Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Putting It All Together Part 1
We're going to move into this. We go putting it all together, element. And so the I've recorded a few of you guys to come up here on dh, share the stage with me and somali, get up here, okay? Okay, so you see I don't know if you knew that view was there but you could see you can see why you keep looking down that's why I keep looking down that's right see if my shoes were still there so what I would like to do is just then this well this was probably the hardest one because you're these air really your answers on lee I mean in some ways it's hard for us to help you on what your vision for your businesses but this is one where you can actually ask some questions so you could say well I don't know what do you guys think? Right? So we get weakened chime in that way but this was if you recall in the early sessions we talked about these were kind of the big questions that you have to wrestle with and this is what's interesting is you even if like we nail these today and you think we bore yo...
u really have got these measured they'll change right? These have to evolve these air the things these are the kinds of questions that I typically recommend people kind of call up almost quarterly and start saying, you know, our are these still answers still relevant how do we need to change this because if it doesn't change from quarter to quarter, you're probably not doing something right. Things haven't grown so, eh? So if you and I would forget everybody's even here right, right the moment you and I were just having a discussion and I was coaching you andi I'd say where are you now can you kind of succinctly say describe your visit now I'm free revenue a cz an independent yoga and t rex fitness instructor I've written andy book I have lots of content on my block in terms of videos and articles that I've written and I'm in the process of defining the products and services they 00:01:57.912 --> 00:02:00. really don't even have exactly what like if I came 00:02:00.5 --> 00:02:02. to and said I'm ready to buy you don't have anything 00:02:02.08 --> 00:02:05. to tell me quite yet I could offer you online yoga 00:02:05.86 --> 00:02:08. instruction I can offer you in person yoga instruction 00:02:08.52 --> 00:02:10. or trx and is that something that's going on is that 00:02:11.19 --> 00:02:13. the future to or would that just because you thought 00:02:13.59 --> 00:02:15. I had some money that we'll know that those are things 00:02:15.97 --> 00:02:17. that I offer I don't currently have clients and that's 00:02:17.79 --> 00:02:20. something that I so that is something you will offer 00:02:20.07 --> 00:02:23. yeah that's what I right okay so that's a pretty rough 00:02:23.18 --> 00:02:26. you know estimation where you are right now so you 00:02:26.46 --> 00:02:29. get to decide how far out where you don't 00:02:31.22 --> 00:02:32. where am I where am I going 00:02:34.12 --> 00:02:38. andi so so if this helps like let's say it's three 00:02:38.6 --> 00:02:42. years from now and you walked into your business as 00:02:42.85 --> 00:02:45. you hoped that look what would you see what would 00:02:45.19 --> 00:02:46. you be doing what would you be feeling what would 00:02:46.84 --> 00:02:49. people be doing what would your customers be doing? 00:02:49.52 --> 00:02:52. Does that help it? S so. I have a vision of having, 00:02:52.81 --> 00:02:56. uh, online membership form, where people can come 00:02:56.82 --> 00:03:01. and access yoga videos online. They can access, um, 00:03:02.52 --> 00:03:05. nutrition recipes, clean eating guides and something 00:03:05.7 --> 00:03:09. that they can have access to either nutritional counseling 00:03:09.21 --> 00:03:13. with with coach who works in my business or myself, 00:03:13.22 --> 00:03:16. uh, same with individual personalized fitness. Nutrition 00:03:17.22 --> 00:03:19. plans were going coaching. 00:03:20.32 --> 00:03:24. Yeah, that's it that's it that's the way I didn't 00:03:24.61 --> 00:03:26. mean to diminish that. Anyway, I just wanna make sure 00:03:26.66 --> 00:03:29. you're done with that. So if you all are out here 00:03:29.59 --> 00:03:32. listening, this, did you get a clear picture? What? 00:03:32.07 --> 00:03:34. What more would you want to know about what she just 00:03:34.79 --> 00:03:38. described the picture? Any, any questions for how 00:03:38.91 --> 00:03:40. to make that a little clear? 00:03:43.92 --> 00:03:46. I'm I mean that was actually really clear I could 00:03:46.78 --> 00:03:48. get an image of exactly what the website would look 00:03:48.96 --> 00:03:53. like and what you know if I was a member and I just 00:03:53.28 --> 00:03:58. started out doing you yesterday so um I you know would 00:03:58.29 --> 00:04:00. be ableto access videos that I had tried before and 00:04:00.5 --> 00:04:03. I like that idea and having a little bit of interact 00:04:03.35 --> 00:04:06. but if I don't have the time to go personally see 00:04:06.7 --> 00:04:09. somebody or go to a class because I'm incredibly important 00:04:09.63 --> 00:04:13. and busy um it'd be really nice tio just have that 00:04:13.46 --> 00:04:19. community online under one brand so I don't make sense 00:04:19.25 --> 00:04:20. to me okay 00:04:21.27 --> 00:04:21. anybody else 00:04:23.34 --> 00:04:26. I was thinking more like bigger picture kind of like 00:04:26.37 --> 00:04:28. um because that seems like a specific things you could 00:04:28.72 --> 00:04:30. have a membership side or even different courses and 00:04:30.71 --> 00:04:34. stuff but maybe as a whole like what are you doing 00:04:34.35 --> 00:04:37. like what's your role um maybe products and services 00:04:38.44 --> 00:04:40. how many members how many members do you have one 00:04:40.78 --> 00:04:43. hundred fifty seven thousand seven thousand okay, 00:04:44.42 --> 00:04:48. that starts again but really teo noise point exactly 00:04:48.52 --> 00:04:52. there not only think bigger but more specific and 00:04:52.33 --> 00:04:54. so that was awesome that you were attracted the website 00:04:54.96 --> 00:04:57. I didn't see the picture up other than you said I'm 00:04:57.02 --> 00:05:00. gonna offer yoga but why would that be different? 