Lesson Info
The Power of Actions & Words
The power of actions and words. Words and action, actions and words. This is key to the customer service experience. Because these are things that people are going to remember. These are things that are gonna help build a memory of our brand. So, it's what you do and how you do it and it's what you say, and how you say it. So the how in this equation here is actually very, very important. The how you say it. So we talked in the previous class about language, about verbal, vocal and nonverbal, and so that comes into the how, so how you say what you're saying is expressed in all these different ways. But what you do and how you do it, so your actions, that also has a big impact on the customer service experience. So, you just mentioned having an experience at an Ace Hardware Store. So, what was the action that they took with you? So we were talking about, I notice, I care, but there was actually an action there. Actually just like getting into my project. Asking me what it is and tryin...
g to figure out a solution. And it's happened just so many times across so many different... Like, I walked into many different Aces and there's just that, I think it's one of their core values of checking in with every customer and figuring out what they need and helping them solve their problem, so they can move on and hopefully come back again and again. That's right. So interacting with the action, right? They got in there with you, they asked you some questions and they weren't afraid to be bold and say, "I think," "I know." So those are incredible words to use and an incredible simple action of like, "Hey, what can I do for you?" So actions and words are incredibly resonant in the customer service experience. Now, when we do commit to customer service, it's really important that our actions and our words are in alignment with our brand promise and then, vice versa, right? That our brand promise demonstrates the words and the actions that we're gonna take. This is something that I think is... This is where you find cracks and things, when things are not in alignment. So when somebody says, oh God, what was it? I was on the phone. I bought a new mattress and it was one of these companies that's only online and I was setting up the delivery date and they called and said, "Yeah, just call "this number and we'll set up the delivery for you." So I called the number and they said, "We care about you "as a customer and we can't wait to serve you." Then they said, pick a bunch of numbers, so choose one if this, choose two if this, I did that, followed that. I got to the phone queue. After I picked the last one, thinking now someone's gonna come online. It went to a phone ringing and the phone rang, and the phone rang, and the phone rang, about six times. Then they went back to "We care about our customers." Then it rang and it was ringing, it wasn't even like a voice over or a soundtrack. It was just ringing in perpetuity and then nobody came back and then I hung up, because I was like "What the heck?" That was an empty, empty promise. "We care about our customers," and yet, I really didn't even know, did I call the right thing? So, I called back and I tried a different number, because they had Pacific and Eastern and Central time zones, so I picked a different time zone, thinking "Well, maybe "they're starting there before starting with..." I don't know. So I called the other one and the same thing happened. "We care about you," and then the ring of perpetuity. I was like, "Oh my God." So that was one of these things, where just it did not add up. The action that I wanted was somebody answering the phone or some sort of, If we don't get to your call, we'll give you ten bucks. That certainly didn't happen. So, I ended up having to go online and saying "Hey, does this actually work?" And they were like, "Yeah, it'll work." So, the actions just felt like there were no actions. They were very empty words, empty promises that didn't really mean anything. And meanwhile, they've got my mattress. I want my stuff. I need them, I'm in a very weak position now. I need them and they've got all the power. So, that was the impression it left on me, was that I was powerless and that's a terrible feeling as a customer and they could have easily prevented that. So, when you are the one in charge, when you're the one with the power, when you're the one with the control, you've gotta think about these things. You're gonna have to lead by example. This is true of the people that you are leading. They're gonna look to you to be that example. You're also going to lead by example, because leadership is in public. Leadership happens for other people, in front of other people. So, leading by example is incredibly true. You're actions and your words are gonna resonate and ripple out, beyond you in that moment. So they're gonna demonstrate the right way and to call out the wrong way with your team. Now this is incredibly important. Has anybody here ever worked with a manager that says all sorts of great stuff and then does the opposite? We've had that manager that we've worked with. And that's a crappy thing, where they're telling you to act a certain way and yet they're acting a different way. Everybody needs to be on time, why is nobody on time? Then they show up whenever they want to. No, you've gotta be here til the very last minute, then they leave early. It's a simple thing dude, like just walk the walk, right? But you've got to demonstrate it. Then you've gotta call it out when your team members aren't doing it, when you're staff is not doing it. This is a big complaint I hear when I talk to staff members, is that they're not consistent in how they address the rules. Maybe somebody gets called out, you're two seconds late, you're late. Then somebody else walks in five minutes late, "Oh, you know sorry, I had blah, blah, blah," and nothing happens. So again, it's in public, so you've got to call this stuff out. Call it out with your team, especially when you see it. Customer service is in public, so it's important to make subtle corrections in real time. So, I talked about before, being a maitre d in a restaurant and as service goes on, the host starts to lean on the host stand and I could just watch that and be mad, or I could correct it in real time. Now, I'm not going to walk up to them and say, "Come on dude, get with the program." That's a little too rough in public. So instead, I would go over and I would tap on their shoulder and say, "Why don't you join me over here," with a smile and they would, "Yeah, you're right." Because the fact is, when you make a correction, you are right. You are correct. So people will follow you. But, it's important to you make corrections in real time. If somebody says something inadvertent to a client and you can rush in and say, "Oh, let's try that again." So, you're not taking the power away from your employee, but you're saying, "Let's try that again," and I'll be like, "Ah, yeah sorry." What I meant to say was, you're giving him a chance to save face. So think about the times when you can correct it in public. On the flip side, if something big happens, we don't want to call that out in public, because it might be embarrassing for your teammate, right? So we might want to take a note and then address it later. The thing about the little things you can correct that are going to send a message that you care about your team to the clients that are in your business. And yeah, bigger issues must be addressed and we say after service, meaning after your business day is complete. That's important there. Now your actions are going to communicate that you're in charge and they're going to communicate the way you think about customer service. So, if you are the one who is like, trying to get in front of your guests, that's not a good message to send. Now you should help your guests move up. When I worked in restaurants, I was always surprised when I worked at different places, that the owner would take the best seat in the house. The owner is taking the best seat in the house? No, the guests should have the best seat in the house. That always seemed a little strange to me. And then I would work for owners that would get up and say "No, no, no, no, you need the table. Let somebody else sit here." I was like, that is correct. Not taking up the table while somebody else is waiting. So think about those things that you do in your own business. Think about when you're taking the best table in the house, in quotes, in your business, rather than giving it to your guests.
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Sylvie Leroy
Top course! Thank you! It was exactly what I was looking for for my team. Concise and powerful.