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Lesson 28 from: FAST CLASS: Fundamentals of Photography

John Greengo

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Lesson Info

28. Cases


Class Trailer

Photographic Characteristics


Camera Types


Shutter System


Shutter Speed Basics


Camera Settings Overview


Camera Settings - Details


Sensor Size: Basics


Focal Length


Lesson Info


finally, and this is a pretty quick section on cases. They've said that there is no perfect camera bag. I disagree. There is a perfect camera bag, but it's only good for one thing. That's the problem with camera bags. There's kind of designed for a purpose. Back in the days we had these little camera cases and they're called ever ready cases. But the folks at the camera store call him never ready cases because your camera is never ready to shoot in them. And so oftentimes you start with the basic camera in a basic little camera bag. And then as soon as you buy an extra lands, you gotta buy an extra case for that, lance, and eventually most people end up in a shoulder bag and these air very convenient bags to work with. Here are a few of my favorite manufacturers of these different bags, and, of course, you're buying a bag that fits your needs. One of the best advice I ever got from Monterey I was working with at the camera store Waas. Whatever bag you have, you will fill it. And so the...

advice that I I come away with that is If you would like to find your perfect camera system, it sounds like a joke, but I'm very serious about this. If you want to find the perfect camera system for you, go to the camera store and look at camera bags and think about how would you like to carry this around all the time? Is this gonna be your best friend? Pick the camera bag that you like the most. Go over to the camera counter and see what can fit inside it, because that's what you end up walking around with, not your camera. It's your camera bag and all the stuff in it. And so that is important. And I tend not to throw camera bags away or giving away, because there's always another purpose for him. There are hard cases and these air great for traveling on airplanes or in cars. If you have larger equipment, putting them on rollers allows you to carry more equipment. The sling bags. My main tip here is don't try toe over. Fill these bags. Don't try to carry too much in a sling bag. It's really good for a body in two lenses. Do anything more than that they start writing incorrectly and are not comfortable in the body. If that's the case, you need to go to a backpack system. Backpacks are my favorite way because it's the easiest way to carry a large amount of equipment from place to place. I do have a couple of different backpacks and these air a few of my favorite ones, depending on how much gear and what other things I need to bring along with me. It's finding something that's comfortable that works the way they want. There's a lot of other good models out there. These are just a few of the ones that I've experienced that I like. And that's what I tend to shoot with when I'm very serious. When I The other thing that I use is I use shoulder bags when I need to be a little bit more accessible in the camera bag. This is more when I want to get to a destination, and then I'm gonna shoot there, and then I'm gonna load it all up and go to the next place. If you want to be shooting in between, that's when the shoulder bag becomes a lot more convenient

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