Intro to Earning More
10:55 2Overcoming Mental Barriers
13:34 3Finding a Profitable Idea
20:09 4Validating Your Business Idea
10:45 5Pitch Your Business
10:43 6Finding Three Perfect Clients
20:40 7What Should I Charge?
05:46 8Finding Your Dream Job
19:35Lesson Info
Intro to Earning More
this is gonna be one of the most fun things we talk about today. Uh, we're gonna be covering how to turn your creativity into income. We're gonna cover the power of earning more. How to find a profitable idea, By the way, I say that intentionally. Because what 50% of people watching here are working on ideas that are not making any money. They're like, Oh, if I just try harder, all really make a $1,000,000 doing this photography, and they just have no profit over the last six years. I don't allow that with my students how to land your 1st 3 perfect clients. Perfect. Not bottom bearing, bottom barrel freeloaders. Perfect clients. Clients who want to pay. You are thrilled to pay you pay you on time and don't sort of negotiate you on every last feet. Okay. And then we'll talk about how to maximize your productivity if we have time, which is a little bit ironic. The theme, the Fitton, the thing today. Okay, so I want to be very clear about what we're gonna do today. What if you have a free...
lance business or a creative business? The first part I'm going to spend time talking about why earning more is important. Now you may think, Oh, this is irrelevant, etcetera. But I insist on going through this because it's important to understand the psychology and have a strong foundation of how earning more fits into your rich life. Otherwise, people just do this random company in the cell. I'm gonna be a photographer. I love to write, So I should be a writer and yet loving what you do and just following your passion is not enough fact. We've heard that for years and years. Follow your passion. Does that really work? I would argue No, just simply following your passion is not enough. So I want to really dig into the psychology of how earning more makes sense and how it fits into your life. And if you already have multiple clients, maybe you're even making six figures. I still think that you're gonna learn a couple things, and then we're gonna go into how to find the right clients actual words to say, I'm gonna take people's ideas and tear them down. If I like you all build him back up and and we're gonna actually take these just generic ideas that most people have. And I'm gonna show you how to reposition them so that you can quadruple your rates so that you can find better clients so that you can actually add value to them, and they love to pay. All right, so that's what we're gonna cover today. But I just wanted to make a clear point that if you don't have an idea yet or you have too many ideas or you actually already making six figures from your creative idea I've actually carefully constructed today's presentation to cover all of these things. All right, I'm gonna move rapidly through the first part, and then we'll go into the real fun. All right. Uh, okay, so let's talk about it anymore. Why? Yesterday we talked about the basics. We even did some stuff on saving money. We talked about the two headed savings approach and how that fits in my philosophy on big wins, quick wins and realizing that we're cognitive misers. Well, what would we find? We find that most people for years of their lives will just complain about money, but they'll never actually take the time to read a good book. they'll certainly never consider earning more. If you were if you recall, I asked you if I went to 100 random people on the street and said, Hey, how could you improve your finances? What would 99 of them said Save money cut back? And then you say, Really? Has that worked for you in the last 10 years? No, but I'm really buckling down this year. I'm really going to get it going. Okay, First of all, they're just depending on their own limited willpower and cognition. They're not using systems like we discovered yesterday. Second, they're not even thinking about the whole other part of the equation. Remember that CEO model cut costs ERM or optimize earn more. Let me be really clear. There is a limit to how much you cut right, But there's no limit to how much you can earn. In other words, you can't out frugal. You're way too rich. Think about that. How much can you really cut at a certain point Now? The fact is, most Americans can actually cut a lot because you're sitting fat and happy and overspending on stuff they don't even know about. So there's a lot of fluff in people's spending. In fact, if you give me the average person's spending in less than 10 minutes, I could probably cut 30% off that. Now I could cut it. That doesn't mean they're going to do it, but there's a lot we can cut. However, if you start talking about earning more, that's where most people is. Their eyes just glaze over. We start. We start off yesterday with where do you want to be spending your money? Right? And And this was challenging for a lot of people. They hadn't actually thought about that. They didn't even know where. They didn't even know where they think they spent their money. They don't even know where it actually goes, and they certainly didn't know where they wanted it to go. Fact, when I ask people they were like, I don't know. So we did that exercise that's in yesterday's thing, and that will be in part of the class if you join it. But what do we know? We know that most of us have been conditioned for 2030 even 40 years to say no new jeans, no buying a round of drinks for my friends know organic food. No way and all. And on and on and on. Take a vacation. Don't even dream about it. But what if we could actually flip that around? Yes. Yes, yes. And yes. What if we could do that? We do that in a couple ways. Yesterday we talked