04:14 2Canon System Introduction
05:18 3Preparing the Camera
03:46 4Basics of Photography
09:03 5Control Difference T6i vs T6s
05:28 6Mode Dial
21:01 7How to Adjust ISO
06:20 8Auto Focus System
10:40Using Flash
06:30 10Viewfinder Display
14:04 11White Balance and Picture Styles
15:48 12Drive Mode
12:02 13Movie Mode
06:40 14Quick Menu
15:45 15Playback Options
08:25 16Left Side of the Camera
05:04 17Right and Bottom Sides of the Camera
07:53 18Canon Rebel T6 Lens Options
14:48 19Basic Menu Navigation
01:53 20Shoot 1 Menu
16:14 21Shoot 2 Menu
04:45 22Shoot 3 Menu
07:38 23Live Shoot 1 Menu
04:49 24Movie 1 Menu
02:16 25Movie 2 Menu
06:41 26Play 1 Menu
05:24 27Play 2 Menu
11:46 28Set-up 1 Menu
18:27 29Set-up 2 Menu
03:43 30Set-up 3 Menu
05:15 31Set-up 4 Menu
17:35 32My Menu
05:39 33Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
14:33Lesson Info
Play 2 Menu
The next second playback tab we can crop our image is kind of like resizing or images but now we're cropping in and cutting information out once again I would prefer to do this on a computer itself but if you have this is your only device at least you can do it there's a lot of cameras you can't do it the rating image I thought was a really goofy dumb thing toe having a camera but it is perfect for those of you into travel photography and you're sitting on a bus or an airplane or you're just waiting on one of the million things that you have to await on you can go through your images and I start giving two stars two all of my images that I think are pretty good that way when I come home I can look at all the two star images and it's narrowed down my field of photos as too once I like now some of those two stars I just didn't get a good look at and they go back down to a one star some of them are much better and they go back up to three stars or one star is get up to two stars but it's ...
just a way to get a head start on the editing process while you're out in the field, you can hook this camera up two tvs like a giant tv like this one right here and you could do a slide show straight on it. Hooking up htm eye from the camera straight to the tv. And so might be a fun way to show pictures during the holidays or birthdays or anything else. So you can use this as your projector platform. And that is your screen. So when you are going back and forth on the camera, you turn the back dial on the camera or just using the touch bad if you have one of the previous rebels to go left and right through your image is the top dial will actually jump you forward. Ten photos forward or ten photos backwards you can do it one hundred you could do it a single you can change how the camera jumps with this secondary dial on there. I think jumping tennis pretty good, the one that I do every once in a while and this is this is my secret to looking like 00:01:58.498 --> 00:02:00. a really good photographer is I'll go out and I'll 00:02:00.73 --> 00:02:03. shoot a bunch of photos with friends or people that 00:02:03.16 --> 00:02:06. I'm with, and then I will rape my images to stars 00:02:06.36 --> 00:02:09. that are better, and then what I do is I have this 00:02:09.62 --> 00:02:13. dial jump by two star images so that when they go 00:02:13.1 --> 00:02:15. from one picture to the next, they're on lee looking 00:02:15.97 --> 00:02:18. at my best work, they're not looking at everything 00:02:18.52 --> 00:02:21. and so I can narrow a thousand shots down to twenty 00:02:21.13 --> 00:02:23. shots that they can easily go through and see what 00:02:23.59 --> 00:02:24. the best parts of the day work. 00:02:29.02 --> 00:02:33. A f point display once you've taken a photograph this 00:02:33.17 --> 00:02:36. will show you what focusing points were active on 00:02:36.61 --> 00:02:39. the screen now this is going to clutter up and junk 00:02:39.33 --> 00:02:41. up the frame when you are looking at your photos and 00:02:41.49 --> 00:02:44. so I tend to want to have it disabled but I think 00:02:44.24 --> 00:02:46. if you are new to photography if you're new to auto 00:02:46.81 --> 00:02:49. focus if you're doing a lot of tracking of subjects 00:02:49.37 --> 00:02:52. if you haven't really dialed in how this camera focuses 00:02:53.04 --> 00:02:57. this will show you what focusing points yeah was activated 00:02:57.96 --> 00:03:00. when you took that photo so this is a great way to 00:03:00.76 --> 00:03:04. diagnose what you were doing or what the camera was 00:03:04.22 --> 00:03:07. doing when you took a photo so there are many photographers 00:03:07.18 --> 00:03:10. that I would recommend enabling this for the first 00:03:10.16 --> 