Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
Lesson 17 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt

Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
Lesson 17 from: The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC WorkflowJared Platt
Lesson Info
17. Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
File management and the Library Module
1Intro and File Management
07:07 2File Organization and Lightroom Workflow Overview
52:45 3Workstation Diagram and File Flow
18:30 4Converting From a Previous Lightroom Workflow
13:12 5Lightroom CC Tour: Folders and Collections
19:14 6Lightroom CC Tour: Publish, Histogram and Quick Develop
12:10 7Importing Images into Lightroom CC
23:41Rules for Selecting Images in Lightroom CC
29:23 9Organizing Photos in Lightroom CC
14:27 10Keywording in Lightroom CC
21:01 11Using Facial Recognition in Lightroom CC
24:13 12Working With Catalogs in Lightroom CC
09:05 13Synchronizing Catalogs in Lightroom CC
24:51 14Using Lightroom Mobile
21:41 15Publish Services in Lightroom CC
12:39 16Lightroom Workflow Q&A
15:56 17Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
14:23 18New Features in the Lightroom CC Develop Module
49:52 19Camera Calibration
17:00 20Calibrations and Custom Profiles in Lightroom CC
19:00 21Calibrations in Lightroom CC: Comparing RAW and JPEG
20:12 22Rules for Developing in Lightroom CC
35:26 23Understanding Presets in Lightroom CC
16:15 24Making Presets in Lightroom CC
36:51 25Syncing Presets in Lightroom CC
30:25 26Working with Photoshop and Lightroom CC
38:33 27Using the Lightroom CC Print Module
11:29 28Setting printer profile in Lightroom CC
13:53 29Comparing Prints from Lightroom CC
23:08 30Finalizing the Job in Lightroom CC
15:20 31Archiving the Job in Lightroom CC
22:08 32Importing Back from the Archive
25:47 33Building a Proof Book in Lightroom CC
30:30 34Building Albums with Smart Albums
56:15 35How to Create a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
31:35 36Advanced Search in a Portfolio in Lightroom CC
29:25 37Scott Wyden Kivowitz Interview on SEO
21:36 38Optimizing Image Metadata in Lightroom CC
18:20 39Publishing a Blog Post From Lightroom CC
25:26 40Making Slideshows in Lightroom CC
21:46 41Lightroom CC Workflow Recap
22:23Developing, Presets and Printing in Lightroom CC
Day 3
Lesson Info
Tour of The Develop Module in Lightroom CC
We are going to start off our morning with some kind of a tour of the developed module, so, uh, let's go into the develop module right now. First thing I wanted to do, um, because I wanted to show you, uh, I'm actually gonna take a set of images that, uh, we that I had worked on before, and I'm going to get rid of all the changes, and I would like you to see this happen so that those of you who are new to light room can see that no matter what you do to your images, you can always take him back to square one. Um and so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go highlighted an entire wedding of selected images, I'm going to go into the develop module, and when I'm in the developed module, I'm going to make sure that my auto sync is turned on. And while my auto sync has turned on, if I hit the reset button like that is going to reset every single image back to square one, whatever square one is now square one's going to be different for every single computer and every single person because squ...
