Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
Lesson 33 from: Canon Rebel T6s/T6i Fast StartJohn Greengo

Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
Lesson 33 from: Canon Rebel T6s/T6i Fast StartJohn Greengo
Lesson Info
33. Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
04:14 2Canon System Introduction
05:18 3Preparing the Camera
03:46 4Basics of Photography
09:03 5Control Difference T6i vs T6s
05:28 6Mode Dial
21:01 7How to Adjust ISO
06:20 8Auto Focus System
10:40Using Flash
06:30 10Viewfinder Display
14:04 11White Balance and Picture Styles
15:48 12Drive Mode
12:02 13Movie Mode
06:40 14Quick Menu
15:45 15Playback Options
08:25 16Left Side of the Camera
05:04 17Right and Bottom Sides of the Camera
07:53 18Canon Rebel T6 Lens Options
14:48 19Basic Menu Navigation
01:53 20Shoot 1 Menu
16:14 21Shoot 2 Menu
04:45 22Shoot 3 Menu
07:38 23Live Shoot 1 Menu
04:49 24Movie 1 Menu
02:16 25Movie 2 Menu
06:41 26Play 1 Menu
05:24 27Play 2 Menu
11:46 28Set-up 1 Menu
18:27 29Set-up 2 Menu
03:43 30Set-up 3 Menu
05:15 31Set-up 4 Menu
17:35 32My Menu
05:39 33Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
14:33Lesson Info
Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
All right let's move in to our final section on this class now that we have learned about literally everything that this camera does we're going to put it all together into okay how does this actually work out in the real world what are we thinking about what we paying attention to what are we actually going to change as we take different types of photos so first up my basic checklist of what we need before you even head out the door we want to charge your battery I want to go out with a fresh memory card which means it's been formatted I want to make sure that my camera is in the correct image quality said he jpeg or raw and then if there's anything unusual that I've been doing with the camera recently I may want to go and confirm that those settings are that are correct so did I have the camera in mere lockup mode? Was I doing something else with it? That's just kind of unusual and I want to make sure it's back to its standard and if I was going to head out for a really important sho...
ot or a big vacation I would probably shoot a few test photos just to make sure that the sensor is clean and doesn't have any specs on it and I would do that by photographing something plain and white like a white wall or a white piece of paper and then I would look for black dots that were not there in the real world and so that's one way of checking to see if you have dust on the sensor so that's the basic checklist that I would think about now all the features we talked we talked about probably more than one hundred features in this class what you were actually going to be doing when you're out shooting photos from shot to shot really come down to these ten primary controls on your camera most of them are dealing with exposure some of them are dealing with focus and then there's a couple of others as well and so let's think about how we would set this camera up for what I call a super simple operation this is actually giving the camera to someone who hasn't even taken this class just how can I take photos with this camera with the least amount of thinking possible all right so here's what we're gonna do is we're going to move our camera to the programme mode 00:02:00.07 --> 00:02:02. this is where the camera sets shutter speeds and apertures 00:02:02.75 --> 00:02:06. for us I would take the sow and I would put it in 00:02:06.08 --> 00:02:06. auto 00:02:08.02 --> 00:02:10. I would make sure that my exposure compensation is 00:02:10.73 --> 00:02:13. at zero I'm gonna make sure that my meat oring is 00:02:13.99 --> 00:02:18. at evaluative my white balance is going to be an auto 00:02:19.42 --> 00:02:22. my focusing is one shot where it focuses on one shot 00:02:22.48 --> 00:02:27. and then stops for focusing for very simplistic focusing 00:02:27.29 --> 00:02:30. this is the nineteen point autofocus system and for 00:02:30.26 --> 00:02:33. the drive I'm going to leave this on single so this 00:02:33.39 --> 00:02:35. is something that is replicated in the pdf that you 00:02:35.94 --> 00:02:39. get but just as a little bonus let's do this realtor 00:02:39.1 --> 00:02:42. time ria