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Advanced Color Toning in Photoshop

Dave Cross

Advanced Color Toning in Photoshop

Dave Cross

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Class Description

Playing and experimenting with color is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying aspects of Adobe® Photoshop®. In this class, Dave Cross will guide you through some of the more advanced color toning tools, including Color Lookup Tables to apply a unique color scheme to your photos, split toning to add different colors to your highlights and shadows, and the Hue/Saturation command to adjust your image’s colors as well as their richness and intensity.

Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Ratings and Reviews

jose paredes

Dave Cross, one of the best. I like this course cause he explained a lot of possibilities in post production in a very simple way. I would like to recommend this course as one of the best courses to understand the foundations of color and the use of presets. We need more instructor like Dave Cross

Tom Hackett

I am somewhat sympathetic with another reviewer who said that the examples were not practical or realistic enough. Nevertheless, in this course David Cross has shown how a few advanced, and at times difficult and confusing, Photoshop techniques work. He has made smart objects, apply image and blend if understandable for me. If I were sitting in the live class, I might feel overwhelmed. But having purchased the class, and being able to watch it at any time to help me remember how a Photoshop tool or technique works, I would recommend it for anyone wondering how to use these tools and techniques.

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