Class Introduction
09:14 2Photo Basics
04:00 3Basic Camera Controls
04:36 4Mode Dial
24:19 5Top Of Camera
21:42 6Viewfinder Display
09:18 7Live View Menu
08:16 8Movie Mode Menu
03:03Back of Camera Buttons
04:37 10Quick Menu
22:00 11Playback Menu
08:58 12Left & Right Sides Of Camera
04:39 13Bottom & Front Of Camera
06:28 14Lens Options
08:28 15Menu Functions Overview
22:13 16Picture Style Menu
05:23 17Multiple Exposure & HDR Menu
04:53 18Image Quality Menus
06:47 19Live View Shooting Menu
02:23 20Movie Shooting Menu
15:30 21Playback Menu
06:53 22Set Up Menu
15:07 23Viewfinder Display Menu
02:35 24GPS Settings Menu
04:36 25Touch Control Menu
03:38 26Custom Shooting Mode
05:33 27Custom Menu
26:28 28My Menu
04:41 29Camera Operation
09:31Lesson Info
Movie Shooting Menu
Alright, it's time to get to the secret movie menu in this camera. And you do that by flipping the camera over into the Movie Mode and then hitting the menu button and you're gonna find that all those items that we just went through. Well, not all of them, a good portion of them are brand new. Some of them are gonna be exactly the same but they allow you to set the camera one way for still photographs and one way for movies. And as soon as you switch the camera to movies, the camera had automatically switched over into its movie mode with its movie settings. So let's get our camera setup with movie settings. First and foremost is our movie recording size. And this gets determine the type of file that we're recording when we're shooting movies. And so we have the resolution which is probably the most important thing. We then have our frame rate and our compression. And this will depend exactly on what we're doing with our footage. How much editing processing power we have. And what we'r...
e trying to get out this particular image. If you want to edit with your image, you wanna use it in a highest degree, you're gonna wanna use the largest resolution. And so, the camera can shoot in two different resolutions. There's High Definition and Full High Definition. With these two resolutions, most people are gonna be shooting in the larger resolution. We have two different compression options, we have a standard and then we have an IPB Light. And so if you are just doing basic video, you can do the IPB compression cause it's gonna give you a little bit smaller files size. If you wanna do a little bit more editing, you can leave it in the standard. For frame rates, the standard video in the United States runs at 29.97 frames per second. Over in Europe and a lot of other countries, they use a PAL system which is 25 frames a second. There is the option to double that in some of the amounts here so that you can shoot at 50 or 60 frames per second. And then you can also shoot at the movie frame rate of 23.98 frames per second for that slightly different cinema look. And so you'll be able to choose those by selecting the different options right in here. Next up is image quality when you are shooting stills, same as we've talked about before. Sound recording, dives us into a little bit of a menu here. So you can turn sound recording on and off, let it be automatic as far as its recording levels. Here on the level, you can manually adjust it up and down. If you have it set to manual, you can tweak this according to the nature of the sounds that you're recording. We also have a wind and attenuator filter in here. And so if you have a lot of wind, you could turn this on automatic. And it's automatically try to damp in some of that wind noise. Hopefully, that's not the case most of the time. The attenuator is for loud sudden noises. If you're gonna be photographing or filming a fireworks display for instance, you may wanna turn this on. Normally, you won't need this turned on. We talked about lens aberration before but this deals with it in the movie mode. And so we have peripheral illumination. Do you want the camera to correct for the lenses that you have on it or not? Some cases it's good, some people like the original look of the lenses. Most people are gonna wanna correct for the aberration correction. Video and stills, so we can leave that one turned on as well. For those few lenses that do have the electronic manual focus, do you wanna be able to adjust it after your camera auto focuses? Giving you that ability to do a manual touch up on it. Once again, effective on the STM lenses. And some of those unusual auto focus drive lenses that have that fly by wire system. Exposure control here, so if you want to adjust the brightness of your movie as you're shooting them. The Movie ISO speed, so it's slightly different than your standard still shooting ISO speed. So in this case, you get to choose what speed you wanna shoot at when you were shooting movies. ISO 100 up to 102000. The range that's available for you to choose. You probably wanna have the maximum range available. Nothing wrong with having options to choose from. If you put the camera in auto ISO, you can determine what's the highest ISO I want my camera to shoot with in movies when the ISO is set to auto. And so, you're less likely to see the noise here compared to still images. So you might be able to have a higher standard as far as what ISO you'll allow the camera to go to. When you're shooting time lapse and you have ISO set, you can have a separate setting just for when you're in the time lapse mode and auto ISO is to what the maximum ISO allowable is. The auto