Pass-Through: Group Blending Modes and Compositing
Lesson 7 from: Hidden Photoshop Tips & TricksJesús Ramirez

Pass-Through: Group Blending Modes and Compositing
Lesson 7 from: Hidden Photoshop Tips & TricksJesús Ramirez
Lesson Info
7. Pass-Through: Group Blending Modes and Compositing
Class Introduction
02:15 2Adjustment Layer Tips
03:39 3Saturation and Luminosity Maps for Compositing
03:25 4Making LUT Files From Adjustment Layers
04:33 5Using the B&W Adjustment Layer to Adjust Color
02:52 6Eight Special Blending Modes: Opacity vs Fill
04:49 7Pass-Through: Group Blending Modes and Compositing
04:02 8How to Maximize Template Files (PSDT)
04:51Open a Flattened Version of a Large Layered PSD and Using PSB
02:57 10Select Colors From Outside of Photoshop
03:07 11Two Windows Open From The Same Document
03:21 12How to Use Photoshop Search
03:20 13Bring Back Old Refine Edge Tool
02:00 14Bokeh Overlays
07:20 15Using the Magic Wand to Make Object Selections
02:40 16Using Grass Brush for Cloning
03:20 17Keyboard Shortcuts
01:42 18Using Actions as a Text File
03:04 19Using Content-Aware Scale
05:10 20Channel Based Selections
06:54 21Using Channel Luminosity to Make Selections
01:58Lesson Info
Pass-Through: Group Blending Modes and Compositing
in the same topic of blending modes, I mentioned that there were 27 layer blending modes, but there's actually an extra blending mode for groups. So you guys know what the default? Blending more for groups. This is not normal. No. All right. The people blending more for groups, it's actually called passed through. Normal is a 2nd 1 And what passed through allows us to do is treat the group as if it were layers. If we change the blending mode to normal, that is the equivalent of us flattening everything inside of that group and then adding it to the layer stack. And I know that's a little confusing, but it will make a lot of sense once I show you this. So I'm gonna, um I'm gonna change the blending mode back to pass through, which is default. I'm gonna select um, the bear here, and I'm gonna create another group, and I'm gonna put the bear in that group. So he's in there number gonna call this group bear. And in this group, we're gonna add adjustment layer. So we're just gonna create so...
me crazy effect so that you could see what's going on. So we're adding this crazy effect and I don't know, maybe we'll add, um, you see some red. So that's a crazy effect were created and let's just imagine that that's that. That's what we want. But then we decided, you know what? We want a second bear. Or actually, let me just show you this. So I'm gonna put put him all into into a clipping mask so that they only affect the bear. But maybe you decide that you want a second bear in this scene so you can duplicate that layer. But that second bear would no longer be clipped to those adjustment layers. You can, of course, duplicate those adjustment layers and bring them down and put him on top of that bear and clipping to that bear. So now they're they're the same. But if I decide to make an adjustment on one of the images or one of the adjustment layers, it doesn't affect the other one, so you can see how it's very inefficient to work, especially when you're working on projects like the ones I showed you in the beginning. That Adobe stock project that had over 1200 layers and God knows how many hundreds and hundreds of adjustment layers that became. It can become really confusing. And you can't duplicate adjustment layers every time you want to duplicate that same effect, toe another element. But you can take what I just mentioned Ah about the passed through group, and you can use that to our advantage. So if I create the curves adjustment layer or any adjustment layer, those are really matter which one and I apply an effect, but I only want the effect toe apply to the contents of those layers and nothing else. I can simply change the blending mode from passed through in that group to normal, So notice now have that adjustment layer on Lee affects the bear. I don't have to worry about layer masks. I don't have to worry about clipping mask, and I can keep making adjustments to to this image and adding as many adjustment layers as I want doesn't really matter what I do. It would only affect the contents of contents inside of that layer, so remember you can use the normal blending mode in a group so that you could composite and apply different effects. The multiple objects in in a group. So, for example, we wanted 1/3 bear. We have our third bear. Place him anywhere we want, and it doesn't really matter what the contents are. The adjustment layers were Onley affect the contents of that group because we changed planning about back to normal. So again for to make it even more clear, um, what I'm what the normal blending mode really is doing is saying flat, this flattened this layer found this group rather. So if I If I hit command E to flatten the group, that's really what I'm doing. I'm flattening that group. So that's really what's happening, but non destructively, of course.
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Ratings and Reviews
Amy Vaughn
Yeah yeah, Jesus Ramirez is a great instructor and this class is packed with useful tips and even some fun ones that might not be so useful. But it was that one about using two windows from the same document that changed my Photoshop life.
Overall Photoshop Week 2017 has some amazing instructors for workflow & compositing. Jesus Ramirez has the unique ability to combine simplicity with really useful depth: blend modes, different approaches to selection or combining different tools. This course covers a lot of tools and there are a number of ‘wow! didn't know that!’ moments a more advanced user will love.
Jesus is excellent! full of knowledge and provides a lot of helpful tips in a clear and easy to understand way. Only thing missing are captions for this class, for some reason. Otherwise, I wish there were more classes like this one.
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