Day 1
1Introduction and Overview Part 1
19:47 2Introduction and Overview Part 2
29:15 3Adobe Bridge Integration: Workspace
21:57 4Adobe Bridge Integration: Preferences
11:29 5Metadata Templates
28:57 6Adobe Camera Raw Interface Insights
21:55 7Adobe Camera Raw Tools and Panels
22:31Five Step Tango Part 1
30:35 9Five Step Tango Part 2
30:15 10White Balance and Vignettes
22:22 11HSL Global Adjustments and Effects
36:02 12HSL Effects and Faux Infrared
11:37 13Adobe Camera Raw Dust Removal
19:41 14Enhanced Curves, Cross Processing, and Solarizing
14:51Day 2
15Five Step Tango Review
20:09 16Radial Filter
19:22 17Sharpening in Adobe Camera Raw
35:03 18PPI and Printing
09:57 19Targeted Adjustments
13:11 20Graduated Filter
18:29 21Healing Brush for Retouching
31:18 22Adobe Camera Raw Auto Mask Feature
22:23 23Adjustment Brush and Recoloring
23:05 24Glamour Retouching Part 1
28:45 25Glamour Retouching Part 2
09:44 26Targeted Skin Color Unifying
14:52 27Dust and Scratches Filter
25:09 28Portrait Retouching Part 1
24:57 29Portrait Retouching Part 2
17:39Day 3
30Targeted Coloring
17:47 31Hand Tinting
34:21 32Smart Filter Painting in Adobe Photoshop
19:58 33Masking and Recoloring
14:46 34Radial Filter Retouching
19:09 35DeSharpening and Healing Brush
31:02 36Adobe Photoshop Integration: Diffused Glow
12:29 37Adobe Photoshop Integration: Panoramas Part 1
27:11 38Adobe Photoshop Integration: Panoramas Part 2
25:45 39Adobe Photoshop Integration: Combining Images
15:58 40Adobe Photoshop Integration: HDR
10:00 41Adobe Photoshop Integration: Background Eraser
10:56 42Adobe Photoshop Integration: Liquify Filter
23:12 43Adobe Photoshop Integration: Content Aware Scale
16:11 44Input and Output Sharpening
13:11 45Split Toning
13:34 46Soft Proofing and Printing
09:45Lesson Info
Smart Filter Painting in Adobe Photoshop
A lot of people don't know what you can do with painting and photo shop so let's d'oh! Aah! Little I'm smart, um, filter painting in photo shop and how we would take advantage of doing a doe became more offer, so I'm gonna open up to images here we had a beautiful shot from sandy foster where we've done with it. Well, do our tango, and in this case, I use that adjustment brush with a little bit of exaggerated if we see that big sloppy area to do a custom vignette toe ghost out the background, there's one time you have permission to do cute see little white vignette glows it's with babies you get away with also just really quickly you'll see that this right here is just one big pop in the face and that's just taking that exposure up. If I delete that, you can see just one little thing to balance out. We've got a sidelight here, so a lot of times wouldn't interment in terms of portrait just one little pop on the side of the faces in the shadows, just as if you'd had a little bit of a kic...
