Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
Lesson 9 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt

Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
Lesson 9 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt
File management and the Library Module
1Intro and File Management
07:07 2File Organization and Lightroom Workflow Overview
52:45 3Workstation Diagram and File Flow
18:30 4Converting From a Previous Lightroom Workflow
13:12 5Lightroom CC Tour: Folders and Collections
19:14 6Lightroom CC Tour: Publish, Histogram and Quick Develop
12:10 7Importing Images into Lightroom CC
23:41Rules for Selecting Images in Lightroom CC
29:23 9Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
14:27 10Keywording in Lightroom CC
21:01 11Using Facial Recognition in Lightroom CC
24:13 12Working With Catalogs in Lightroom CC
09:05 13Synchronizing Catalogs in Lightroom CC
24:51 14Using Lightroom Mobile
21:41 15Publish Services in Lightroom CC
12:39 16Lightroom Workflow Q&A
15:56 17Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
14:23 18New Features in the Lightroom CC Develop Module
49:52 19Camera Calibration
17:00 20Calibrations and Custom Profiles in Lightroom CC
19:00 21Calibrations in Lightroom CC: Comparing RAW and JPEG
20:12 22Rules for Developing in Lightroom CC
35:26 23Understanding Presets in Lightroom CC
16:15 24Making Presets in Lightroom CC
36:51 25Syncing Presets in Lightroom CC
30:25 26Working with Photoshop and Lightroom CC
38:33 27Using the Lightroom CC Print Module
11:29 28Setting printer profile in Lightroom CC
13:53 29Comparing Prints from Lightroom CC
23:08 30Finalizing the Job in Lightroom CC
15:20 31Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
22:08 32Importing Back from the Archive
25:47 33Building a Proof Book in Lightroom CC
30:30 34Building Albums with Smart Albums
56:15 35How to Create a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
31:35 36Advanced Search in a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
29:25 37Scott Wyden Kivowitz Interview on SEO
21:36 38Optimizing Image Metadata in Lightroom CC
18:20 39Publishing a Blog Post From Lightroom CC
25:26 40Making Slideshows in Lightroom CC
21:46 41Lightroom CC Workflow Recap
22:23Developing, Presets and Printing in Lightroom CC
Day 3
Lesson Info
Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
The selection process is the process of flagging and starring so I flagged everything that I want the client or my family to see, and then if I like it, I starrett, so flag means this is good enough for people to see this is good enough to give to the client as a delivery. The stars mean that I like it, so I might want to put it in a book, or I might want to put it in a slide show, or I might want to put it on my portfolio. And so really to me, if it hits a three star that I want it in the portfolio. If it's a two star that I want it in a slide show on if it hits one star than it's a book, and so usually out of five hundred images that are going to a client on a wedding one hundred hit the one star range, or maybe one one two, two hundred, depending on you know what the wedding was and those could hit a book, he could make a book out of one hundred or so images, then two stars ends up about fifty and so twenty tow thirty eight or forty images is a good slide show numbers. So fifty give...
