Using Lightroom Mobile Camera
Lesson 30 from: Lightroom CC: Organizing Your Digital Photo LifeJared Platt

Using Lightroom Mobile Camera
Lesson 30 from: Lightroom CC: Organizing Your Digital Photo LifeJared Platt
Class Introduction
02:25 2Creative Cloud Construct
31:15 3Lightroom Classic vs. Lightroom CC
11:16 4Importing and Organization
10:06 5Folder and Album Creation
03:08 6Image Selection
25:17 7Connectivity and Data
14:29 8Finding Images in Lightroom CC
12:05Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Light
17:17 10Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Color
09:34 11Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Effects
03:25 12Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Optics
03:46 13Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Crop and Straighten
03:32 14Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Clone and Healing Brush
11:21 15Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Gradient Tool
07:03 16Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Radial Filter and Brush Tool
17:38 17Working With Presets
13:17 18Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Geometry
09:44 19Going Beyond Lightroom CC Into Photoshop
06:37 20Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Dehaze Tool
12:37 21Photoshop Connection
07:07 22Lightroom CC Mobile
14:46 23Lightroom CC - Mobile: Settings
11:11 24Lightroom CC- Mobile: Basic Editing
08:04 25Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
12:03 26Lightroom CC- Mobile: Curves
04:04 27Lightroom CC - Mobile: Cropping and Gradients
05:00 28Lightroom CC - Geometry
07:38 29Lightroom CC : Keywords and Tracking Images
13:48 30Using Lightroom Mobile Camera
14:05 31Lightroom Mobile: Importing Images
20:34 32Lightroom CC - Mobile: Color and Brightness
31:17 33Sharing Images on CC / Web / Mobile
07:31 34Sharing Images Using Adobe Spark
07:08 35How to Use Adobe Spark Post
06:23 36Sharing Albums in Lightroom CC
06:00 37Editing in Lightroom Classic
14:45 38Sharing Images From Lightroom Classic
21:40 39Differences Between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC
11:14 40Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC Q&A
19:33Lesson Info
Using Lightroom Mobile Camera
Remember, when we started this process we talked about the idea of auto adding photos. So we went into the Lightroom settings and we went to our storage, not our storage, to our General, and we said that there's an option to Auto Add Photos and Auto Add Videos. So I'm gonna talk to you about that process now because we need to talk a little bit about the actual camera inside of Lightroom. I'm going to use the camera in my iPad just because it's here, but the camera in the phone is the same thing, there's not a lot of difference. You'll notice there's some user interface change between the phone and the iPad and that's just, it's so simple a change that you'll be able to find all the things are still there it's just a matter of how they look. So they're down at the bottom instead of over on the side, so it's a pretty easy transition. So don't worry if I'm not showing you the phone, it's clear enough when you get there. So just pay attention to what we're doing. So I'm gonna go into the ...
phone, or to the camera itself. So, allow, there we go. Here's my camera, and you can see that I'm taking a picture of my class. Hello class. So there's the camera. And you'll notice some things about this camera. Is it doing it? I wonder if it only, here I'm gonna do this vertically 'cause it doesn't look like the connection is going to do the horizontal thing, so yeah. So let's just do it vertically. When you're in the phone, you're gonna notice some things. Right up here there is a DNG symbol. If I click on that, it gives me an option to go to a JPEG or a DNG. I think that it's absolutely essential that you stay as a DNG. The DNG's are gonna be bigger, but they're better photographs all around. They capture more information, they keep the information, and when you adjust the information, it's gonna be so much better. So just pay attention to that. You want right up here, if that doesn't show up, then that means you're on an older iPad or you're on an older phone and it can't record a DNG. Or you might actually be on an older operating system. So if you can update your operating system, then you'll be able to do it. So Apple only allowed DNGs, or the capture of raw photography, like a year and a half ago. Whereas Android allowed it for, I don't know, three years before that or something like that. So the Android was way ahead of Apple in allowing us to capture raw photography. So the DNG is a raw photo. It's developed by Adobe and it's a really great file type, so turn that to DNG. You also have the ability to turn the camera around just like any others. There's me. So you have that ability, you also have the ability to change your flash on off or auto. And then if this X up here is to turn the camera off. And then this little dot dot dot here opens up some other options, like here's your aspect ratio, so you can shoot in different aspect ratios. There's a timer here, also there's your different grids. And this is my favorite one right here. It gives you a level. So see how that helps you level out your photo. So