ker light over here, some little bounce or even a little remote strobe. The fact that you just go tap and balance out the face on there is great we're going to take this into photo shop and we're going to do something to it and we're going to do the same thing with this file this file I usually bring in earlier in the week to show a couple things to it when I mentioned that I usually have used this image and actually siri's of five bracketed exposures looking directly into the sun and this backlit motorcycle to talk about combining exposures to create an hdr I also mentioned it now with the huge power that you have of these sliders in adobe camera excuse me adobe camera as well as in light room five you get a huge amount of work done but I did want to kind of drive home the point and this is gonna get us also to this discussion about the camera calibration tab and these different engines and these different camera profiles but specifically let's come up here and this is our starting shot this is like a ah foe hdr shot really nice and in terms of this iridescent glow that you can get with these um hdr effects you'll notice I've got my little exclamation mark hear my warning telling me that this is using the two thousand ten process and you go well that looks great it's it's an amazing ability to pull out a huge amount of information the problem is, and why adobe came up with a new process is because when you look at that transitions between highlights and shadows where you're being really greedy and you say I want all the highlights and I want all the shadows and you yank these things in different directions the sliders in the two thousand ten process that said, dude, I will do my best but don't good luck it ain't gonna happen without artifacts because you're really it's ridiculous for you to come up here and say I would like, oh, the lights to be black and I want all the blacks to be lightened, ok? And this old engine were recovery and feel like I was the case, but if you take that same thing and now we're going to do that same image using the two thousand twelve process, you can see also let's back up so you can see the same kind of beautiful iridescence with less actually artifact ing in it. So we're getting a smoother rendition of the file, but when we zoom in on the file and look for those halos and fringing around these transitions, even though I'm asking it to, you know, take what is pure white and make it dark and what what is pure dark in terms of the bike without any fringing it's ridiculously cool that's the new two thousand twelve process as I mentioned also yesterday, it doesn't mean that you can't if for some reason especially if the image we're working on didn't have these inherent you know contrast for bring in the artifacts you may use the two thousand ten process it has some certain looks to it but the fact that you can do push an exposure on dh have it look natural when it's pulling out this huge amount of information is just awesome we're going to use this for the start of a painting and we're going to take both of these images in the photo shop and I like this image for a paint because normally I do portrait as in with this little girl but just as a reminder people are passionate about a lot of things and it's not just their children okay or their wives or spouses air you know kids they're also passionate about their toy, so if you're looking for things to make money with, you may want to say hey, by the way, what's your hobby you know if you run a studio what's what's your passion in life aside from your family and kids and you know I'm a jogger I ride a motorcycle, I've got this antique this I swim, I do whatever and go you know, is there something that you would like something that we can do relate it to your hobby may even be a service that you do where they bring in. You know this fantastic, you know, honey moon shot from tahiti and you'll do something to it even though you didn't take the picture. You go. You know what? We offer a service here of painting, I'm gonna open objects. We talked about this also the last couple of days as a default in adobe camera raw down here in the lower right, it has opened images that's going to flatten the file, cook everything we've done, bring it into photo shop as a dumb layer, as opposed to a smart layer I have set this up in my work flow preferences toe open up as objects is a default. If you hold down the shift key no matter what it is, it's going to switch to the alternative you switch whatever the default is by these workflow options here and it's open in photoshopped a smart objects that's where I changed my preferences, so I've selected both the files in my film strip, I'm going to say open objects were go into photo shop where we'll be spending more time after a break, and again, we'll start off with our motorcycle here and jim, if you can confirm that my fan page is that. Facebook dot com slash jack davis wow should have the black and white portrait will make sure so we send people to get the freebies like the one I'm about to show you what you may like is, I'm going to give you all this action, that part of my painting presets and just a small little segment from my actual painting class? Yes, I can absolutely confirm that for you guys out there. If you're looking for jax freebies, you'll go to www dot facebook dot com slash jack davis. Wow, and that will get you to that page. Go ahead and like it and write below, you'll see jack's freebies there you go so attractive as well, I thought that was it, and specifically what I wanted to do was show you this one that's part of those freebies there it's a little truncated set of what I call my painting presets beta, but I call it wow smart object painting and the reason why I showed here, even though we're doing an a c r class, is there certain things like filtering and actions that you can't do in a cr? And again, just because you could do ten billion things in a cr doesn't mean you shouldn't be using photoshopped, especially since I know since you own it you own photo shop