Day 1
1Sue's Background and Philosophy
38:05 2Sue's Posing Rules
47:22 3Live Demo: Flow Posing
45:21 4Posing Q&A
12:21 5Mirroring Practice
16:23 6Live Posing: The Ottoman
17:37 7Live Posing: Covergirl Shot
26:06Live Posing: Beauty Shot
12:27 9Live View Shoot: Q&A
16:28 10Live Posing: The Wall Shot
13:07 11Bonus: Relaxed Mouths
08:06 12Audience Before & Afters
24:51 13Final Q&A and Wrap Up
33:10 14Wardrobe
16:23 15Freestyling
16:49 16Twos and Threes
46:31 17Shooting Curves
59:39 18Shooting Curves Q&A
29:37 19Bonus: Top Model Release App
02:21 20Natural Light Studio
31:33 21Introduction to Hair & Makeup
12:53 22Hair & Makeup Demo: Big Hair and Light Skin with Amanda
1:10:58 23Hair & Makeup Demo: Dark Skin with Ty
21:37 24Photoshop Sue Style
54:45 25Photoshop Q&A
12:21 26Business Sue
18:33 27Fusion Video and Stills
40:20 28Building a Business
26:50 29Pricing & Booking
18:02 30Business Goals
24:34 31Gift Vouchers
10:03 32Bonus: What Should You Charge?
02:45 33Marketing Your Business
28:07 34The Science of Marketing to Women
15:41 35Sales
13:13 36Sales Q&A
27:03Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Live Posing: Beauty Shot
I want to show you what I call the bt shot now for may a beauty shot is the sort of shocked that you see at estee lauder or you know you open a magazine and a beauty shot now the commercial definition of the beauty shop for a commercial photographer is you're either affection photographer or beauty maybe a beauty photographer the beauty photographer they do the makeup shots they're beautiful shots for may on creating a portrait vision off a beauty shot it was a huge seller in my business because not a lot of photographers actually offer a beauty shot now the boys never buy the beauty shop they like women who smile okay this face here this supermodel face that we'll get going on the boys don't like that fathers husbands and boyfriends will choose a cracking up shot over over there the no face for anything this shot is purely for the girls okay it is what we identify is a beauty shot so I try and create a beauty shot or two or three in every one of my images because I am images in my sho...
ot two or three images and every one of my chutes because I want to sell this shop to the girls it is that quintessential beautiful shot of a girl's face and the idea behind the beauty shots is that it's not about jury it's not animated it's not cracking up and it's not necessarily either about hands it's really not about a patton or clothing it's really the most basic shot look at that a white single it with the straps tact in ok on a white background she's not wearing jewelry everything that is beautiful about that is just her face so for made creating the beauty shop is vital in tim off can we drop that down is vital in terms ofthe selling something like that so the idea with the beauty shot you can go down even further come and sit here let's focus ok the idea with the beauty shot is I went chick it's settled but lower sea the hands I want to see the hands um okay when you're in it just a yeah that's exactly right so you can shoot this horizontally or vertically whatever the idea with the beauty shot is she's hovering on her thighs because see how high she grows sit down again sameer right down ok when you're two dimensional you look short so in order to lengthen her body I've gotta lift her up and over see that to see how she described a foot really really important because if you're lengthening your clients you're slamming them down and you're making them look longer and their looks better I call this the thighmaster okay it's win with instead of sitting back down here so we're on that angle to our elbows up and over our elbows and we using our guys to do it so lifting right up and over then what I do is I want to put some triangles in here so I bring this hell boat over and I bring this one through okay and straight away we put a triangle into here we opened up her body so everybody curves as well slims arms and we push the bum out that way okay the next thing I'll do is then I can use this arm here to bring it up into the face so I can bring this albert across and I can do a beautiful face framing in a beauty shop to just shoot I want you to go a little bit lower heaven so that you're not so I don't you down under here so it's a real square shot okay so the idea here is that we have this beautiful a sin is you re focus that you'll come back to life you so just touch the focus again that's it okay so I do all of my beauty shots kind of like that what I did here has come up onto nay samy is I touched here in here ok and then look through the shoulder anything that frames the face is going to be beautiful so just touched the focus and will come back to life you don't take a shot just take touch on the focus can you see it then if you can see through it then you're not unlike you okay so the idea then lift up higher lift up high heaven yet hyah hyah hyah but it so the idea here is anything that frames of face mice and close we're shooting in nice and close in horizontally around here so this is really really important the beauty shot is so simple we want to keep hands here I really liked what she did standing gets the war member when she had this hand here tucked under her chin and then this one here touching her here okay we're gonna give the hands something to do they don't even touch the face they don't never touch the here and for