00:03:12. couple months of work and then disabling it just so 00:03:12.82 --> 00:03:13. that you don't have the clutter 00:03:15.52 --> 00:03:19. I had a question coming in from sigmund who said sometimes 00:03:19.33 --> 00:03:22. when reviewing pictures the focus points are lit up 00:03:22.53 --> 00:03:25. in red and he said is this normal so is that what 00:03:25.5 --> 00:03:29. is going on yeah yeah absolutely and so let's just 00:03:29.11 --> 00:03:34. do a little in a little example here and let's see 00:03:34.02 --> 00:03:37. where we're waiting we're talking about a f point 00:03:37.34 --> 00:03:41. display we will enable this and so for focusing I'm 00:03:41.18 --> 00:03:44. going to put it on all points I want to know what 00:03:44.11 --> 00:03:46. the camorra is focusing on and so I'm not even gonna 00:03:46.94 --> 00:03:48. look through the camera. We're just going to take 00:03:48.24 --> 00:03:48. a picture, 00:03:50.32 --> 00:03:53. and we're going to look at this picture, and we can 00:03:53.6 --> 00:03:56. see that it did actually pick this point, this red 00:03:56.1 --> 00:03:57. point right here towards the middle. Now I'm going 00:03:57.79 --> 00:04:00. to move the camera a little bit to the side, and we'll 00:04:00.41 --> 00:04:01. see what it focuses on now and so it's still picking something up in the middle. I want to make sure that did I? So let's, try let's just try to be a little bit more clear about this let's choose the nine points and see which one of the nine points it brings up. So it brought up one a little bit over to the side. Let me see if I could be a little bit tricky about where it gets placed. And so now in this case, it's picking up the three on the bottom row. So now I know that it's choosing the objects in front and it's not able to focus on the background, let me point it down a little bit and try to get a little tricky and see if it focuses on the table or on the cameras on the table. So in this case, it's focusing on the table, not the camera's up above, and so we can try to diagnose. Okay, now I see what the camera is doing, and so what I don't knows let's see if we go back and we just turn this disabled now it doesn't show it to us and so it's something that you can turn on and off if you're trying to want to know more information about how that photo was taken. All right, next up, hist, a gram display. So the history graham is an interesting way of looking at your photos to determine if they're overexposed or underexposed. And one of the options we have is showing the red, green and blue version of it, which I think is a little bit easier to see. And so I like turning this on, and I know if that is mounded up too far to the left side or too far to the right side. I've done something incorrect in the media ring of thie shot and capturing of the correct exposure, but it's going to depend on exactly the scene if you want to know more about history rams. I talk about him at length in my fundamentals class, so we're gonna have to kind of skip over it here. But it's, a great way of reviewing images to see if you've got the right exposure and the rgb just gives us more information. That's, easier to see about what's going on in that frame. Control over hd. My so hmm. I is the high definition cable that connects up to another device, like a tv. And normally you just gonna leave this at disabled, because it's not normally connected up to any sort of external device, like a tv. But if you did enable this, it would enable you to use the remote control for the tv to control your camera as faras forward and back when it comes to a slide show. So if you hook it up to your tv a lot, then you might want to enable this. Yes, john, before we move on tio this setup, I have a few questions for sure. All right, so you were showing us how teo that we could flip forward using once we've done a star rating, and the question was, is there a way to assign a star rating to multiple pictures at once? No, you have to individually rate images, one at a time. Let me see if I can quickly show you. So we have an image here, it's in play back. I'm going to hit the cumin you because this is a another way of getting in here. I'm going to hit my star rating. I'm going to give this to stars, I'm going to go teo let's, see, now I have to get out of the star rating. No, I got to go back out. Go to the next image and let me let me try going through it in the menu, because that's. A very slow way of doing it. And so. Rating we're going to go to rating and so choosing images so too I gotta hit set to change the stars I'm going to give this to stars