Lesson Info
Using Lightroom Between Devices
So now when you get home to your computer and you open up light room classic, you're going to find that all the images that went from your IPad up to the cloud and down to your computer are here inside of light room, waiting for you. So I'm in light room classic, and I want to show you where those go. So when you download images or when the system downloads images from the cloud to light room classic, it's going to show up over here in the collections area. It also shows up in a specific place inside of your computer, and you get to choose where that is. So you need to go to the preferences inside of light room and inside of your preferences. You're gonna go to light room sink and in the light room sink area, you get to choose where those photos were going to go. It says you need to check this that says, specify locations for light room sink images, and then you need to choose where it's gonna go, and I've put it in users. Jared Platt, Ford slash pictures forward slash light Room CC. S...
o that's creative cloud. So it's coming from the creative cloud two here. So that's where I put it. And I've also told it to sub folder those by captured eight and I've told it what kind of capture date? So if you look over here, I've told it how I wanted to show the captured A, which is very similar to the way I label photo jobs. So if I am then inside of light room and I want to find those images, I'm going to find them in the hard drive and inside the hard drive. I'm going to find them in a folder, and that folder is going to be called Light Room CC. You can see it right there and inside that light room CC folder, you're going to see a bunch of dates. So it's organizing and based on the date that the images were shot, now you see a lot of dates. That's because even the photos I take with my phone are being put into light into a collection inside of light room on my phone, and then it's being sent to the cloud, and those phone photos are being sent down to light from Classic, where I'm going to be able to use them, which is fantastic, because then if I happen to be on a photo shoot and I'm taking pictures with my camera, But I want to take a quick photo of like, say, the cameras set up or I want to take a photo of something I want to do a pander, whatever, anything, and I do it with my phone. It's going to be delivered to light from Classic Aziz Well, so that I can then grab that image and put it with the job. So I have already had these delivered. If I right click any of these photos and I say go to folder in library right there and I click on it, it's gonna show me which folder it's in. It's right there in the 2019 12 30 folder. That folder. All of those images that came in from that day are gonna be in this folder now. I'm not gonna leave them there. I'm actually going to take those images and put them into a hard drive rather than just sitting on my computer, and all have to do is click on that folder and drag it toe whatever hard drive I want it to be in. And so I'm gonna drag it right into here into this hard drive into this Jobs folder. So I want to organize my jobs. And so instead of leaving it here on this hard drive inside the computer, I'm going to take those images. I'm gonna drag them all the way down into another hard drive and put them in the Jobs folder, and it's going to move the see how it's moving him out of that folder, and it's putting that folder here inside of my hard drives. So now when I go back up here to that folder and there they are, so they've been moved to the proper location. Now all I need to do is right. Click this and I'm going to rename that folder. So we're gonna name that underscore Travel photography. Um, and we're gonna call it Snow in Phoenix. Okay, so now I have renamed the job and I've got a job That's the same name, the same type of style of name that I would have normally, and all I had to do was go grab that file because it delivered the entire full resolution files down to my computer into my internal hard drive. And I'm gonna grab that and move it to the Jobs folder, um, and and kind of upend the names so that I know what it is now if you chose in the preferences when you were in that area, if you chose a location on your computer, say you have a desktop computer with an external hard drive that has all the photos, you can actually choose to put this folder on that external drive. If you always know that the drive is plugged in so image every time you send images up to the cloud, they would automatically be sent down to light from Classic at home. And if you always left the computer on when you got home, they would already be there. And all of the adjustments that you would have made are already there a swell. So if you look at mine, all of these adjustments are already made. So the adjustments that I did, if I go into the develop module and I click on the Grady Int Tool, there's the Grady int and there's there's what it looks like. I can just drag it around. I can re negotiate it, make it a little bit better, do what I want with it. And then and then I've got a even better file. So this is a great way to get your images from point A to point B while you're on the road and know that you're fully backed up and save time in the process. Because when you get home, you could be working on these things on an airplane on the way home. So when I'm flying home from, you know, Europe or something like that, I've got an eight hour flight. I can simply pull up my laptop are my not my laptop, my IPad, and just start working on photos. And as soon as I land those photo adjustments that I've made the photos themselves probably already up in the cloud and already down at the computer at home. But the adjustments I made in the plane while it was on airplane mode as soon as I turned it off airplane mode. The adjustments take just a millisecond to go to the cloud so all those adjustments go up to the cloud and then they immediately go down to my laptop on my desktop, a home, and when I come home and I look at my computer, all of the adjustments all the work I've done on my IPad are already done on my computer home. Now, in addition to ah, them being in a specific folder, they also come into the collections area as well. Not only are the images delivered to a specific folder in the hard drive, but they're also delivered to a specific collection, So that collection originally is put inside of this folder called From Light Room Mobile. So if you're looking for the collection where all of your images are being delivered, it's based on the album name that you gave it inside of light room. So if you make an album anywhere inside of light room outside of Light Room Classic but in a any other version of light room, that album gets delivered to classic toe light room Classic as a collection inside of this from light room mobile collection set. So what you need to do is just simply right. Click the image itself in order to find it, because when you come to light room, you can say, Go to the folder that shows you what folder It's in the actual hard drive space. Or you can say Go to collection and it will show you Oh, it happens to be in this collection. So I'm gonna click on that collection, and then it shows me where that collection is inside of that light room mobile folder. So there's the collection. It's got 10 images in it, and I can then move that collection anywhere I want so I can reorganize things. Or I could just leave it there in the from light room mobile collection. But notice that that collection is tied to the cloud now. While you were on your IPad and traveling, you had a collection right there. It's the same collection. So you're looking. Here's the collection on the IPad. And then here's the Collection on Light Room Classic, and that same collection will be in your phone. It will also be in your IPhone. It'll be on every device that you have light from installed in. But because you have the capability of sharing these images out, you could while you're traveling out and about. You could actually click on this little ah ah, double or triple dots down here. You could click on that and you could actually share an invite people to look at your images while you're traveling so I can just simply enable sharing. And then once I have enable sharing Aiken say, Let anyone see it. So anyone convene this and then I'm going to change some of the display settings so I can say, Ah, whether or not I want to show the title or whether and I'm just going to say that I'm in not show the title because it's not a very good title for a Web page, I'm going to choose the type of website I want and whether I want it to be light or dark. Mine is always light. And then I can also, uh, go in the link settings and say, Hey, do I want to let people download these? So if it's just a family link and I want people to be able to see images that I'm shooting on a regular basis, and I'm adding him to this particular uh, collection while I'm on the road, I can let people download those photos. Eso that if we're on a big family trip. People can just see him download him, put him in their collections. Or I could just say this is a website. People can see it. They can comment, taken like and then I just need to copy this link and then I can send it to anybody in my list. And when I do that, they're going toe. Have a constant running light room gallery of all the images I'm shooting while I'm traveling. And while I'm putting him into my IPad and as I work on them, if they refresh the browser, they'll see the changes that I'm making. So if if you're if you're traveling and you want your mom or your grandmother or whatever to see what you're doing, you can just get him given that link and tell him the book market. And then every morning they could wake up and see what you're doing, and it's It's a very easy way to share those images, but because that's collected like that, you have constant capabilities of sharing images outside toe outside people. But also it's being shared to yourself. Aziz well here, inside of light from classic
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