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Lightroom CC Mobile

Lesson 22 from: Lightroom CC: Organizing Your Digital Photo Life

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

22. Lightroom CC Mobile


Class Trailer

Class Introduction


Creative Cloud Construct


Lightroom Classic vs. Lightroom CC


Importing and Organization


Folder and Album Creation


Image Selection


Connectivity and Data


Finding Images in Lightroom CC


Lesson Info

Lightroom CC Mobile

We're gonna talk about another component of Lightroom CC, which is Lightroom Mobile. Lightroom CC and Lightroom Mobile are going to feel very, very much the same because they actually patterned Lightroom CC's UI after what they had created in Lightroom Mobile. They're both very, very simple interfaces to follow but we're gonna go into Lightroom CC today in this first segment. We're gonna talk about, or I'm gonna intro you to it, and then I'm gonna show you some editing in it. Then we're gonna actually start using both tools together because there are certain items that are missing in Lightroom Mobile that are in Lightroom CC. If I need to work on something and I can't quite get it all the way there, I can always finish it inside of Lightroom CC even though I started it in Lightroom Mobile. There's a lot of interchanging between all these things. I imagine that as time goes on, things will come into Lightroom Mobile that are in Lightroom CC. All things will start to gel together and be ...

equal but sometimes I think there's certain power needed for certain tools. So they leave it on a computer and not necessarily on the iPad. However, iPads are getting powerful enough now that they're almost like little computers. I'm working off of an iPad Pro. The iPad Pro has a pretty serious engine in it. It's almost as fast as most computers out there. They can put a lot of tools in these. As our phones and our iPads get faster and faster and faster, they'll probably put a lot more into them. The most important thing that I can start with when we talk about Lightroom Mobile is that it is very much like Lightroom CC. It is connected to the cloud at all times. Obviously you have to have an internet connection or a cellular connection to be connected. Any search that I do inside of Lightroom Mobile is going to be helped along by Adobe Sensei, which is in the cloud, and it's doing intelligent searches. It can find searches for items that you haven't keyworded yet. It can still find those because it's looking at the actual picture and it understands what things look like. Just so you understand that you have that power of the cloud. Remember, as we talked about yesterday, everything that we put in our computer in Lightroom CC goes up to the cloud as a full file. The entire original file is in the cloud and it comes down to my iPad here. I'm gonna into the iPad now and I'm gonna actually use an Apple pencil while I do this simply because it's a little bit easier to control some of the burning and dodging that we'll be doing and things like that. You can also use your finger. Let's talk about the interface here inside of Lightroom. Let's go to our Lightroom Mobile. I'm gonna make sure that we're set up. Yes we are. Are we seeing Lightroom Mobile? Yes we are, okay good. Here we are in Lightroom Mobile. When you first come into Lightroom Mobile, you're going to see that you have, right along here, you have a whole bunch of catalogs, sorry, collections. Those of who are using Lightroom Classic right now, the original Lightroom, we call them collections. Those who are starting with Lightroom CC, those are called albums. So they've changed the name a little bit. These are called albums here. We also have the folders. Anything that you create, an album or a folder of albums inside of Lightroom CC, you're gonna see that here. If I were to create one here, it'll go back to Lightroom CC. They're gonna go back and forth as well as on any other device that I have as well as on Lightroom Web. All of those albums are gonna be in the same name, same images are gonna be in 'em, and it's gonna happen really fast. That's that area. Above here, you can also go to 'all photos'. You can see all of your photos or you can see your albums that are specific collections of them. Over on the right hand side, you have a little ellipse right there, set of ellipses, and you also have some sorting options, and then you have the 'add' option here. I'm going to click 'add', and we can create an album there. We're gonna name that album 'CL' for Creative Live and then 'images to edit' and hit 'OK', and now you can see that I have an 'images to edit' right here. If I click on the ellipsis next to that, you'll see a set of options. I can add photos to it. I can enable auto-add, which we're gonna talk about in just a minute. I can also, if I have photos in there, I can tell it to store them locally. Yesterday, we talked about the idea that we don't wanna spend space that we don't need to spend. On this computer here, we have 100% of our photos that we put into Lightroom CC are on our hard drive here, and they're also going up to the cloud as a backup. Then those images are being delivered over to this computer over here. This computer over here is using zero percent of its hard drive space. All that's coming down to here is just proxies, so that we're not actually loading up this computer with a whole bunch of files that we don't need to work on all the time. The reason for that is because this one's gonna travel around with me and I'm just gonna work on files. However, some people might not have two computers. Instead, they have a computer and an iPad. Great, same thing. This iPad does not need to contain all the photos. It just needs to have the proxies. I can work on the photos and I can adjust the photos. I can play with 'em and choose 'em. Put keywords and all that kinda stuff on photos that don't actually exist on this iPad. However, if I'm gonna be working on a plane, before I go on the plane, I'm going to want to tell it to store the images locally, so that I can access the full files. If I were on the plane, I could still look at the photos and I could still work on the photos with the proxies, but if I zoomed in all the way, I couldn't get the full resolution. I couldn't share them. I couldn't put them into some presentation that I'm working on. Things like that would not be available to me if I didn't have them fully accessible. If I'm going to be working on a set of files, I will actually push that button that says 'store locally' here, so that it will store them on the actual iPad. As soon as I'm done with them and I don't wanna store them locally, I can save