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Preflight in InDesign and Acrobat

Jason Hoppe

Preflight in InDesign and Acrobat

Jason Hoppe

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Class Description

When you have completed your InDesign file and are ready to package and send it off, how do you know that everything is correct with the file. You know how to build files but there are a lot of items that can get overlooked such as overset text, misspellings or incorrect color usage, items too close to the edge that may get cut off or holes punched in, lines that are too small to print. All these can be managed using InDesign Preflight functions and you can tailor the numerous settings to get the file dialed in each time. You may not get an InDesign file as a final file, it may be a PDF. This tutorial will show you how to use the Preflight and Production features in Acrobat to see these issues and in many cases correct them right in the PDF.

Software Used: Adobe InDesign CC 2017.1, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC