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11. The Feather Stitch
Lesson Info
The Feather Stitch
So next is the feather stitch this is a really beautiful stitch for borders I know keep talking about borders, but there's a really beautiful stitch for borders it takes up a lot of it can take up a lot of space, so it's a good stitch if you need toe fill up a lot of fabric, I like combining it with french, not as you can see up there and there's a lot of variation that can happen like the chain stitch. You're going to be making decisions about the size and direction at a point when you're bringing the needle back through, but it is similar to the chain stitch and that a lot of it happens on top rather than below the fabric. So I'm again going to use all six strands with this stitch it's up to you, I think it's pretty clear eating at a pretty good sense of the stitch with more strands. So if you wanted to use more for this one for your sample, I think it would be ok, and again, I'm going to use or not. This is also one of those stitches that, like the chain stitch, is continue with, so...
keep that in mind when your threads getting short that you're gonna want, attack it and stop before you absolutely need to stop. So for the feathers did she want to come through fabric here and you're going to be making I I like to see it is kind of ah triangle I don't know if you can see this but there's a little triangle that's happening between the threat and the new we'll see you see that and you get that and then the way you continue it is depending upon the direction you want to go in you're going to be repeating that triangle so it's easier to see on the second state you can see let's see you can see there that triangle that I'm making between the needle on the thread and then you're getting that and then you could keep kind of I could keep working on the same angle or you can switch it up by leaving the thread up to the top if you so I just slipped a stitch and you can kind of see what I'm doing with my fingers to get the fabric back to normal so there's not a hole in it so when that happens just pull out your threatened I just can't do that top and bottom with my nail and finger and then I pull the fabric tight again and then again we're gonna want to make that triangle over then you can start tio curve it I have to move the hoop goes I can't do it without kind of working in a circle but you concur it and start to work in different directions so the motion is actually it's a little bit similar to the chain stitch I don't know if you can see that but you're not instead of going back into the same hole you're creating that little triangle but you're catching the threat and in a similar way to the chain stitch okay, when I come around and see how everyone's doing, I think it's time we started getting it here okay, so how do you gauge like where? Like if you're planning out a pattern like do you mark your stitches or is there like, a way that I'm I should be looking at like where to place the next kind of guy? I mean, you did a good job here it's all about that diagnostician where you make the triangle against that threat ok, so you pretty much have it but this is another one of those dishes if you wanted to be super uniform, you're gonna wanna make some sort of spacing determination, okay, I had it for a second yeah see so like thiss because you're not crossing, you have to across the thread so you're going in but you're not crossing the threat when you come up so ok there's the triangle so you're making the triangle but you were joined with the threat back here, okay you have to put it in front of the needle so that it has something to catch on doesn't yeah ok I'll come back and make sure that you got it yeah essentially it's working backwards is that gets if that's how it's mating I'm I'm not going to mess with that if that's how it's making sense in your brain then you had me did you get it? Yeah started over with some different thread there yeah that's it okay, so I'm gonna work through it a couple more times here so you can get the hang of it then because it's continuous you can completely change direction with it as I just did here think back can you can also work from different angles on different sides so it starts off is looking pretty basic you can actually dio a whole lot with now when you're at the bottom are you ready to finish your stitch? Because it's like the chain stitch and it's completely continuous you're going to want to attack it and then not it at the back and then I always like to add little french not tough like no pick a color but you can see here on this one little dots get look like little very vine or something and the thing I like about the stitches that you can kind of see from my two samplers here this one is super uniform right, I just kind of kept the same size as I was going across, and this one is really different, so you can get completely different effects with the same stitch, just by changing direction or varying the lengths that you're working on. Does anyone have any questions about this one? Good. Okay, so thank you so much for joining us for intro to embroidery. I hope you I learned a lot, and I'm sure now, with e seven stitches, there's going to be a lot of great projects, you can work on your own to follow along with me and stay tuned with what I'm doing in my designs. In my classes, you can visit my website at tomorrow's dot com and follow me on instagram. I'm always posting stitches that I'm working on new projects and talking about where you'll be able to see me next, so, thanks a lot. Bye.
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