that space on my iPad by simply coming back to the spot and turning that option off. There's a share to web gallery and that's an option that gives you the ability to create a website for people to see. They can log on with a little short URL and they can comment on them. They can download 'em if they want. Or you can tell it not to download 'em. We're gonna show you a little bit more of that on sharing when we get to it. Of course, we could rename this. We can move images from this collection over to another spot. We can clear the cache. Clearing cache just simply is resetting all of the internal information so that it has to rebuild it. If you ever notice that there's a weird issue or something's not quite syncing right, just clear the cache and then it'll force it to re-cache all that information and it'll go up to the cloud and grab information from the cloud and it'll try and reset itself. So clearing cache is a way of kinda clearing out the system and allowing it to rebuild. It doesn't delete anything and it doesn't remove your settings. It just clears out a hiccup that might be in there. Of course, there's the 'present' button here. If I had images in there and I hit that 'present' button, it's going to show me those images full screen as kind of a slideshow so that I can present them to somebody. Those are all the options in regards to a single album. We also have up here in these ellipsis here, we can add photos to a specific collection. We can clear the cache for everything and we can present everything. Those are our options up there. Notice that there's a cloud right up here. That cloud tells us that everything is synced and backed up. So I know that everything that I've put on this or on my Lightroom CC, they've all been synced. I know by looking at that and there's no little spinning thing in the cloud, that everything's accessible here that is in the cloud, so I'm all ready to go and I can edit anything that I want. If I were to put something in this iPad, which we'll do in a little bit, you would start seeing that spin. That means it's uploading or downloading something and syncing to the cloud. Every time you adjust something inside of Lightroom Mobile, it has to synchronize it to the cloud. If I adjust a slider or two, it waits until I go to the next image and then it sends that changes up to cloud so that those changes can come back down to my computer here. If I go to my computer, I'll be able to see all of the things that I've done inside of Lightroom. A word of caution. You can calibrate a screen at a computer with a calibration software. I use X-Rite, the I1 Display Pro. There's also called the Color Monkey. They make really, so X-Rite makes some really great calibrators. For those of you who don't know what a calibrator is, a calibrator is a very important tool that sits on your monitor. You stick it to the monitor and it reads what your monitor is showing you and it makes a profile so that it knows exactly what gray is and what white is. Then all your images are perfectly exposed. When you see it as exposed correctly, you're actually seeing a real correct exposure. When you see green, you're actually seeing green. It calibrates it so that it's actually telling you the truth because a monitor right out of the box doesn't tell you the truth. It just shows you something. You can't really tell if what you're adjusting is what you're actually seeing. If you send it to someone else, they might see something completely different because your screen wasn't calibrated. If you send it off to a printer and you get it back, and if you ever wonder, why does it look great on my screen and then I look at the print and it looks dingy or dark or whatever? That's because you haven't calibrated your screen. A screen calibrator will make sure that you are perfectly calibrated so that what your screen is showing you is actually the truth. One of the problems with an iPad is that, or an iPhone or any kind of Android device or anything, is that it is a harder thing to calibrate. In fact, there are not a lot of calibration tools. X-Rite actually makes a calibration tool. You can calibrate the screen but you can only see the accurate color in the X-Rite system. Lightroom's not using that so Lightroom Mobile is not using that. Calibrating an iPad right at the moment isn't a very good option, it just doesn't work. What you need to do, the color is fairly accurate on my iPad. It's really good color. But one of the problems is that these are so bright that you'll adjust an image and you think it looks great, but then if you send it over to your computer, it's too dark because it was so bright, the screen was so bright, you adjusted it down. You adjusted the photo down so when it came to the computer where you have a calibrated screen, it's too dark. What I do is I go through and I look at both of them together. I will look at a photograph here inside of Lightroom CC. I'll pull up this photograph here that we worked on yesterday from Iceland. Then I'll go to this one and I'll go and look for that same photograph. Here it is. I'll look at the two together and make sure that they match visually. If they don't match, then I'm gonna go to the actual screen brightness and I'm just gonna drop the screen brightness down until it's the right amount of brightness and then I'll go back here and I'll look at it and say, oh now they match. Now I know that this and this are the same brightness and I can kind of trust what I'm doing. You'll get to know how bright your iPad or your iPhone needs to be when you're working on photos. Mine is like one-eighth of the way down on the brightness scale. Just figure what that is. Where is it on the brightness? When you edit photos, where do you want it to be? Keep in mind that your eye sees things differently out in the sunlight than it does in dark conditions. Keep in mind, if you're calibrating in a place like this where I've got lots of bright lights shining on me, my eyes are gonna see that differently than if I'm in a dark room, I'm on my bed and editing photos and it's dark and it's the only light. You kinda gotta get used to both of those cause there's gonna be different brightness settings for each of those activities. Just calibrate your screen before you work on it. The way to do that with your iPad is just visually try and get the brightness about the same as what you're seeing on your computer in any given circumstance. Now that we have a good calibration on this iPad so that we can see and it looks right, then we're gonna start adjusting our images and playing with them.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Lightroom® CC Ecosystem PDF
Film Presets

