Intro to Bootcamp
13:44 2Purpose of Pre-Production
15:54 3Technical Side of Preproduction
11:32 4Pre-Production: Setting Up the Tempo Map
12:05 5Pre-Production: Importing Stems
10:10 6Pre-Production: Click Track
15:26 7Creating Tracking Templates
17:03 8Intro and the Tone Pie
04:51Drums - Lay of the Land
10:44 10Bearing Edges
03:09 11Wood Types
10:36 12Depths and Sizes
04:00 13Hoops
02:38 14Sticks and Beaters
07:38 15Drum Heads
07:30 16Drum Tuning
1:03:54 17Drum Mic Placement Intro
10:37 18Basic Drum Mic Setup
53:36 19Cymbal Mic Setup
35:24 20Touch Up Tuning
46:55 21Microphone Choice and Placement
40:34 22Drum Tracking Intro
01:01 23Getting Tones and Final Placement
34:51 24Primary Tracking
31:54 25Punching In and Comping Takes
20:11 26Guitar Setup and Rhythm Tone Tracking
01:59 27Amplifiers - Lay of the Land
10:00 28Amplifiers & Cab Shoot Out
27:12 29Guitar Cab Mic Choice and Placement
03:56 30Guitar Tracking and Signal Chain
29:07 31Finalizing Amplifier Tone
51:24 32Guitar Mic Shootout Round Robin
05:21 33Intro to Rhythm Tracking
07:46 34Setting Up Guitars
15:02 35Working with a Guitarist
05:04 36Final Guitar Tone and Recap
04:10 37Guitar Tracking with John
15:19 38Guitar Tracking with Ollie
32:03 39Final Tracking
22:08 40Tracking Quads
33:44 41Intro to Bass Tone
01:26 42Bass Tone Setup
07:35 43Bass Tone Mic Placement
16:42 44Bass Tracking
45:08 45Intro to Clean and Lead Tones
02:15 46Clean Guitar Tones
34:04 47Lead Tones
10:58 48Vocal Setup for Tracking
11:26 49Vocal Mic Selection and Setup
02:38 50Vocal Mic Shootout
09:13 51Lead Vocal Tracking
38:09 52Writing Harmonies
07:44 53Harmony Vocal Tracking
23:25 54Vocal Warm Ups
11:39 55Scream Vocal Tracking
18:56 56Vocal Tuning and Editing Introduction
01:35 57Vocal Tuning and Editing
29:26 58Routing and Bussing
25:16 59Color Coding, Labeling and Arranging Channels
17:54 60Setting Up Parallel Compression
30:50 61Setting Up Drum Triggers
10:41 62Gain Staging and Trim
1:00:54 63Drum Mixing - Subtractive EQ
25:38 64Drum Mixing - Snare
23:00 65Drum Mixing - Kick
11:39 66Drum Mixing - Toms
24:47 67Drum Mixing - Cymbals and Rooms
17:23 68Drum Mixing Recap
08:57 69Mixing Bass Guitar
16:26 70Mixing Rhythm Guitars
1:16:07 71Basic Vocal Mix
1:08:59 72Mixing Clean and Lead Guitars
58:55 73Mixing - Automation
43:35 74Mastering - Interview with Joel Wanasek
31:01Lesson Info
Scream Vocal Tracking
♫ Falling ... lost ground ♫ Believers wander without their lie. You sound pretty cool. Hey, why don't we check this out. Because the music is, it already sounds pretty cool. Alright. Let me just duplicate this so that we can do doubles and stuff. (microphone testing) (laughing) Make that booty. Just act like that. Alright, you ready? Let me test. From the top. Got it, I was just putting my guide in there so I know where the screams are. Is your guide live? Alright, you ready? Yes. Okay, go. (electric guitar music) ♫ Falling (unintelligible ♫ Believers (unintelligible Sounds pretty great, man. How is it sounding to you? I'm just adjusting my music level but I think that's okay. Yeah, let me listen to it in here. It's coming to me like a solid block, which is how I like vocals to come in. Okay. Let me listen to it. It's not pretty tremendously aggressive. ♫ Falling (unintelligible ♫ Believers (unintelligible Yeah, cool. I like that take. Yeah, hold on ...
