Class Introduction and Overview
02:34 2Setting Up a Project
06:11 3Tracks and the Mixer Window
06:05 4Toolbar Items
10:36 5Menus, Themes, and Layouts
07:07 6Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
27:28 7Setting up a MIDI Track
06:11 8Editing a MIDI Track
18:02MIDI Drum Programming
30:51 10Adding MIDI Layers
23:42 11Markers, Regions, and Groups
12:45 12Setting Up for Live Audio
09:23 13Adding Effects on Audio Tracks
37:31 14Grouping and Folders for Audio Tracks
22:19 15Click Track and Headphone Mixes
17:12 16Takes, Lanes, and Groups
17:53 17File Management
23:10Lesson Info
Markers, Regions, and Groups
so we can label them separately so we can remember what sections what. So again, we'll say this will go up to the bar. Three and Long is snapping. Is honest going to bar three. Go here to insert and we can choose a marker. There's two different ways of choosing it. We can choose Marker, just a plain old marker or marker prompt for need, which is shift them as opposed to regular. So I just hit em. It makes a market out there, and that's good enough to tell if there's a break in the song, but you may want actually name it. So I'm gonna hold down option of Mackel Ultimate PC and then click it to delete it and hit Shift em instead. And that's gonna open this window where we can name the marker So we'll call this section intro. Try that again and this section over here apart. Seven. Shift them will call the breakdown and section it Bar 11. We'll call the course. That makes it really easy to see the different sections very quickly and just quit to play them. In fact, you can just click right...
here, and the transport moves right to that section, very flexible to also change the color of them. So at this marker for one of this intro, to say to be a different color, maybe let's bluish color and it shows up like that and we could do Let's think this color more of a green and let's go a little darker. I mean, a little brighter, like bright colors. And so this is blue. This is now green, and that's red, so you can kind of separate that way. Now Mark is pretty much do nothing more than just show you the spots. Like I said, you can click him to move to the spot you gonna fly. But there's another way you can do things that actually hopes with the arrangement process, and that's called regions. So let's just delete these for now. I mean, we can use both the same time, but I find it easier you use one of the other. It's probably easy to see is, well, regions like markers as that you label different sections of the song, except it has a beginning and an end where markers just mark a point reasons Marcus section. So like I said, this is the intro. So let's make a time selection by either grabbing appear or you could do it down here as well. Also mentioned that you can grab blank space right above the items as well. Just by doing that, readjust this to here. If you want to make that a region, you just right click up here and in Create region from selection and makes that bar, of course, the top like that. Then you can right click it a name it a chemical at the intro. Give it a color. Let's go with a cool like that in that region shows up there with the name as well. Let's do the same thing over here, right? Click it. Create region from selection and we'll name this the break break down. And let's keep that the gray and all to the same should also mention if you leave this like this, you can change the selection over here. I just Seiko from March 7 to Bar 11 and it's four bars. You just move it from here as well to like, say far, can see it 11. And make this bar 13. Actually, nothing you know, which is even quicker is if you hold down an item that's exactly the length of the item you want to, uh, the region you could hold on shift, double click it. And it makes the time selection of size of that item, which is exactly what we want right here to make it easy to make a region. It's great region. And we'll call this the chorus. I'm actually right. Come on. I'm actually right clicking over here. Uh, called it, of course. And we'll make this the color red. Nope, not the region manager. That's very easy to see. These regions are at the same time. And again, we could just double click them at any time to select everything in the region which will affect playback as well from here down to the intro breakdown. But where this gets really powerful is that we can rearrange our song or the song arrangement by using those things. For example, what they wanted to start the song about the breakdown. What say this before we do it. It's kind of a major thing to dio what they want. Something from someone to break down. Just grab this and bring it over here have some sort of breakdown going into the intro, going to the chorus way to start the chorus, drink over there, way to the intro into the breakdown way to put it all back like this. Now, if for some reason these are all lined up perfectly on the grid, if they're not wind up and we move it, what we'll actually do is they'll split any items that across that grid like, for instance, what's grabbed this guy and move him out. If I was to move this over here, it splits it to make room and keep that over there so that it always you always having just the thing that's in that region being moved. Even if the