Student Examples: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
Lesson 12 from: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman

Student Examples: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
Lesson 12 from: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman
Lesson Info
12. Student Examples: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
Class Introduction
10:05 2Why Do You Want to Make Money from Your Craft?
03:51 3Exercise: Take an Honest Look at Your Financial Situation
12:05 4(A)lways (B)e (R)eleasing
37:06 5Priority #1: Email List
49:00 6Priority #2: Your Product Photography
39:09 7How to Build an Audience
14:40 8Which Audience Building Strategy is Right for You?
10:21Exercise: Personal Focus Group
11:48 10Student Examples: Personal Focus Group
30:50 11Audience Growth Strategy: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
28:14 12Student Examples: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
21:36 13Audience Growth Strategy: Press (with Brigitte Lyons)
51:56 14Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation
38:57 15Visual Content Creation: Pinterest
12:27 16Visual Content Creation: Instagram
33:04 17Student Example: Visual Content Creation
07:54 18Is Your Growth Strategy Working?
17:04 19Honing Your Craft
20:57 20Exercise: Identify Where You Are and Where You Need to Be
08:37 21How to Optimize Your Experimentation
12:53 22How to Go From Experimentation to Focus
22:25 23Student Examples: Finding Your Focus
16:52 24How to Handle an Evolution in Your Craft
26:59 25Student Examples: Handling Evolution
12:39 26Pricing to Support Your Craft
21:11 27Student Examples: Pricing
15:48 28Build Your Momentum Plan
26:58 29Student Examples: Build Your Momentum Plan
13:51 30Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
12:02Lesson Info
Student Examples: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
- [Denise] I am Denise Power, and I make personal and wellness care products. And everything I make is 100% organic, non-GMO, and I use therapeutic-grade essential oils to do all the heavy lifting. - [Tiffany] Awesome. So this actually going to be really fun. Because I used something that was very descriptive and a picture. Hold up your products so everybody can see them. - So, yeah. I brought some of my most popular. My muscle relief salve, which is instead of Tiger's Balm, or Icy Hot. Hand sanitizer, which is moisturizing, with aloe, instead of... - [Woman 1] Hold that still. - Oh, sorry. - Yeah. - Instead alcohol. It's very moisturizing. And then our deodorant. No aluminum. - Perfect. So this is perfect because I pulled up a very tangible item that was very visibly something that you'd be searching for. If somebody came across a photo of your product, they probably would maybe know. Because it's in a tube that looks like deodorant. They'll probably going to be like, "Oh, deo...
dorant." But they're not going to have a lot of descriptor words when they see that product. So, how do you think your customer is finding you? What do you think they are looking for when they're searching for your product? - I think it's more for the organic, the non-GMO, essential oils. For deodorant I would say it's whether or not it has aluminum or baking soda. Those things could be the big turn-offs for natural deodorants. Natural. All-natural. - Okay. - Yeah. - So, I actually think a lot of those words are your terms, and probably not what your customer are searching for. - Okay. - I don't know that I would use "organic, non-GMO deodorant" in my title description. I might say something like, "Natural deodorant that doesn't make me smell." Or, "Natural deodorant that works." - Yeah. - I think those are probably the search terms that your customers are looking for. Now, that's not a real pretty product description. - No, but that's real. Yeah. - You might not want to put that in your title. But that's very real, right? There are the people out there that know what non-GMO is. Obviously, we all know what organic is these days. But when they're going for a deodorant, I actually, probably in my head...I'm also an aesthetician, so a little bit. But, in my head I'm probably going, "I want a deodorant that works, that's natural. How do I find that?" So, what's maybe a better title for that? Using your customers' search terms, where they're coming from the bare bones of it, they're just looking for something that works (inaudible). - With a title for it? - What's your title now? - That's a great question. I don't know. Probably...yeah, I don't know. I think it's probably Underarm Balm, because that's what it's actually titled. So, you mean in the...on my website, what is it...? - Yeah. - It's probably just called Underarm Balm. - Underarm Balm. Which... - Which is not going to be... - If we went on the Google Keyword Planner right now, I bet you your search results for Underarm Balm are pretty low. - Probably, yeah. Yeah. Because it used to be...I used to have it in a tin. And it was... - (inaudible). - Yeah. So now that it's actually a deodorant stick, I should probably change that. - So, "deodorant stick" is probably a really great thing that people are searching, right? Natural deodorant stick. I think that might be... - Effective, maybe? - Yeah. D...why can't I spell it? D-E-O... - D-E-O-D... - D-E...D-E-O-D-O-R-A-N-T. I do not write this word often. I actually do not write often anymore. I'm on the computer a lot. So, natural deodorant stick, right? Maybe that's what they're searching. They might be searching natural deodorant stick...your scent is spice. They might be searching a spice after that. - (inaudible) oil or... - So, yeah. Yeah. Try [crosstalk]. - I think it might be harder for me to come up with these, because I'm... There's the crunchy people. I probably am more associated with those people, and these terms are very normal