Day 1
14:56 2Defining Your Goals and Metrics
27:10 3Goals and Metrics Q&A
36:50 4Assembling a Team and Insourcing vs. Outsourcing
21:43 5Creating a Company Manual
14:00 6Jared's Business History
33:51 7Print, Online, SEO and Social Media Marketing
43:23Vendor and Client Referrals
35:23 9Specialism with Guest Jeff Jochum
29:18 10Defining Yourself in Three Words
54:54Day 2
11Homework Review with Guest Jeff Jochum
34:11 12Pricing: Packages
56:49 13Pricing: A La Carte
36:20 14Rebuilding a Pricing Sheet Part One
21:33 15Pricing: Extras List
46:56 16Rebuilding a Pricing Sheet Part Two
35:05 17Natural Upsell and Presentation
50:03 18Critiques of Students' Pricing Presentation
18:48Day 3
08:05 20Three Phases of a Consultation
1:02:52 21Consultation Q&A
11:18 22Sales Strategies with Jason Aten
1:10:18 23Sales: Out of Town Clients Q&A
25:07 24Six Figure Plan
30:18 25Profit Goals with Student
20:55 26Thanks + Credits
04:40 27Building Your Team
42:29 28Business Roadmap Challenge
18:00Lesson Info
Consultation Q&A
all right. I'm a throw back to you guys over here. See what we're really saying? If there is any questions that I can answer for them, that is a view you say That is some powerful stuff I love what you said come through the fear and believe that we are the right option. I love that. All right, Lots of questions. You want to get started? Sure. Are you sure? Well, all right. So guess 98 15. Asked if the client really wants to see the pricing before they speak to in person, how do you mitigate the situation? That would the phone conversation look like? So just beginning of the consultation, just getting them in the door because a lot of people are like, they want to know the exact pricing before you get around that first step. And I'm not trying to say that, Like, you know, no one asked me about prices. You know, I don't know what's wrong with all of you guys. They always do. They always do want to talk about it. And so it is best to tackle that. You know, when you're on the phone ahead o...
f time, they're gonna email about it. They usually do. You want to know about it? And I always like to say, you know what? All of our pricing is pretty customized because I want to hear what you guys need and take the pricing we have and show you what's going to best for you. But there's also a lot of confusion that comes from it. And so I want to help you. I want to help educate you. You know, most of our clients end up spinning around $6500. I can tell you that much, but we have pricing that starts at 4000 and goes all the way up to, you know, well past 6500 I think what's best, though, is let me bring you down to the studio, will have a glass of wine, and I can listen to exactly what you want. And then I can show you what I think makes the most amount of sense for you. So give him a little bit of an indication and allows them to self select themselves out there like my but 2000. Okay, no problem. Well, let me try to help you find someone who can also meet your needs. But for a price point that sounds like a little bit more approachable for you or that allows them to kind of like, OK, well, it's in the range. And so, yeah, let's go ahead and just sit down and talk And that's what I'm really trying to insist on is, Let's. And if we can't meet, we try to have a call that's directed just at talking about that, talking about the wedding. You know about connecting, about learning and about about the close. But I think it's good it's OK to maybe drip a little bit, but really try to explain why it's important to come in to sit down to meat, to go through it together, to sit down and have an actual concentrated conversation. But rather than just quickly getting the price and moving on awesome, perfect and one screen. But that is a perfect example of how you're leading with connection and how important that is that I think that really sets the tone with your client. Okay, this person's really wants to listen to my needs and move on with that, and that's the thing is, is It kind of disarms him a little bit, you know, because were people are so used to right now, you know, just calling on lunch, break in a quick quote have been trained that way. This group on culture of ours has trained us that we have to seek out the price before we look at the value, we have to seek to know what the cost will be before we understand if it matters. You know, people by Groupon's nowadays and I don't even know everyone looked at the restaurant. They're buying it for its. So we're trained as a society right now is a culture right now to do this. And I think the most important thing to think about when you're looking at that is yes, That is the mindset that they have. But you have to disarm that and try to connect with them through that Through that process, you want to disarm them. But people like to connect. That's a thing. Very rare. Is it when someone goes I'm not interested in knowing you. I could care less, especially when you set up a brand. It's built around the authentic you and around the purpose that you have. You attract the people who are disarms a little bit easier. You know, they want to talk and connect it a bit quicker because you put so much about yourself out there right on. Definitely. And we have a question from pro photographer. How do you respond if they ask you for more time to think