world on this camera right here so where 00:02:42.17 --> 00:02:45. do we make all these changes on the camera and so 00:02:45.03 --> 00:02:48. if if you the folks in the booth could leave away 00:02:49.32 --> 00:02:51. I think I'm fine I I can see it on the back street 00:02:51.26 --> 00:02:52. so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to put 00:02:52.87 --> 00:02:55. the camera in the programme mode so I'm going to turn 00:02:55.39 --> 00:02:58. the dial to the programme mode so it's in program 00:02:58.77 --> 00:03:01. let me turn on the display it always helps to turn 00:03:01.49 --> 00:03:03. the camera on remember this all right so I'm going 00:03:03.8 --> 00:03:05. to leave it in program months so that you can kind 00:03:05.38 --> 00:03:07. of see what's going on there okay so I don't need 00:03:07.13 --> 00:03:08. to worry about shutter speeds I don't need to worry 00:03:08.72 --> 00:03:12. about apertures next item is so there's an s o button 00:03:12.05 --> 00:03:15. on the top of the camera will dial that toe auto next 00:03:15.69 --> 00:03:19. item is exposure compensation which is controlled 00:03:19.16 --> 00:03:22. by this back dial and I'll make sure that that's set 00:03:22.69 --> 00:03:26. at zero for those of you with six I and previous rebels 00:03:26.38 --> 00:03:28. there's going to be a plus minus button right about 00:03:28.49 --> 00:03:31. here on the back and you'll need to press and hold 00:03:31.03 --> 00:03:33. while you turn the top dial to make sure that that 00:03:33.29 --> 00:03:37. is at zero so that was s o we got exposure compensation 00:03:37.39 --> 00:03:40. next one is the meat ary now the media ring does not 00:03:40.72 --> 00:03:43. have a button so we could either dive into the full 00:03:43.57 --> 00:03:47. menu or it's in the quick menu and it's down at the 00:03:47.02 --> 00:03:49. bottom right in the middle right here it says meet 00:03:49.8 --> 00:03:53. oring evaluative metering let's just make sure and 00:03:53.12 --> 00:03:55. we have partial spot and center waited and we do want 00:03:55.8 --> 00:03:58. evaluative meter so that's the on ly item we need 00:03:58.69 --> 00:04:02. to jump into the quick menu to g the next item is 00:04:02.79 --> 00:04:06. are focusing is in the one shot mode and there's actually 00:04:06.09 --> 00:04:08. an a f button on the back of the camera see how it 00:04:08.23 --> 00:04:11. says a f over here we hit a f were in a I serve a 00:04:11.99 --> 00:04:14. we want to be in the one shot mouth this is where 00:04:14.56 --> 00:04:17. it hits the focus is on one subject and stops I'll 00:04:17.64 --> 00:04:21. hit set button and lock that one in and so it's blinking 00:04:21.39 --> 00:04:24. at me that's because my lenses in manual focus I'm 00:04:24.21 --> 00:04:26. going to go up here and fix that thank you cameron 00:04:27.03 --> 00:04:29. there we are back at one one shot so we're good on 00:04:29.5 --> 00:04:32. the focusing now we want to choose the nineteen point 00:04:32.51 --> 00:04:35. focus and so I'm going to select the focus point on 00:04:35.12 --> 00:04:38. top it's in nine remember just tapping this cycles 00:04:38.65 --> 00:04:42. through the three options there's? The nineteen points 00:04:42.31 --> 00:04:45. and then the drive mode is going to be on single shot 00:04:45.84 --> 00:04:49. and so dr mode is the left hand button down here 00:04:51.84 --> 00:04:53. and we're on the continuous shooting so I'm going 00:04:53.62 --> 00:04:56. to go over to single shooting and I realized that 00:04:56.04 --> 00:04:58. I skipped past white balance but I got the button 00:04:58.22 --> 00:05:01. right back here so let's hit white balance and we 00:05:01.28 --> 00:05:03. are correct in auto white balance and so those were 00:05:03.99 --> 00:05:07. all the controls are we've got one two three three 00:05:07.79 --> 00:05:11. right here in the back four five up on top we had 00:05:11.53 --> 00:05:13. one we had to get teo and a couple of we didn't have 00:05:13.93 --> 00:05:16. to get to because we had our shutter speeds and apertures 00:05:16.45 --> 00:05:19. set for us so that's our super simple mode let's go 00:05:19.13 --> 00:05:20. back to the keynote and take a look at how we would 00:05:20.88 --> 00:05:23. set this camera for some other types of scenarios 