s me a good range of things to choose from for a slide show and then three stars ends up like ten or fifteen or something like that and that's a good number for portfolio images or blawg images and that's how you kind of increase the better the wedding the more those numbers increase so then I might have to say ok, this wedding was so good that there's some four stars in there and so now four stargate becomes the blog's three star becomes the slide show to star becomes the book but those numbers will still stay the same they'll just kind of fluctuate up and down depending on the wedding on abysmal wedding there'll be like one and two stars and no three stars and then I'll be like okay, so I don't make a book I make a sledge out of the one star and I make you know for pulling out of the two stars so you see how that fluctuate all right? So once you have made your selections and you've got your selections under control then it's a question of you know what do I do from here? All right, so if I have made a siri's of selection is in this case we haven't made all that many but we can go in and sort by those and find out what we did make and so that's when we go back to the grid and that's when we start playing around with our selections so I can go into the meta data here are not the benedetta but the attributes and in the attributes aiken then sort by all my picks and there's all my picks. So I was able to highlight all of those and all of those images now can be rename that could be sorted, they could be moved. So in this case, what we would do is we if this literally was all we were picking from this job, we would then go in and say, ok, I am going to make a folder. So this is how we've gotten designed right here. Now you can see that this job has already kind of been done. So we have our selected images here and we have our regular images here. So these are all the ones that weren't selected. These are all the ones that were selected. The way that was done was simply by clicking on all of the photos. So I went to all the photos and then I went up to the top and I said, I want to sort by all of my picks. Once I had my pics, I highlighted all my picks and I grabbed them and I right click the raw folder I created another folder inside of that raw folder. When I did that, it gave me this dialog box that dialogue box gets to, I would say, these are my uh favorite images I call it selections or selected but I already have that folder so I'm just going to call its favorite images and then I'm going to tell it to include the select did photos in there and I'm gonna hit create when I do that it's going to come over here and it's it's going to make those so it's making a set right here making a set of images called favorite and see how the numbers air moving it's taking them out of this folder and putting him in this folder so this is how you organize once you've got a set of images whether it's pics or stars or flags or what whatever you choose, you could even sort by you know this section of images like let's say you're doing travel photos and you like everything that you shot because you shoot really slow and you take a shot here and a shot here and a shot here and you you're deleting stuff in camera and whatever and you come back and you like the ten photographs I have of the ten photographs I'm keeping fine you don't have to do the pick situation all you need do is divide them up so now you would highlight everything from venice and you would right click your job folder or your raw folder and say make a new full to called venice and put all these photos in it then you would go grab the next set of images and say these air all rome so highlight all those images right? Click the raw folder again just like this create a folder inside the raw and then call it rome and now we're starting to divide out our photos based on what they are now I only divide out my photos three ways actually four but one is videos so if I have videos I will make a folder called video so that that separated out it's in its own folder so that I can like send that folder to my video editor or I can go through and play with the video on my own, which you could do in light room and we'll show you that um so I have a video folder I have a selected images folder, I have a rejected images folder and I have an internal folder internal images are for things that I want to keep, but I do not want the client to see there's a lot of reasons for that folder some of them are because I do a lot of like how to videos for for lighting for pro photo so some of them I need to take a picture of the entire circumstance with all the lights in it I don't need my clients to see that, but I need it and so I put that in the internals okay so I have four four folders on any one job now one of those folders is going to go away and that's the rejected so once you have a set of rejects then it's just a matter of highlighting those rejects putting him in a folder calling that folder look look what I've named this folder two thousand fourteen oh eight twenty nine cutler wedding and then at the end of this name is rejects so I have named this folder rejects so now I have to do is write I'm done once I know that the images have been rejected and I no longer want them in this catalogue remember the law bigger catalogs air slower so I have two thousand three hundred and seventy three images that are rejects why not get rid of him right now so I right click this and I removed them when I removed them it's going to ask me are you sure now it's not going to delete them it's just gonna forget about them so if I hit remove their now going away they're still on the hard drive but the just light rooms never going to think about him again I could always re import him if I needed him but I don't need him so I am moving them I'm removing him from here and if I go too I go to the hard drive and I looked into that set of images which is right right there. You can see the inside the raw folder. I have a folder called rejects that rejects folder needs to be dragged into my rejects disc, which is right here. Just plug it in, grab it on dragon, that's it and then delete it. Okay, so grab the rejects folder dragon into the rejects disc once it's done copying deleted from there. Now, I don't even worry about confirming the copy because they're rejected photos. And I don't want him if one or two of them died on the way. Well, you know, I know that's a callous way to look at it. These are now the images that I want to keep. The ones that matter are here. The rejects are saved over here just in case, but