are one is not actually what the camera shot square one is what light room thinks is your preference for square one on? We're going to talk about that a little bit later and that's called a camera default so it will go back to default but you get to determine what default is so we will go and set our defaults a little bit later today but we're going to show you the process of developing images we're going to talk about presets we're going to talk about camera default we're going to talk about a camera profiles all that kind of stuff to kind of make this process faster but before we do all of that we want to go and give you a quick tour of the developed module so here we are inside of light room and on the left hand side we have that navigator again so that navigator is a lot more useful in the developed module than it was in the library module in the developed module it has the ability as I flow over um presets it has the ability to show me what those pre sets are gonna look like so that's very useful right below the navigator is the preset area this is where you choose your presets below the presets on by the way presets air not rocket science we're going to talk about him later on today but they're not rocket science it's not like it's doing something like an action so people get that confused they think presets and actions or the same thing and just once for leiterman ones for photoshopped that's not case actions and photoshopped are a siri's of things that happened over time, which means that you could do a curve and then you could do another curve and then you could do another curve and each curve would adjust the curve that happened before and so it becomes an additive process over time and so you can do some really tricky stuff with an action leiterman presets very different because they happen all at the same time all it is is changing slider positions that and it's not it's, not like you can do it and then do it again and then do it again and then do it again it's just whatever the setting is, you're going to push the slider to that setting that's what preset does? And so there are certain things that you cannot do inside of a pre set that you can do in an action because in action is more like a program it conducing computations it can then, you know, make a layer that layer khun select some some things and not other things and then it could go in and effect on lee those things that selected and so there's a lot of trickiness that can happen with photoshopped action, so if you're trying to take an action and make it into a preset, you have to really think really hard about how you're doing that and sometimes it's impossible to go that direction, but we'll talk about preset soon, but just so you know, acts are presets in light room are a little bit more simple than what you would get inside a photo shop, but simple is not always bad sometimes simple is a very good thing, okay below that is what we call snapshot snapshots are also inside of photo shop they should you shouldn't be two new two snapshots they've been around for a long time in the history area of photo shop, but basically if you like something that you've done up to a point let's say you turn this image this specific image to say black and white, which she probably wouldn't do but it's an interesting idea and so I go, I like that then if I hit a snapshot, it'll just record the time or I could type in a specific, you know, black and white version and now I have a snapshot of that particular point in time, so then then if I do some other tricky stuff and I decided I was better back, you know, at nine o'clock a m I can click on it, it will take me back to that point. S o snapshots are pretty easily understandable history that's also in photo shop very easy to understand that it will take you back in time, unlike photoshopped can't brush back to a certain point in history on one part of the image and not on other parts of image it's literally just if you do this then you can go back in time and you'll lose all the stuff from from now until the point where you stop going back in time all of that in between gets lost so just be aware okay um and then below that is the ever present collection area this is new to I think light room four five might have done this where they took the collections and said we want those available everywhere rather than just in the library module so way had a question yesterday about why I would use collections you know what's the point in going to collections because you can import directly to a collection now in light from c c and so on. One of the reasons to use a collection is that if you have things in collections you can work on one set of things and then without going back to the library module you khun switch over to some other job and start working on that job or maybe switch over to another set within that job rather than having to go back to the library if you're working on lian folders you have to go the library change the folder there is actually one place you can go down here a tte the bottom um this area here tells you where you currently are, but if you click on this little drop down menu it shows you folders that you've been to recently so you could say, well, I want to go to a different collection or a different folder and it'll open that up so there there is that one place where you can go and if you been to a folder recently if you click on this little area here it will give you the option to quickly go to that folder without having to go back to the library module so because that back and forth sometimes takes a few seconds and so it's annoying to have to wait for it. Okay um if you look down below here, you have copy and paste copy and paste are I can count on no hands the number of times I've used either of those buttons just so you know it's kind of funny because that's those people who come from aperture probably go to that meet really because that's all they did an aperture they would lift and stand lift and stamp lift and stamp which is the that's the reason aperture was not very good because they designed it without speed in mind and so the copy and paste is a very slow way to operate, so if you come from aperture, this will be like the place that makes you feel like you're at home but it'll all speed place that slows you down so anyway I don't see the point in the copy and paste buttons but okay um one thing you should be aware of is this and this is available anywhere inside of light room but see this one and two that one and two are different monitors so you can click on the second monitor and if you do that then you can see this is what your second monitor would look like if I had two monitors