Welcome to the world of Voice Over
02:13What Is Voice Over?
2Myth Busting
03:17 3Where is all the money?
02:54 4Quiz: What Is Voice Over
The Voice Over Performance
5A Conversation With One Person
03:34Vocal Warm Up
03:43 7Breaking Down the Delivery Components
04:21 8Nailing the Feel
04:55 9Hitting or Noticing Words
03:28 10Becoming an Actor
03:26 11The Magic of Lists
04:34 12Five Key Characters
04:03 13Tongue Twisters
04:19 14Mic Technique and Studio Etiquette
05:53 15Quiz: Voice Over Performance
Case Studies
16Education in Mauritius
03:12 17The Ventsar ColorTouch
06:04 18Dodge Maps
04:16 19Quiz: case Studies
The Home Studio
20Check List
02:46 21Microphones
06:34 22Preamps
02:51 23Finishing the Check List
04:33 24Creating Your Recording Space
04:57 25Sound Proof Booths
03:34 26Quiz: Home Studio
27Practice and Review
02:58 28Quiz: Closing
Recording and Editing
29Live Recording Session
10:01 30Adding Music
06:41 31Placing Audio into a Video
06:10 32Extra Services
04:23 33Quiz: Recording & Editing
Making a Demo
34Your Demo is your Business Card
05:48 35Designing your Demo
02:30 36Recording Your Demo
03:25 37Quiz: Making a Demo
Self Employment
38Customer Service
04:37 39Expectations and Delivery
03:57 40Storage and Organization
03:31 41Gig Photo and the Fiverr Forum
03:56 42Quiz: Self Employment
Vocal Health
43Water and Sleep
04:15 44Recording When Sick
04:17 45Quiz: Vocal Health
Staying Motivated
46Setting Goals
02:52 47Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
04:06 48Nerves
02:52 49Bonus Vocal Exercises
03:57 50Take a Break
01:51 51Quiz: Staying Motivated
Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Vocal Warm Up
Let's get the body ready for a voice over performance with a good warm up. Why do we warm up Isn't voiceover just talking. I don't warm up to say good morning to someone. Yes, voiceover is just talking but it's talking with energy and it's talking what someone else wrote and making it sound natural in your voice. Other people might have special speech patterns that are not natural to us. And this can cause tension in the body tension can cause the voice to have less stamina and our reads to not flow. Also, as I stated before the mix today are very sensitive, so tension is picked up by the mic. The good news however, is that relaxation and freedom is also picked up by the mic. Let's start with a few head rolls, nothing too intense. Just slowly roll the neck and allow any tight muscles to stretch Next Let's roll the shoulders first forward a few times and then backwards a few times. And why do we roll the shoulders? Well the shoulders are often used to express when we are talking and all...
of these muscles connect to the neck. If we are tight in our shoulders, we will also be tightened our voice. Now take a few deep breaths in. Mhm And just let it fall out deep breath in. Mm hmm and let it go. Let's build on that. Now, as you release the air. See if you can bubble your lips. This is not as easy at first for everyone and might take a bit of practice. But this is a wonderful exercise for the voice, especially if you wake up with junk in your throat in the morning and find yourself feeling a little vocally tired on a given day like this. Once you've figured out how to bubble, add some tone to that, adding tone to a bubble is a very gentle way to wake up the voice and get it ready to talk without getting fatigued and I'm happy to share with you that when I started voice over, my voice would get tired after an hour or two of recording. But today I have done sessions and studios up to six hours and felt great at the end of the session so I can speak from experience that releasing tension and having a good warmup is important to developing your voiceover delivery. Let's add some tone. Now one last warm up and this one is easy now that we've loosened up the neck and the shoulders and got a little air going and woke up the voice. Let's add some more tone to that. Now you don't have to be a singer to do this exercise. In fact, you don't even need pitches. Just make a hum, create a bit more sound than you did when you bubbled and slowly hum higher and lower, move the voice up a little higher and then a little lower and that is about all you need the voices now warm and the body relaxed over time. Feel free to experiment and develop your own warm up session. The voice is as individual as a fingerprint so you're warm up can be just as individual. This video is mainly designed to give you a good starting point and send you off in a vocally healthy direction. In the next video, we're going to start breaking down the delivery components of your voice over performance.
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Ratings and Reviews
Joe Wiese
Keith Harris is an amazing teacher. His coarse is timeless. Thank you Keith. Please come up with another coarse.
Matthew Longmire
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