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Applying (And Ignoring) Wireframing Feedback

Lesson 9 from: Wireframing & Prototyping Your Digital Designs

Alexandra Moran

Applying (And Ignoring) Wireframing Feedback

Lesson 9 from: Wireframing & Prototyping Your Digital Designs

Alexandra Moran

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9. Applying (And Ignoring) Wireframing Feedback

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Applying (And Ignoring) Wireframing Feedback

and then applying and ignoring feedback. So after you have that conversation and after you send the work out to them and you're hearing their feedback, you have Teoh be the gatekeeper of what responses you get. So a lot of times, um, you might hear something like, Well, my daughter really likes the color blue. Can we make it blue or, um, no Snapchats really in right now? Should we make the website, you know, temporary or any kind of thing that you feel like? Well, that doesn't seem right. If that's your response, think about the goals and objectives you said. Think about your users and, uh, all those two things up next to each other and compare them is the feedback you're getting in alignment with your goals in alignment with the objective in alignment with how you think the users are going to use the site? If yes, try it, put it in there, um, make it work. If it doesn't maybe try and dig a little bit deeper. Maybe there's another problem that's, uh, popped up that you need to solve fo...

ur. Or maybe it's just not a piece of feedback that needs to be incorporated. But the most important part is to always go back to that information and research that you did before and make sure that that's what you're applying, that that's what you're using to apply the feedback, not your personal preferences or the preferences of your stakeholders. So these were some of the big takeaways of what we reviewed and all the wire framing right now just a high level of what? The most important deficit. So why're framing is a skeleton of content and functionality? It's not, ah, visual design. It's not coated design. It's not the final product. Ask everyone questions, asked them even more questions. And that is to make sure you know what you're solving for. Always be. Think about thinking about what you're solving for and always be thinking about your users. Yeah, for a couple. One question. But take a quick So this is gonna be a two parter apart from Karen W. And I'm adding a little component myself. Um, do you take responsive design into consideration from the beginning when wire framing and how often do you design for mobile? First, great great great question. Absolutely take responsive into account. The whole time you're wire framing. That would should be part of your criteria when you're talking about what this project is. So if you know that your stakeholders want this site to be used on mobile, think about how often. If it's like this restaurant and they're checking what time the hour through open, it's probably a very good chance that they're going to be on mobile. And it's an important place to make sure you're getting everything right. If it's filing their taxes, probably not. Is likely that they're going to be doing it on mobile. So maybe make sure it looks good. Maybe have a different version of it that is going Teoh get people Teoh where they need to be, but not necessarily recreate the whole site onto Mobile on the mobile. First is definitely ah, philosophy that a lot of people use and a good one Teoh to Dio, I sort of go back and forth. It really depends on your use case. So in my work and my job right now, uh, pretty much everyone is using our products on their computer. So we designed computer first because that's where it's most important. It's very unlikely that our users are gonna be doing it on their phone. If we were designing something for mobile web or obviously for a nap, I would go mobile for us. So think about what you're solving for, um and then use that to guide you on how to get started.

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Ratings and Reviews

Ilana Ziff

This is a great class for true beginners. It covers the basics of wireframing and prototyping in an effective and succinct way. The instructor also shares some cool Sketch shortcuts! If you already know the fundamentals of wireframing and prototyping then this class may not be for you, although it does serve as a great reinforcement of prior knowledge.

Qiqi Xu

Alex is very clear and personable as an instructor. I really like the examples she provided in the class, as I personally learn well when content is explained with example (also true according to research on the science of learning). I thought the exercise could use more context. Overall, good start for UX beginners!

Yana Kornienko

The class was a great overview on wire framing and prototyping for beginners. Alexandra explained every step of the process really well. It is definitely a fun process.

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