Lesson Info
The Multi-Page Document
Working with a multi page document. So I'm gonna come back here. I just wanna revert this back to what we had. So I'm gonna revert over here. To the last saved version and I'm gonna reset my space. Get that nice and clean. And talk about, we got pages, and we've got master pages. And I just wanna show you what goes on a couple of these master pages. And before I do, actually the other thing, we have this layout. We talked earlier about putting these images into this collage. This is not the nice collage we made. Did we make another one here? We did. Let's go to this one. This is great. So one of the things that I can do, you notice by default I do have a master page called none and one called a master. You have that if you never touch master pages. Every new document automatically has that. And master page a is applied to all your individual document pages. So your masters are up here and these are your document pages. But we might want to use this again and again. So I might think oh ...
great I would like to use this layout again and maybe I've made five of them and I would like to use all of them again as a master page. So what I'm gonna do is I would layout this collage and then I'm gonna go and delete all the images that are here. Or I can leave them in if I want. It's just harder to get rid of them later. But I did this on a document page. I actually laid it out. And this happens to me a lot. I'll lay something out and I'll think oh that's good I'd like to use that in five other places in this document that really should have been a master page. Well there's a couple things I could copy it and paste it into a new master page, but there's an easier way. I can just grab whatever's on this page and drag up the page, I'm just clicking on the page icon itself, and dragging it up top and letting go. And now I have a master page here that is exactly that that layout that's there. And the only thing it doesn't do is it doesn't apply that master page back here. When we did styles just a minute ago. We saw that you could create a new style and say apply that style to whatever you had selected. That would be great to have here. We don't have that, so basically what I wanna do is I wanna apply this new master to the one that we had layed out to the document page, or I could delete cause in this case there isn't really much there. But sometimes you've done some work and you wanna work with that. So I'm gonna just do a select all. Command or control a to select everything and delete it and then I'm gonna say assign this b master to this first document page. So I'm gonna click on that and drag down and let go. And so now I have that layout, and the great thing is let's say I wanted four more pages that had the same layout. I'm gonna use the panel menu over here. I've got the b master selected. I make sure I'm on master page. And you can tell that their master page items cause they're dashed lines now instead of solid. So I'm gonna click on the panel menu and I'm gonna say to apply this master to create some new pages. We wanna create new ones. I'm gonna insert a couple new pages. Let's do three new pages after page one. I want em right here. And let's I'm gonna say let's do master b. So I'll say okay. And now I've got four pages that look exactly the same if I had five different collage pages I can drag out individual ones. If I want a new page I just drag this out next to it and it creates a new page. So if i had all those different layouts there I could go ahead and drag and drop those in there. Maybe I have text layout. Maybe I like the way this text page looks. I could do the same thing drag that up go into the master page. I can leave the text or I can delete it. In this case I'm gonna delete it. So I'll select it all and delete it. But I have the frames there, and then if I decide on this page after page one I want this page I'll just drag it here afterwards. And so I've got a collage page. And I've got text pages here. And once I do that though you notice I can't click on these items. I'm on the document page I can't click on em. To actually move them or do anything to them I have to go to the master page, and then I can click on them. But that's great because I really don't want to be able to change them here because that's kind of the point of the master page. Now I might want to, maybe I decide I like this layout but I don't need this big image off too the side here. I can command shift or control shift on a pc and click on an item. So you can get to those items but it takes an extra step and that's a good thing. It's a little bit of a safeguard. So I can grab that and just select those items and hit delete, and at any time if I decide I wanna bring those back I can go ahead and do that. I can reapply this master to that and that will bring those items back. The other thing I can do if I do select those items and I move this maybe in this case I wanted this to be a little teeny tiny one down here. It's still sort of connected to the master page, but I've done what's called an override. So in this case all I did was override the dimensions of it. So I can come back with the panel menu and I can come in here to master page's sub menu and I then I say I wanna go ahead and I wanna select this item and I wanna reattach it basically. So I'm gonna come in here and I want to remove the selected overrides. So that's what I do, I created an override and I wanna remove it and bring it back to the way it was before. So I can do that, that brings it back exactly it was. I'm gonna undo that. The other thing I can do is if I go back into this master page and let's say I change the color of this or something. I decide I wanted a black fill inside there instead. I could do that, and if I look at this page. At the pages that have the master page applied to it. That gets updated, also though even on this page where I made the change to it. It also got updated because I didn't change the color. So basically only the things I changed on this document page remain, otherwise every other change I make is still being fed into this item even though I did this little override. Let's bring this back just exactly as is, and let's go back to this and get rid of this fill. We don't need that. So now we have these collage pages. Well now it's just a matter of putting the images on top. All we really need to do is go back to our images and just grab a couple. Just grab a handful of them. Turn off import options because there's nothing really to show. And then I can just roll over these items. Even though they're an the master page when it's a picture it knows you wanna actually put something in there. And once I do that I've kinda of made local overrides because I've now made a local change to put an image in it. But if I move where they sit on the master page