item leans over for trims over to the next section. What's undo that? That's really useful for rearranging your song. Put this back to the way Waas Very easy. Try out different regions from different arrangements of the song, Uh, see that this bigger. I think that's all the insurance I wanted to record me. Just double check to see if I didn't miss anything on drums in a folder. Could also potato affects the things you a question. You want to get in trouble? Good. I think I'll just show you some effects for some of these tracks and maybe some track grouping, and I think we'll be good. I'm sure they're not track. We've been item grouping, which I'll explain a little more. But first, isn't it put in effect on the vibes? Uh, I could use an effects send and put it away on a separate track. But let me show you both ways. Actually, let's start off with just putting around the track. So this is kind of ah, pre dry sound. So it's and the way to it. We'll go to the Reaper. Ones said a wet a little lower. What set this to leave? Just eight. Note should work. So 1/8 note it was here. That, uh okay. No, I don't hear anyone. Repeat right now we could bring up the feedback. Uh, we can also make this stereo by getting rid of this one. Here, make a new tap. So it's one. This two taps. This one and this one. You see, they're both the same. Let's take the 1st 1 and pan to the left. And the 2nd 1 painted to the right and we should have created Stare a delay by doubling this to be 2/8 notes. Excuse me, It's now tap. One is 1/8 note and tap to is to eighth notes or 1/4 note, so it should bounce back and forth. Good. Uh, it's a lot more interesting sounding sure that the track nice. Now the one other thing want to show you is item grouping now group. There's a lot of different. That was a grouping and Reaper. Like I mentioned before, we could do temporary grouping by just selecting two tracks and moving them together. But we could also group things by their items. So, for instance, what do you want to rearrange the song a little bit? Let's make this a smaller So you see everything we want to toe copy the course to a later part of song, maybe copy the whole song to lead a part of the song. What? You started the course, though we would ah least I would use the marquee tool to select everything in this area here which this is actually looping. So I can't do that. What I should do is just split this first, you know, Now describe all these here I don't need to fill. And then now I could just shift them over and they're all selected. But if I know later on, I may want to move them together as a group, I could just group them. So you just right click go down here to group and group items should also just hit g to do that. And now if you're gonna make this a little bit bigger the sea, ma and that mean illegal She is the iconic shows up here. That means it. Those tracks where those items a group I shouldn't say tracks because crack whooping is very separate from item grouping. These items are now grouped, but they're not the tracks. Orent. So now I could just grab any of them that I have to first turn track grouping on which is his button right over here to turn that on now like a great one thing and they all move together so I could just in the future, I don't have to grab them all anymore. Now they behave as a group. Now there's an option in here which I like to turn on. I think it's off by the fault. So what? The one item strikes the whole group. If that's turned off, you select it. It doesn't select the others, but they still move together. They're just not selected, which makes it harder for doing things like changing the volume or adding a fade. We're trimming them because, you know, I only trimming one. But when you haven't selected like this, which I prefer, then they're all selected. You could do a lot more things like splitting, and it behaves a little better that way. So now if I wanted to say make another chorus here, I could just grab this. Just grab any one of them. Hold on command of Mac or Pete Door Control in the PC and just drink it to a different spot. Now we have a whole new chorus right over here. I believe I can do the same here. No, doesn't want me to do that. You just make a whole new region there. I think you get the point, though, and you just treat these as one item and it works. Of course, multiple tracks in multiple areas. So if you want to say Grab this one, which is already group. Not that one such grab. Let's just split these a little bit. You could see a little smaller Been great. This one, this one in this one Some reason it doesn't do it. Maybe go. So these are not next to each other and they can group them by hitting g. And now they're starting. Behave when you collect them when you select them, even though they're in separate tracks. And they could still just move these over all together like that What the lead thumb was split them. So behaviors a group, even if they're not on the same track and even if they're not necessary next to each other. So that's item grouping.
Ratings and Reviews
Buckeye Pete
Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.
Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative
Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.
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