Lesson Info
Exporting Files
so there's a lot of ways for you to deliver to your client. And obviously the Web is the easiest way to get images out there really quickly, especially for those of us that work with people all over the world, are all over the United States or wherever you happen to be. Um, it's easy to deliver those images. It's easy toe proof images on the Web. But if you want to deliver your images to a client in a physical sense, whether that's you want to deliver a bunch of J pegs or PSD zor tiffs to an art director through Dropbox or if you want to deliver him on a disk, um, that's when you start to export. And so we're gonna talk about the exporting process. Now. The exporting processes is actually a lot better now in light room with the newer releases. So you will find that when you go to the export dialog box and we're just gonna we're going to go to a job. Here we go. Let's just export these images. We're gonna highlight all of these images and export them, and when we export them, we have tw...
o different ways to export. We can either export one type of image at a time to a specific area, this kind of the way we used to do it. You simply highlight a preset over here, or you can just choose what you want to do. So these presets make things really easy. So we have folders full of presets on the left hand side that give you specific ways that you can. You can export your images. What you're going to do is when you get to the export dialog box, you are going to choose where you want to send it. So in this case will make it to the desktop and we'll put it in a sub folder and we'll call that sub folder. Um, deliver delivery. All right. So that sub folders called delivery. We not going to add it back to the catalogue because we don't want the J pegs back. We already have the original files. That's the add to catalog is when you want to export a lot of images that you're then going to retouch so say of Rahm ages. You want to make him into PS D's and then you want to edit from there. Um, so don't don't check on that one. Uh, renaming the file might be a great idea. If you're sending them to a client, you want to just rename them so that it's it's whatever the file name is, plus the artist's name or file name, plus a custom name. And then you can just put your name in here. Jared Platt. If you're sending him to the Web, if you're gonna post them on your website, then it's a good idea to Instead of putting your name on Lee, it's a good idea to say Wedding photo. Ah, Arizona Royal Paul Royal Dash Palm's Dash. Jared Platt The more information that is in that J peg name, the better it off is, the better you are off for S e o purposes. So you might as well put some basic information in there. But if I'm just sending him to the client, say, an art director, I'm just gonna put my name on it so that they know it's my photograph. And then I can either choose a J peg PSD tiff, PNG or the original. If I do the original, it's just gonna take Let's say it's a CR three file from a us are. It's gonna take that that cr three file and it's going to copy the file and it's gonna take all of the data the X and P data that tells me what I did with the file and put it as a sidecar right next to it. If I exported as the D and G, it's going to actually create a new raw file with all of that ex MP data in it. And it's still a raw digital negative. But all of the stuff is together, which is really quite useful. So if someone opens it, it will open exactly the way you intended it. Toe look, when they open it in photo shop or camera, wrong or something like that. But we're gonna make a J peg high quality 100%. I'm not gonna resize to fit because I'm sending it to someone that I want to send the full file to. But if you're sending it to the Web, you might want to specifically pare it down to a long edge of you know, 2600 pixels or something like that. Just check with your web, um, with you with your Web host. Find out what? What is the right size for your specific website? Um, and then when we come down to the bottom, we can also add additional things. And I have something called J. Peg Mini. I'm an insert J Peg many and inserting J Peg many. It's It's all automatic. It does it all by itself, but it is an amazing plug in because it actually shrinks. It doesn't shrink the size of the photo. It shrinks the the mega pixel size of the photograph, so it compresses it and it keeps compressing until it starts noticing and a visual change in the images. And then it backs off one step, and then it saves it. So it's like it's an automatic compression and you will never be able to see that it compressed. It's it's beautiful. And if you're putting things on a website, or if you're sending things on a disk to a client, get get J peg many and and run it on everything because it does a great job. The only time I don't run J. Peg Mini is when I'm sending something to print. I send him the entire full file, No compression whatsoever. So then I can hit export. But before I hit export. If I've done a lot of work here, then I What I really should do is come over and click, add, and I'm gonna add J peg delivery as a preset. And I'm just gonna put that in the user preset folder now so we can find it really quickly and hit, create. And then if I also want to deliver the same type of file But I want to deliver it as a as a PSD 16 bit pro photo RGB so that I can send the client J pegs and PSD is just in case they want to ever edit them. They could go to the PST, So if I'm doing that, then I'm going to go. And I don't need J peg many on this, so I'm gonna remove it. So I'm changing some of the stuff on this. I'm gonna actually say Jared Platt, Dash uh, ps de 16 bit designer. Ah, designer copy That way they know this is not the one for them. This the view copy is the JPEG. So now I've got that all set up I'm going to go down, make sure everything's Yeah, Everything looks good. So I'm gonna go and make another preset and I'm going to go into the user preset folder and I'm going to say P s d toe live. Vory and hit create. Okay, so now I'm gonna get done. Let's I didn't actually export them. So the done button just saves the changes that I've made inside of the export dialog box but doesn't actually export. So let's go back into export now. And this time, if I go into the user presets, I have options of J. Peg delivery and see how it changes everything to J pegs. And then I have PSD delivery, and then it changes everything to PSD delivery. So if I want to quickly just export the J pegs, then I would just click on this and export and it would deliver it to a folder on my desktop called Delivery. And that's it just happened really fast. But if I want to deliver it to a client with both file types, then that's when I use the check boxes. So I would click on this check box and then I would click on this check box. So now I'm going to deliver a J peg and a P S D delivery. Okay, so two different deliveries if you want to deliver both of these files. So if you want to actually deliver J pegs and P ST's, then you're gonna have to check box both of them. But if you do that, it's gonna put both of them inside of this delivery folder because that's where you told it originally in the pre set to go. So what we want to do is we want to say, Let's go in and edit this and say, um, shoes folder later, okay? And then once we've done that, we're going to go on right click that J Peg Delivery and update the current settings. Then I'm gonna go to the PSD, click on that one, and I'm going to say, choose the folder later, and I'm gonna right click the PSD and update current settings. So now when you look at it saying, I'm gonna choose this file later, I'm gonna choose this location later. That way, if you check box the J peg delivery and the PSD delivery this if you export it Now it asks you where do you want to deliver these files? And I would sit choose. And now I'm gonna put them on my desktop and say new folder and I want to put him in Ah, delivery. But then, inside that delivery, I want to create a folder called J Pegs. And then I'm gonna choose that one, and then it's gonna ask me where I want to put all those with the PSD. Sorry. Choose. Let's ah, back out of that and new folder PSD. So pst zehr gonna go into this folder and then the J. Paige's are gonna go into this folder and then I'm going to hit, done. And once I do that, it's starting to export all of these files both as a J peg and as a PSD into their individual files than once they're done. I can simply grab that file off the desktop dragon onto a disk dragon into my dropbox and send a link to the client. However, I want to deliver it, but it's it's all very automatic, and Aiken export 30 different file types at once if I want to. And so that's how you use the export dialog box to get your images out to your client if you're not just sending him to the Web via, like, a collection or maybe a published service to SmugMug.
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