some bizarre reason when you tell people to put their hands behind the head and I can even put my hand out like this and around I go behind your head they go straight up between the here and there nick it's everybody does it it's like no behind you here they go straight up to here like this okay so the beauty of um the beauty of the beauty shot is that it's not about the laughing smiling it's about having a long mick having a projected chin changing up their hands and really just shooting they're really beautiful close up shot the cope at about using the ottoman is you can shoot this into the back light you can shoot this onto a white background you can shoot it onto a dark background or you can shoot it onto a black background with a black ottoman and have a completely black look beauty shot but either way either way they will be a complete seller in your studio now let's say I do a beautiful beauty shot of some minor come here I do a beautiful beauty shot of some minor that side that side and then I get her mom and her sisters to come in on your mom okay so straightaway three girls line up like this and they all try to fit on here and the first thing we do is none of us can obviously get out faces together none of us look like a really good beauty shop I've got really hot daughters by the way you take it out uh yeah okay so there I am sitting with my hot daughters take now I have tio bring us all together and the only way that I can do that is simona takes you on behind me now as soon as she pulls her on the ass so you keep that one flat as soon as she puts her arm around may my albert comes into his space okay and then we can come together like this right so straight away we together in the shot now I've got to get a mandarin so I get a mandarin by going you put your arm around here kate that I'm comes in okay bat I don't want to make it so mitsuko so I'm gonna pull some owner this way okay so we can either go and here here in here ok so you just drop your hand behind and then we're all together in the shot here okay now now what I have to do is amanda you're too far back forward okay so all of our faces need to be on the same plane to semi comes back where they hit up I come out to here and then as the photographer we don't wreaked a ll three faces together and pushing together until with that beautiful triangle it's like you can build the beauty shot we grinning away the way so we can bring all of our faces together and work together we can also connect through our hands like if we sisters you know man we can all connect here and all bring together but the idea is that we're getting our faces closest possible so that vision off the beauty shop is what I call a few shots and three okay so it's the way of just kneeling onto the ottoman and bringing together three now at the beginning you asked me about a black background with a mom and two daughters same thing that was just the black side of my studio so I have a dark side I have a grey side it's not black it's gray and I put that mum in the two daughters on either side of here on the black ottoman and did exactly the same look in black and white and it's a absolutely beautiful modern beauty shot but you need to pull the girl's arms behind each other not trying all compete with three lots of elbows on the ottoman call any questions about that how do you handle the tight close up beauty shot on say woman over fifty my experience has been closer you get more those fine lines become more pronounced ono no heinz alliance their lines back near their lines up place you've just got a um know how to reattach them okay yeah don't remove them way don't remove lines on people's faces we removed the shadows underneath them okay a case it lines make shadows which makes him look deeper the lines of good they tell you how old you are and they belong to you I never leave a frown on a woman's face nobody needs to frown I never leave these horizontal lines on the forehead that I will leave all the smile lines and just light in them and anything else like that will just get taken away and if they do not like it uh I will remove it if they don't want it there I'll take it away question from surely allow eighty seven are you directing all of three faces to do the same thing at the same yes yes okay so I'll get my daughter's back sandor you could be mum and let's try it because somebody asked that before about having two girls two faces yet so yeah okay this time as to mine it let mom go in the middle sandy you're gonna be mom and your elbows your right elbow is going to be on your left elbow is gonna be around amanda that's it amanda your elbow is going to go into mom that's it perfect now we're not a choo choo train so we don't want to create three little hands going that way ok that's what we don't want today so amanda you put both our bows on this one here you put that on and that takes amanda's out of the equation straightaway because she's covering her right hand simona you can discover moms or just hook in so that you relaxed okay so let's look at three faces okay now amanda needs to lift up from the back of her head and this is something we haven't addressed yet see how I did this okay I forgot that's one hand gesture that I do often I look at it like this and because you can see the back of it opens here I imagine that you're pinching here and pulling up through the spine okay like that so when I do this to people I teach them to pull up through the top of the head and then pushed their chin forward stop did you see amanda's ten pop then okay so from there amanda you just need to take your whole body back so that you're on the same plane and now coming to mom that's it now slide your elbow into mom's he nice and close and just work your shoulders back and your chin ford now both of you tipped towards mom they're okay now I want you all eyes to may beautiful I can't amanda pull your shoulders back and your chin ford and now poppy chin for good girl that's it beautiful all right now I want all of you to look down and relax your mouth did you see that there's a nicole okay from there I want all of you teo go eyes up and I want all of you to do a tiny little smile on your lips just a little wee smoke on the lips and it's all about the eyes a little bit more girls and a little bit more girls show me some teeth man you're holding back the girls a grinning away coming to each other nice and close swish in beautiful beautiful big smile go for it hey gorgeous all right and that's exactly right so they will all go together exactly the way some owner and I did it together because they're listening to direction
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Michael And Dawn
Dawn and I watched the workshop taught by Sue on glamour photography with much anticipation, and we were not disappointed. In fact after only the first hour we turned to each other and, at the same time, said "We should go ahead and purchase this course." Which we did on Sunday, the last day of the three day course. The CreativeLive team did a great job on producing the workshop, the set looked great, the sound and camera angles were unobtrusive as they should be, and the on-screen talent were engaging and approachable as usual. They interjected with questions from the audience in a timely and relevant manner, and humored us all at times as well. As it should be, the real star of the workshop was the information that Sue was providing, but a very strong supporting role was Sue herself. Even though she never made it past the 9th grade, she displayed enough wisdom to make us think that we wasted a lot of time sitting in school. Sue had both Dawn and I captivated, her likable New Zealand accent, was so warm and soothing, that I think we would have listened to her say almost anything. However, "anything" was hardly what she had to say, no-no, she had a great deal to say, and we found all of it so educational and inspiring that we can't wait to put what she tought us into practice. Sue's "Keep-It-Simple" approach to glamour photography is refreshing, she does not complicate a shoot, nor does she complicate the business end of things either. Her philosophy is "A confused mind says 'no.'" So her pricing, marketing and re-pore with her clients is simple, understandable and repeatable. Dawn & I fully recomend this course to anyone looking to engage in glamour photography, not just for the mechanics of learning the studio process, but more for how to think about the process and your interactions with the client, we think that Sue's interaction with her clients is her real "secret" to her success; she makes the photography session for the client a wonderful experience and that experience is what gets them to market her via word-of-mouth exposure, which is the best kind of atvertising and best kind of accolade for a photographer. Thank you Sue, we were both entertained and educated and a little bit mesmerized by your workshop. Hope to see you soon on the CreativeLive stage. Michael and Dawn Mitchell Digital Mitchell Photography www.digitalmitchell.com
a Creativelive Student
Loving every moment of this course so far and I've learned so much from Sue's gentle but wise words. It's so important to be true to yourself and as much as I've enjoyed most of the Creative Live classes I've taken I've had a much different personality than many of the teachers, I am so happy to see how Sue is able to stay calm and quiet and still maintain perfect control of the situation...I had huge anxiety sometimes at shoots thinking I should be bold, boisturous or entertaining to be successful. Looking forward to following her class today in between my son's hockey games...so lucky my computer is in the kitchen and I can watch and still keep things at home fairly sane! lol thank-you, kerry www.snickerdoodles.ca
a Creativelive Student
Watched 80% of it live and after constantly screen grabbing :D I BOUGHT IT. This was my 3rd time watching a CreativeLive and my first time purchasing a course. (Loved Zach and Jody and will probably buy that when the time is right...still a little scared about weddings.) ANYWAY - SUE IS AMAZING!!! She is so open, inspiring, fun, funny, knowledgeable, TRANSPARENT, giving, smart, creative, expert, unapologetic, grateful, enlightened, adorable, gorgeous, hilarious, yet still imperfect and human and not intimidating. She will make you laugh and cry as she laughs and cries. You cannot argue with her MANY YEARS of experience. She is just in love with what she does and it is contagious. I have told people IN PERSON that her online CreativeLive course changed my life. I bought another online course for 2K last year...where was Sue back then? This is worth more than the 2K 6 week course I took. I obviously have a girl crush on her! www.CarolineWhitePhotography.com
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