00:05:00.65 --> 00:05:02. I mean I hate to say it but I bet you I can go on 00:05:02.3 --> 00:05:05. youtube find yoga videos, right? What what's what's 00:05:05.34 --> 00:05:09. going to be bigger or or more attractive about what 00:05:09.43 --> 00:05:11. you're going to often, you don't have to answer that 00:05:11.77 --> 00:05:13. right now because you may not know, but that's, you 00:05:13.81 --> 00:05:15. know, that's what we're really trying to get out picture 00:05:15.7 --> 00:05:18. wise, I think a couple other hands were up. Yes, I'll 00:05:18.39 --> 00:05:21. be your customer for for some number of years, and 00:05:21.68 --> 00:05:25. I enjoyed they be in the part of this great community 00:05:25.14 --> 00:05:30. and stuff, but, um, I'm traveling a lot, and I'm wondering 00:05:30.13 --> 00:05:34. if you have any franchise play spaces anywhere around 00:05:34.1 --> 00:05:37. the country around the world that I can use my the 00:05:37.38 --> 00:05:40. same membership while being on the east coast let's 00:05:40.24 --> 00:05:43. say, sure, I mean, I don't I don't see opening my 00:05:43.78 --> 00:05:47. own studios in bigger picture and 00:05:48.9 --> 00:05:52. potentially, but that's not where I am, sort of feeling 00:05:52.53 --> 00:05:54. drawn to right now, I would like to lead retreats 00:05:54.8 --> 00:05:59. all over the world in bali and fiji and beautiful 00:05:59.23 --> 00:06:02. tropical locations so that's part of where I would 00:06:02.53 --> 00:06:04. like to be going, I want to know, will there be water bottles, branded water bottles? That's what their well. So so anybody else anybody else yes thinking there's um there's somebody I know um up in the north bay susan houser who I was thinking of is potentially for you but she was in an ad recently and she's you know the color the yo gainey and she's like on top of a table at a farmers market and I was thinking more you know, I I may want to take your class is because of your you and your special and there's more to you and there's a little bit of celebrity two it s o that you do stand out from the youtube youtubers on and then the second part was that as john was talking earlier about how for me I like doing the marketing strategy I don't want to be doing somebody social media so I want to have somebody on my team who can do that in a the same way I look at you as you know, the whole health and well being um and so you mentioned the nutritionist I would hope that there would be some other so that when it comes to it's almost like a holistic approach to my health without going to a doctor right that I can kind of come to you and go okay I've got it nailed it simplifies my life where you can one stop shopping for anyone stop nutrition and yoga and other maybe workout plans. Oh yeah? Because when we were talking earlier to work with you somebody has to show up you know they can't do it you know intentions I think we were all talking about and you know it's when they show up and when they're invested in a relationship of some sort and in your community than they're more likely to be successful so he was gonna develop one of those belts I could just put on my tummy when sitting on the couch and I wait and wait strong just by watching tv question she's got like some old elbow grease yeah well I I do I mean I think I like that idea that you do again I don't think we have a tendency think big enough so I almost and you have to go live with this but I mean anytime somebody comes to me says well here's here's what I'm kind of thinking is you know so you said one hundred fifty seven thousand users was that just get throw out another site I'm incredibly big guy so so what if we were you don't have to share this number but if you were going teo if you were going to have a revenue number in three years do you know what it would be what you would like it to be okay what would you have to do for that never to read ten times with that change yeah your picture yeah okay so wrestle with that okay all right so why are you going where you're going? Eyes, there's something that's driving you to do this. Yeah, I'm really passionate about helping people feel really good, because I know what it's like to feel, to have that sort of demonic battle inside my head and with my body. And I know what it's like on the other side of that. And I know how much space is freed up in my mind when I'm not spending all day thinking about, like, how much I hate myself. So it's, really, um, if I can give that to as many people as possible, that's. Like what it's about? Do you want to tell that story publicly? Who, um, that's something that I've like bin wrestling with a lot? Is