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All right uh tom duncan says great class come to missouri teo other folks say the fundamentals class is invaluable but let's go to some questions that's your loving your slides as well in your keynote presentation good good I'd like to ask about if you could just explain a little bit about dx lens vs um nfs lens again as faras fifty millimeter dx lens on this body is going to be fifty millimeters but if you were to buy the fifty million meter one point for what that would be I don't know if you want to get into that well I had that example with the pyramids and you could see if you'd taken fx lens on this you're getting a crop view of what you get compared to a full frame lands the lens lens is always exactly the focal ing it isthe just kind of depends on the size of the image circle that's coming through it and so the dx lenses which are sold with the d thirty one hundred are designed for that size sensor and you can use the other lenses it's just that it's not going to look the same ...
as it does on a full frame camera it's okay it's just different I guess I was kind of talking about the one point five are as faras if you put a fifty one point for fifty one point for it's really going to be in eighty four yeah it is a confusing issue on a traditional camera the standard lands is a fifty millimeter lands all right and so that's not really wide angle it's not really a tele photo with this camera the standard lands is a thirty five millimeter lands and that's different but it's normal for this camera now you take that normal fifty millimeter lens and you put it on here because we're cropping into a smaller section of it it looks like a telephoto it's still a fifty millimeter lens but a fifty millimeter lens on this camera is now become a short telephoto and that does make it a good portrait lance and so the main thing to remember is that thirty five is normal everything above that is going to be telephoto and everything below that is going to be wide angle the further it is from that thirty five the more wide angle or the more telephoto it's going to be confusing issues always hard to keep straight but great to keep asking and re clarify right so handover had a further question on that I have an old filmland so does that mean that they'll be cropped onto the dx sensor they will be cropped it's perfectly fine to use in that regard they may not auto focus but your if you had a favorite folk alike because you like that angle of you well when you put it on this camera it's going to be different and so if you really like the look of a two hundred millimeter lands, you put the two hundred on here, and all of a sudden, it now looks like a three hundred millimeter lands. Ah, so if you have a favorite focal length, you may have to get a new lens to get that right. Angle of you. Ah, bohr had asked what lens you you would suggest for fashion photography for a fashion photography? I would think that that fifty millimeter theeighty five, the fifty and the eighty five would be the two lenses I would look at the most depends on how much space they have to work with their subject. So, um, on with another lens question, spark says, this is a strange question, but since john has used both cannon and nikon, I thought it would ask, have you ever heard of mounting a nikon lens on a canon camera? And if so, are there any advantages to doing it? Yes, you can mount a nikon lands on a canon camera with lots of limitations. It's more household than it's worth. From what I've seen, the advantages that you get to use nikon lenses, and sometimes nikon has a focal length, or they have a lens that's just really great and sharp that cannon doesn't have I be honest with you, I have never seen anyone actually do this out in the field. I've actually taken a camera and done it and seeing the results and they look fine, but the problem is, is that the camera doesn't work to its full potential, whether it's the meeting system, the autofocus system depends on the camera and lens set up that you have, but you're definitely not going to have auto focus, and a lot of times you have what's called stop down metarie, which means you have to set the aperture that you want to set. The viewfinder goes dark to set the meet aree you don't have to open it up to focus, and then you have to close it back down to take the picture, and so it only works for situations where you have plenty of time to set up. You will never, ever find a sports photographer at a sideline of aa event shooting with a nikon lands on a cannon body it's just too many complications with it, and you can do it because the nikon lens mount is smaller than the cannon lends mount and cannon has a larger lens, mouth and cannon and that's why you can't put a cannon lands on a nikon, but in general, keep the two separate that's my opinion, I be nathan. Has asked which lens you would suggest for an advance photographer buying a third d thirty one hundred and could you please talk about your opinion with regards to the eighteen to one of five eighteen to one or five lands is an upgrade version of the kit lands eighteen to fifty five it fits in with a group of lenses that I would call basic zoom lenses and they're not really