so there's no reason it's not like you're getting a different program, so I'm going to simply take this action I mean, the actions palate I'm going to hit the play button and it's going to do this so it has come up here and automatically converted our little photograph into a painting, including our canvas texture and bossing are brush strokes very expressive little painting here, and it did so as a smart filter recipe. We're going to be doing some smart other smart filter recipes in here, but that means that it actually did all its wonderful jiggery pokery inside this one single layer and this little icon here is telling us that this photograph came in is a smart object. What are smart objects? Smart objects by definition are things that I know everything about their existence prior to them becoming a smart object, meaning that if you make something into a smart object or open something is a smart object it knows about it's pre existence in this case, the pre existence was adobe kamerad you can bring something in from adobe illustrator and a smart object and remembers its illustrator nous you could actually take some poster that you've done with hard edge graphics and all sorts of blends and typography run this action on your illustrator file, and it will still maintain its illustrator nous, meaning that next week when you want to change it, you double click on it, it opens it up and illustrator change the type close it comes back re applies the filter and you're done smart objects are very smart they're also very smart because when you apply a filter to it and these are the sets of filters that I used to make this effect up, all of these different filters are applied to my original without getting rid of all that in this case raw data from my original file very, very, very, very bitchen and this action that I've given you basically I came up with ah wrote an action recorded the script as it were to record these steps and we won't go into it now just because I'm giving it to you and it's not a painting class, but it does show you that this is thebes before and after. The nice thing about smart filter recipes is that you can actually turn off the entire set of, um effects or you could turn off one like the oil paint filter and that's going to re calculate it so there is my texture in effects without the brush strokes now I'm turning back on just the brush strokes it also is part of the smart filter recipe if I want if that logo needs to be a little bit more potent, I can take advantage of this layer mask here come over here use a nice big old soft brush let's take it down what was that keyboard shortcut to automatically change the opacity of the brush if you have a brush active and photoshopped just tap one of the number keys you don't have to do a command number key so if I tap three looking up here that changed the opacity of the brush to thirty percent if I don't have a brush active if I have one of my move tools active tapping the number keys changes the opacity of the current active layer okay so the mask is active black is my foreground color I'm just going to tap bring back in a little bit more information on logo because obviously somebody who's addicted to old motorcycles is going to want to make sure that you can read that the other thing that you could do that's actually kind of nice that well do let me undo those little painting effects is there's nothing stopping you from do you want to do an advanced technique? This is really cool this isn't a mean okay, so this is really cool and this actually will allow you to use this for things like portrait when you use a big um value for most of the portions of a painting in other words you want bigger sloppier brushstrokes and so you're gonna come up here and I'm gonna take these brush strokes here part of the oil paint filter so now we're looking as I mentioned yesterday when you double click on any of those let's actually did little quick any one of these because it's a smart filter recipe means I can get back to any one of the settings that I did everything is pliable everything is not destructive if I double click on any one of the names is going to bring up that filter so I confined to knit by double click over here on the right it's going to bring up the capacity and blend mode option so if I double click on the oil paint portion of this recipe and zoom in on it I can see my brushstrokes which is very cool the stylization of it is what is the how detailed or sloppy the brush jokes are so if you look at things like the trees in the background you can see as I take that down it's following more precisely okay so in this case you may want tohave I do a kind of a middle of the road for my action just does everything perfect but let's say that I like it a little bit more expressive like this I can say okay come up with a different one you're now going to say this is gonna be mohr expressive throughout the file okay it's gonna have mohr of that brush stroke feel to it I like it but there's nothing stopping me from duplicating this layer, but dragging it down to the new layer icon or do a commander control jay is a short cut for a duplicate current layer double click on that oil paint. Now come up here, look at it. Take down my stylization much less than I did before. Okay, it's still going to have brushstrokes on it, but it is going to be less stylized and things like that. I've got this now. So now I have two versions of this one. That's got quite a bit of detail to it. And one that is more sloppy. Now, what am I going to do to combine those mask it? What am I gonna mask mask the effect or mask the layer top player? I'm gonna mass the layer exactly right now. This is since now this is an advanced class. I love this especially you and me is just going to, you know, hang out. We don't need anybody now you guys are all awesome too. But because it's an advanced class, we've got two different flavours of it. It's actually the same file. The nice thing also about smart objects is when I made that duplicate that's the same file, it didn't