00:05:25.24 --> 00:05:27. all right first up is a landscape scenario and this 00:05:27.76 --> 00:05:30. is where you are going to have a subject that it's 00:05:30.48 --> 00:05:32. not moving around so you don't need to worry about 00:05:32.98 --> 00:05:37. say focusing in on subjects that are moving or shutter 00:05:37.48 --> 00:05:39. speeds that are real fast because you know your subject 00:05:39.6 --> 00:05:42. is going to stay nice and steady where those trees 00:05:42.31 --> 00:05:45. and rocks are going to stay so what we also want here 00:05:45.27 --> 00:05:47. is a little bit more depth of field we want everything 00:05:47.57 --> 00:05:50. in focus and if I have the opportunity to work in 00:05:50.5 --> 00:05:53. manual I am going to take that opportunity if I have 00:05:53.26 --> 00:05:56. that time I would prefer manual exposure from here 00:05:56.46 --> 00:05:59. the most important setting for quality is toe leave 00:05:59.28 --> 00:06:02. my I s o at isis of one hundred the finest quality that this camera khun d'oh next up is I want depth of field so I'm going to die elin depth of field now where that needs to be depends completely on the shot so this is just kind of a ballpark recommendation eleven sixteen twenty two depends on the lens and the subject now the shutter speed is going to depend on how much light you have of course you're going to use your light meter figure it out my guess is with is a one hundred and f sixteen it's going to be a slower shutter speed for instance an eighth of a second it might be one second it could be a lot of different things and so you can see at the slower shutter speeds this is where a tripod would come in very very handy we don't do exposure compensation because we are in manual exposure we're doing everything manually next up from eatery I'm going to be fine leaving this in evaluative metering with white balance I would probably have it in auto if it was sunny or cloudy I might put it to those specific settings for focus I want to be very specific about where I focused so I'm going to leave my camera in the one shot mode so it focuses on a subject and stays there it's not tryingto track subject's moving back and forth and I'm going to be in single point focusing so I can choose a single point to focus on and of course you could move it around to anyone of the different nineteen different points and then for the drive mode well we do actually have a couple of options that we can go with here first option is just shooting a single shot at a time we could also make use of the two second self timer for instance if our camera's on a tripod and we don't want to touch our camera because when we touch our camera that's going to be touching the camera the tripod and the whole setup and there might be some vibrations so if we do a two second self timer we get our hands off the camera vibrations settle out and we get a picture without any vibration in it so that would be a good landscape mode let's do the next one portrait photography photographs of people animals in this case we have a subject that 00:07:58.833 --> 00:08:01. might be moving around a little bit we're going to 00:08:01.35 --> 00:08:03. want that shallower depth of field to blur that background 00:08:03.99 --> 00:08:07. out of focus how would we adjust this on our cameras 00:08:07.98 --> 00:08:10. once again if I have the time to work in manual, I'm 00:08:10.36 --> 00:08:13. going to prefer that so I get consistent results from 00:08:13.5 --> 00:08:17. picture to picture in this case I'm gonna want that 00:08:17.26 --> 00:08:19. shallow depth of field and if you have a lens that 00:08:19.02 --> 00:08:21. goes down to one point for that's a great advantage 00:08:21.19 --> 00:08:25. to take it it'd make yusa most lenses don't do it 00:08:25.06 --> 00:08:26. so you can just gonna have to do the best that your 00:08:26.87 --> 00:08:29. lens has two two, eight, four or in some cases maybe 00:08:29.95 --> 00:08:32. even five six you're gonna have to be careful of the 00:08:32.87 --> 00:08:34. shutter speed you're going to need a shutter speed 00:08:34.49 --> 00:08:37. around one hundred twenty fifth of a second or faster 00:08:37.68 --> 00:08:40. depending on how much that person is moving around 00:08:40.58 --> 00:08:42. and then finally I'm