to the higher end of lenses what lens you get completely depends on a lot of factors how much you want to pay, how much you want to carry around what type of photography you're doing but one of the things that beginning photographers this is kind of the common scenario is beginning photographers look att focal length how big a focal length do they have? Advanced photographers look att the aperture how wide of opening does the lens have? And so if the beginners looked a little bit more at what the aperture was on the lands they might get themselves into a better lands on so one of the problems with the kit lenses in the basic zoom lenses is at their aperture range. The maximum opening is somewhere between three point five and five point six and for a professional photographer they're going to want a lens that opens up to two point eight if it's a zoom lens now those lenses cost a lot more money they're bigger, they're heavier yes they do take better pictures there's faster focusing motors built in there's better glass they can work in low light situations they can shoot with faster shutter speeds there's a lot of advantages to him depends on if it's worth it to you financially and physically carrying around this bigger lands as faras other lenses that would be good for this I mentioned already the seventy two three hundred which is a good telephoto lens nikon makes let me see if I get this number right I believe it's a sin seventeen to fifteen eighteen eighteen to fifty five I'm sure I've got so many number seventeen to fifty five two point eight so they make a zoom lens that goes from seventeen fifty five which is almost the same as this but it's a two point eight aperture the difference is is that this lands on its own is worth about a hundred bucks that lands is worth about fourteen hundred dollars so there's a huge price difference to really get a significant upgrade the cheapest way to get an upgrade is that thirty five one point eight and the fifty millimeter lands and actually one that I didn't mention the fifty millimeter one point four which is an f s lance is a nice portrait fast lance it is a seventeen fifty five seventeen thank you very much everybody and santo had asked with regard to accessories will there be a battery grip for this camera no, there is not a battery get for this one this is one of the things that the entry level with nikon it's not an optional supplied accessory it is something that if you step up a model and go to the d seven thousand they make a vertical grip and if you're not knowing what we're talking about it's a larger grip that goes down below that's nice for you big hands it also has an additional spot to put a second battery and we'll have controls for shooting vertically so if you do a lot of portrait photography getting more advanced camera that has that shutter release on it it's kind of a handy thing ah I thought they were really great for a while but then I started carrying my cameras around on vacation and traveling a lot and I decided I like to have the cameras small in this light is possible and so it's a nice setup as it has here but you can't add a grip to it bohr had said that they live in toronto and the weather is almost four months out of the year cloudy um and what kind of setting would you recommend to get rid of the great color from images without using photoshopped? Get rid of the great color rather wonder if they're thinking like a tobacco filter which makes everything this nice amber color of it this yellow in color, huh? For shooting people pictures I would look at first off just using the pop up built in flash or using an add on flash or other lighting tio teo add a little bit of light to your subjects face and so if you're shooting people pictures definitely do that if you're shooting landscape shots I would look into a graduated neutral density filter which is something that I explained in the class that I've talked about too many times already so far but that's a great landscape filter to bring a little bit more texture into the clouds and that's the graduated neutral density filter great thank you question from mac gp was is there a downside to fitting a large heavy lens like a seventy two two hundred two point eight on the thirty one hundred in the lens mount suffer from the added weight quick answer is no no this is ah well built camera it has a strong lens mount you can mount it to anything you want when you have it out with the seventy two, two hundred two point eight which if you're not familiar with it is probably I don't know two three pound lands it's it's a pretty big heavy lands the center of gravity is much more the lands and it's more just this body hanging off the back of the lens and so no it's not really a problem in that case the only thing is is that at that point, it's probably time to upgrade cameras uh because that's that's a rather expensive lands but there is definitely no problem mounting this camera on there you get wonderful pictures I'm earlier sparks had asked why they haven't eso so high when really it's too much noise to use why did they have a nice high I s o partly I have got to believe it is marketing and advertising and competing with other manufacturers because they technically could