I probably will never see them again. All right, so now that I've got that, um, I can start working on these images. First thing that I want to dio assuming that I know these images are the keepers. I know these are the ones I want to keep is I want to go in, and I want to highlight all those images. So I'm gonna go into the selected images, remember, I made two folders now. I had favorite images and selected images, so I'm going to go in and highlight both of those folders so that I can see both of the same time. Um, and that is the set of images that I have come up with to keep. I'm going to highlight all of those images, and I'm going to rename them if you go down to the bottom, you can see that they're organized in capture time, that's the way we want them organized, if they were organized in added order or something like that, they would be kind of they would be out of time sync I could also if they were in the same folder and a lot of people ask me this, they'll be doing this and they'll want to grab an image so they'll be looking at image, they try and drag it, and it won't see it won't. It won't move that's because I'm looking at two folders at the same time if I'm only looking at one folder at the same time, I congrats on image and I can drag it in position to a different spot so you could organize your image is based on I want these images first, second, third, fourth, then rename and once you rename one through what we have. Thousand three images one through one thousand three images then I would have them all stuck in file name order so then at that point any time I wanted to get them back into the perfect order I could be moving him around or whatever if I wanted them to go back to perfect order I could click on here and say I want to teo organize these by file name once I do that then all of the images six, ninety six ninety one six ninety two so whatever order I renamed them in is gonna lock him down make sure they're always in that order by simply saying file name order there we go all right cool alright so renaming is simply highlighting all your images coming up to the library menu clicking on library and going down to rename photos when I click on renamed photos I get a pre set list of all the different ways that I could possibly rename something so I can go in and edit that preset and say I want to create a sequence so this is what I've done I want to create a sequence that zero zero zero one so there are four digits in the number and it starts at one that's it that's a pretty simple rename but you could also add a dash and then you could say I also want to insert the folder name from where it's coming it's coming from favorite images and then I want to insert another dash and I want to insert the original file name from the original file and then I want in an insert another dash and I want to put in the day like you could do a lot. This could be the most crazy huge file name possible on dh then just simply save that as a pre set so you would come in here and save it save current setting za za preset and once you did that, then you could just pick it and rename everything so you don't have to keep trying to rename things and and plugging all the seine, make a preset and then be done with it. You can also inter custom text, so if you enter custom text, then whenever you so if I were to choose one with custom text, so I come up here and say, I want to name it the file name with custom name, then what it does is it says what's the custom text you want to add to this file naming thing, and so you would say, uh, photos, and then once you did that hit go, it would take the file name that currently exists and add photos to the end of it, all right, so there's a lot of pre sets that I have on dh. So I'm just going to choose this. I haven't renamed this one used to use picked taj, and this was the sequence I used, so I haven't changed it. But that's, my sequence, I'm gonna hit, okay? And when I do that, it's literally gonna rename all my files in name order, aaron a number order. So if you go down to the bottom now, instead of this having some random name and see how this is locked in order down here at five twenty seven five twenty six, because that's the order I had them in. So from here on out, they will always stay in this order unless I go back down here and tell it I want to be in capture time, order. Now they're going to be in a completely different order, okay?
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Ratings and Reviews
April S.
I've been using Lightroom for about a year now. I'm pretty comfortable with the basics and a little more. Sometimes knowing what I want to learn next depends on knowing what's out there to be learned. I listened in to this course from work to get an idea of whether there was enough new content to warrant buying the course. Though Jared covers lots that I know, he filled many small things I didn't know and covered some bigger topics that were new to me. I decided that I wanted to own this course because I respond best to structured learning, and Jared starts at point A and carries through to point Z, so to speak. I have watched his live and rebroadcast courses before and I really like and learn from his teaching style too, so I'm sure this course will be the boost I need as I prepare to subscribe to Lightroom CC instead of just using my local copy. Though another reviewer's tone wasn't very nice, I have to agree that it would helpful to have a written synopsis or outline of courses to help when deciding whether to purchase. Looking at the titles of the included videos is helpful, but not enough. This would be especially useful when a person hasn't seen the live broadcast first, and is simply evaluating a course in the course library.
Jim Pater
I learned a lot from this class when I took it a long time ago. I'm not as fond of his ego but that's fine as I don't have to be around him all day long. What I found extremely useful was the video on synching Lightroom Presets. I set this Dropbox synching system on my laptop and desktop Mac computers and it works perfectly. I also use it for other programs as well like Photoshop and another program called Keyboard Maestro. Thanks for your help Jared. Much appreciated trick.
I am new to Lightroom and from the start of the course it became very clear to me that Jared is one quality person with a real passion to explain everything with great skill and a motivation for success. I did not hesitate to download his course as this is the basis for my personal development and the journey to experience great photography.