out, but most people copyright on Lee is a good way to go. Then file naming You can either choose the original file name or you could do a custom name on the way out, and you can choose the starting number, and you can also choose the custom name that's going out. So it'll say, like I could say Platt. And then, uh, it will. It will do. Platt Dash one plant dash to plant Dash three or Aiken due date and file names. So it will give me the actual file name that exists and the date that it was taken. So I can I can choose several items. It's for those of you who are used to light room classic where they have a new infinite naming structure. This is not the same as that, but it does have a couple options, and then you have output sharpening. And that's just for basic out putting when you print. Usually you do a little sharpening before you print on dso matte or glossy versus screen. Or you can put none, and then color space and color space is based on where you're going to send it. If you're gonna put it on the Web, it's needs to be s RGB. If you're gonna send it to a printer that's going to just print a print from it, usually they're gonna want an SRG BIA's Well, um, or if you're gonna send it to a designer or someone who's gonna edit that photo they're gonna definitely wanna in pro photo RGB or R RGB 1998 Adobe RGB. So depending on where you're sending it, you'll want to choose one of these, uh, color space options, and then you can export that file. So when you go to the sharing box, the first area is export, and export has a lot of different options on it. But it is essentially for exporting files that then you are going to take control of and send them to someone, whether it's on dropbox or on on a disk, or whether you're going to put them in a hard drive for yourself or you're gonna upload them to a service of some sort. That's up to you. But that's where that ISS below that you'll see a share option that allows you to get a link, invite people or even share edits. Now let me explain these to you. The first one. Get a link. Remember, everything that you put into light room is going up to the cloud. It's being backed up there, which means that every single image that you have up there can potentially have a link directly to that image or a link directly to that album of images. And so that means you can share them very easily by simply getting a link to that photo or to that group of photos. So if you click that it's going to open up a little dialog box right here. That's called share and invite, and it's going to ask you some questions about how you want to share this. Do you want people to have, uh, full access to it? Anyone convey you it, or just by invite Onley on diff, it's by invite. Only it will only go toe one email address and they'll be the only people of a allowed to look at it. Or you can do it. Anybody that has the actual link, you can copy this link. You can send it to Facebook or Twitter. You can invite someone directly with their email address, or you can also customize what they're going to see. You can customize the way the photo grid is gonna look. Whether it's a dark or light appearance. You can turn on and off the title or the author. You could go into the settings, and you can even allow them to download a J peg. You can allow them to see the metadata, allow them to see the location. You could even allow them to comment and like the photographs eso all of this customization is really up to you on. Then, once you copy that link, let me take you to that link so that you can see exactly what they're going to see. So you see that there's Onley one photo available, and it's a dark website with the date of that photo on it. And then this person who's looking at it has the ability to review it or if they log in, which right now they're not logged in. But if they log in, they could also comment and like the image and maybe even download the image if I gave them permissions. So this is what it would look like if I only sent them access toe one image. But it's a very easy way. Remember, they're already up there, so all you have to do is say, Oh, I want to send that over to someone to review it, So just get the link, text it or email it to someone and say, Hey, take a look, see what you think. They look at it, they make some comments on it, and then then you can take that link and turn it off eso, so it's a great way for people to be able to look at your images. Now, if you go to the invite area, you'll notice next to the email address. There are two buttons on eyeball and a little photo with the plus button. The eyeball means that they can view on Lee, but the photo with the plus button means that they can be a contributor to the album that you're sharing, which means they can upload images into that album. You could send or post this, uh, this Web link to an album full of images and and posted on Facebook, or post it anywhere, um, to your fans or to your friends or your family. And then everybody who has an adobe I d can simply and that it's been invited as a contributor can simply upload images to that particular album. And then anybody who has that link can see them. So it's a it's an easy way to create a sharing opportunity for random other people. Now, keep in mind that everybody who sees that link anybody who has the copy of that link can see all the images that air going up into your album, so just just be aware of that and use it wisely. Um, this is kind of a new fledgling, uh, capability, and I think