to that. Okay, you want ... Can you do me a favor? Can you boost my click a little bit, though? I'm, like, literally all maxed out and it's still not loud enough. Yeah, just give me a second. (electronic guitar music with metronome) There we go. I know that's louder. That is loud. Alright, let's do this. Alright, you want to double what you just did? Sure. It sounds great. Cool. (electronic guitar music) ♫ Falling (unintelligible) ♫ Believers (unintelligible) Nice. Cool. Let me just try Vocal Lining it. We were having that issue, but I just want to try once. Alright. Okay? Okay. We're having an issue because of this older version of ProTools that we're on. Woah. Older version of Vocal Line, actually. ♫ Falling (unintelligible) ♫ Believers (unintelligible) This is pretty great, man. Cool. Look at the next line. Yep. Thankfully, he's awesome at screaming too. Alright, good to go. ♫ Falling (unintelligible) ♫ Believers (unintelligible) ♫ Burning mission. Be afraid, so afraid. ♫ That would be why she left. That was a lot better. Alright. Congratulations. Thank you. You win. My screams are still on five, right? Yes. Okay, cool. Just making sure. Ready? What're we doing? Are we doubling? Double that. ♫ Falling (unintelligible) ♫ Believers (unintelligible) ♫ Burning mission. Be afraid, so afraid. ♫ That would be why she left. That sounds great, man. Let me align that too. ♫ Burning mission. Be afraid, so afraid. ♫ That would be why Okay. Okay. Alright, next. Where's the next scream? Going into the chorus. Okay, you ready? Yep. ♫ (Unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the fire, concealing the dark. ♫ Locks up my desire I like how you went high at the end. Yep. Try to bring that out even more on the double. I will. ♫ (Unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the fire, concealing the dark. ♫ Locks up my desire Little over. That's okay, I can Vocal Line that. Give me one second. I think it's really important to align screams because if they're not aligned, they're gonna sound like garbage put together when they're played back at the same time. And so you've just gotta, you really just gotta know, on the spot, if they're gonna be workable. ♫ Locks up my desire. Yep, that works. Okay, well, what's next? After ♫ Save this confirmation, onto the revelry. Sure. This is where my notes have really affected me the most. Okay. My low scream has been the hardest thing to recover. So those, like, swoops that I used to be able to do pretty effortlessly have been problems. Do your best and if it's not working, we'll just come up with something cool to do. We will. Okay. Alright, ready? Yes. ♫ Save this confirmation, onto the revelry. ♫ Let it all go. Sounded good. That's the best I can do. Okay, well, double that. Okay. I just can't get that. ♫ Save this confirmation, onto the revelry. ♫ Let it all go. Let me here that aligned. Okey dokey. ♫ Let it all go We're good. Okay. (laughs) Awesome. Just let it roll from there. ♫ Let it all go. ♫ My (unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the desert of sin That was great until those last, like, three words. I'll punch in for that. Yes, please. Okay. ♫ My (unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the desert of sin Yeah, that had way more power. Okay, double? Yes. ♫ Let it all go. ♫ My (unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the desert of sin Let's do the same thing. Okay. ♫ My (unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the desert of sin. Much better. Okay. Hang on one second. Do you mind if we quad the scream? The high one? Yeah. Yeah. With, like, a low one? No, just with high so that I can add them stereo and just make it horribly awful it'd be awesome. Or you can try lows if you want but I was just thinking highs. Well, I did like having those lows contrasted. Bro. Okay, cool. Alright, let's double the scream. Ready? Yes. (electronic guitar music) ♫ My (unintelligible) ♫ Lost in the desert Give me one second here. Okay. I just made it two new vocal tracks so that I can stereo them. Right now, I don't exactly have pan controls 'Cause of the way that we're listening to stuff, monitoring, but I'm putting them on two tracks here so that I can make them stereo. Okay, you ready to double that? Sure. Yeah, so without it being stereo now it's not gonna quite sound the way I envision it but I know it'll be cool. (electronic guitar music) ♫ Wait for us. ♫ Lost in darkness Thank you. No problem. Alright, what's next? Just let it roll from there. ♫ Wait for us ♫ Lost in the desert of sin. ♫ Safer than it seems ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars Hey. Hey there Let me get that scream at the end. Just that one? And there's one more part. Hang on a second. Yeah. ♫ Safer than it seems ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars. I really just wanna get the way it comes in. I kinda wanna do that first