going to check my light meter 00:08:42.47 --> 00:08:45. and see where my s o needs to be and I'm going to 00:08:45.64 --> 00:08:47. hope that it could be at one hundred but I'll raise 00:08:47.74 --> 00:08:51. it upto whatever it needs to be as you can see sometimes 00:08:51.02 --> 00:08:54. you go for the esso first sometimes the aperture first 00:08:54.12 --> 00:08:56. and in other cases the shutter speed the first 00:08:57.34 --> 00:08:59. metering we're going to leave that at evaluative it 00:08:59.43 --> 00:09:02. does a very good job auto white balance is good most 00:09:02.5 --> 00:09:04. of the time unless there's a particular problem we 00:09:04.51 --> 00:09:07. can change focussing as long as our subject is not 00:09:07.73 --> 00:09:11. moving towards us or away from us too much one shot 00:09:11.39 --> 00:09:14. would be the best mode to go into if it was a model 00:09:14.08 --> 00:09:17. walking down a runway then we would put it in the 00:09:17.33 --> 00:09:20. eye surveil mode focussing points we're going to want 00:09:20.25 --> 00:09:22. to be very particular about where we focus on our 00:09:22.66 --> 00:09:25. subject so choosing that single point we're going 00:09:25.16 --> 00:09:27. to want to focus on their eye preferably on their 00:09:27.98 --> 00:09:31. closest I and you could do this in single point but 00:09:31.22 --> 00:09:33. with the nineteen points it's choosing everything 00:09:33.36 --> 00:09:35. and it might choose the front of the nose to focus 00:09:35.69 --> 00:09:37. on if you have a very shallow depth of field lands 00:09:38.68 --> 00:09:41. with the drive mode you could set it to single if 00:09:41.21 --> 00:09:43. you wanted to shoot a group continuous would not be 00:09:43.41 --> 00:09:46. a bad choice either and so that's how I would set 00:09:46.12 --> 00:09:47. this camera up for shooting portrait 00:09:49.08 --> 00:09:51. all right let's do another one action photography 00:09:51.91 --> 00:09:54. so here we have subjects that are moving around that 00:09:54.51 --> 00:09:57. require focus that follows their action as well is 00:09:57.5 --> 00:10:01. faster shutter speeds to stop their action so let's 00:10:01.45 --> 00:10:03. set the camera up for action photography once again 00:10:03.88 --> 00:10:06. I prefer manual exposure if the lighting conditions 00:10:06.73 --> 00:10:09. air not rapidly changing in this case I'm going to 00:10:09.55 --> 00:10:12. go with shutter speed is the primary setting I'm gonna 00:10:12.33 --> 00:10:15. want something faster five hundred or faster depending 00:10:15.27 --> 00:10:16. on the exact subject 00:10:18.05 --> 00:10:20. next up you're probably going to need a lens that 00:10:20.85 --> 00:10:22. lets in a lot of light if you're going to be shooting 00:10:22.87 --> 00:10:24. at a faster shutter speed and this is where it really 00:10:24.95 --> 00:10:27. pays off to have a lens that goes down to two point 00:10:27.26 --> 00:10:29. eight if you don't have to point eight just do the 00:10:29.92 --> 00:10:33. best you can with what you have f or in many cases 00:10:34.95 --> 00:10:37. most cases when I'm shooting action I almost always 00:10:37.87 --> 00:10:40. have to go above is a one hundred I would prefer to 00:10:40.6 --> 00:10:42. be at one hundred let me be honest with you but in 00:10:42.81 --> 00:10:46. reality I just need to let in and work with faster 00:10:46.46 --> 00:10:49. shutter speeds and work with lower light levels so 00:10:49.04 --> 00:10:51. I'm often at s o four hundred we're going to stick 00:10:51.87 --> 00:10:53. with the value would have light metering for pretty 00:10:53.64 --> 00:10:56. much everything it does a great job the same thing 00:10:56.13 --> 00:10:58. with auto white balance unless there's a particular 00:10:58.23 --> 00:11:01. problem one of the most significant changes is in 00:11:01.25 --> 00:11:04. the focusing system we want to go with a I servo focusing 00:11:04.77 --> 00:11:07. this is where the camera adjust focus as a subject 00:11:07.77 --> 00:11:09. is getting closer or further away from us 00:11:10.8 --> 00:11:14. and the single point is just too small of area and 00:11:14.73 --> 00:11:17. so I would either go with the nineteen point or the 00:11:17.6 --> 00:11:21. zone a f or it's focusing and so the camera with the 