lighting optimizer, once again, for the most part, it's lighting up the shadows and holding back the highlights. Might be it a little bit more handy in video than in stills. You can have a separate white balance for video compared to stills. And you can do your own custom white balance for video as well as for stills. And so you get your light adjusted with the exact same operating system photographing a white sheet of paper. Setting that in the custom white balance and then go in to your white balance and setting that to custom so that you get nice clean light on your images. You can adjust the white balance correction in any of the four different colors. If your white balance system is a little bit off or you're dealing with some very funky lights. Picture style is something that people who shoot video will often wanna get in and do. Some people wanna color grade their images, their video after that. And so they want to shoot very flat, not too contrasty images. And so you can come in here and dial that contrast down quite a bit. Dial that saturation down so that you have a more basic footage to work from when you wanted to go in and color grade it and get it to look like a particular or to give it a particular look in that final footage. And in order to do that, you probably gonna wanna hit that info button to get into the detail sets so that you can get in and adjust those fine tune details. You can control the noise reduction. Once again, this is all specified with the movie setting. A lot of these things are duplicated. So that you can have different settings between movie and stills. We can control the highlight tone priority , if you wanna turn that on, it will limit you cause you'll no longer be able to shoot at ISO 100 when you do that. So very rare cases for that to be used. Okay, here's one that's definitely different than other places in the menu system, the Movie Servo AF system. And so this is where the camera is constantly focusing when it's in the movie mode. If you want your camera to act like a camcorder, most camcorders, video recorders, for at least, for the consumer, have an auto focus system that are constantly looking for sharp focus wherever you point the camera. Well, that isn't how the camera normally works but you can turn it on here if you want it to act like a simple camcorder. That may not be good in final video because it's not a pleasant thing to see in video, the camera refocusing. A lot of times professionals will focus manually or with the help of auto focus on a particular subject, they'll shoot their video, they'll end their video, and then they'll choose something else. Focus on that and go through the same process again. We do have the different options for working with the movie mode. We've seen this a couple of times. It was in the quick menu, it was in the live menu and so here face tracking for people, smooth as your large zone and live 1-point is a nice small one point for those who are very specific about where they want to focus. Here's another kind of new unique one here. Movie Servo AF tracking sensitivity. And so when your camera encounters a new subject, Do you want the camera to go to the new subject or do you want it to stay with the old subject? And that really depends on the type of subjects your shooting and the way that they're crossing in front of each other. And so, if you take a subject and you're focusing on them and there's a new subject that crosses in front, do you want to go to the new portion or not? And that's what this question is really asking. Do you want it to stay locked on the first subject or be very responsive to the new one? Different people have different needs which allows you, which is why they allow you to go in there and adjust that setting according to your needs. Servo AF speed in this case is gonna determine how fast the camera focuses. And so if you want it to be faster, you can do it faster. So there's a sub menu in here. When it's active, do you always want this on? And so this is when you're setting up your shots versus when you're shooting your shots. You can have it not always on if you want to. You can also have it set to different speeds. There are some people that would rather have the auto focus system work a little bit more slowly so that it's not quite as jumpy when you're actually shooting your videos. So if you're shooting videos and the camera is focusing and you don't like the way it's focusing, yes you can dive in and you can change the way it focuses. You can make it a little bit faster or you can make it quite a bit slower so that it's just more smooth in the video that you get from it. Metering timer, how long does the camera stay active metering the scene, adjust as necessary. If you wanna have an additional grid for compositional reasons, alignment reasons. You can turn on three different grid forms while you are in the movie mode. When you press down on the shutter release, normally, that's gonna focus the camera. But if you wanna come in here and adjust it, you can have a press of the shutter release activate the recording of the camera. Normally, there's gonna be the big button on the back of the camera for start and stopping the video, but if you would rather do it with the shutter release, you can switch it over to one of the right hand options here. And what this is indicating is what happens when you press half way down versus all the way down on the shutter