Adding Revenue Streams with Adobe Stock
Jared Platt
Class Introduction
09:22 2Unlocking the Potential of Your Photo Archives
10:56 3How to Organize Photo Archives
06:46 4Plan Ahead to Optimize Your Stock Collection
18:49 5Posting Your Content to Adobe Stock
04:39 6Making the Most Out of Every Image with Keywords
15:46 7Upload a Release to Adobe Stock
02:15 8Fix Rejected Images
09:26Class Description
Learn how to accelerate your creative business potential by organizing and managing your images in Adobe LIghtroom® CC and monetize them by submitting to Adobe Stock®. Jared Platt will show you how you can bring new life and unlock the financial potential of images you already have sitting in your hard drive. Find out what kind of images buyers are looking for, and how you can accelerate your photography career by showcasing your work to millions of creatives in the Adobe Creative Cloud network. This class is perfect for photographers of every level, from the enthusiast to seasoned professional.
We'll Cover:
- Unlocking the Potential of Your Photo Archives
- Connecting to the Creative Market Place
- Posting Your Content to Adobe Stock
- Creating Original Content for Stock
- Making the Most Out of Every Image
Software Used: Adobe Lightroom CC 2015
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Ryan G
This is a great class if you're just starting out in any kind of stock photography. It seems that the other stock agencies require you to "audition" a few pics before they "let you in." I just uploaded 1 at a time to Adobe and they accepted my 2nd image after rejecting the first. Easy. I just started to upload to go through the process to see what it was like. I think the feedback they give you from the rejected photos would help me become a better stock photographer. Thanks Jared for the inspiration to try this. BTW Jared, I couldn't believe your high school bleachers photo where you added "Looser High" and pronounced it Loser high. I cringe whenever I see this and sincerely hope this was just a joke.
John Oeffinger
This is a very good "beginner" course. Jared uses excellent and creative examples to nail his learning points. He offers up solid nuggets or ideas in how to develop your workflow. I really appreciated learning how to use Adobe Stock to research and develop keywords. Definitely recommend this course for people thinking about or just starting out in stock photography.
John Dowling
Great teacher, great class. Highly recommend this to anyone contemplating getting into stock photography.