that as time goes on, it will get more interesting and more robust. But for now, it's just a fun way to share images with people that we know and trust. Ah, I like it. Play around with a See what you think. Now, if we go back to the sharing menu at the bottom of that second section, which is the share you'll see that you can share edits now sharing edits is really interesting, because when you click on it now, you have the opportunity to give it a title, give it a description and then a category. So in this case, we might choose lifestyle. We would choose a person. So there we go people, and there's an animal. So let's say animals and then enable saves Preset allows people to take everything you did to this photo and save it as a preset, which means they could just download the preset. So if you did something really awesome and you want to share it with the world you can do it this way, and they will be able thio click a button and download the preset that will allow their photo toe look like yours. Assuming that the preset that they're downloading is gonna make their photo look like yours, which it might not, because maybe your preset did a lot of things that will ruin their photos. So I don't know that it's the best option just to download someone's thinking. But, you know, knock yourself out. If you wanna let people play around with what you did, you can save it as a preset. You can also include the location information, and then if you share this, it is going to show people how you adjusted your image. So it's going to show the image. And then it's going to show all the slider positions and what you did to the photo to get it to that point. So pretty interesting thing you can actually see that if you cancel out of here, you can actually go over to the learn and discover tabs over on the top left hand corner, and you're going to find people who have posted stuff like that. So that's what that is. It's a social media sharing four photographers toe learn how people did what they did to their photos. So if you're interested in doing that, I would first go to the learn and discover tabs and play around in there and see what you think of what other people are doing and decide whether or not you want to share your edits. With that same crowd now, below that, our connections and connections we will cover a little bit later. But they're essentially vendors, vendors that have a direct connection to your light room catalog so I can send Prince Toe White House custom color, which is actually the printer I use. So that's awesome that they have a connection point in here. I also consent them to blurb, which is a bookmaker, and I also use blurb as my bookmaker. So that's pretty awesome, too. I happen to also use SmugMug and SmugMug is in here. And so it looks like I've chosen all the right vendors to be my vendors because light room has all three of those vendors plugged in already. Now their arm or vendors that will come as time goes on. You will see that Maura, these connections will be made on Do. You can add the connections as they come, but right now, the only four connections that they have as of the turn of the year between 2020 and 2021 are four connection points. And that's White House custom color blurb, SmugMug and Adobe Portfolio. And we'll talk about all of these a little bit later, um, in a little bit more depth. And we'll talk about Adobe Portfolio in a lot more death because this is an amazing, amazing tool because it's a website that you already own. So you don't need to pay for a website if you don't have one, or if you don't like the one you have, Adobe Portfolio can make your website just like that. I mean, it is super fast, and it's beautiful, and you can kind of tweaked the design, and it's so easy to add your images to it. So if you want to see my Adobe portfolio website, it is Jared plat dot us So. Jared platt dot us is my adobe portfolio website, and I'm kind of growing it all the time. It's kind of small and fun, but I love it. I think it's a fantastic little website. And if you can, uh, add everything to your website directly from light room, why wouldn't you? I know that I've just shown you a lot of different ways to share images with the client or with anybody. You can export them a JPEG, Zara's, PSD s or tiffs or a Z D and GS. You could do a lot of things, just sharing the physical images with them. You can send them to connection points by printing them a White House custom color. You could even share them with other photographers and show them how you share those editors. There's a lot of different ways to share, but the really cool way that I love sharing images with my clients and with my family is through. The album itself now already showed you that you can share one image. Share him a link. Remember, it's up in the cloud so you can share the link and they can see the one image. You've seen that, but what I love doing is sharing the entire album with someone. So if I'm in light room and I right click an album. I can go to either share, too. And there's the connection points again or I can share an invite. But now, even though I've got the same dialog box here this time, I'm sharing an entire album with someone I'm going to share that album. Uh, anyone convey you it? I'm gonna copy that link. I could invite someone. I'm gonna make sure that they are viewing it on Lee. I'm not asking them toe add to the collection. Um, in the customization. I like the title. I like the author. I can either do a