I like the level on it. If you click on this little guy right here, it shows the highlight clippings. So you see how there's certain overexposure warnings, and the way that you expose this thing is you simply click with your finger and drag right and left or up and down depending on which way you're holding the camera. And so that helps to underexpose or overexpose the image. See how I'm just dragging it. I don't have to click on a specific thing. I just click on and just drag up and down on the image itself. So you can see, and so a JPEG, when you see this clipping stuff right here, a JPEG is, that means the information is completely gone. When you are using a raw image, a little bit of clipping like this is actually a good thing 'cause that tells you you are as hot as you can get without blowing out the whole image. So if I have a little bit of clipping I'm fine with it because a raw image can get some of that back. Whereas a JPEG's not possible. Okay, so then, also there's a little sprocket thing here and that allows you to, whenever you're in this phone, it turns it to max brightness on the screen so that you can see your image. So that if you're out in the sun or whatever and you want to see what the image is actually gonna look like and what you're actually capturing, it'll automatically brighten the image all the way up to the brightest it can be. And then when you go back to Lightroom it'll go back to your normal amount of brightness. And then also, see how it says Geotag your images? you wanna leave that on so that you can see where the images are. And then there's this one which is Save Unprocessed Originals. Turn that on, and that allows, if you're shooting in HDR, it'll keep the original and the HDR version rather than just the HDR version, okay? So those are your settings there and then you can close that there. So I would go through that and choose your preferences and then work from there. All right, so then the other thing to note is that if you want to focus on a specific thing, if I wanna focus on you, I click and hold, and now it's focused on you guys, and then I can change the exposure up and down. And notice that you guys, when you're the right brightness, this is overexposed, simply because I'm being lit and you guys are not. Then, down at the bottom left hand corner, there are three options. There's the Automatic which is very simple to use, it's just a matter of exposing, and then there's Professional. When you turn to Professional, you have the ability to do several things. For instance, you have exposure compensation here. You also have a shutter speed that you can choose the exact shutter speed that you want. So especially if you wanna capture motion, or make sure you don't have any motion, that's when you want to go into this Professional model and then just start playing with your exposure itself. So you're looking at, there's my shutter speed is now at a thousandth of a second. So notice that the ISO changed because it's in Auto so my ISO is at 1840 in order to deal with the high shutter speed that I want. But I can also come out of Auto and just do my own. So if I just wanna do that, I can be like, okay, there. So now I'm at 800 ISO at a thousandth of a second taking a picture of my hard drive. Then, I can go into white balance and I can choose my white balance and decide which white balance works best. Or, I can simply click on an area here and get the exact white balance that I want right there. So now I've got a true white balance on a true gray thing, so I have a perfect white balance for that specific thing. Or I can go back into my Auto white balance and see how it changed a little bit, okay? And the last thing here, Auto, I can do a percentage on the auto and tell it to kinda how much auto, 100% or 0% auto. Anyway, and then I can reset all those settings back to regular, whatever the pro was set at the first. Then I also have HDR. Now HDR is gonna take multiple images and then it will combine those images together into one image. And it will actually auto-align those images and adjust them so that if you're out in the sun and there's a bright sky and then there's a darker building, turn it into HDR and take the picture. You just have to hold it a little still 'cause it's taking multiple exposures, and then it'll put them together and it'll deliver an HDR. But the HDR that it delivers is a raw HDR image, it's not a JPEG, so it's far better than most HDRs. Like you can do HDR on an iPhone, inside of the normal photo app, it is an inferior HDR because it's a JPEG HDR or now with the new, whatever the new file type is, it's still an inferior HDR because it's a crunched, compressed image, whereas a DNG is a raw image, so the HDR has a lot more space in it, a lot more information in it. Okay, so that's how we play with this. Now this is kind of a dumb picture, but I'm just gonna take it. I'm not gonna take an HDR, I'll just go on automatic and take the picture. And now I'm gonna go outta here and that picture now is coming in right there. And then I can work on it. But it is a DNG, it's a raw image, and if I want to, I can go to, let's say I'm going to Iceland, I can actually create a an album before I go. So I can create it, let's just say, we're gonna