Ratings and Reviews


This class blew my mind! As a full-time professional photographer, with a very complicated workflow (that is next to impossible to explain to my assistant) I cannot express how essential this class is to overhauling and simplifying my workflow. I am so excited to finally be able to split my workflow between multiple laptops and work stations WITHOUT having to build a server at my studio. I love that I now have a framework to start building a new organizational and backup system that I can easily train others on, and mobilize quickly. With all of the changes and improvements that Adobe is bringing to Lightroom CC & Classic, this class is integral to understanding and utilizing the program to its fullest potential! Jared Platt is a wonderful teacher and this class especially is perfect for novices and seasoned professionals alike!

a Creativelive Student

I was lucky enough to participate in-studio for this class. Jared is a great presenter and broke down the complicated Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic changes. His conversational style of presenting kept things interesting and participants involved. This course was much more than just learning what the programs do. Jared walked through sample workflows to show when and why you would use the multitude of sliders and editing tools within the program. The course is worth every penny! Topics will remain pertinent well after newer versions of Lightroom CC and Classic are released.


I won't be able to watch all of this, but I purchased it anyway. Jared's ability to address the technical as well as the artistic aspects of Lightroom is unparalleled. He is one of my preferred presenters, especially for Lightroom. I especially appreciate how he has clarified the differences among the versions of Lightroom that are available. Thank you Jared!

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