half, actually. Okay, cool. Ready? Yeah. ♫ Wait for us ♫ Lost in the desert of sin. ♫ Safer than it seems. ♫ Now trust can be had between the Way better. Yeah. Now let's get the scream. ♫ Safer than it seems ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars Way better, let's double this. Alright. ♫ Wait for us ♫ Lost in the desert of sin ♫ Safer than it seems ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars Let's get the scream. Okay? Fine. Alright. ♫ Safer than it seems ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars Okay, sounds great. Next line, okay. Ready? Yep, just let it roll. ♫ Now trust can be had between the bars ♫ In the south ♫ (unintelligible) I have to punch in for the last one. Yes. I will not be able to do that low scream on my own. That's fine. So this has to be studio magic. Not a problem. The rest was pretty sick. Yeah, okay. It's fine. Go for it, let's get the ending. Okay. ♫ In the south ♫ (unintelligible) You sound really good. Yeah, I think that will be it. Okay, double that. ♫ Whip the place ♫ In the south ♫ (unintelligible) Okay, let's double that last word. ♫ In the south ♫ (unintelligible) That works. Let me align this. ♫ In the south ♫ (Unintelligible) That'll do. Yeah, me too. Okay, what's next? Alright, so, just basically go to the end where the guitar breaks and it goes into the tempo change. Okay. 'Cause I gotta do that whisper voice in the middle. Alright. You mean before the modulation? Yeah, yeah, the tempo modulation. Okay. So just take it from ♫ Who will deny you're one of me Got it. Ready? Yes. ♫ Who will deny you're one of me ♫ One of me It comes in there. Okay. I'm gonna effect the hell outta that. Yeah. But for now, that's fine. Where do you start screaming again? It's a two pick-up into that. Okay, got it. ♫ Make it crawl ♫ Make it Double that. Woo. ♫ Make it crawl ♫ Make it I'm gonna align that. That was sick. Woo. ♫ Make it crawl ♫ Make it Cool. What's next? Just let it roll from "I am." ♫ Make it crawl ♫ My jam ♫ Inside all of my dreams lie ♫ Do what you know ♫ Who would deny Cool. Can I double that? Yeah. I love that he gets stuff right most of the time. It's so much easier. (heavy guitar music) ♫ My jam inside You got it. Cool. Okay, so what's next? It's just a low scream underneath. A call and response thing to "Who would deny." ♫ Who would deny Okay, got it. ♫ All of my dream lies ♫ Who would deny ♫ Who would deny that I could be That was it right there? That's it. Doesn't sound bad to me. Hang on a second. ♫ Who would deny ♫ Who would deny Sounds fine in there, double that. I mean, it should be a little bit lower but doubled, it'll fill up that frequency a little. Yeah, and it does. Okay. ♫ Inside all of my dreams lie ♫ Who would deny ♫ Who would deny Yeah, that's good. That'll do. Alright, what's next? I don't know ♫ Who would deny ♫ that I could feel afraid or so angry ♫ Nothing's forsaken Did I double that with the scream? On the album? Yeah. I do not remember. You know what, I'll just do it right now and if it's there it's there and if not, just take it out. Okay. Ready? Yeah. ♫ Dream lies ♫ Who would deny ♫ Who would deny that I ♫ Could feel afraid or so angry ♫ Nothing's forsaken ♫ In that, though, there is hope. I really have no memory of if you did that or not but it sounds kinda cool. Bonus addition. Alright, double that. Yeah. ♫ Who would deny that I could feel so afraid or so angry ♫ Nothing's forsaken Sounds great. Awesome. What's next? That's it. Congratulations, then. Hey! You're done. Album done. Thank you very much, everybody at home for putting up with me in here. Hopefully I'll see you next time. Thank you, Chris. Appreciate it. Thank you CreativeLive.
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Ratings and Reviews
I'm on lesson 19! Already worth every dollar!!! Priceless insight! I have already incorporated some of the ideas (preproduction common sense stuff that I never thought of, but damn). VERY HAPPY with this course! ALWAYS LEARNING and looking forward to the next 50 (or whatever) lessons!!! Excellent course! GREAT PRODUCER/ENGINEER, GREAT DRUM TECH, and GREAT BAND!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
I'm just part way though and I'm blown away by the quality approach Eyal takes to getting the best out of the sessions. I love how well everything is explained and Eyals calm manner is just awesome it really makes you want to listen to the gems of wisdom he offers.
Wow is all I can say. This bootcamp goes in so much depth from tuning drums, setting up guitars, to recording and mixing. I have learned so much by participating in this bootcamp. It has taught me some new recording techniques and signal routing for my mixes. I just want to thank Eyal, Monuments, and Creative Live for taking the time to do this. It has been amazing and I will keep going back to these videos.
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