photo grid, a column or one up I'm gonna do column, which is good appearances light because my website is light. So I wanted to kind of have the same feel. I'm gonna go to the settings. I don't want them to be able to download J pegs in this instance, but if you want them to just turn it on, show the metadata, show the location. That's all fine with me. And I definitely want them to allow comments and likes. Now again, I've copied this by just clicking on that little clipboard, and then I'm going to go back to the customization. I'm going to customize this on the Web because there's a lot more options once you get to the website. So I'm gonna click on Customize on the Web. It's going to take me to my version of the website because I can see their version of the website if I click done and I just simply click on this link right up at the top. If I click on that link, it's going to take me to their version of the website. So this is what it looks like on their end when they look at it. This is what they see. When I look at it, this is what I see. So I see it within all of my light room catalog, which is also up on the Web in what we call light room Web. And it looks fairly similar that's fairly limited. But it's there and you can see that I've got that same album and it's up here and it's showing me what their websites gonna look like. Now look down here in the bottom left hand corner. I can look at this as a grid. I can look at this as a grid with stars and information and stuff like that, and it looks very similar to what you see inside of light room on your computer. Then, if I go to this little painter palette, this painter palette is what their websites gonna look like. And what you see here at the bottom of their website in this little floating box is the theme. So do I want it to be kind of like this, like a grid? Or do I want it to be more like this where it's two columns? Or do I want one picture at a time, kind of in a blog's style, I tend to prefer this style, and do I want it to be dark, or do I want it to be light? And then if I expand this, I can change the title. I can show the author, and this is what I really like is that I can use a cover. Now it's going to start looking like this. So if I'm if I'm looking at this website, this is what it would normally look like. If I use the cover as a hero image when I click on it now, I've got a cover image up here is the hero image, and I can use that as a background as well. But that's I always think that's weird. So I'm going to click on Hero Image and then once I go up to the top and I can choose any of these images to be the hero simply by clicking on it like this, So I just check box it. Then I go up to the top in this blue bar and I tell it to set. This is the cover. I could also delete it, remove it at it to another collection or album. I should say, Um so there's a lot of things that I can agonize keywords. I can share it. So all of those same options that are available inside of light room on your computer is also available in light room up on the Web, although a little bit of a different interface. But I can set. This is the cover Now I've already set this one is the cover, but I'm going to go down and set. This one here is the cover. So I'm going to click on that. I'm going to go up and set. It is the cover, and now that's hopes That's not the one I wanted. This one is the cover. So I click on this and go up to here and I said, It is the cover and there it is. It's set is the cover and then I can re negotiate the crop on it by simply clicking on this little photo icon. And then I could just move this up and down. So I'm just gonna move it like, say, right there and apply. And now that's the cover image. And if I go to their version of the website and refresh it, everything has changed and it's totally responsive. So if I make it like an IPhone, so if I'm looking at on the phone, it's gonna look like this. And if I look at it on, say, an IPad, it's gonna look like this. And if I look at it on a computer, it's gonna look like this. So it's completely responsive, and now I'm going to go back, and I can start editing this so I can click edit. And that means I can add information here about the photo shoot. This is your proof site. Please choose your favorite. They've or right image. Thank you for trusting me with your portrait. It's okay. Hope you're okay. So then I click done. And now I've got a little text message there for them. And, Aiken, do all the editing I like. I can also go in and find areas where I want to start a break and I can adhere. Ah, photos of the dog. So now you can see that if I go to their website and refresh, not only is the message there for them, but also the brakes with the photos of the dog. And I can add more breaks here just by simply going back to the website. And I can add breaks. Now if I just want to add a break here. I can just click on here, hit this little plus button, and it adds a break. But I don't have toe add anything into the break. I could just hit done. And now there's a space between that set of photos and this set of photos. And then I could go down until I find a place to break and click that area there. And I can click done again, and it keeps breaking up the photos until this one is the final photo, which I then could add another message. Right before that one on, I could say Thank you again for your business there. So So really, it's a Blawg style situation. I'm creating a little blawg page that has photos on