go up two or three stops even more than it is right now and it would just be absolutely terrible results s o that is definitely part of it but it's also giving somebody who really wants that option you know they're photographing something at nighttime and it's criminal activity and they want to get the picture and they don't really care about image quality they just want to be able to take a picture it is technically possible and so they have allowed you to do pretty much right up to the ragged edges of what's technically possible for ah photographer who's concerned about quality of my images I won't go to the highest setting I won't go to the second highest setting I'm always trying to keep it as low as possible whatever that situation and very carefully and my ever jumping up a notch on that and so for most cameras and this camera included I would say try the hardest you can to stay away from the highest setting in the second highest setting and beyond that always keep it as low as possible trevor dean photo had said the mega mega pixel race has gone as far as it will go so they're looking for another feature of market it is a good feature to market camera's working in low light it is great and I would love to be able to have a chairman that shoots a one hundred thousand esso and have it look it's clean it's one hundred it would give us more versatility but the thing is is that I don't know that the fundamental fact that one hundred eso is always going to be better than two hundred eyes so uh two hundred maybe really really close to it but one hundred will always be better so if you want to shoot the best you always shoot it at the lowest numbered eh? So in this case one hundred on the d thirty one hundred so another lens question from bora a lap nikon has the fifty millimeter one point eight and the fifty millimeter one point four is it really necessary to pay two hundred dollars more to get the one point for the two hundred dollars for the one point for versus one point eight is a third of a stop which in and of itself is not worth two hundred bucks in my opinion but that particular lands is built to a different construction standard it's a better quality built lens it's gotta better focusing system in it and it has a focusing system that works with this camera so there you start talking about it probably might be worth it. It depends on who you are. The fifty one point eight is a good, cheap alternative. The biggest bugaboo about it is that it's going to be manual focus on here? The one point four is going to be auto focus it's going to have very fast, silent, quick auto focusing better construction and something that we haven't talked about that we're certainly not going to be able to get into today is the okay of the lens, which is the quality of the out of focus area, and it has to do with the optical design of the lands it has to do with how many aperture blades there are and there's some higher and lenses that have a better look to them and part of this comes from the out of focus area and that one point four is going to have a better brok than the one point eight, but that one point eight is hard to beat for the price you know, if you really don't think you need this lands, you could always buy that lands and you could end up selling it on craigslist for eighty or ninety percent of what you bought it for. So you're not really out much money, so it's not much risk on investment. My opinion, if you can afford the one for I'd go for it. An earlier question from low kati if you could talk about the best lenses for video and does it matter what slits his videos that work with video? Well, with video? The biggest problem with video is focusing because while this camera has one of the best focusing systems in it for shooting video, it's very port in its ability to change focus while you are shooting, keeping up with movement and not making any noise while it's doing it. The problem is, is that the built in microphone is connected to the lands, which is connected to the motor, so you can actually hear the focusing of the lands in quiet situations, and the tracking is not as fast as it could be. And so if somebody is shooting video, either they will pre focus and just let it sit there if they have a subject that is moving. There hasn't been a number of people who shoot seriously with videos using these cameras to shoot video, and they will get an older manual focus lands. That has a big nice smooth focussing ring on it that they can follow focus and make markings on where their subject and was moving from into and obviously we're talking about a lot of setup when we do this we're talking about, you know, film students and people making serious projects with it er it's not the best video tool around there's a lot of things you gotta add to it to make it work as faras general lenses in the lineup no, actually some of the older manual lances or the ones that that people like because the manual focus is so smooth and easy to get to and it has a nice big ring on it and there's a lot of those on the use market too. Okay, great uh from kelly in the chat room would you recommend using the thirty five millimetre or the fifty millimeter lens shooting my infant for shooting an infant and for