hit set go to the next image give that a star give that three stars set and so it's a little bit faster doing it through the playback menu so I have to use the set button and then I got to go up and down to set the stars hit the set button then I could go back and forth on images and so it is a little bit faster to do it in the menu as opposed to just plain back if you want to do it on a single image you can do it through the queue menu in playback or I'm raiding a particular image but then I have to exit out of that and go to the next image thank you another question was what is from benjamin? What is the software you need to manipulate raw images and that was back when you were talking about robb versus j peg right? So if you do want to shoot with raw images on this camera to get that full spectrum of light from the lightest to the darkest and all the colors and all the information that it grabbed, you need software that can read the cannon raw image, which is different than all the other brands out there. Each brand has their own specific kind of formula so the software that comes in the box with the camera will allow you to work with the raw image so if you bought this camera you have the software to work with that rock now the fact of the matter is is that most photographers don't like the software that cannon produced a canon is a great camera and lens manufacturers they're not the favorite when it comes to software and the most popular piece of software on the market right now is a product from adobe called light room photo shop is another popular tool that also works with it but adobe light room enables you to download the raw images look at him directly make any sort of adjustments you want you can export j pegs or tiffs or pretty much any other type of format that you would possibly want and so if I had to advise a new photographer on what should they spend their money on and what should they spend their time learning I think the hundred fifty or two hundred dollars that adobe light room costs and it's also available on a monthly subscription as well at around ten dollars per month is by far the number one choice that people should go away there are some other uh pieces of software out there that are very good arguably in some cases even better than adobe light room the the thing about adobe light room is it's really common it's not that much money it's very easy to use and pretty much everyone in the world of photography knows about light room and can answer questions about its so if you want to learn it it's one that you're going to have a lot of resource is there's a lot of books and classes I know creative live here is a number of classes on adobe light room and there are other competing programs but there's very few classes and information on how to use it. One more quick question this was from iowa mom who said can you on ly resize j pegs not raw when you showed us how you could do that in camera will I know that any time that you resize ajay peg you're making a copy so you're not ruining the original but let's go ahead and set our cameras up I don't know the answer off the top of my head so I'm going to set my camera in raw I'm going to take a picture and I'm gonna take that image that we just shot and I'm going to hit menu and go into did we want to crop or resize? She asked resized so I'm going to try to resize okay? So no we can't do that on raw images and so I got a warning that said when I went in here on ly compatible images displayed and so that means there are some things that are incompatible and I'm going to make a very quick conclusion that those air rai images that are incompatible.
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Jen Hubbenator
Feeling pretty good about my T6s purchase! John's teaching style was fabulous, and I am left feeling pretty confident and a lot less overwhelmed!
rodrigo andrade
Great Class! John Greengo is an amazing teacher. I have a t6i for like 6 months and this class helped me a lot. Totally worth the money!
a Creativelive Student
As a student of John's for the past 2 years with the Fundamentals of Photography, the Nikon D3300 and D5500, I recently traded my Nikon D3300 for the Canon EOS Rebel T6i. As always, the training was superb, easy to understand, and I feel better in being able to use a digital camera. The reason for the switch in manufacturers was because of the ease of use of the Canon. I look forward to referring back to the lessons if I need a refresher course. Thank you, John. Your teaching is starting to click, finally.
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