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Testing Your Prototype

Lesson 12 from: Wireframing & Prototyping Your Digital Designs

Alexandra Moran

Testing Your Prototype

Lesson 12 from: Wireframing & Prototyping Your Digital Designs

Alexandra Moran

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12. Testing Your Prototype

Next Lesson: Asking For Input

Lesson Info

Testing Your Prototype

Um OK, so if I'm on my phone here, uh, in and the InVision app I can see all of the prototypes that I have. So I have these three default ones that comes with a new account, and then I have my Burley's doughnuts prototypes. I'm gonna open that up. That's down, letting my screens. And now I have my splash page, okay? And so now that I'm in the app, I can tap And the functionality is essentially the same that it's gonna show me where the hot spots are and as ago appear to go into my menu kind of small. I think maybe the feedback that I want to give to myself is maybe this header bar needs to be a little bit bigger because I wanted to be easier for myself to tap and open that, Um, but I really like the animation of the sliding. I think that's how I want my menu toe work on. And then I can tap here and feel how the buttons work. That feels great. I can scroll down. And as I'm doing that, I'm thinking maybe maybe scrolling past all the options isn't a great idea. If I had 20 donuts for a sa...

le today. I would have to do a lot of scrolling just to get down to my complete order button. Maybe what I want to do. Instead, it's have that button hover on the top or, uh, swipe through left and right through the different doughnut options. But what I'm trying to do now is think about who's using this, uh, app, how they're using it and how we can make it even better. So I'll top complete order. This is a little bit tricky. My button is kind of outside the range of a normal sort of thumb. I have toe stretch a little bit. It's definitely reachable, but not nearly as comfortable is when my button was down here. And then if I tap in, maybe I really need Teoh. Build out a couple extra screens in my prototype of what the keyboard looks like, how it feels to actually fill in this form. Maybe it's not right toe have all five of these fields on the same page because this is an app and it's not mobile Web. Aiken definitely, uh, move through those five fields quickly and have maybe one on each screen, and that feels more right for a mobile app instead of for mobile Web eso. I confirmed my order is on its way and testing my other link so I can still use my menu, even on this page, just because of my template. And I go back Teoh where I was before. So that's the that's what prototyping conduce. Oh, this is a really, really basic and sort of small short app to go through. But I think we've really illustrated that being able to test it and being able to look at how it feels in my hand and how I engage and interact with it is really valuable for, um, improving and going back and implying.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Sketch Keyboard Shortcuts

Ratings and Reviews

Ilana Ziff

This is a great class for true beginners. It covers the basics of wireframing and prototyping in an effective and succinct way. The instructor also shares some cool Sketch shortcuts! If you already know the fundamentals of wireframing and prototyping then this class may not be for you, although it does serve as a great reinforcement of prior knowledge.

Qiqi Xu

Alex is very clear and personable as an instructor. I really like the examples she provided in the class, as I personally learn well when content is explained with example (also true according to research on the science of learning). I thought the exercise could use more context. Overall, good start for UX beginners!

Yana Kornienko

The class was a great overview on wire framing and prototyping for beginners. Alexandra explained every step of the process really well. It is definitely a fun process.

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