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Photoshop Creativity

Dave Cross

Photoshop Creativity

Dave Cross

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Class Description

What separates ordinary images from the extraordinary? The more you can utilize your creativity to enhance your photographs, the more you will stand out amongst the competition and sell your prints at the prices you deserve.

Legendary Photoshop pro Dave Cross is teaming up with creativeLIVE to teach you new, innovative techniques that will unleash your creative potential using the world's most powerful software package for artists and designers - Adobe Photoshop. During this course, Dave will show you how to utilize innovative techniques, such as adding borders and edge effects, creating & using unique brushes and masking methods that will help turn ordinary images into amazing works of art that your clients will love. Plus, Dave will do a special photoshoot to show you the step-by-step process of taking an image all the way from idea to one-of-a-kind portrait. If your images and photography business need a creative boost, Dave Cross' "Photoshop Creativity" is the course for you.

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Dave is an incredible and entertaining Instructor! Easy to learn from, yet so knowledgeable about the needs of small business and creative artists. I've gained invaluable workflow and productivity knowledge that will bring extra hours back into my life. I'm all about efficiency, quality and ease in work practices, while maximizing the capabilities of Photoshop in a whole new way I never thought was possible with this software. Dave's course is an absolute "must have" in one's arsenal of photography and business tools! Information in this course is well worth the price of the course compared to what you'll gain back 10-folds on your ROI! I hope to see him back to CreativeLive again soon! What a joy to learn from him! That's some fancy footwork in Photoshop Dave! ;-)

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