Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
Lesson 47 from: Voice-Over for Real People: Complete Freelancing GuideKeith Harris

Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
Lesson 47 from: Voice-Over for Real People: Complete Freelancing GuideKeith Harris
Welcome to the world of Voice Over
02:13What Is Voice Over?
2Myth Busting
03:17 3Where is all the money?
02:54 4Quiz: What Is Voice Over
The Voice Over Performance
5A Conversation With One Person
03:34Vocal Warm Up
03:43 7Breaking Down the Delivery Components
04:21 8Nailing the Feel
04:55 9Hitting or Noticing Words
03:28 10Becoming an Actor
03:26 11The Magic of Lists
04:34 12Five Key Characters
04:03 13Tongue Twisters
04:19 14Mic Technique and Studio Etiquette
05:53 15Quiz: Voice Over Performance
Case Studies
16Education in Mauritius
03:12 17The Ventsar ColorTouch
06:04 18Dodge Maps
04:16 19Quiz: case Studies
The Home Studio
20Check List
02:46 21Microphones
06:34 22Preamps
02:51 23Finishing the Check List
04:33 24Creating Your Recording Space
04:57 25Sound Proof Booths
03:34 26Quiz: Home Studio
27Practice and Review
02:58 28Quiz: Closing
Recording and Editing
29Live Recording Session
10:01 30Adding Music
06:41 31Placing Audio into a Video
06:10 32Extra Services
04:23 33Quiz: Recording & Editing
Making a Demo
34Your Demo is your Business Card
05:48 35Designing your Demo
02:30 36Recording Your Demo
03:25 37Quiz: Making a Demo
Self Employment
38Customer Service
04:37 39Expectations and Delivery
03:57 40Storage and Organization
03:31 41Gig Photo and the Fiverr Forum
03:56 42Quiz: Self Employment
Vocal Health
43Water and Sleep
04:15 44Recording When Sick
04:17 45Quiz: Vocal Health
Staying Motivated
46Setting Goals
02:52 47Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
04:06 48Nerves
02:52 49Bonus Vocal Exercises
03:57 50Take a Break
01:51 51Quiz: Staying Motivated
Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
as we come to the end of this course, it's not unusual to feel both excited and overwhelmed. We've covered a lot of material here. The exciting thing is that this material gives you a great base to work from. The overwhelming part is how to accomplish what might seem like a mountain of work. There is a lot to learn when you're first starting out in voiceover, so be patient, Take your time and keep a regular schedule. It's important to decide how many hours a day and how many days a week you want to put towards your voice over business. You can build this up working five hours a week or if you want to work two hours a day, then you can plan a work week of 10 hours. The most important part even beyond how many hours you dedicate to your voice over business is that you stay regular practicing for three hours one day and then letting it sit for three weeks is not going to get you the results. You were hoping for working a focused 30 minutes twice a day, five days a week will generate much ...
better results. I showed you a practice schedule earlier, but this gives you a different version. When I first started, I had 10 hours a week to dedicate to building my voice over business and my schedule looked something like this. 15 minutes to warm up and do tongue twisters. 45 minutes of practicing, reads, 30 minutes, watching YouTube videos and learning my daw, 30 minutes picking equipment and designing my recording space. Once your skills and studio are built and your demo is recorded then the fun part of finding and recording work begins over time. I have built up a nice client base allowing me to work anywhere from 15 to 25 hours a week. I could go full time now if I wanted, but being a full time voiceover artist has never been my goal and I love having voiceover as a lucrative side business over time, my business even allowed me to upgrade from my walk in closet to a soundproof booth. This was all built by staying regular and dedicating myself to that to our practice window each day. I keep saying it, but it's true, just keep showing up each day and accomplishing the tasks of today and over the months. You'll really feel good about what you accomplish. Voiceover is not about quick results and it's certainly not get rich quick or even get rich ever, but it is a fantastic home business that can help bring financial freedom. Here is what I recommend. You do create a weekly practice or work schedule once a week, once a week right out in detail, how you will spend your time on your voice over business for the following week. Then all you have to do is show up, just follow that schedule and the results will follow with them. We've discussed this before, but I want to reiterate that another great part of your day and I recommend putting it into your practice schedule. Is the Fiver forum. If you have not fully explored the Fiver website yet, I encourage you to look around. Fiverr has a lot of great educational and support resources and one of those resources is the forum. The forum serves two really important purposes. One, it's educational and some fiber pros are in their offering great advice to, it'll keep you plugged into the community while working from home is great and certainly saves on gas for your car. It can also get lonely at times. We can easily get frustrated or start to question ourselves by plugging into the fiber community. You'll quickly see that you are not alone and you'll get some great support to help keep you motivated. In the next session, we're going to discuss nerves and what to do if you're nervous performing at the mic.
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Ratings and Reviews
Joe Wiese
Keith Harris is an amazing teacher. His coarse is timeless. Thank you Keith. Please come up with another coarse.
Matthew Longmire
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