Exporting an H264 File from After Effects
Lesson 92 from: Adobe After Effects FundamentalsPhilip Ebiner

Exporting an H264 File from After Effects
Lesson 92 from: Adobe After Effects FundamentalsPhilip Ebiner
Lesson Info
92. Exporting an H264 File from After Effects
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Updates & My Favorite CC 2020 Updates
06:22Chapter 2: After Effects Basics
2Understand the After Effects Workspace
05:39 3Starting a New Composition
08:15 4CC 2018 Update - Starting a New Composition from Footage
01:55 5Adding Media to Your Project and the Timeline
05:08 6Using the Basic After Effects Tools
10:20Create a Perfect Circle, Alignment, and Shape Colors
03:04 8Working in the Timeline
10:59 9Layer Properties
08:57 10Quiz: After Effects Basics
Chapter 3: Animating with Keyframes
11Animating in After Effects
07:35 12Position, Scale, and Rotation Animations
05:17 13Tips to Make Your Animations Look More Nautral
04:21 14Using the Graph Editor
05:32 15Challenge - Bouncing Ball
01:01 16Solution - Bouncing Ball
20:20 17Quiz: Animating with Keyframes
Chapter 4: Shapes and Solid Layers
18Working with Solid Layers and the Ken Burns Effects
07:07 19Working with Shape Layers, Strokes, and Paths
06:24 20Adding Layer Styles like Drop Shadow, Bevel, and Gradients
03:44 21Shape Effects - Trim Path Animations, Wiggle, and Zig Zag
05:54 22Quiz: Shapes and Solid Layers
Chapter 5: Important After Effects Skills
23Track Matte Animations - Make Layers Appear and Disappear
08:37 24Using Pre-Compositions to Group Layers
05:34 25Easily Reverse Complicated Animations
02:14 26Playing with Time
05:54 27Blend Modes
06:05 28Stabilize Shaky Footage
04:04 29CC 2018 Update - Previewing and Favoriting Fonts
00:46 30CC 2019 Update - Responsive Design Time
03:36 31CC 2019 Content Aware Fill
04:34 32CC 2019 Create Motion Graphic Templates
09:24 33Quiz: Important After Effects Skills
Chapter 6: Motion Graphics Projects
34Intro to Motion Graphics Projects
00:53 35Clean Lower Third
09:22 36Logo Reveal Animation Bumper
13:25 37Colorful Transition
16:59 38Text with Mask Path Animation
10:05 39Text Bubble Animation
13:39 40Weather App 1
16:41 41Weather App 2
08:21 42Weather App 3
06:59 43Quiz: Motion Graphics Projects
Chapter 7: Flat Animation Challenge
44Flat Animation Challenge
02:47 45Phil Designs his Flat Animation Scene
12:39 46Animating Fireworks with the Repeater Effect
15:02Chapter 8: Flat Animation Challenge
47Removing Green Screen Background
06:46 48Adding a Background that Matches the Foreground
07:55 49Adding Motion to a Still Image with the Puppet Tool
06:26 50Adding Movement with the Ripple Effect
06:07 51Quiz: Flat Animation Challenge
Chapter 9: Green Screen (Chromakeying)
52Intro to 3D
10:04 53Swinging 3D Text Animation
12:11 54Build Out Your 3D Composition
05:47 55Animating Our 3D Scene
07:38 56Create Stars in After Effects
05:11 57Quiz: Green Screen (Chromakeying)
Chapter 10: 3D Animations and the Camera Tool
58Using the Rotoscope Tool
06:55 59Cleaning Up Your Edges
07:21 60Finishing Our Rotobrush Animation
07:33 61Quiz: 3D Animations and the Camera Tool
Chapter 11: Rotoscoping
62Easy Screen Replacement with Masks
09:56 63Replacing a Screen Version 2
13:49 64Screen Replacement with Mocha
08:13 65CC 2019 Update - Native Mocha AE Plugin
05:08 66Quiz: Rotoscoping
Chapter 12: Screen Replacements
67Using the Puppet Pin Tool
04:33 68Animating Your Puppet Pins
03:04 69Animated Blinking Eyes
08:21 70Adding Perspective with Animated Clouds
07:10 71CC 2018 Update - Advanced Puppet Pin Tool
02:08 72Quiz: Screen Replacements
Chapter 13: Puppet Tool Animations
73Applying Text Animation Presets
05:59 74Create a Page Turn Effect with CC Page Turn
10:05 75Radial and Linear Wipes
03:20 76Color Correction in After Effects
03:33 77CC 2019 Update - Selective Color Adjustments
03:25 78Quiz: Puppet Tool Animations
Chapter 14: Motion Tracking
79Motion Tracking Basics
09:51 80Tracking Text and Visual Effects to Video Clip
06:21 81Tracking Rotation and Scale
11:33 82Adding Details to Our Text
04:04 83Quiz: Motion Tracking
Chapter 15: Character Animations
84Intro to Character Animations
01:31 85Design Your Character
14:32 86Rigging Your Character
02:50 87Animating Our Character
09:55 88Adding the Animated Background
09:12 89Adding Details to Character Movement
07:20 90Adding the Paper Cut Out Look
05:29 91Quiz: Character Animations
Chapter 16: Exporting from After Effects
92Exporting an H264 File from After Effects
07:03 93Exporting from After Effects with a Transparent Background
04:03 94Exporting from After Effects through Adobe Media Encoder
04:40 95CC 2018 Update - Exporting an Animated GIF from Adobe Media Encoder
02:14 96Create an Animated GIF from After Effects CC 2017
07:03Chapter 17: After Effects Workflow & Tips
97Audio Tips for After Effects
03:20 98Working with Premiere Pro
05:54 99Quiz: After Effects Workflow & Tips
Chapter 18: Expressions
100Expressions Basics
07:24 101Animate a Flickering Light with Expressions
17:35 102Quiz: Expressions
Chapter 19: Conclusion
00:44Final Quiz
104Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Exporting an H264 File from After Effects
Welcome to this new section in the After effects course, in this section we're going to learn how to export your videos from After effects, we're going to learn how to do this in a few different ways. One just a normal export one with a transparent background and then also how you animate an animated GIF or a gift from After Effects, which actually uses Photoshop because you can't do that straight from After effects. So to do a basic export, what you would want to do is take your composition that you want to export, open it up, set your work area to where you want to export. So for example with this lower third, maybe I wanted to go to this point and then export there and then go up to composition, Add to Render Queue. Now there are two options for exporting by adding to the render queue. You can export right within after effects if you want, you can add to the adobe media encoder queue which opens up a separate program which comes with your Creative cloud subscription and I'll show yo...