it, and it's really easy to customize that for the client and let them look at it now. Once they're at it, they can go into the photos, and if they click on an image, they can look at it. They can click on the info and see information, including the name of the photo, and they can comment. And like so they can add a heart to it. And it will show who there, of course, gonna have to log in. But the adobe ideas completely free. So there's no reason that they wouldn't want to log in. They could just log in here and they can add comments down at the bottom. They can say, I love this photo, and now they have left a comment, and they've added a heart, which means that now you will be able to see which ones they like, and you'll be able to see what their comments on those images actually are. So once they've commented or liked on an image, then when I go back to my light room catalog on my computer, you'll notice that there are some new flags on my images and their little hearts. So there's a heart on a little comment area. And if I click on that image and go down to the comments section, which is this little, uh, this little quote looking bubble? If I click on that quote bubble, you'll see there's Ah, heart. And then there's a comment from my client. This is I love this photo, so you are able to post those images to the website. Your client can log into the website, look at the images, heart them comment on them, and then you just simply have to go into a light room and look for those little flags, and they'll tell you what to do with the photos, what the comments are and whether they like this photo or that photo. Now, there's also one other way for them to view the photos. So instead of going to the artist palette. I'm going to go over to the little photo with the check mark next to it, and when I click on that, you're gonna find that there's kind of a strange, empty area now, in this case, I have one image in here because the client is already commented on it. But if I go over to the top right hand corner and click on this plus button in order to allow the client in to see this style of website, I have to enable proofing. When I enable proofing. It gives me two options. It gives me a link and it's a different link than the stay stylized website. So there's a stylized website where you can write things and it looks a little bit more like a blogger. A little bit more like a website, and this is very much a different link, so it's a completely different link. So if you copy this link, you can tell the client they can only have one photo or they can only have five photos. So maybe they've paid for five retouched photos, so you give them five selections. So once they've once you've set that up, then It's just a matter of taking that and emailing that. So we're just gonna go and log in to that site and this is what it looks like. It's very different. It's not stylized. It's a proof on Lee website, and I can either see the images from a thumbnail view and just click on him. Say, I want that one and I want this one and I want that one or I can actually click on the image and I see the image and I If I like the image, then I can click on the check box as I'm looking at it in its full view and click. Yes, I want that one. So now it tells me four of five have been selected, and I can leave a comment and say, Please remove the ah pattern from the dog scarf. There we go and pattern is spelled wrong. There you are. Okay. And I post that comment. And so now that comment comes to me from the client and the check box. Now, watch what happens if I I've got four selected. I'm gonna choose 1/5. And now, if I choose a six that does nothing because I've already chosen my five. And so this limits their ability to choose to many photos, which is really quite helpful. If you say, Hey, you're paying for an album of 30 images. There you go. Choose your 30 images for those of you who are not professional photographers. But you are taking a lot of photos and you want to send them someone, and you're asking them to make a selection of their favorite image. You could just say you only get to choose to images, and the great thing is is that you can ask 30 different people to comment on these images. So send that link to 30 different people. And then when you come back in the light room and you go into this album and simply when you're when you're in this album, go to the Sharon invite and then go to the customized panel and say, Customize on the Web. That's what's going to get you to your portal of that website and then go down to the proofing option right here. Click on the proofing option and you will see the selections that have been made by your client or by your friends and you'll see their comments. Plus, you can see who chose what. So if you go over to the top middle area of this proofing, uh, portal, you can then go up to the top and click on activity, and you can say what a Jared Platt thing. And so now you can see which ones Jared toggled, and you can see which ones I commented on. And so when I click on it, there's my comment right there so I could go in and have 15 different people, and all 15 of them will show up here. Under this activity, I could look at all the activity at once or by individual. This is so helpful when you are trying to get lots of people to comment on a bunch of images. I do it with clients all the time. Commercial clients. I I never send them Thio anything but a adobe proofing site because it's so easy to get their comments. I