that will be reflected on the document page. But in this case I can just click, click, click and because I had fill proportionally that's exactly what happened here. So I've got a really large one that's here, so I just need to size this down. And so I can select this item if I want and then just go into fitting, and let's just fill the frame proportionally and that bring it down. So again I would have to then sit and decide how these actually crop, but that's a quick way to get those in to there into the new collage pages. So again it took awhile to set up the collage but once you've created it as a master page you've got that ready to go. If I got back to this book we can actually look at what some of the pages look like. Now I am using facing pages in here. So it does know that that is a layout that's gonna be side by side like that. So in that case when I did my master pages I actually have them set up as facing pages as well. So in this case I have a right and a left. Now I probably wouldn't ever set up a page like this, but if I maybe wanted the headline to be to the right on the right hand page and to the left on the left hand page I would set that up here. In this case I don't really care, it's always left justified, but there might be a reason that you'd want it a different way. But having them side by side then I can pick and choose which items go on each individual document page. In this case I have text, one on the left, and one on the right. I have guides here. As you can see I have this picture collage where it goes across the page. I have this one, it's the same on both sides. And the only reason I did that is just to show. Normally I would just have one cause it's the same. But if I had page numbers that sat on the right and the left and in this case I don't. My page numbers are actually centered which makes it a lot easier sometimes, but if i had right and left hand pages then I would want a right and a left hand master that's here. And single pic same thing they look exactly the same. And my small title looks exactly the same. Alright so I have those and how did I get those if I didn't create a document page first. Well you can just start with a new document. So for me what I do, I'm sorry new master page, what I do is on my master page a whether I'm using facing pages or single pages. I tend to have the items that are gonna sit on every page and in this case that's page numbers. Now there's some pages that don't need it, and I can pull that off either on the individual page by doing an override or I can pull it off of a master if I know I never want page numbers on that master page as well, but by putting it on a I'm gonna base all my other master pages on a so that when I decide to change the color of the page numbers I only have to change it in one place. I change it on master page a all the master pages based on that will also change and all the document pages with master page applied will also change. Now granted I know we're not gonna go over everything that's in master pages. I just wanted to kind of give you a taste of what I put on a master page, so when it comes time to create a new page let's say I decide right before this page or after this page I want another page. I'm gonna come in here after page 13 and I'm gonna say insert pages. And I wanna insert two of them because they're side by side, after page 13 which is where I was. And then master page, let's choose one, let's do the picture collage. So let's pick pic collage one. Nice let's do that, and I'll say okay. Now when I do that this is what i just created. So I have that ready to go, again just drag and drop the images that are in there. So when I create a page I can actually do it from scratch and then I add the items that I need in this case the picture collage doesn't have the page numbers on there. Let's come in here and I actually based, let's create a new one. I'm sorry let's do a new master. And I'm gonna tell it, I can give it a prefix. The prefix needs to show up on these little pages so keep them short. I do have a couple that say pic. Just so I know that they're picture pages. And I can give it name, something that makes sense. I'm just gonna do e master right now. And here's where I base it on something. If I base it on master page a it's gonna have everything that's on master page a. And I want it to be two pages because I am doing a two page layout side by side. Alright so I'll say okay, those are my new master pages down here. I have nothing on them except for page number because I based it on a and this lives on page a. If I click on it though I can't do anything to it. And that's because it belongs to master page a. If I command or control shift on those items I can click on it and I could delete it. So if I decided didn't actually need any of these items I could select them all and delete them. So I can choose what I do want to come through and what I don't want to come through. But I try to keep em all based on that original page for the most part. Some pages don't need anything. My front page doesn't have a master page assigned to it cause it lives by itself so it really didn't make any sense to make a master page, but the great thing is once you create these you can either duplicate the file and have those master pages or I can select these pages and tell it move this master to any other document that's open. So I have the other document open, I can tell it to move it. I can delete the pages if I want after moving it. But I can just move that once I decide I like that I can say hey I'm starting this new book and I didn't think about it and I realized I have these great masters in this other document I can grab that and move that to the new document. So master pages are things that the layouts or the actual content is there that you're gonna use again and again and so again you don't have to think about this. You don't have to create these collages over and over again. We're gonna put em on a master page and we have them ready just to drop in our new images as we go along.
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Sonya Messier
This course give great advice on how to work in In-Design. Erica does a great job on how to use some tools to achieve a portfolio. Thank you.
Carolyn Hicks
This course was so jam-packed with valuable and clear information. I had avoided InDesign as I found it very overwhelming learning it all on my own. Here, Erica explains perfectly how to do so much with this software, and how to do it easily. I am now excited to get back on InDesign. This course is really for a lot more than just creating a portfolio. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
Erica does such a great job with this class. I was just going to watch it but half way through I just had to buy it.
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