connected on dh so you can you can look at that and you can ask it to be a grid you can ask it to be the loop you can ask it to be comparing or it could be in the survey mode so if you were working on one image in the developed module but you want to see how it's affecting other images in your selection but you want to see him bigger because they're not very big down here in the bottom on the on this film strip so if you want to see the way it's really affecting him you can throw this up on the other monitor and that way as you adjust something over here you khun glance and see how are those images all working together as I adjust so just be aware that in any of the modules you khun you can run to monitors at the same time and the second monitor can have a lot of different things available inside of it. Okay, uh, below the main image here you'll also see that we still have the toolbar and in the tool bar you have several options. You can always buy the way if you don't see an option in the toolbar there's a little button over here to the side. If you click on that button, it gives you all the things that you and put in that tool bar. So if you want to see the flagging, you have to turn the flagging on. If you want to see the color labeling, you gotta turn that on. If you want to see the great overlay, you gotta turn that on. And then as you now, you can see what you have available to you on the toolbar, and then it'll just stay there, but that's your preference area for the toolbar. So just be aware that that is there for you. All right, um on the righthand side is where we do all of our adjustments. Now I'm going to give you the key to speed inside of the developed module and it's a very simple key that key is that everything you do should be done in the basic area. Anything else should be done as a preset so anything below the basic area if you're wasting time scrolling down and looking in all of these areas right here you're just spending a lot of time that you don't need to spend all of this stuff down here is very critical to making styles to photos but you don't need to be tweaking it once you find a style that you like then recorded as a preset so that instead of coming in and tweaking this content this tone curve and tweaking that amount of detail and tweaking that amount of they're always the same if you were to record your actions and watch what you did you would find that you were taking the slider to the same place all the time in different circumstances and so record those is as pre set so that you don't ever have to go back there so I do everything inside of my basic module and then everything down below here I do in a pre set over here so I consider this right here the science so this is what makes things normal is it correctly color balanced is it correctly exposed doesn't have the right black point does have the right white point it's all science in fact that's the stuff someone else can do that's the stuff that my post production house shootout at it does for me they do all the scientific stuff to make things normal and then once they've made a normal then I had the style and the style is added down below here so everything from like presence down clarity is something that you know you can mess with it's not really the science of it but from presence down is all the style and so we had the style after the fact once you have the basic underlying photograph correct this style can be added to any of it and it will it'll affect it equally in all cases. Okay, all right above the basic setting we also have what we call local adjustments these local adjustments are things like brushes there the radial filter that the grady in if you happen to get red eyes there's a red eye remover I can also count on no hands how many times I've used that um but they're new to light room c c is that you can do it for your pets so if your pets have demon dies you khun get rid of those on dh then there is the retouching area here which is basically our brush it's our cloning or healing brush on then there's the crop so those are all the local adjustment areas here um above that is the history ram which is very useful as well is right below the history ram. Just like in the library module you can see whether or not you have the original photo whether it's missing whether you have the smart preview available, all of that stuff is going to be shown right under here here, so that you can see what what versions of the photos you have available. All right, that is the intro to the develop module.
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Ratings and Reviews
April S.
I've been using Lightroom for about a year now. I'm pretty comfortable with the basics and a little more. Sometimes knowing what I want to learn next depends on knowing what's out there to be learned. I listened in to this course from work to get an idea of whether there was enough new content to warrant buying the course. Though Jared covers lots that I know, he filled many small things I didn't know and covered some bigger topics that were new to me. I decided that I wanted to own this course because I respond best to structured learning, and Jared starts at point A and carries through to point Z, so to speak. I have watched his live and rebroadcast courses before and I really like and learn from his teaching style too, so I'm sure this course will be the boost I need as I prepare to subscribe to Lightroom CC instead of just using my local copy. Though another reviewer's tone wasn't very nice, I have to agree that it would helpful to have a written synopsis or outline of courses to help when deciding whether to purchase. Looking at the titles of the included videos is helpful, but not enough. This would be especially useful when a person hasn't seen the live broadcast first, and is simply evaluating a course in the course library.
Jim Pater
I learned a lot from this class when I took it a long time ago. I'm not as fond of his ego but that's fine as I don't have to be around him all day long. What I found extremely useful was the video on synching Lightroom Presets. I set this Dropbox synching system on my laptop and desktop Mac computers and it works perfectly. I also use it for other programs as well like Photoshop and another program called Keyboard Maestro. Thanks for your help Jared. Much appreciated trick.
I am new to Lightroom and from the start of the course it became very clear to me that Jared is one quality person with a real passion to explain everything with great skill and a motivation for success. I did not hesitate to download his course as this is the basis for my personal development and the journey to experience great photography.