actually increase the file size in the same way of it that is that file it's referencing it by double click on this and take it back in the car and turn it into black and white. This will be black and white to they're the same pile if you're good after a break, I'll tell you how to not have to be the same file, but in this case, I've got this one that's got more detailed to it so far, so good I'm now going to make a mask, not on the effect I'm not going to take advantage of this mass that we use before I'm now going to mask this entire layer I only wanna paint in the effect that I want, right? I don't want to paint out everything's all they want to do is get a few places maybe here around the grass and stuff where I want more detail so I want to create a mask but because I'm lazy, I want to create a mass that does not start off life white I wantto create a mass that starts off light life black hiding everything, allowing me to paint in what I want and you probably know that shortcut as well for that one go right ahead oh, and click on the mask, all of your pc user you just lost me right there and I thought we had someone in common so all or option okay so I'm going to come down here to the adelaide mask icon here option all click and it creates a mask that is hiding everything and of course the benefit of that I tapped on my beaky for my brush x to exchange my foreground and background color I now have white I'll make that um opacity I'll make that a hundred percent so now when I come up here and paint ah whole sort of speak I'm going to allow this more detailed version of my painting to show through so now I come up here and I can do it for things like the's logo's okay so I can seem or it has its matching the exact same effect in terms of canvas and strokes and everything else okay this is looking that doesn't that's not how you'd paint grass that was a little bit you know it's just there are certain things that how a painter would or would not paint I kind of like that foreground and I like that little you know van gogh swirly starting night kind of thing okay? But I like just that grass is really more detailed maybe I'll do some of the trees were they getting just a little bit wispy? So did you get the idea it's a great way at the exact same action I'm just using taking advantage of the fact that smart filters are a pliable and that I confined to knit in this case it's very easy to duplicate one fine tune two different versions of a recipe and then blended teo and this one is a great version of that and that's all that I did is I'm bringing in those portions of this detailed version and that's allowing me have those two that's my gift to you all that little action for smart filter painting shows you what you can't do in um in a cr and let's do one maur this image from sandy this is not a freebie this is a complete tease for my painting class in the presets with those which was really fun I created a bunch of pre sets for that class and that one specifically that I like here iss the while painting and enhancing actions and let us beat this car sketch alone make sure that I'm doing the right one painting gamma beta alfa beta gamma delta their entire thing here we're going to do our wow filtered water color I want the water color we want our watercolor painting harry go filter fact sketch alone filtered water color with line work drawing that's what we're gonna do so light and will do it light so this one right here is not one of the freebies don't ask for it you won't find it on that facebook page this is part of the what you get with that entire painting class but it lets you come up here and find tune, um, drawing a little sketch that's going to go on top of the watercolor painting that we're going to see here in just a second. And what we got is this a great little pencil sketch with a water color underneath it. Okay? And you confined to knit and these are all the stages that that action made in order to do things do its jiggery pokery. But here is our original, and here is our little water color with pencil sketch and again, even on this thing, you can find tune things if you got a little you want to take out some of the, uh, the sketch work or fine tune it, you can also find tune that with masking. So that is just a little tease from the painting class. I've also got one. Speaking of, um, sandy foster, she also, um, did this wonderful photograph and another one of the actions that I have is this one calls sketch that is part of that painting class. And we walked through this in terms that tutorial. So that's a blatant sales pitch for the painting class from creative live dot
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Jack Davis is my favorite Creative Live instructor, and this 3-day Camera RAW series is just amazing. I learned so much that I can apply to my own work. I shoot photos for field ID guides, and conditions are not always optimal, and the things I learned about working with RAW images really made a difference when I'm working on processing images. Thanks, Jack (and thanks, Creative Live for offering these great classes)!
a Creativelive Student
This was the most comprehensive class on ACR that I've taken. Jack is a great teacher as well as entertaining. His approach was thorough, going through not only tools and their associated panels in ACR but touching on organization in Bridge and in the last few sessions, going through some things in Photoshop that ACR can't do. My mind is blown and I have a much better understanding of everything that can be done in ACR. I was pretty excited to get Jack's presets for ACR as well as most of his images with the purchase of this class. When you open up snapshots of Jack's images, all the settings are there so you get a real feel for where you can take your own images. Thoroughly enjoyed this class and consider it money well spent.
a Creativelive Student
This class is wonderful. It is amazing how much more you can do in camera raw than photoshop. I highly recommend this class!
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