about it? Well, yeah, that's very common. Jason's coming in next. I don't tease that. I know that. That is one of the things I'm gonna be challenging Jason with. I'm going to say I want to know the answer to that exact question. So we'll get the answer from Jason. Next. Don't steal its thunder. Probably if I keep answering questions like, Why do you have to come out from Michigan for this? That's a really good question, and we're gonna tackle that next in the next segment. I agree. Hang on. Pro photographer also. All right, let's see earlier use gave the example of one bad question and the bad question. You know, leading was, Do you need to talk to your parents before booking? That's something that we actually here is wedding photographers. Often I'm guilty of the exact question actually posing that to my clients and more. A P asked. What if someone else is paying for the photography coverage? For example, parents who is not at the consultation and the clients need time to discuss that with their parents? You know, I learned this firsthand. I learned I saw exactly what it looks like from the client's perspective firsthand. My sister got married last year, Memorial Day weekend, and so I was kind of thrust into being the brother who's also in the business. But and it was It was a great experience all the way through. My sister Bronson shot my sister's wedding, and the images was amazing. It was so much fun to be the wedding and not be shooting. You know, the whole thing happened. It was a great, great experience and, you know, But afterwards there was a shot that my mom called me. There's this picture I wanted and, you know, it didn't try to be a big deal. We're about actually to find it. But it unveiled that process where my mom was saying, Hey, where's that shot? And I said, Mom, I just looked over the list. The shot list that Laura provided. It wasn't on there, and she's like, That's kind of weird. I mean, I'm the client and I'm like, Mom, you're not the client. She's like, Why pay for it like I know, But you're not the client and she's like, Well, that's kind of weird, Like I know it is kind of weird. I agree. Welcome to my life. It's very hard to navigate the waters where the bride is your client, but the mom is paying for it or the dad is paying for. It's like who and how do you meet all those needs? And it's It's hard, It takes a lot of communication, and that problem could be solved through communication. But really, what it comes down to is tackling that from the front end and if you can, when you're on the phone with them. Talking about said the consultation, and this is what I always recommend Everyone you're on the phone said that consultation. Try to ask, Can you make sure all the decision makers are present? Can you make sure to bring all the decision makers and that way you don't have to worry. And if they say you know my mom is is paying for the wedding and she won't make it until next week. No problem. You know what? Let's meet next week, then. I just really want to be able to connect with each of you that's gonna have a role in this wedding. I really want to be able to, because it's important to me if your mom is helping out in this. I think it's important your mom come in and also meet with me as well. Or your dad come in with my dad Works a lot. No problem. I could meet in the evenings. You know, our weekends better, you know, and you try to meet with the decision makers. And so that way, when Mom, when the question mom comes up, Mom's right there and you say no problem, I'm sure here. No, but the question of really has to come up because it does come up. If Mom and Dad are paying for the wedding and they're not there and then you don't know what to say. And she really tried disarm that by having them there Now if they're out of town, how did you know? E talked about This is what happens after out of town. Ah, I'm telling you the sky permit. Seriously. Bring every decision maker there. Bring him there. Call him. Get him on the mobile phone on speaker phone. Whatever. Get him there. Try your best fight for that. Tell him it's because and it is truly because. So there's a joke in our studio that I'm really good with the moms. But every knows that when Mama the bride comes in Jared's to go down and hang out with them cause I'm really good at making moms feel home. I'm like, I really you know, I just tell him all the all the stories and they start laughing and stuff. I just really appreciate the mom of the brides like perspective on it. I love working with my mother of the bride because they're always so sweet and genuine, and they just they're so happy for their daughter. And in most of time, you know occasionally. Yes, there's moms that are really over the top, but I just love that role. I can't wait toe, have a daughter someday and be apparent at their wedding, and so I really connect well with the parents and I love it when they come in so I can connect with them, too. I'm serious. I love when they can come in and I can connect with them too. And yes, it is the bride's day. And, yes, you want to focus your attention on the bride. But even if you can't have the mom and the dad, if they're pain, come in, get him on Skype, get him on the phone, do whatever you can to connect with every single decision maker that is present. And I think that