00:11:21.87 --> 00:11:24. nineteen point it's just going to give you more more 00:11:24.72 --> 00:11:27. points which to get on your subject if your subject 00:11:27.28 --> 00:11:31. is not filling the frame for all those nineteen points 00:11:31.41 --> 00:11:34. you might want to go with zone f so if you're photographing 00:11:34.03 --> 00:11:37. sports like football or basketball where you have 00:11:37.9 --> 00:11:40. offense and defense of players often blocking each 00:11:40.45 --> 00:11:43. other out you have a smaller target you might go with 00:11:43.38 --> 00:11:46. the zone area and then for dr of course you're going 00:11:46.7 --> 00:11:48. to want to be in continuous so that you can shoot 00:11:48.51 --> 00:11:51. upwards of five frames per second with the camera 00:11:52.5 --> 00:11:54. and so that way you can track your subjects there 00:11:54.91 --> 00:11:56. frozen in time and you've got us many pictures as 00:11:56.95 --> 00:11:59. possible so that's a good set up for action photography 00:12:01.3 --> 00:12:04. let's do one final one to lead this class on and this is what I call basic photography this is where you don't know what your next shot might be of this or that or who knows what you just want to have your camera ready for general purpose photography this is where I do prefer a little bit of automation and they think aperture value gives you a lot of control but a lot of freedom and not having to make all the settings so this is where the camera's going to figure out your shutter speed for you you just need to set an aperture an aperture of two eight four five six is a good general place to start it's going to give you a reasonably fast shutter speed and if you need more depth of field you khun dial it in when and where you need it I normally like to keep my eye eso set at its optimum setting and I will adjust it according to my needs of the shutter speed and the type of light that I'm working in so if I was to walk in to a dark market that's you know, in the shadows that I might be bumping that up to four hundred or eight hundred so that I would get faster shutter speeds I'd make sure to leave my exposure compensation at zero unless I was changing it for a particular shot or a group of shots yep we're going to keep it at evaluated me eatery and we're going to keep it in auto white balance unless there's a problem with the focus mode I'm gonna put it in one shot so I can focus on a subject lock on it and they move it off to the side if necessary the focusing area nineteen point and a single point if you're very careful about what you're doing and in many cases I would prefer single point but nineteen point it's a good generic one as well and finally the drive mode is I'm going to leave this in the single point her excuse me single shot so I just get one shot at a time I don't normally need to shoot a burst of pictures so if you have stuck with the class through this point graduation time you are now experts in your respective camera so good job you can now walk out the door with much more confidence in your camera. I certainly hope take advantage of those manual settings because once you take advantage of the manual settings you're in control of the camera and the camera's not in control of you and that's. Where you're gonna get your most creative freedom and the most opportunities, I think.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jen Hubbenator
Feeling pretty good about my T6s purchase! John's teaching style was fabulous, and I am left feeling pretty confident and a lot less overwhelmed!
rodrigo andrade
Great Class! John Greengo is an amazing teacher. I have a t6i for like 6 months and this class helped me a lot. Totally worth the money!
a Creativelive Student
As a student of John's for the past 2 years with the Fundamentals of Photography, the Nikon D3300 and D5500, I recently traded my Nikon D3300 for the Canon EOS Rebel T6i. As always, the training was superb, easy to understand, and I feel better in being able to use a digital camera. The reason for the switch in manufacturers was because of the ease of use of the Canon. I look forward to referring back to the lessons if I need a refresher course. Thank you, John. Your teaching is starting to click, finally.
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