don't need to get emails from people that say I want this image of that image. They just simply click the check mark. The check box tells me that's the image they want, and they can comment on it and tell me what to retouch. It's fantastic. Now there's one other way for you to share your images through light room, and it is awesome. And that is through your mobile device. Remember everything that you put in tow. Light room is shared with the cloud and then shared with all your devices, which means that you could do a whole bunch of work on your computer and you can edit your images and just your images, and you can put them into albums and organize them. And then the benefit really comes in when you're on your IPhone and so on. My IPhone I am and or any any mobile device, whether it's your android device or it's an apple device doesn't matter. Um, I'm gonna go to the same collection that we've just been looking at, and I'm going to scroll in. I want to share this with either the client or I want to share it on my social media. So I'm gonna scroll down until I find, and I'm gonna actually sort these images and make sure that I am on Lee looking at the five star images. Great. Now I'm gonna look for this cute photo of this dog because it's a super pretty dog and I'm gonna click on the share option, which is right at the top. And it's just that same little square button with the arrow pointing up that you saw in the desktop application. So I'm gonna click on that button and I'm going to share to an application. And when I click on share to its's creating a J peg for me and it's prepping it and then a soon as it's ready, it's going to show me all of my options. And I can even click the MAWR button. And I even have MAWR options beyond that. So essentially every application that you have in your phone or on your tablet that accepts photos could be in this list a long as the the application allows you to share images to it. So I want to share this photo with Instagram, but I don't want to share it from the light room applications version of Instagram, which sometimes right now as of 2020 is a little glitchy. Anyway, um, I actually want to share it directly in the instagram application, so I want to send this photo to Instagram and then use Instagram because when you post something, if you use the instagram application, it actually works better. And you know, you can put the, uh, at references and and you know, that kind of stuff works better inside of instagram. So what I do is I long press instagram instead of sharing it with the instagram app, I'm going toe open it in the instagram app but I know those sound exactly the same, but opening in the APP is actually going to use the applications capabilities. So I'm gonna open in the app. I'm going to add it to my feed. I'm gonna choose the crop. I'm not going to adjust it any more than I've already and just adjusted it. And I'm just gonna say a beautiful dog was a part of a recent portrait. Don't you think that the dog matches the house? Okay, so I've just added a little a little statement about it. I could tag someone. I'm not necessarily going to tag anybody, but I am going to add it to Facebook. I prefer to post to instagram and then let Instagram post to Facebook because Facebook does a really lousy job posting images. So when you post to Facebook, the image looks bad. But if you post to instagram, the image looks good and then Instagram shares it with Facebook and it still looks good on Facebook. Just a little tip for you, Instagram Facebook. All your images look good. If you post directly to Facebook, the images look crappy. I don't know why. So I'm gonna hit share. There we go. I've got my instagram post and it has also been shared through my settings with Facebook. So my post is done, and I did that straight from my phone, and I happened to just pick it up. And whatever I was working on earlier, inside of light room on my desktop or on my IPad or whatever happened to be is now inside of my phone. I love it. It's a fantastic way toe work, so sharing your images is really important, and light room makes it very easy for you to do that, whether that's exporting images and sharing them in your own way or if it's sharing them through connections through vendors like printing prints or making books, or if it's simply making temporary websites or sharing them on a full fledged website
Class Materials
1. Lightroom Presets and Profiles
2. RAW Images To Follow Along With
3. Lightroom Creative Cloud Schematic
Ratings and Reviews
Teresa Piccioni
Great great great class: Jarett explains the Lightroom workflow clearly and thoroughly. I am not a native English person and my English is quite poor but Jarett explains in a very simply and clearly way everything and I understand all chapters perfectly. Thanks guys, great job. I highly recommend this lesson to everybody,
I have watched each and everyone of Jared's classes on Creative Live and they are first class. I've waited a long time for a new one and now we have it and it's another gem. This is a wonderful overview of Lightroom and will repay watching sections (or all of it) several times to absorb the wealth of information presented. For anyone new to Lightroom, this is just what the doctor ordered.
Bess Palmer
Great class. So informative with just the right amount of practical examples combined with clear theory. He speaks clearly, confidentially and calmly so it was easy to follow him. I watched the whole 8 hours straight through