the other day that's gonna be the solution to help overcome that. That uncomfortableness that does get created when they're not there. I love how you already know the minds of the Internet around universe. Just beginner's luck, really. But well, I'll take it. I'll take it. We'll have one more question before break. That sounds good. So since we weren't able to answer pro photographers first question, you get a 2nd 1 sweet. So if they say that they're the right, that you are the right fit. But then they say that they can't afford you. How do you respond? Yeah, I mean, that comes down to what you want to do about it. That happens a lot, you know, And again, going back to what we talked about yesterday. You kind of to figure out if they're trying to work with you or if they're just trying to negotiate with you. If they're trying to work with you, I'll work with him. I have no problem working with people who are being earnest and genuine when they say I literally can't afford this. Okay, let's talk about that. I know ahead of time because I know and I practice and I understand the process. I know what I can and what I can't do. I know that I'm not really willing to give a lot of discounts, and I'm much more apt to include add value to make it a better purchase for them, make them feel better about it. That's more the direction I like to go, but I have to figure out right off the bat, are you negotiating with me or you truly just trying to work with me? And that's the most important thing that I try to figure out. If you're trying to negotiate with me, it's over where you haven't connected. We're obviously not on the same page. And we're not gonna work well together throughout the whole process. If you're trying to just work with me because you really want tohave maybe a part of your day, I'm honored and I would love to work with you on that. I just know already what my limitations are, but your limitations might be a little different. Your limitations might be little different. Everyone's gonna have those you need to know there's ahead time so you can work in that moment rather Just be like, uh, you put them together. I'll get back to you. Know what? You can dio know what you're willing to do. Know what's good? I saw a question come up yesterday. Maybe somebody emailed Tamir or Facebook to Tamir, Who knows, with all the different methods of contact about how do you work with friends and family? What happens when a family member or friend what I recommend doing to that? Because I get that question a ton and its so awkward because you're like I want to do. And so what we do is we have a friends and family package you can book and it's set up already. It's available. It gives them a discount and basically discount. If you book us for six hours, will stay the whole day. So if Bronson had a family member that you want to shoot their wedding and they call on their like, you know, what does that look like? You know? Is there a deal available since a family member? It's like, Yep, we have that available. We give this to every single person who qualifies as a friend or family member. That way, it's even No one can start picking a fight. No one gets one deal here. One deal there, and you don't have to feel guilty about not giving them a better deal. You say this is the same with every single person, and you can kind of come up with that deal that you have. You can kind of come up with that discount that you want to give to your friends or your family members, that that's something that you run into a lot. There's another question I saw yesterday wanted tackle. Today you know exactly what the Internet is thinking. Jared
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Eventhough I'm not a photographer I got so much value from this course. The pricing strategies and the concept of specialism apply to any business and made a huge difference in how I get and work with my clients right now. I recommended the course to several of my friends and would recommend it to anyone who's stuck in their business doing things they don't enjoy and gets little money for it. Fantastic job, Jared, thank you!
I'm just so blown away with Jared and this course and his experts that he brought in. It is truly A-Z of running a photography business answering the question what to charge and how to show it to get the most purchases. He spends a whole day on this question. The first day all about you and the "authentic" you so you can attract like minded individuals. The last day, in person consult and sales. This is my first purchase through Creative Live, even though I've watched many classes free during the live taping. I'm so happy I did it. I'm going to watch it over and over again. WELL worth the cost!! My review? PURCHASE NOW while it's on sale!!
I see another reviewer touched base on exactly what I was going to say. I was hopeful this course would discuss portrait photography pricing, and not just wedding photography pricing strategies. Since I don't shoot weddings, the 'packages' discussed was completely invaluable info to me. I can translate the concept, however, but it still would have been nice to know that this course was geared towards wedding pricing etc. With that said, I don't regret purchasing this course and still learned plenty from it. I enjoy Jared's teaching style tremendously.