u how to do that in the next episode or next lesson. So click add to render queue. Now that opens up this render queue tab which is where your timeline usually is and it has your lower third comp right here. The cool thing about After effects is you can add multiple compositions, two year render queue at the same time and export them, set them all up for exporting and then export them all at once. So starting from the left, you have some settings. Typically you actually just leave the render settings as best settings and then under output module. This is where you select the format and quality and things like that. If you click this dropdown arrow, you have some presets Or you can create presets. So I have some like for H264 pro rez transparent, that's my after effects export with a transparent background but you might see some here. If you just leave it at lost list, it's going to export a full quality sort of like the maximum quality max resolution, which matches the size of your composition As possible. So that's a really good one. If you're exporting and you just want a full quality. But if you want to change it, just click this text right there for lossless and you get your output module settings from the top, you can change the format. Most of us are going to want to export a quicktime format project. If you have a specific other thing such as an image sequence, you can also export just as audio but most of us will be using the quicktime format and then changing our options down here. So over here let's jump over here to format options and clicking that brings up another window and here is where you change the Kodak Now this is a little bit more advanced. Um if you don't know much about video, then this might be a little confusing but the video format is kind of the container. So quick time is going to be the container, the type of file and then the codex is the process for how it's sort of compressed. And so if you drop down the video Kodak you have here, animation, you can see you have Pro rez you have H 264 down here, there are different ones and for different reasons you might want to choose a different option if you want full quality animation is a good option. A lot of video editors will want Pro rez versions. So if you're working with other people or if you're working with these effects and you want to add them to a video that you're editing in premiere Pro for example, you might want to choose Apple Pro res is sort of the max quality out of the prairies options Or if you just want to quickly export Um more compressed version but still a high quality version of your file, choose H- 264. That's going to be the smallest file size or one of the smallest file size codex but still have a great quality. You can decrease the quality here if you want to make it even an even smaller size but you're going to lose some quality. So I might get more pixelated by doing that. So I leave that at 100. If you want to limit the data rate. Which is another thing you might do. You can click this button right here and limit it to a specific data rate. But I use usually leave that unchecked. So I'm getting the full H264 quality and then just click OK. All these should stay the same forward just exporting an H 264 file RGB millions of colors pre multiplied. If you want to change the size of your export for some reason you can click this resize button and then change the resize two to another with and height. But if you're just trying to export the same size as your composition, leave that unchecked. And also if you want to export audio, you can turn that on and off. I usually have it off or just leave it at auto which won't export audio if there's no audio in your actual after effects project here, you can click format options to change the audio format to. Okay, so once you're happy with all of those, click OK. And now while I'm here, let me just tell you So say you set that up. This is the 8 to 64 setting if you want to create a preset for that, just click the drop down button and click make template And then just name your template. I already have one but I would call this HT64 And then click OK. And now whenever you want to export anything from after effects, you can quickly choose that H264 template to choose where you save, click this output to and click that text right to the right and just choose where you want to change. Save it and click save and give it a title when you're already to export, click the render button and this is going to walk through or work through your composition. It's going to give you a little ding when it's done. And then in your finder you should be able to find the video clip that you exported. So now we have this full resolution 1920 by 10 H 264 file of our lower third. Now this file though for this lower third has a black background, it's not transparent. If I bring this into another program like adobe premiere Pro se. I import this into Adobe premiere Pro and then put this on top of a video clip onto a new layer. What's going to happen. And here's just a quick little video I made recently is And let me turn off this audio. It goes from the video to this blank Lower 3rd and that's not what we want. So for most animations where you have a background and everything, you can just export it that way as an H264 file. But if you need a transparent background, I'm gonna show you how to do that in a couple of ways. Next
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