Sharing and Exporting Albums on the Web
Lesson 2 from: Sharing and Publishing in Lightroom MobileJared Platt

Sharing and Exporting Albums on the Web
Lesson 2 from: Sharing and Publishing in Lightroom MobileJared Platt
Lesson Info
Sharing and Exporting Albums on the Web
Now let's talk about how we can share those images with other people. So we're going to We're going to share those images in different ways. We can share them one at a time just by exporting him. Onda way that we do that is with Click on an Image and once we've got one image up, or if we select a series of images just by clicking on select and then if I choose several images, then I can share from this little button down here. But if I'm just choosing one image and I want to share that image out to someone, I simply click on that share button, and I have a whole bunch of different options. I could send someone a link to this particular photograph, and it would be online, and they would just get a link that says, Hey, here's a link to a photograph you might be interested in. Um, I can invite people to see that link, so instead of having a link, I could have a invite toe one person, and they're the only ones that can see it. Um, I can share it, too, and share two means it's gonna open up...
a sharing dialogue that allows you to choose any of the programs or, uh, APS on your particular device. And then you can open in, which is fairly similar to the share, and you just kind of have to see which one works best for you, so share two and open in. Sometimes it will show up different types of APS that you can give it to and then edit in When you do edit in it on, Lee opens up that in either liquefy and Photoshopped fix or healing in Photoshop Fix, and those two are kind of the old school version of photo shop. It's not the photo shop that is new. It's not the new version of photo Shop for IPad. These air, like the little tiny versions of photo shop that were made to kind of satisfy us for a while, and so they're still there. But hopefully soon. Instead, you'll get, I hope that when you share and you say at it in, it'll just say at it in photo shop and it will go to it. But I hope that they give us liquefy before they connected that way. Um, you can also send it directly to your camera roll or and this is my favorite right here is you can export to files. So I have a little dongle here and that dongle has a USB port on it, and it's USB three and Aiken stick a USB stick in there so I can have a thumb drive with me. I could go through an edit, my photos on my IPad. I could stick my thumb drive in here, plug it in, and I could export J pegs from all of my original raws into a thumb drive directly from my IPad. Because now IOS allows us to export to particular disks that are attached to the IPad or to the IPhone. And the same thing's true, I think, with your, uh, your other devices, your android devices. But I think that's been you've been able to do that for a very long time. Ah, I'll IOS just barely caught up with those people, but we can export to files, so I'm going to click on share, too, because I want you to see this dialog box So the dialogue boxes you could share it to people by texting it to him or you could share it to any particular, um, APs that you have so I can share it. We've already shared things to photo shop. I could share it to instagram, although, while I'm on an IPad Instagram the app is really quite stupid. I can't believe that Instagram hasn't finally caught up with the 21st century and said, Oh, people use ipads to, um but anyway, instagram ridiculous. So, uh, you can you can add it to a drop box. You can send it out through instagram their messages through mail. You can put it on your creative quiet. Ah, cloud account. Um, you can copy it, you can save the image. So this is how you share an image to the outside world is just by clicking on that share button. The other way that you can share is, rather than sharing one image of the time, you can share the entire collection of images and you do that over on the left hand side with the little ellipses. You click on that and you have this option called share and invite. So if I click on share and invite, it will allow me to copy a link and send that link to people. So if the album has not been shared already, if you let me just click on another album here, click on here. If I haven't. If it says it's off when I click on it, it asks me to enable Sharing. And then when I click on enable sharing, that's when I get all of those options that we saw in the other. But I'm gonna do this, Portfolio adds, and I'm going to go to the share and invite, and I can choose whether we have anyone convenio it. So it's just a typical website or on Lee by invite. It's time and I'm gonna choose. Anybody can see it as long as I've sent them the link to it. And then I'm going to choose the link settings. I could allow people to download photos, but I don't want people just download my photos. Um, I can allow people to comment. I can show the metadata I can show the location information. Um, and then I'm gonna go back, and I'm gonna copy this link. Oh, and by the way, you can customize the display. I like to leave mine is a light. Uh, so instead of a dark theme, I want a light theme. Um, and I'm going to copy that link. Once I've copy that link, I'm going to go to ah Safari, and I'm gonna type in that link, and it's going to bring me to a website that I have created simply by sharing out a link to one of my collections. Now, if you go to your, uh, adobe light room account so you goto light room dot adobe dot com and you just go to that account sign in. You can actually edit your website even further. In fact, not only can you edit the website further, but you can also push it out to your portfolio account. So Adobe also has a portfolio site, and if you don't know about that, you should look into it because the Adobe portfolio site allows you to have a custom URL, and it's a really nice website, and it's at no charge to you more than what you're paying for your so it z part of your package. So you're not paying any more for it. In fact, you're already paying for it, because there so if you don't have a good website or if you, uh, are paying for a website that you don't really like, Think about going to adobes portfolio site because it's really easy to manage it. Call comes straight from light room. It's really easy to do, and this whole collection from your adobe dot uh, are sorry light room dot adobe dot com account. When you go to this particular collection, you can share it out to your portfolio, and it will just take everything it has and immediately build a page on your portfolio site. So that's pretty impressive to, um, so we're gonna go back to light room. This is This is where you share all your photos out to the world with just one simple click. It's very easy to do. Copy Link. Send it to every want toe, share it with, and they'll be looking your photos in no time. So I really love that option to be able to share my images out to the world. And if you want to get feedback on your photos that you've sent out, for instance, you want to send him to client and have them select images or you want to have them comment on images you can set. All of that up is well inside of your adobe are light room dot adobe dot com account. So again, just go to that same light room dot adobe dot com. Log in and look at your images on your light room account there, and you can simply just click on that particular group of images. And in this share options that we've just been looking at here it looks very much like it looks here, but instead it's on the Web, and there's a lot more options. Add to your portfolio. From there, you can tell people give people the option of of, uh, giving you feedback of making selections. All of that stuff exists on the Web, and we've discussed that in prior lessons, but it's a very easy thing to accomplish, So just go to light room dot adobe dot com and log in, and you'll see all of your light room options there as well
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