How to Color Correct Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
Lesson 6 from: Photoshop iPad for BeginnersJesús Ramirez

How to Color Correct Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
Lesson 6 from: Photoshop iPad for BeginnersJesús Ramirez
Lesson Info
6. How to Color Correct Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
Class Introduction
00:53 2The Photoshop iPad Interface and Must-Know Settings
10:36 3Understanding Layers in Photoshop on the iPad
04:17 4Crop, Rotate, and Export a Photo in Photoshop on the iPad
01:49 5Remove Distracting Elements From Your Photos in Photoshop on the iPad
04:26 6How to Color Correct Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
07:34 7How to Color Grade Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
04:12 8How To Change The Color of an Object in Photoshop on the iPad
10:56Lesson Info
How to Color Correct Photos with Photoshop on the iPad
next, let's look at how adjustment layers work and how we could make targeted adjustments in Photoshop on the IPad. Adjustment layers allow you to control the tonality and color of your image non destructively. In other words, you can always come back, make changes through adjustment or deleted without affecting the original image. In this example, we will color correct this image to neutralize the grace and remove the color cast. This is a photo I shot a few years back in Venice, Italy, and, as you can see, it has a severe color cast. There's many reasons why a photo could have a color cast, including the wrong camera settings and lighting conditions. Start by expanding the detail layer view from the task bar, then tap and hold the Adler button and select adjustment layer from the list. Select levels. The Levels adjustment layer allows you to control the tonality and color of your image. Using five sliders. You could also color correct the photo with several other adjustment layers, i...
ncluding curbs. But I find that the levels adjustment layer it's easier for beginners to understand before we color, correct the image of briefly explained how the levels adjustment layer works. I'm currently in the RGB composite view under the Channel Options. This setting controls the brightness of your image. On the top, you will see three sliders, which control the shadows, mid tones and highlights in the two output level, sliders below for black and white. In an eight bit RGB image, you will have 255 levels of gray. Zero is black and 2 55 is white. If you drag the black point to the right and set it to 76 the image will get darker because now every picks over the value of 76 or darker will become black. It becomes black because the black output slider below is set to zero, which is black. So the darkest color and the images black. If you drag the black output slider to the right and make it 68 then the darkest color of the image will not be black, but instead a dark gray notice that the image looks washed out because there's no black pixels. Even if you keep dragging the Black Point slider to the right, the image will get darker, but no pixel will become darker than the output level, which is 68. The opposite is true. On the other side, if you drag the white point slider to the left, the image will get brighter because Photoshop makes pixels they value of 140 or brighter white. The reason that Photoshop makes these pixels white is that the white output level is set to 2 55 which is white, so the brightest pixel in the image is white. But if you drag the white output level slider to the left to 82 then the brightest pixel in the image will no longer be white. Instead, it will be a dark shade of gray. With these five sliders, you can control the brightness and contrast of your image, but you can also control the color in the image. By adjusting the individual red, green or blue channels, I'll select the Red Channel. Now these lighters increase or decrease the light of the corresponding channel. If you had light, you brighten the image and introduce more color of the channel that you're in in this case, red. If you subtract light, you will darken the image and introduce the opposite color of the channel. In this case, sigh in the opposite of green is magenta in the opposite of blue is yellow. Luckily, you don't need to remember any of this or remove a killer cast from your photo. But you do need to remember an old technique used in Photoshop. Death stock would still works great in Photoshop on the IPad start in the Red Channel, and from here you can drag the Black Point slider to where you see the red spike on the hissed a gram and do the same for the White Point slider Drag. It left up to the point where the History Grams information starts spiking up, then continue to do the same on the Green Channel and on the Blue Channel. Of course, I think that my image is looking a little yellow, so I will adjust a gamma in the Blue Channel. I'll increase blue to reduce yellow, and from the Red Channel, I can reduce red to get the opposite color. Scion. This will help reduce the yellow color casts further. I still see a tiny bit of a green tent of my image, so I will use the Green Channel to add magenta and reduce the tent. My image is looking great, and we've done a fantastic job color correcting this photo. Since we're working with an adjustment layer, we could always hide the effect edited or even deleted without affecting the original photo. Next, we're going to apply a selective adjustment to make the water blue. This will be your introduction to layer masking selections. We will work with them in more detail in the next video, but I think that you will get a good idea of how they work in this example. Start by tapping and holding on the add layer button and select adjustment layer from the list. Select color balance. With this adjustment layer, you can drag a slider towards the color you want to add to the image, or you can drag the slider away from a color you want to subtract from the image. Notice it. Thies Sliders have the same color relationship that we looked at in the levels adjustment layer. To make the water bluer, reduce the red to add sigh in, then increased blue and decrease green to add a little bit of magenta. The water is looking much bluer, and I like it a lot. But unfortunately, the color balance adjustment layer is affecting the entire image. To adjust on lee the water you need to make a targeted adjustment. To do so, you need to use a layer mask to selectively reveal the color effect to the right of the adjustment layer icon, you will see the layer mask the white box. If you double tap on the layer mask, you will enter the mask view mode. It is entirely white, which means that the effect is applied to the entire image with a layer mask, white reveals and black conceals. So the Onley area that needs to be white is the area where the water is and everything else needs to be black. That will happen the layer mask icon to see the image again. In this case, it will be easier to simply paint with white to review the effect over the water rather than painting everything else black to hide the effect. You could make the layer mask black to hide the effect by first making sure that Damascus selected, then going to the filters and adjustments icon and tapping on the invert icon. This will make the layer mask black. Look at the layer mask thumbnail. Now it's black. If you double tap on the mask, you'll see that it is completely black. This means that the color balance effect is completely hidden from this image. Now you can reveal the effect by painting on the mask with white. Select the brush tool and set your foreground color toe white. Remember that you can swipe up and down on the foreground and background color chips to talk with the colors between them. You can also tap on the foreground color chip and set it toe white. Next, you can use the apple pencil or your finger to paint over the water, revealing the blue color effect. Remember, you're working with an adjustment layer so you can make changes to this effect at any time. For example, you can go into the opacity slider and reduce the intensity of this effect. Or you can adjust the color by adjusting the sliders in the color balance adjustment layer. In the next video, we'll work with curves adjustment layer toe. Apply a color grade
Ratings and Reviews
Bess Palmer
No I wouldn’t recommend it only because it was way too fast. I love Jesus but this class was not his normal pace. I am an intermediate user of photoshop so all I really needed was to adapt to the different interface but as quick as I would look down at my IPad, he was on to something else. I eventually gave up. Also a lot has changed in the interface since the video was shot.
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