that an important part? Would that ultimately be an important part of people really, truly understanding why you do what you do? Yeah. Yeah I've got time yeah I think it's a story that needs to be told and I struggle with it okay I'm sure I'm turning red you know I saw a show on a program that they had and the instructor got the woman don't cry so you know that's where I'm headed with what I'm really trying to go there we could get there now I think I think as I heard you talking about that I can see you're you're going up to the edge of it on and this is I'll just tell you right now this is an important part of it you know whether when when you're comfortable with that I think it's an important part of people really understanding the story so what values are going to guide you to the picture of that business uh you know have you have you know I just I didn't I didn't values exercise about two weeks ago where there's a list of values and you take your top eight or so and then you pair them up and you say if I could have that I could have this but I can't have this and then that's how you arrive at your top five or whatever so I really value creativity really value freedom and autonomy I really value and freedom of choice I really value health you know, sort of from a holistic sustainable perspective and balance too okay, so how can you use those what are maybe there's? Some feeling around, but they're essentially words. How can you use those words to really then infuse that picture of your business and maybe as a tool to make every decision about what, ten times your picture looks like? I think that those values have to come across in my content and how I talk to you know future partners how I talkto my friends my now work my customers in videos that I make and then and sort of intuitively let those guide me you know integrity in in bundling up those values and moving forward with those in mind so let's draw back to like the next sixty, ninety hundred twenty days what are your three or four top right whether you're three or four top priorities need to be if you're going to move towards that picture of your business create a lot more content develop mohr strategic partnerships um and then tell the story that needs to be told okay um and so who is going to develop the content and who's going to develop the strategic partners? Okay this one right here have do you have a plan for that then do do you have a way to break it down into manageable tasks I have ah have a idea yeah. Leveraging my network in social media contacts and other people that I have in the field their networks all right and so in that both in that short window and in that really long term vision what should you start measuring today that would help you help you feel like ham moving towards that. Whatever that goal is, whatever the picture that goal is now in a year or three years from now I mean you mentioned one of the first things to measure is okay mork content what does that mean and articles a week five articles a week what does that mean like let's come up with the number for what that means strategic partners what does that mean I need five I need these particular six let's measure that how we make it so you could do these really you know that if you do those things you'll be making progress right so let's set a goal for those and measure those but then also let's look at you know what's the picture of my business a year whatever then some big ideas that I need because I'm thinking you need to land no that big strategic partner you need to have courses that you know people are willing to pay you know significant money for right and so it's not just content it becomes the the framework for your whole business right so so let me ask you now that I just answered your question for you what do you what do you need to measure for the big picture and I think the short term is easy right big picture I'm going to see a lot of the answers that you gave me and right number either number of strategic partnerships or the reach of those particular strategic partners and the number of I think products that I can develop whether it's online videos or e books for online courses. I'm going to be building, uh, build your business as a yoga or fitness instructor for maximum performance yoga. Um, so partnering with other, larger companies, tio developed and bring content to them as well. I'm going to introduce you to somebody that does consulting for several thousand dance and music studios, um, and and he's, constantly looking for, you know, martial arts partners, yoga partners. And so I think he may say, I'm not interested at all, but I think that would be somebody really good for you to speak. All right, thanks, cool. All right, okay. I'm just wondering if maybe, like, in broad strokes, because I think I think you're right, john. I think that story is a such a strong point of connection, and I think that molly has an opportunity now that she's sitting on stage with you and doing this, I don't know. I anybody would walk away from that, so I would just encourage, maybe even in broad strokes, without all the details, if I'm wondering if molly would be interesting reconsidering, sharing something with audience here, since, since we're here now. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I should ask her. Uh you could ask okay so in broad strokes this um story that seems at least important under you know what drives you passing do you want to share that sure thanks for the opportunity right when life hands you lemons either cry or make lemonade um yeah so I struggled with um anorexia for about a half a decade um and I lived with a lot of the negativity and I had a lot of voice is a lot of the sort of one of the doubts a lot of the like if I were to say to any of you guys the things that I have said to myself like I mean you would think I was just the meanest person so through yoga that's been a big part of my recovery tto learn how to be more gentle with myself to learn how to love myself for like exactly what I'm bringing to the table right now and quote that I really love that I heard in a yoga class is depth overtime so it doesn't all have to happen at once and whatever you're showing up with right now in this moment is is enough and it's okay still well in the thank you that's hard um the incredible thing about that of course is that means everybody in this room can feel like you know that's what's gonna attract people you know, to what you're doing so even though it's personal and it's hard and you know, think of think of the value that is going to deliver, but also the connection that that's going to help you. Awesome, thanks. Thank you so much. You know the microphone guys hate it when I do hugs but but I think that we deserve very perfect moment she has me crying over here sending love yeah okay so uh let's have another let's have another person off here shall we I think I talked to anna about doing personal you want to pursue me cry are you e I hope not well you know it should mind my uh it's only my manliness you know trying to mask that's holding back exactly that was awesome okay so how would I spot your ideal customer and before I start that has that idea changed and he was in the last twenty four, forty eight hours you know what I'm realizing um you know I'm rebranding my business as you know and I've decided tio take what duct tape has said what you've said and narrow my focus and in doing that I guess you know my website my new website is not quite live yet working on that but um I've been working with a lot of people in the building trades and I really enjoy it um but I have to say really my heart is with just small businesses in general and it has to do with those psycho graphics that we're talking about and when we were talking well yesterday you were talking about the um I guess was the talking logo maybe and something that came up you know, I've always used you know that, john simple being a smart, simple, effective, affordable now that the camera's on you know, I'm a very practical person. I mean, I'm even I just the blood guy posted was on buying a car and so darn practical if you read it it's kind of stupid, but I'm thinking I get I help people get rid of guilt and a lot of the guilt, and we're all sitting here we were talking earlier. You know, I have guilt about not doing all the marketing for my own business and for my clients, I help them get rid of the guilt by helping them prioritize and actually getting the work done being part of that solution. So, yeah, you have made me think about it more different. So so then let's describe that. It sounds like you did the talking logos when you made me keep you up there for both. Sorry, but the so described them. How how would I spot your ideal customer? Then? How how are you going to be able to articulate that? Okay, so my ideal, um, client is somebody who's been in business for a couple of years? Um, they're successful there, probably a service based business and probably be to be business. If there's somebody who knows what they're good at, they provide a great customer experience they have good reviews people you know if you call if I talked to there clients their clients would be giving glowing reviews but they understand that they're not and this is probably why I'm attracted to the building trades they appreciate a skill and that's what I bring to the table and you know, with the building trades you can't just have anybody put in the tile you have to get somebody who does that professionally so somebody who appreciates a skill and the value of what I bring to the table there probably frustrated about not being able to get the work done and that they feel a little bit stuck and that they want to move forward and are having trouble doing it that's a lot more psychographic stuff yeah and I think we problem maybe there's some ways to make that a little tidier so that somebody could say oh yeah I know somebody like that did you when you listen to her did anybody said did you immediately kind of think of some people that you know have that challenge that you could identify because that what one of the ways you really know you have this persona described quite well is that people go on people like that, you know, for good or bad right they can they can usually identify somebody like that, so I'm are you guys feeling that it all that you would know something like that because the one thing sometimes when it's really clear to you like they feel guilt and they some of the things you started to say how do you how do you make that visible right because people don't go people don't typically walk around saying I really feel guilty about not getting I'm not sending out my newsletter on a regular but no yeah okay okay okay so you're saying people that actually are in visit one of the ways you've identified it is you have a sense that they might they