make this our CreativeLive Images to Edit. Right? So if I click on those little ellipses right there, if i click on that, I can say auto enable add there. go ahead and add. So now, every picture I take is not only going into Lightroom, but I'm telling it to go into a specific album. So now if I go to the camera and I take this same picture. There. So I took the picture, and now I go into my CreativeLive Images to Edit, and those two pictures that I just took are inside of my, that one album. And because they're inside that one album, they're also going to be inside of that album here. So if I go back to my images and I'm gonna look for CreativeLive Images to Edit, and those images are going to pop into this. You can see that they're already on their way here, but I took them here with the camera and it auto put them into the album I want. So if you're gonna be traveling and you know you've got thousands of images up in your cloud already, what you want to do is create an album. So for instance, mom you're on the golf course with dad, and you guys are golfing and you're supposed to do your job which is take pictures of the golf course, 'cause my dad, quite frankly, isn't, I don't know if he's not good at it, or if he just can't think about doing it, but he's not going to take those pictures. But he'll want those pictures. So you're gonna take pictures of the golf course, and besides that, you're the artist, so. Do you guys know that? My mom taught me in art when I was in high school so she was my art teacher. And then later on I was her TA, so I was her teacher's assistant in her, so she's more of a watercolorist and quilter and that kind of stuff. So, painter, very, very good watercolorist and drawer. So anyway, so you're gonna take pictures of the golf course, you can create and album for Spyglass Hill, the golf course, and then every picture you take from your phone is gonna go directly into there. So it's already organized. When you get back, you just simply click on that album with Spyglass Hill from your computer and you've got all your photos. Go ahead and edit 'em, delete the ones that you don't like, and when you're deleting 'em here on your computer, they're deleting from here, so that when you go back to your phone to show them, or when dad picks up his phone, he can look at 'em, and he'll just see the finished images in his Spyglass Hill category. So it's very simple for you to do that and it just organizes things quickly and efficiently. Microphone, we have a question. So am I taking these pictures on, with my cell phone, or? Yeah. Okay. So you would take 'em from your cell phone through the camera. Now I'm gonna show you in a second how we're going to use, we're gonna employ our camera in the mix. 'Cause sometimes a cell phone isn't enough. Sometimes a cell phone just, you know, and anymore our cell phones are really good at taking pictures, and especially if you take a DNG from Lightroom's camera, it's really excellent quality photograph, but sometimes we just need a longer lens, or we need something better. So we're gonna talk about taking our pictures from here. But the same principle is true, because the Auto Add feature, anything that we put into Lightroom, we want to be able to put directly into a specific folder. So this CreativeLive Images to Edit album is going to be the place that we put stuff.
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Ratings and Reviews
This class blew my mind! As a full-time professional photographer, with a very complicated workflow (that is next to impossible to explain to my assistant) I cannot express how essential this class is to overhauling and simplifying my workflow. I am so excited to finally be able to split my workflow between multiple laptops and work stations WITHOUT having to build a server at my studio. I love that I now have a framework to start building a new organizational and backup system that I can easily train others on, and mobilize quickly. With all of the changes and improvements that Adobe is bringing to Lightroom CC & Classic, this class is integral to understanding and utilizing the program to its fullest potential! Jared Platt is a wonderful teacher and this class especially is perfect for novices and seasoned professionals alike!
a Creativelive Student
I was lucky enough to participate in-studio for this class. Jared is a great presenter and broke down the complicated Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic changes. His conversational style of presenting kept things interesting and participants involved. This course was much more than just learning what the programs do. Jared walked through sample workflows to show when and why you would use the multitude of sliders and editing tools within the program. The course is worth every penny! Topics will remain pertinent well after newer versions of Lightroom CC and Classic are released.
I won't be able to watch all of this, but I purchased it anyway. Jared's ability to address the technical as well as the artistic aspects of Lightroom is unparalleled. He is one of my preferred presenters, especially for Lightroom. I especially appreciate how he has clarified the differences among the versions of Lightroom that are available. Thank you Jared!