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Lesson 10 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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10. Filter

<b>In this Xfer Serum Synthesizer - Sound Design + Music Production lecture, you will learn about the filter section.</b>
Next Lesson: Envelopes

Lesson Info


OK. Now let's have a look at this filter section over here. So we can actually send the different oscillators to this filter section. So right now we have oscillator a selected and we enable filter by turning on this button here and it will be blue. So right now oscillator A is being sent to the filter and we can also send Oslo to B by selecting B here and the sub as well and noise with N and S if we don't have these selected, you'll notice that they're not being sent to the filter. Let's just turn off Oslo to be sub and noise for. Now. Also down here, we have this little keyboard button. So this is filter cut off key tracking. So lower notes will have lower cut off. And as you go up the keys, the cut off will get higher. You can see when I play the lower notes and then the high notes, the cut off all get changed in this graph here. So we have the standard cut off controls. So this sets the cut off frequency for the filter and we also have resonance. So this will create a peak just bef...

ore the filter cut off point going up here, we have this drop down menu where we have different types of filters. We have the normal ones. So low pass, high pass band, pass, peak and notch. Then we've got some more unusual ones here as well. We have multi phalanges and miscellaneous. So the mal is where we actually combine different filters together. So for example, if we choose this one LH six, so this is a low pass filter and a high pass filter at a 60 B per octave slope. So right now you'll notice it's acting as a low pass filter. But now we have this dial here that says frequency and this will act as a dial to control the high pass filter. So we have the low pass and high pass, OK. A multi, if we continue down, we have a few more, we have L slash B slash H. So this is low pass slash band pass slash high pass. So if we select this one here, so we have this cut off which controls the low pass. And then down here, we have this dial that now says Morph A. Morph allows you to change it from low pass to band pass in the middle and then to high pass on the right. So now it's a high pass, if you put it in the middle, it's going to be a band pass filter. So we're going to keep the band in the middle and filter out the highs and the lows. And then if we put this to the left, it's going to be a low pass filter. So we've got a load of different filter types here, which can be quite useful. OK. Going down, we have phalanges. So here we have a few different cone filters and a few other ones as well. If you select the first one cone, plus you notice this doll here has actually disappeared because now it's not actually doing anything. And then we have some miscellaneous ones which includes some ring modulators and a few more low pass high pass and band pass filters. I'm not going to go through them all. I do recommend going in and experimenting yourself. So we have this one here called Reverb, which gives a kind of reverb type effect. So we have got some quite interesting ones in this miscellaneous section as well. So stuff like French Lo pass German Lopa ring modulator. OK. So let's just go back to the normal low pass filter. And you'll notice down here we have the pan. So this will create a pan for the frequency cut off. So it's not going to pan the original signal, just the filtered signal. OK. Going down, we have drive. So this will basically increase the input into the filter kind of overdriving the filter. Then going down, we have fat. You'll notice when we choose different modes, this fat may change to a different dial as well. But for a standard low pass filter, it will say fat. So fat will basically add some body or fatten the sound. Then of course, we have mix if you want to have a dry wet blend and you can see update in this graph in real time. When we change it, we do have another filter in this effects section. However, this will actually filter the overall sound from all the different oscillators. However, the filter in this main oscillator tab will allow you to select what you actually want to be filtered. So say for example, you just want oscillator a filtered not live free oscillators, you can just select it here. So you've got a bit more to work with with this filter section in this main oscillator. OK. That's the filter section. Next, we're going to have a look at this envelope section and this LFO section. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next lecture.