Textures Q&A
Lesson 6 from: Adobe Photoshop: Creative Explorations, Lighting Effects & MoreBen Willmore

Textures Q&A
Lesson 6 from: Adobe Photoshop: Creative Explorations, Lighting Effects & MoreBen Willmore
Day 1
1Adobe Camera Raw Effects
35:05 2Panollage
28:00 3Stylizing an Image
30:42 4Applying Textures
30:15 5Creating Your Own Textures
15:30 6Textures Q&A
11:24 7Transforming a Photograph into a Painting
41:52Oil Paint Filter
29:47 9Simulating a Drawing
14:18 10Working with Type
23:50 11Shape Tool Tricks
15:18 12Shape Tool TricksType and Shape Q&A
15:29 13Layer Styles
13:55 14Brush Basics
39:47 15The Brush Panel Part 1
23:46 16Custom Brushes
31:06 17The Brush Panel Part 2
19:41 18Wacom Tablet Setup
24:37 19The Pattern Stamp Tool
05:14 20Bristle Brushes
33:27 21Simulating Rain
10:00 22Lighting Effects
17:15 23Displacement Maps
44:07 24Topomap Effect
18:23 25Creative Focus Control
12:27 26Additional Filter Effects
12:03Day 2
Lesson Info
Textures Q&A
So sam cocks always has fantastic questions his asked ben if I create a group or a folder of textures with blend modes and capacities can I save that just that group to be applied to other images can I say just that group sure you can just do that group let me see if I still have anything open and photoshopped okay, so here I have let's say two textures and I put them in a group so command g the only thing is I probably don't want masks on these because these masts are specific to this exact picture so for other images just going to drag him to the trash and say delete delete and so I have this folder with the textures within it and you want to be able to just save that well, here's a little trick if you've already had applied to an image because here I got the image underneath I'm going to hold down the option key that sultan windows and I'm going to drag this folder down to the new layer icon though I kant creates a brand new empty layer but I have the option he held down the option ...
key means do something special so when I let go this would come up and it says, hey, you want to duplicate this group wants you to give it a name, so I'm just going to call this um and then it wants to know what document to put it in that's the special part I can say put it in a brand new document a brand new document called texture one when I click okay now it's going to take that group which I dragged down to the new layer icon well, I had the option keyhole down that's ultimate nose and when I click on okay I'm gonna get a brand new document that has on ly that particular folder in it and now I could just choose save out give this a name so that's just a little trick if you have a folder hold on the option key drag it down in the new layer icon you can tell it to go into a new document and just save out that particular part then if you ever want to use that any other of files you could just open that document used move tool, drag it over to another file or lets in fact see if this one trick might work be nice if it did never tried it I'm going to find that image on my hard drive and put it in the same folder is an image I want to apply it to I'll grab both images we see if this works I've never done it with a layered photoshopped file I've always done it with images that don't have layers but load files into photoshopped layers is designed to stack those things and I just want to see if it works fine with a document that contains layers and yes it does the only thing you have to do is it you're not going to be able to control the order so you might need it just dragged out on top once you're done so that way if you save it out and you ever want to apply to anything, all I did was I just say I want to I want this on this image so I select them both on bridge I choose tools photo shop load files in the photo shop players and that's what's going to do are stacking and just make sure this ends up on top if the two documents are of different sizes that's when you're going to have to take it and type command tea and either scale it up or down to get her to be appropriate for that document and then I'd have to crop this to get the empty space out of there on to that I have one quick question from dave or who's joining us from bosnia I know have you been to bosnia? I have not have you bet you have I have I knew you she always actually you know I'm the big traveler and she's like oh yeah travels everywhere she's gone to like a bazillion country of the big traveler ran you know okay, the question is so in creating a texture, it has to be black and white literally like creating a brush. Uh, not necessarily. It's just win the when the filters that I mentioned where you had the choice of load texture on the little side menu it's only going to use the grayscale part of your image it's gonna ignore color uh and so on lee for that particular thing, but the other ways we replying texture where we have it on a layer and it's set to overlay mode or something else those commie color no problem it's just the ones that you feed to those filters where it had a little side menu said load texture to best my knowledge it's going to ignore any color that would be in your picture so there's no need for color as far as they know it's going to think of bright areas as areas that should become close to you and dark areas that should be further away that's how it figures out how that kind of move your image a little bit to make it feel like it has texture um but yeah, sure. All right, so it's something we have a few more minutes before we go to break, let me show you how you could take a texture and make it seamless because then you could feed it to other filters. So I'm going to just open a section have made in the past. Um okay, this thing I wanted to be seamless so that I could apply it as a pattern. Uh, what? I would end up doing this here's my texture. I want to simply expose where the seams would be. What would it look like if the left edge of this image touched the right edge? So you mentioned the bathroom time just repeated it. We'll do that there's a filter that's called offset and with offset, you can tell it to move the picture to the right. And when it moves it to the right, anything goes beyond