to me. And so, I need to remind myself that. - So this is actually where Keyword Planner's going to help you out. And you do need to remind yourself of that. You need to take yourself out of the seat of the maker...I think that's the most important part of search. And into the heads of your ideal customer. And I don't know. Did you guys create ideal customer profiles? - [Megan] Not in this class. We do not have the time. [crosstalk]. - There are some other really awesome classes for that. - Yeah. [crosstalk] a lot of my other classes. - Yeah. Where you're going to create, and you're going to know who your customer is inside and out, eventually, in your business. Since you're going to be able to speak their language, you're going to think inside their head and their terms. So, I'm going to bet that there are quite a few people searching for natural deodorant stick. And then, I would also maybe put spice or the scent after that. Because, again, you're still creating a title that's searchable, but you're also creating a title that tells people what you're selling. They might want to know the flavor of that. Or they might be looking for a lavender natural deodorant stick. People are looking for scents. So I don't see why putting a scent in there wouldn't be bad. But, we're going to test this out. We're going to actually see if people are searching natural deodorant stick. Because this is a hypothesis. We don't know. We're going to see what else comes up. And then people are probably going to misspell "deodorant." Maybe you should misspell deodorant somewhere in here. That's the thing. Wait a minute. Hold on. I literally...D-O-D-O-R-A-N-T. This also isn't my computer, and so it's taking me a little longer to play on. A hundred to 1000 people are searching for natural deodorant sticks. That's interesting, right? They're also searching words "natural deodorant." They're searching the words "all-natural deodorant." So these are things you're going to want to save over here in your Keyword Planner tool. They're like, "Oh. Best natural deodorant," right? Deodorant without aluminum. So these are keyword things. So the other really fun thing that you can do with these keywords is, you can write blog posts about this stuff. So maybe you're not trying to hit on the keyword for this specific item in your title, but maybe you want to write a blog about deodorant without aluminum, and why that's good for you. And hit on those search terms, too. So collecting all these keywords actually gives you a lot of different ideas. But I would maybe try to hit for something like natural deodorant stick. And then I'd write that in my copy, and I'd write that in...put that keyword in all the places that it sticks, and then go from there. Yeah. - That's awesome. - Is that helpful? - Yeah. - Okay. Yeah? - [Woman 2] Can I ask a question? - Yeah. - Tiffany, you're putting things into the planner, but you're not actually buying them or bidding on them? - No. So, Keyword... - You're just using it as a free tool to research? - Awesome. Awesome. Yes. Awesome analogy. Awesome question. Google would like you to purchase ads with their Keyword Planner tool. But this tool is 100% free. You need a Google account to sign into it. You do not have to purchase AdWords. And this is actually going to save your ad set for you. So, say, you go away from this, and the next time you log in, all of those keywords are actually still going to be there. So you don't actually have to purchase these keywords, and you don't have to purchase ads to use the tool. - Okay. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - Yeah. Do you have any more questions? Do you want to...yeah? - Yeah, that's great. - Okay. Yes. Thank you. - [Woman 3] Okay. So if she did write a blog post about it, how many times, or does it matter, in that blog post that she's linking back to her website, with that listing of her deodorant? If you link it once, is it the same as if you link it 10 times? Every time you say, "Natural deodorant," link back to my website? - Yeah. If you link it once, it's the same as linking it 10 times. And each individual time you go to put something in a different post, it's only going to count as one linkback. And, linking back, we didn't talk at all about linkbacks internally. Linkbacks internally are great. It tells Google a couple of things. It gives Google another place to go after they've been on the one page. So instead of reading your page, and then skipping off of it, it's use that link, and then it's going to crawl the rest of your websites. The other thing that internal linkbacks do is give your customer another place to go. Right? You're writing this blog post about natural deodorant, oh, here's where you buy it. I'm not directly selling to you. I'm not being sales-y. I'm giving you some great content information. But, secretly, go buy my product. And that's what it's saying. So, internal linkbacks are great. - [Angel] Okay. I am Angel Benfer, and my website is 72 Bumblebee Lane. And I have a small line of greeting cards. So, I brought a little stack here, so you can pick one... - Awesome. - And I'll hold up the one you want to use. - Yeah. Oh. Let's do one that's not so obvious, maybe, right? That's cute. Well, maybe we'll be... So, when I look at this, I think maybe you're supposed to be putting your child to bed. We don't know, because it's a blank greeting card. Okay, we'll use one a little bit more obvious, that has an actual purpose. Because that will be easier. Okay. Let's do that one. - Okay. We're going to do this birthday card. - So, what would your customer search for to find that card? What's that card for? - I see my things more as in use for children. So, most people buy them to use for children, but sometimes they buy them to frame for pictures. But you would give it to another child who was having a