doing general people photography I would probably do the fifty millimeter land the thirty five is a nice standard lens, but you're going to have to be pretty close to your subject if you're shooting just an individual and especially a small individual like a child or an infant and so in that case definitely the fifty okay and see if we wanna answer this again veselin had asked slightly off topic, which would be better the bigger sensor with lower resolution or the smaller sensor with higher resolution I would almost always take the bigger sensor with the lower resolution and so if you were to compare this fourteen megapixel camera against icons d seven hundred, which has twelve million pixels, I can almost guarantee you in every situation that twelve million pixels is going to be a bit better result because the pixels are larger and it's better at picking up low light conditions it might not be in every situation, but in most every situation the problem is is that it's not just well, I'm going to get this or that because they're the same price they're not the same price the d seven hundred which is ni cons least expensive full frame camera body only roughly twenty four hundred bucks so you could buy about three of these camera kits for the price of one camera so it's got to be really important to you to get full frame. We had a guest in the chat room who had asked questions about this camera and the app for the iphone uh for remote camera firing I mean, there are people talking all about it, but I kind of told him I would ask, so I don't know if this is what I'm gonna completely say I don't know about that because to fire the camera remotely the only remote they have is a wired remote and so I'm envisioning this awesome iphone application that would show me what the cameras looking at, and I could just touch the screen to fire the camera, but unless somebody lets me now that doesn't exist, well, they it's currently not compatible with that particular model, okay, I would see that going forward, it could be because the d three thousand is on the list, there's also an I fi card, you know that part's, so it sounds like the app might be compatible with that, but this's pure speculation, I don't have that thing exists at this point, you know, an app does exist is made by on one software, okay? And so you have something that we didn't really get into kind of beyond. The scope of this class is using the wifi card, which is a memory card that actually sends a signal to a nearby device that receives it. And so, rather than storing it on the memory card in the camera, it sends it to a nearby computer or potentially phone. In that case, I had a question from earlier before lunch, which flows from clare of r a who one one of the prices bergen and that was his meat oring determined by your focus point in other words, where the meter takes it's reading. No, it is not you could, for instance, choose a bracket off to the right hand side to focus but it's meeting point if you choose the spot is always in the center, so you do need to be careful about choosing spot as I said before, you want to be very careful about using spot metering uh, w s yeager had asked when importing j pegs on a pc using the native windows explorer doesn't degrade the quality during the importing when rotating or tagging. If so, do you recommend a program that will not degree the image quality of a j peg when importing, rotating or tagging? That was a mouthful it wass so I'll say no, okay, I know it doesn't degrade it jpeg images looking at j pegs does not degrade them closing them does not degrade them what degrades them is saving them and so when you save a j peg in here it's degrading it from orion much, which is why a lot of us don't like to shoot shoot j picks when you look at it in your computer that's perfectly fine when you rotate it that's fine rotating is kind of an exception to that because it's not changing in any way but when you save it it's re compressing the data and so you don't want to open and save an open and save a jpeg image so just to be clear not copying and saving in a different location but opening it changing, opening the saving it who correct opening it and re saving attack damages it all right wherever I think that you have any more questions susan I have so many questions okay, I mean questions a really slowing down so let's just cut it down to a couple here all right? Go for it kinda find your best ones hit me with your best shot um yeah, I mean, I think we are not sure about this one, but joanie way earlier had asked I get a shadow from my lens when I'm shooting something close and he thought very good question so and she had a fifty five millimeter okay, well, this is a fifty five some maybe it was this one so we have a built in flash and if you shoot something really close up there's going to be a shadow cast by the front of this lance and I recommended using the lens hood and this is one of the exceptions to using a lens hood is if you're photographing with the flash because it can hit the lens hood and cast a shadow on your subject and some people who by a camera like this they don't get the kit lands they get a really big like eighteen to two hundred zoom lands it has a big hunk in front end