release. And so there are four different options in there to fit your needs. Alright, next up is video snapshot. And I'll have to admit, I know what this does but I still don't understand it. The idea here is that you are shooting regulated two, four, or eight second video clips. Not longer, not shorter, exactly those lengths of time and then the camera will add those little bits up so that you have one continuous footage of two seconds here and two seconds there and two seconds there or groups of four and eight seconds. And it's interesting I guess. It's not something that a lot of people use but it's there. It has a little sub menu in here. Normally, it's gonna be disabled. And the idea is that you can create albums of video of different things you have shot. And so experiment, have fun, tell me if I'm wrong. I just haven't seen too many people are using this one out there. Time-lapse Movie, okay, this is pretty cool. We talked about this before with the interval timer. And with the interval timer, you shot individual photographs that you assembled later into a movie. Well in this case, you get to shoot the final movie in the camera. Now, you don't get the individual images to work with later on, you end up with the finished file which is good or bad depending on what you're wanting to do. And so in this case, which is gonna be a number of different options in here. You can choose, what size of video you're recording. You can get a 4k time lapse video. You can shoot a standard full HD video at 1920 by 1080. And so time lapse videos are great, I love them because they compress time and they show time in a different way. How long should your interval be? Depends on what you're shooting. How long you're gonna shoot for. A lot of times, it's gonna be between one and 10 seconds. Sometimes up to a minute. In rare cases, longer than that. How many images do you need? 300 is a good starting point. That will give you a 10 seconds. You might need much more, you'll have to set that for much greater number then. Auto exposure, you can either have it automatically change exposure for each frame or you can have it fixed for the first frame. If you're shooting a professional quality time lapse, you typically don't want the lighting in your time lapse going up and down. So you wanna be really careful about setting the exposure when it comes to time lapse. Usually, you wanna turn off the LCD when you're shooting the time lapse because you generally don't need to look at the back of the camera for every single shot. It's gonna waste battery power and in a time lapse, it's a lot of use of the battery power because the camera is firing a lot of times. So it's a good way of saving battery power by enabling the LCD auto off when you're in this mode. You can add the camera beep every time the picture is taken. That might be necessary in some situations for you to confirm that the camera is actually working. It might be disturbing to others or just annoying to have for you and so you probably want to have that turned off unless you absolutely need it for some special setup situations. And so that is your time lapse movie mode. Most of the time, you'll gonna leave it disabled but there are some great reasons to go out there and shoot your time lapse. Movie digital IS, and so your movie frame can be cut a little bit and stabilized. And so if you don't mind cropping in on your frame a little bit, the camera will electronically stabilize your frame. You're not gonna lose resolution, you will lose angle of view. And there are two versions of this. There's the standard digital IS. And then there's the enhanced version of it which gives you even more stability. So it depends, you know, if you're trying to get steady video off of riding a skateboard, you probably wanna get on a really wide lens and set it on to the enhanced setting there. And that's gonna give you a more smooth ride visually with the movie that you are recording. And so if you need wide angle, not a good option because it's gonna start cutting in on your wide angle lenses a little bit. But you are not looking resolution here which is one of the good things about it. Remote control, you can get the Canon RC- so that you can trigger the cameras, starting and finishing record without actually touching the camera.
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Ratings and Reviews
Warren Gedye
John, this is my second class of yours I'm taking on Creative Live. You are a very unique and articulate instructor. Your knowledge, understanding and experience in all matters photography is astounding! You have certainly fine tuned the knack in imparting your deep knowledge in such a palatable way! Your slides are magnificent, simple and concise and caters directly to your audience. I can only imagine the hours upon hours of time spent making these valuable slides. I look forward to many more of your courses!
a Creativelive Student
Always enjoy all of John's classes, but especially this one since I've decided to upgrade from my previous 6D. Awesome camera and this one is so much quieter than the older one. Thank you for explaining things in terms and ways that are easy to understand!
Tim Rogers
Thanks for a very useful course John. Not to get out and enjoy the new toy. Wish I had done the similar course for my previous camera (60D); will be recommending it to the person I am giving the camera to.
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