birthday, maybe at a party or something. - Okay. Yeah. So, that gives you a lot of really great terms there. So we have a children's birthday card. (inaudible). - I'll do this. - It's not really gender-specific. We might say, maybe, somebody...because kids really have favorite colors, right? Maybe blue children's birthday card? Children's birthday card with tags, or, a banner. What is the title of that now? - I think it's called happy birthday pendant card or something like that. - What about the animals? - Yeah. - Got a little cat and a rabbit. - Okay. Cat birthday card. Maybe that's their favorite animal. Maybe a rabbit's their favorite animal. Sure. Yeah. So, probably the way you have it now is not being searched a lot. People probably aren't searching birthday card with...what was it? - Pendant. - Pendants, yeah. So, but they might be searching children's happy birthday card. Children happy birthday card with animals. Children happy birthday card with bunnies. You know what I mean? So, we probably want to rephrase that in that term. Blue children's birthday cards. So, let's see what people are searching. We're going to ask. Because they tell us. So I think a good place to start with that in the Keyword Planner tool to see what people are searching is probably just children's birthday cards. And that's a long-tail keyword enough to get you some other really great ideas of what might pop up here. Oh, because they didn't... So, 1000 to 10,000. That's a pretty good search range, for sure. So people are also searching birthday invitations. It's not really an invitation, so we're probably not going to go there. Other people are searching Christmas cards, greeting cards. Birthday party invitations. Free birthday cards. Printables are probably popular in that area. No, we don't want to score for that all. Funny birthday cards. - Well, it is funny. There's a joke on that. - Right. So that might be something to play with a little bit there, right? Or happy animals. Personalized online birthday cards. You're selling birthday cards online that's not a printable PDF. I feel like that's what people would be searching for if they were searching that. Birthday cards for kids. I think a really great search term would probably be birthday cards for kids/funny animals. Or something along those lines. So, here's where you get excited, because birthday cards for kids has 1000 to 10,000 monthly searches, and low competition rate. So, like I said, you don't see that in jewelry very much. We're seeing it right now. So, this is where you jump up and down and do a happy dance. And you do all of your marketing efforts over birthday cards for kids. You're like, "Oh my gosh. This is an untapped market. Don't watch, other people out there. They can (inaudible)." Oh my gosh. This is an untapped market. And it's doesn't mean it's completely untapped, but it means that a lot of people are searching for that term, not a lot of competition in that area. So you're in a really great position to do something with that. - Okay. - So, that's your key term. - So that's what I would put in the title? But then I'd... - You would put it in your title. You would put it everywhere we put it, on that screen. So you're going to put it in your title, birthday cards for kids, then get a little more descriptive. You want to say... If you want that card to have a name, give it a name. Or have'd give your customers something to grasp on to. Birthday cards for kids, with animals. You're not going to want to use birthday cards for kids on any of your other birthday cards. That birthday card owns birthday card for kids. - So just a single card. - That goes in your title. That goes in your description. It goes in your tags. It goes in your URL if you have your own website. It goes in your alternative image. And then write a blog post about birthday cards for kids. And link back. And then go find a blogger who is blogging about birthday cards. And pitch them, and have them do birthday cards for kids. And you're going to be number one in search. - Okay. - You got this. - Done. - Yeah, that's awesome. - And that was search. - Perfect. So, I actually have one more question. Because it did ring something else for me, and we'll see if we have any other questions from our in-studio audience or online audience before we let you escape. - Yeah. - So is it possible to do this with a product category page, instead of an individual product? - Yes. So, I chose...first of all, we could do some of this crazy stuff all day. I chose a very, very, very succinct niche of search. And I chose products, because you guys are all product-based. And you might not have a website right now. But you probably have a product, and you can relate to that. This can be done on every single page of a website. It can be done on every single blog post of your website. It can be done in different categories that you create you products to live under, on your website. So there are a lot of different ways to use this. It's, at the core, the same principle. But, it looks a little different all the way around. - Awesome. - So, yeah. You can infuse this. And you can go down layers, and layers, and layers. And...yeah. - So, really, you guys should all tweet CreativeLive, and tell them that you want Tiffany to come back and teach a whole class on this. Right? So, you guys can start petitioning CreativeLive now. - Yeah. And [crosstalk] our picture. - Matt, did you want a question? - [Matt] Yeah. So, talking about how it can be linked to other pages. So my products are pretty much just one type of product with a ton of different variations. So it's prints, it's cards, and there's a few different sizes. And there's just tons of different illustrations to choose from. So, for that case, you said with her birthday card, just using that keyword on one. So just choosing a couple