the edge simply wraps around the other side. I think it was like a conveyor belt. Whatever goes past the edge on the right side of conveyor belt just wrapped around. I can do that. Now, if I zoom up, I can see the scene like, can you see a hint of it right there, it's just a matter of retouching that you can try to come in here and use something like the spot healing brush with textures, though it's often too obvious where it's applied sometimes, instead, I need a copy and paste things, but I just needed retouch out that seem until all these areas look like they belong and come together and you don't see this kind of straight ish line it's up to you, though, to figure out how to do that sometimes it's a matter of selecting like a big area over here and typing command jay, that means jumped just that to a new layer used the move tool and move it over here, and then add a layer mask to say where the edges of that I'm going to see it, paint away the edges with a soft brush to get them to blend in it's kind of hard to see in this image, but just want to make it so you can't see exactly where those edges are just turn it off and on, and you'll be able to see where they currently and say that doesn't quite look good. What is that? And once you've covered up that whole scene, the vertical scene where you can't see it, that it's a distinct line, you want to do the exact same thing horizontally, which means I just take this letter, merge it down when I'm done, and then apply the filter a second time, the one called offset, and instead of moving the slider called horizontal moved the one called vertical that'll move their image vertically, and you should be able to eventually see the scene that's there let's look for where this particular texture looks like it's kind of broken up in a straight line it's actually hard for me to see that seem I can see the vertical seems still in there right here but the horizontal one is little harder toe notice but if you can't see that seem if it's been retouched out then you have a seamless pattern if you've done offset we do it horizontally retouch out the scene too had vertically retouch out scene if that's the case then what we could end up doing is simply taking that particular texture and I'm just going to retouch out the teeniest bit more here you can define it as a pattern that you can use to fill any document you ever open. You do if I just go into the edit menu and there's a choice in here called tto find pattern hee hee. Okay, so we have that now. Any time you want to apply that to an image I can open any picture it like create a new layer or in fact not even create any layer over here in under the adjustment layer pop up menu is the choice called pattern in the very last pattern will be the one I made we could put it in it will repeat itself to fill the document use overlay or soft light mode and we can apply to our picture or say save it and photoshopped file format in any of those filters that I listed off where it can have the choice of load texture, we could feed it that texture and it'll seamlessly repeated and apply it to your picture s o you're welcome to create your own seamless patterns kind of cool to be able to do it's just a matter of the patients of retouching out those seems so they look it all right impress your friends, make money, make your own textures, will you? If you want to go nuts, you can also go in here when you see his pattern remember we have the best pattern wait, I think we have time for maybe one or two questions before we transition over I'm just going to take a peek here, jean asks. If we have a collection of filters in light room, can we also use russell's? We used russell script was that working light room or is that? I don't know? I haven't looked into it because whenever I do textures I all the vast majority the time applied texture I end up painting on the mask the limit where it shows up or using the blending sliders toe limit where it shows up so that I don't generically applied across the whole image and so in my mind I didn't care if it worked with light room or not so I don't know there's, a chance that he's designed a script that could be used as a plug in and light room. But I kind of doubt it. I'm guessing that what he's done relies on photo shop, so we have to do if you have light room. Annual photo shop is just choose edit in photo shop, you know, photo, ed it in, and then you can tell it, tio edit the original in photo shop, and then you'd have the panel right there in photo shop from russell. You could apply to then, if you just save it by typing command desk, it would save it right back in the light room. Your end result, and you could see it there, but I think these rely on photo shop.
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Ratings and Reviews
This is the second class on PS filters that I've taken with Ben Willmore. He is handsdown a fabulous teacher and one I highly recommend. I purchased both classes and I feel that for the price, they are worth their weight in gold. I applied his PS filter techniques to some of my surface pattern designs that were created using my original artwork and I've received great comments. So I owe a great deal of gratitude to CL and to Ben Wilmore for giving me the opportunity to grow my PS knowledge and to apply it with confidence to my artwork. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
well I would recommend it sort of. I think much of the chapters show you how to use things without giving good examples or reasons such as with the brushes part. The photo on the cover is never worked on or really any of the topics didn't talk about how to achieve that look. I did learn some things as I have a lot to learn. I have been using the textures with great success. He does a nice job of explaining...I just don;t think we saw enough start to finish work.
a Creativelive Student
Fantastic tutor and course content! Ben Willmore truly is a master of Photoshop and has the ability to teach all aspects of Photoshop in such and easy-to-understand manner. Thanks so much for making Photoshop so much more understandable. Highly recommended.
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