might feel kind of guilty about their marketing not functioning very well because they're just not getting to all the stuff right? Okay so that is a way for you I mean if somebody is not doing that or if they answer say in a questionnaire or something that I'm not doing this I'm not doing that or I do have a blogger but I've only blogged once you know everything to you that's really that sense of that they probably urine that guilt yes ok are you going to stick with contractors um or building trains as you you know it can't that's the other thing it's a hard it's a there's not one term for it you know actually I'm not sure I'm not sure I get in front of audiences with constant contact couple times a month and I'm not getting just in front of those types of people and so in that way you know what am I going to say no I don't want to work with you because you don't fit that um so I uh not that I'm necessarily reconsidering but at the same time as soon as I said to my constant contact person who's above may you know this is what I'm looking to dio within a week she had a great speaking lied for me and building a train because you know there is there is some value in you know for really all of us too if there's a way for you to specialize in an industry or an industry or two and make a living doing and it means there's enough people that could be powerful because you've probably already seen people who are in that industry say oh you work with so and so are you you get my business or you really you know when you're able tto actually start personalizing you're content to the point where they feel like oh you're talking to me right so there is some value that so that the key if you're going to narrow kind of into a niche like that is you have to decide is what's the picture of my business in three years right and can this niche you know really support that or should I stay broader as you said and work with not an industry so much as a somebody who has a behavior or characteristic that you're suited sir in my case I have constraints because as you know I have three kids at three schools with no school buses and no afternoon yeah and so with that I don't need so many clients I don't need one hundred fifty seven thousand I need you know a core group of probably six at a time and in that case you know I could stay with it and I have to say that when you haven't talked about house but you know house is a great social media um network for the building trades and going deeper with that makes me more valuable to those folks and so not having to learn you know the tools for all these different categories makes it yeah and that's another great point good that I haven't mentioned is almost every industry has its own social networker too a cz well so you might you want want to make sure that you're kind of seeking some of those out as well because we always tend to get really fixed on the big fouras as I've called them but you want to search out for kind of vertical ones too is there any of chat from the uh from the internet audience about this idea of persona you know as ann's been talking about it we haven't anything about persona but mace to bring up a question about mission and vision statement and how important they can be when you're going through exercises like this that's keeping those in mind as you're creating a person well that's like a handful of words like mission vision values you know they kind of get lumped into having different meanings and companies make nice brass plaques out of them and things of that nature I think having that I you know I talk about I mean the question was why are we going where we're going you know why why do we do what we do to me that for a lot of people is this idea of mission vision is really the picture of the business and I think that those I think both of those air extremely important at least have a grasp of you know as organizations get a little larger I've come into people that have ten twenty employees in an organization and one of one of the funnest exercise I do maybe they've created the mission envision in value statements on dh then you just try tio you have when I call a purpose search you know you go through the organization say why why are you here? You know why you connected to this business on dh quite often you can get some really incredibly revealing things about how you know how much everybody's really drawn to this business for a specific reason of who they serve and how you know that should inform everything they're doing and then you get some real disconnect. You know where people I'm here for a job because, you know, that's the culture of the business. So to go back to your original answer original question and bring it back to this eye, you know, I think it goes back to, you know, we should be. We should be working with people we like. It really is, you know, I call my deal customers, but, uh, that to me not ideal customer is not always, but typically, you know, in your case, if you're gonna work for six people pretty closely should probably like him, all right? Or you should at least have kind of mutual respect and shared values. You know, you don't have to have him over for dinner, but but, uh, well, especially since I think of their businesses all the time. Yeah, marketing comes to mind, and if I don't like them it's not gonna work, so we're all right, thanks and thank you, should it?
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