and then they find that they can't use the flash so they have to buy an additional flash and so that is a problem with larger than normal lenses and with using lens hood's but that's a common problem and it's pretty easily diagnosed by simply looking at the photograph and noticing this big shadowed area at the bottom and that's your lens ok last question um nicholas photo would like to know what your personal favorite camera is personal favorite cameron wake up price rage just came out with an eighty thousand picks up your favorite personal camera and maybe your favorite lens okay I'm going to change this up okay change it out john I'll be honest I shoot cannon right now I used to shoot night gone for a long time I have a cannon five d mark too and it's the best camera I've ever used I like it a lot it's an expensive camera but it's really nice um my favorite non current camera was the nikon f or that was like my first professional camera and it is the first you know serious nikon camera that had auto focus it was built like a tank had a great few finder had all sorts of buttons and controls right on the outside of it and so the night kind of forced my favorite obsolete camera and some people are going to get offended by the fact that I say obsolete but it's it's a camera that I paid two thousand dollars for and it's available down the street used for two hundred bucks and it's. Just a shame to see that. But that was that's, one of my favorite cameras. All right. Good place to end. Yeah, we just remind everybody yet go ahead. Can weigh. Just want to remind everybody that we have two more camera specific class is coming out with john gringo. Next week is the cannon sixty d crash course. And following is the nikon t seven thousand three. Seven thousand. Of course. Same time, same day, same place here in creative live. Same john gringo. Same john ringo. And we do want to throw out another. Thanks. Tto be innate. Thanks for your help in supporting our educational ways. Here's. Thank you. Send him a little love. All right. And again, that little love can be if you are going to purchase anything at being a judge, if you couldn't go through the creative live site and just click on any of the places you see being a tch, then they know that you came from creative live and they really, really helped support, uh, creative life happening. So being h thanks, everyone, thank you see you next week.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Wow! Amazing course. I started learning photography on my own about 6 months ago. I read many blogs and tutorials and watched a lot of you tube videos. I then decided to buy Johns Intro to Digital Photography course. It's an excellent class and I was learning so much, but having still having trouble understanding how I could translate what I was learning into taking great pictures with my camera. I read my user manual a few times and still had a lot of questions. I was really hesitant to buy this course because I am cheap. Lol. I thought I should b able to learn everything using my FREE user manual. I am so glad I decided to buy the class. Everything finally makes sense. He even gave examples of pictures and showed how he would set up this camera to get a good shot. John is an excellent teacher. Worth every penny.
a Creativelive Student
Wonderful resource! I'm a brand new photographer, with a brand new 3300 that I bought because I decided that if I was ever going to get the most out of my point & shoot, I would have to learn to use a "grown up" camera. That seems backwards, I know, but there don't seem to be classes that help a person go beyond p &; s. Since I'm new to photography in general, I found the pace to be super fast - thank goodness I could yell "wait!" at the computer then rewind! The operational section was extremely useful. Being able to practice resetting the various elements was exactly what I needed. I do wish that I'd watched the 3300 update before watching the rest of the episodes. The functionality of the newer model was just different enough to make me want to pull out my hair. What dial? What button? So that would be my tip: if you have a 3200 or 3300, watch that segment first and maybe make a note of the changes so you don't go mad during certain portions of the course. Otherwise, it was great, and I so appreciate the fact that I'll be able to go back and review sections whenever I want. Now it';s off to the basic photography class! Thanks, CreativeLive!
Rick Erbach
I'm an amateur photographer. I decided to upgrade from my iPhone and point and shoot camera. I bought the Nikon D3300. I then found John's class on the D3300. His easy to follow course walked me step by step and button by button around and in my new camera. It was worth the money. His tips, tricks, and hidden gems took me from auto to the big 4-manual, aperture, shutter, and programming! Wow. With my new understanding of the camera, my pictures improved with each shoot. Practice makes better...but it was the confidence John gave me to go out and use the entire camera that is making me a better storyteller. This course is a must view for all new Nikon D3300 camera owners! Thank you John for a great learning experience!
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