about systems. We talked about overcoming our limited willpower. Now we talk about expanding the pie about changing our psychology. And I found it so interesting. Actually. Did not expect this to happen yesterday. That when I ask people, what would you do if you could kind of do anything in people? Their dreams were $50 a month. That's not a dream. That's something you could do by the next week. A dream. Something you could do by next year is $500 a month, $2000 a month, $ a month. I know that because I have thousands of students who have done that. I'm actually gonna give you guys a You are all. I didn't plan to give this out. There's no sign up or anything on this page, but it's a cool page. It's about people who have gone through my program and the results they've gotten. Earn one k dot com slash preview. There's a whole bunch of stuff there about how people have gone through the ideas they've gone through and the psychological changes they've gone through. Now, later on, I'll give you more Urals where you can sign up for some free stuff. But I just want toe expand the pie. Not just with your money, but thinking about how big you could be. All right, So I love this, By the way, how can you afford all that? You're so lucky. Really? Did you see me doing the backbreaking work for 10 years where I wasn't getting paid anything where I was perfecting my craft, where I was studying photography magazines or just writing stuff over and over and no one was paying me. I was living in a basement in Brooklyn, Did anybody? You know, these are the kind of things as creatives we say. But what do people see? They see that results. Okay, so again, the CEO model, I'm gonna go through this quickly, revisited, uh, cut costs, ERM or optimizer spending. And why are we talking about earning more? What's interesting is. You know, starving artists have the weirdest pathologies on Earth there. So weird. It took me years to understand and actually be able to talk to them because I just wanted to hit them every time I saw them. Like, you guys are so weird. What is wrong with you on DSO? It's funny. The chase and I got along so well because but Chase actually understands the business of photography and the smartest people I know who are creatives understand that the craft is critical. But it's one part of a business, right? So how many of us well, say stuff like, um, I really need to get more experience in photography like I need Teoh. I need to take more photos. I need to get that that next level of cameras before I can X. Who says that? Oh, everyone, look at that, Everyone Now, The truth is, you probably do need to get better at your craft. I'm not going to deny that, but we do what we know. It's easy. If you're taking 400 photos a month to take 800 it's easy. If you're writing four freelance pieces to write six, it's easy it's harder to round out all those skills. You're not good at business deeply understanding your client pricing, referral strategies, surveys, customer research. These are things we don't know we're not good at. And so we focus on the same thing we've always done. But And if you look at it, let me, actually, if you look can you get the shot? If you look at it, you know, let's say that people believe that I'm just gonna take I'm gonna write camera photography. If you think that this is all of what you do, then of course, you're gonna want to doom orm or 800 photos a month. 2000 foot whatever. But if you realize that your business is actually this, then you're gonna want to add this monetization PR pricing and you realize that you need to get good at this. But does it make sense to do go from here to here, which is gonna take a long time? Or does it also make sense? Toe Abdi's skill sets the focus on earning more is not just about your passion. It's not just about making money. It's actually I think, delivering massive value to clients and I'll talk about why I'm doing this class as well. Later, when we talk about should you work for free and all the creatives who are gonna get really mad I'm looking forward to battling you guys because you guys are weirdos. All right, so big wins. We've talked about big wins, big wins in our lives, which most people never do. Right. They focus on lots. Are things like negotiating your salary, finding a dream job, whether that is working 9 to 5 or starting your own business, earning more money, right? By the way, you can earn more money by negotiating her salary. We're finding a dream job. You can also do it in many other ways, too. If we do these things, we don't have to worry about all the things that the vast majority of people worry about when they pick up a money magazine and feel guilty about themselves. In my estimation, there about 7 to 10 big wins. If we just get those right. Honor our statuses. Cognitive misers. Move on. Okay, so why turn our creativity into income? We touched on this in terms of passion. Um, let's just let's actually just keep going because we've covered some of that. Let's talk about our mental barriers now. What are our barriers to turning our creativity into income now? By the way, I would say I would define creatives very broadly, right? You could say I'm a creative. I can't draw worth a damn. I'm serious, but I create material courses. Blawg post Maybe I speak sometimes to change people's behavior. That's creative in a way, right? So anyone watching this, a lot of people? The reason I address that is a lot of people say, Well, I'm not creative, I can't draw I'm not a photographer, but actually we're all good at something. So let's let's take that. And let's figure how to turn that into income. Okay again, income to live, a rich life to add value to people. It's not just about making money here. This is about kind of like actualizing what we're good at
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