pieces that you really want to focus on for your keywords, and making...say, this is the most popular one, so really focusing on keywords for that one, and then not really worrying about the other ones. Is that... - That's a personal preference. I'll tell you how I do it. There are definitely some bestsellers in my world that I focus on highly, that I want to rank for some really high-end key terms that I'm paying a little bit more attention to. I still do this on every single one of my products. To hit in a different category. To make a different demographic for a different customer. - Totally. - They might not hit that number one Google search result, but I'm still trying to hit a different category. And, sometimes, you hit a weird goldmine that you didn't expect. So, even if you get one sale because you optimized for that one person that was searching that, that's great. Yeah. So do it for everything. If you have bestseller that you know is really just hitting it off the charts, and you see this keyword that you really want to rank high for, go for that there. But yeah, do it everywhere. - Okay, cool. And then on your, say, you have an About page or something like that, you can still link people. Because a lot of my stuff is centered on Pacific Northwest animal, nature stuff. So dropping those keywords a couple of times in one About page, that's going to do the same thing, or...? - Yes. So, in your About page, you might not want to ring for a product. You might want to ring for seller in the Pacific Northwest. Seller of cards in the Pacific Northwest. Top cards specific Northwest-themed. So you're going to want to hit on a different type of thing. You're not really going for that title. But maybe a broader category. And you definitely want to do that in your About page. - Cool. - Yeah. - Awesome. So I think we have one online question. So let's take a look at that. - "How long do you wait to tweak your keywords if you think they may not be working for you?" I'd give it a month. That really, again, depends on your results. If this is a product, maybe you want to hit for Valentine's Day. Maybe it's a themed product that goes into a different category, or it's a spring product, or it's a summer product. Maybe you wait six months to see where that hits. Depending on your backlink strategy, and how many people you want to put that out there to, to see how much comes back. Look at it in a month. Look at it in six months. Look at it a year from then. And then tweak accordingly. But yeah, it takes some time. It just really depends on the product, too. - Awesome. I think we have one more comment. Thank you for all the great info, Tiffany. That is perfect. And, actually, so I have one more slide. But I'm going to let you talk to this for half a second, before I let you escape. Which is this idea of, if you're using search, what are some best ways to then get people on your email list? Even though, I know you're not as good at using it as you should be. It's still good to capture. - I am not as good, but I... - And I know you still capture. - And I, 100%, capture emails, and I think email is 100% your most important marketing effort, and you want to capture this. So you get into these people... - I didn't pay her to say that. - No. You get these people landing on your website because they hit you on a search term. Now we're hitting this long-tailed keyword strategy. Hopefully, these people have their wallets out. They're not always going to have their wallets out. Maybe they found you, and they still want to do a little more research. So having that super-obvious "sign up for my email list here." I use pop-ups. I don't know if you have talked about pop-ups. - We did talk about this a little bit. And actually, I did put them on this slide, so. - Okay. Yeah. I use pop-ups. A pop-up comes up, like, "Hey. You're not ready to buy from me. Sign up for my email list. Come back when you are." - Do you put that pop-up on a time delay, so that if they're thinking about buying...? - I do. - Okay. - I absolutely do. Because I hate it when I'm like, "See my thing." And I'm like, "I want to read what I'm seeing first, and decide." And then, say you decided you don't want your own website. This happens. And you're only selling on Etsy. Put that you have an email list on Etsy. Put it in your description at the top when they land on your page. I would even as much as, say at the bottom of your descriptions, I'd put, "Want more? Sign up for my email list." And I have a link...I have a Bitly link to my email link, that's short. It's perfectly okay to draw people from third- party sites on your email list. - Awesome. - Yeah. - Perfect. - Okay. - Well, let's all thank Tiffany so much. Thank you. - Thank you.
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Liana Badea
I truly enjoyed this class, as it is very detailed, but straight to the point. 30 modules, more than 10 hours, it is so worth it! I also loved the interactive part of it. Building your business from scratch is not easy, there is so much to do. This class gave me some important pointers and valuable guidance, thank you Megan! I strongly recommend this class to anyone who wants to work smarter, not harder and be successful.
Maike Armstrong
First of all, it's so fun to learn from Megan! She is so motivating and enthusiastic – making you feel great about your business even when you are just starting out. The class is well put together, easy to follow and has simple, actionable steps to follow in order to actually move forward. I definitely recommend you check it out for yourself!
Kristen Girard
Fantastic class! If you have never taken a Megan Auman class, this is the perfect one to start with. It filled in some knowledge gaps that I didn't know I had. Lots of great basic knowledge that I haven't been able to find elsewhere. Super helpful!